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March 17, 2008

Supreme Court Clerk’s Office

Supreme Court
231 Capitol Avenue
Hartford, CT 06106-1548

Re: Supplemental Case Law In Support of DEFENDANT-APPELLANT

Case Name: Dutkiewicz v. Dutkiewicz

Docket No: S.C. 18082

The Defendant–Appellant submits the following supplemental case law in support of

his constitutional challenge:

Glen Koshko, et ux. v. John Haining, et ux., No. 35, Sept. Term 2006

In Koshko v. Haining, the highest court in Maryland overturned 14-years of judicial

precedent based on Troxel v. Granville. Absent parental unfitness the courts and the

legislators have no right to brush aside parent’s rights. The high court lined up squarely

with principles announced in 2000 by the USSC in Troxel v. Granville. The court ruled

that absent parental unfitness, judges were prohibited to substitute their own judgment

for that of the parents. The high court further ruled that it is unconstitutional for a judge

to usurp parental discretion absent the requisite proof of parental unfitness.

Loudermilk v. Arpaio, No. CV 06-0636-PHX-EHC

Coerce or threatening parents to gain parent’s cooperation ruled unconstitutional. The

ruling in this case makes it clear that threatening to remove children to gain a parent’s

cooperation is unconstitutional. Federal judge rules fear tactics unconstitutional

A federal court in Arizona has ruled that an unsupported threat to place children in

custody, made to coerce cooperation with a child protection investigation, violates the

constitutional guarantee of family privacy and integrity.

Docket Number: S.C. 18082 2
Date: March 17, 2008


Thomas Dutkiewicz, Pro Se
P.O. Box 9775
Forestville, CT 06011-9775
(860) 833-4127

Docket Number: S.C. 18082 3
Date: March 17, 2008


This is to certify that the Defendant has caused a copy of the above-named document
was mailed by first class mail to the following interested persons on March 23, 2007.

Aimee Dutkiewicz, Pro Se SUPREME CLERK’S OFFICE

Bristol, CT 06011-3005 231 Capitol Avenue
860-585-1136 Hartford, CT 06106-1548


Thomas Dutkiewicz, Pro Se
P.O. Box 9775
Forestville, CT 06011-9775
(860) 833-4127


I certify that the foregoing document complies with the provisions of P.B. §66-3 in that
the type size is Arial and 12 point.


Thomas Dutkiewicz, Pro Se
P.O. Box 9775
Forestville, CT 06011-9775
(860) 833-4127

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