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5/7/13 2:25 PM

Welcome to the new look Imara Journal! We hope that as you read this and
receive information about Imara Ministry Foundation you will join with us in being thankful for the Gospel ministry that is bearing fruit to the Glory of His Name. For those of you who have followed Imara for some time you will know that at the core of our philosophy is strengthening the local church in Tanzania. It says in 1 Corinthians 3 that Christ is the foundation of the church. It is always tempting to think that external changes to a churchs program or structure can strengthen or revitalise a church. But inward change in the believer happens only through the preaching of the Gospel. People will become willing to extend themselves in reaching and caring for others and their community as they learn more about God and what he has done for them in Jesus. And so discipleship becomes both gospel centred and community shaped. As Jesus is preached, he becomes the centre with the church gathered around him, growing strong in Christ as the foundation. In all that Imara does, our hope is to lift the name of Jesus in word and deed so that people see the strength in the church as - imperfect people, clinging to a perfect

Christ, and being perfected by the Holy Spirit.

- [on behalf of the Imara team] Craig Willis-Jones - Missionary

One of the growing challenges for the church here in Tanzania is the influence of Islam. Tanzania is now listed as the 24th most persecuted country for Christians in the world, and
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Christian leaders are increasingly coming under pressure from Islamists. In a village near Mto wa Mbu (literally river of mosquitos) in an area predominantly Muslim, a pastor who has been involved with Imara since 2009 and involved in the Discipleship program LOLMD (Life on Life Missional Development) has recently had his faith and Christian witness tested. The rebels wanted the Pastor killed and so they came looking for him. The Pastor had received word and hid in a sugar cane plantation next to his church. Unfortunately these men found another man from the church, who they stoned to death before burning the church to the ground. In an unusual twist, the rebels then went to the authorities and claimed it had been the pastor who had burned the church and killed the church member. Both the pastor and his wife were jailed, but were released 10 days later. The Pastor expressed his thanks to the Lord for the faithful training he has received in LOLMD, saying he has come to understand the Scriptures and what it means to truly follow Christ in greater clarity. He states forgiveness is not just words, but

action. Preaching the Gospel and pointing people to Jesus must be the only way to fight in this situation. Many in our area need Christ.

At the beginning of April, TaCSA (Tanzanian Christian School Association) held a two-day conference for teachers, pastors and community leaders. A pastor from South Africa representing ACSI South Africa (Association of Christian Schools International) visited to share information regarding ACSI, of which TaCSA is a part, and discipleship in the school setting. The conference was an extremely worthwhile event, training the attendees in the purpose of ASCI to both strengthen Christian schools and equip Christian educators with the skills to prepare their students academically and inspire them to become followers of Jesus Christ. The organization gives specific and valuable guidance on how to run a Christian school and the effective discipleship of students to Christ. This philosophy resonates with Imaras passion and hence Imara encouraged its partner schools to attend. The pastor also spent time explaining Discipleship Principles for Biblical Leadership, imploring all school staff to focus on the discipleship of students as the primary reason, second to academics, for a Christian school to exist, and the methods of achieving this aim. Representative staff members from PUNCHMI and Likamba then discussed the priorities for the two schools in regards to the Declaration 2012 (from the Africa Roundtable Conference by
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ACSI Africa, held in Johannesberg), the Contribution of Christian Education, and the Transformation of Africa on a local, regional and continental level.

On April 10th volunteers from the HIV/AIDS team from Imara carried out an Income Generating Activity with the churches, HIV/AIDS volunteers and ladies of Likamba. The project aimed to provide the volunteers with the means to support themselves and in turn, their community and those suffering with HIV/AIDS or other chronic sickness through the production and distribution of soaps and cleaning agents. With the help of a qualified trainer and generous sponsorship from the River of Life Church, the women of Likamba spent three days learning the manufacturing process and working together to produce a variety of soaps and cleaning products for sale. The project was a success, with their work yielding bar soap, liquid soaps, and a palm oil based skin lotion. In addition to the manufacturing process, the women were also given some training regarding marketing strategies and financial management. The products were officially launched on April 21st at Likamba church with the brand name River of Life Berlahairoi Likamba Group. The name was chosen by the women in gratitude of their sponsors, with Berlahairoi meaning God is here. With their newly learned skills the women can hope to gain a measure of independence in supporting themselves and their community.

Australian Kristin White has been with Imara for the past 5 months as a shortterm volunteer, joining the team just before Christmas. Kristin felt very blessed when her Christian school in Australia gave her time off to come to Tanzania and teach

Have you ever wondered what difference your financial gifts make? Consider giving $600 to empower a group of volunteers more towards self-sustainability with those they minister to with HIV/AIDS. Here is a breakdown of how your gift works:


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in a village school. She has spent the majority of her time here at Likamba Integrity School teaching music and physical education, and helping to produce an online database for our sponsor children. She has been a blessing to Likamba and Imara! She has had a great time getting to know the students and staff and has enjoyed working with them. Kristin has been on several short mission trips to South Africa already, and so it's safe to say she has a heart for Africa. Please keep her in your prayers as she heads back to Australia and considers full time ministry here in Tanzania.

Profit of 80L batch is approx $65. Of that; 40% goes to help the ministry (ie transport for sick patients) 25% goes back into the soap fund for more material 25% goes to the fund for the sellers who go to market 10% goes to the project fund for expansion. As you can see this is not a hand-out but a hand-up giving the community income to help their own people with HIV/AIDS. Each batch gives greater yield and reduces the poverty cycle. If you would like to help fund this activity we are looking for 20 people to give $600 to help 20 communities that Imara works with. Please email Imara Ministry Foundation for more information and giving options.


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