The Computer Revolution

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THE COMPUTER REVOLUTION COMPUTERS ARE CHANGING OUR LIVES we are at the start of third industrial revolution, and

the protagonist of this revolution is the silicon chip. we find silicon chips in many products, but perhaps the computer is the most obvius example computers are rapidly changing the world we live in and the way we live. they are creating new jobs and making old jobs unnecessary: offices, banks, farms and factories are all very diffferent form 20 years ago, and the people who work in them have very fifferent jobs. doctors and scientists use computers to discover more about our bodies and the world aroud us. space exploration, genetic engineering, optical fibre technology, scanners, lasers, telecommunications, and many more areas all depend on computers. the armed force in the USA, Russia and Europe are the worlds biggest users of computers: radar, systems, missile control, intelligence surveillance, war games and simulations, and the famous (star Wars) are some example. Of course, computers are also changing education: what you learn and how you learn are changing as a result of computers. COMPUTERS ARE GETTING BETTER ALL THE TIME the first electronic computers, made in the 1940s, were large, slow, and very expensive, but in the 1960s computers made a giant step forward with the invention of transistors. Transistors used the semi-conductor properties of silicon to provide electronic amplification. the problem with the early computers was that the electricity used in the computers passed along wire and valves, and this caused very high temperatures. Because silicon is a semi-conductor, the problem of very high temperatures was solved, and it was possible to reduce the size and cost of computers and also to make them work much faster with more information. after transistors came integrated circuits (miniaturized combinations of transistors and other electrical parts) and smaller, cheaper, more powerful computers. Today, a simple microcomputer costing $ 200 can process more information more quickly

than the famous Harvard Mark I (IBMs first computer, made in 1943) which was 55 feet long and 8 feet high and cost millons of dollars. COMPUTERS STORE AND PROCESS INFORMATION the basic job of a computers is to process information. The early computers were simple calculators working with numbers,, but today, computers can work with many different types of informacion, not only numbers. the advantage of a computer is that it can store cast quantities of information (imagine all the information contained in 100.000 book put on one plastic disk) and it can find any piece of the information about Barcelona. a computer can do this in a few seconds. So computers are useful because they can store a lot of information in a small space, and manipulate, or process, the information quickly. COMPUTERS ARE NOT INTELLIGENT - YET but although they work fast, it is important to remember that computers are not (Intelligent). they are only machines that follow instructions. they do not (understand) or (think). Scientists are trying to teach computers to think and understand, which is the filed of A.I. or Artificial Intelligence. The have already made computers that can deal with limited environments quite intelligently - today, computers can play chess very well, they can make medical diagnoses, and even make weather forecasts. some experts think it is only a question of time before computers start thinking like human beings, but others think it is impossible, what do you think?

LA REVOLUCIN DE LAS COMPUTADORAS LAS COMPUTADORAS ESTN CAMBIANDO NUESTRAS VIDAS Nos encontramos en la inicio de la tercera revolucin industrial, y el protagonista de esta revolucin es el chip de silicio. Nos encontramos con los chips de silicio en muchos productos, pero tal vez los equipos de computadoras es el ejemplo ms

obvio, las computadoras estn cambiando rpidamente el mundo en que vivimos y la forma en que vivimos. Estn creando nuevos puestos de trabajo y haciendo viejos trabajos innecesarios: oficinas, bancos, granjas y fbricas son muy diferente forma hace 20 aos, y las personas que trabajan en ellas tienen trabajos muy diferentes. Los mdicos y los cientficos utilizan las computadoras para descubrir ms sobre nuestros cuerpos y el mundo nos vamos envejeciendo. la exploracin espacial, la ingeniera gentica, la tecnologa de fibra ptica, escneres, rayos lser, las telecomunicaciones, y muchas reas ms dependen de las computadoras. La fuerza de las armas en los EE.UU., Rusia y Europa son los mayores usuarios del mundo de los ordenadores: radar, sistemas de control de misiles, inteligencia, vigilancia y simulaciones de juegos de guerra, y el famoso (Star Wars) son algunos ejemplos. Por supuesto, las computadoras tambin estn cambiando la educacin: lo que se aprende y cmo se aprende estn cambiando como resultado de las computadoras. ORDENADORES ESTN MEJORANDO TODO EL TIEMPO Las primeras computadoras electrnicas, realizadas en la dcada de 1940, eran grandes, lentos y muy costosos, pero en la dcada de 1960 las computadoras han dado un paso de gigante con la invencin de los transistores. Utiliza las propiedades de semiconductores de silicio para proporcionar la amplificacin electrnica. El problema con las primeras computadoras era que la electricidad que se utiliza en los ordenadores pasa a lo largo del alambre y vlvulas, y esto provoc temperaturas muy altas. Debido a que el silicio es un semiconductor, el problema de muy altas temperaturas se resolvi, y que era posible reducir el tamao y coste de los ordenadores y tambin para hacer que funcionen mucho ms rpido con ms informacin. Despus vinieron los transistores circuitos integrados miniaturizados (combinaciones de transistores y otros componentes elctricos) y los ms pequeos, ms baratos, ordenadores ms potentes. Hoy en da, un microordenador sencillo cuesta $ 200 puede procesar ms informacin ms rpidamente que el famoso Harvard Mark I (ordenador IBMs primera,

realizada en 1943) que fue de 55 pies de largo y 8 metros de altura y millones de dlares de costos. COMPUTADORAS ALMACENAR Y PROCESAR INFORMACIN El trabajo bsico de una computadora es para procesar informacin. Las primeras computadoras eran calculadoras simples que trabajan con nmeros, pero hoy en da, las computadoras pueden trabajar con diferentes tipos de informacin, no slo nmeros. La ventaja de un equipo es que puede almacenar cantidades de informacin (imaginar toda la informacin contenida en 100,000 libro en un disco plstico) y se puede encontrar cualquier pieza de la informacin sobre Barcelona. Una computadora puede hacer esto en unos pocos segundos. As que las computadoras son tiles porque pueden almacenar una gran cantidad de informacin en un espacio pequeo, y manipular, o proceso, de forma rpida la informacin. LAS COMPUTADORAS NO SON INTELIGENTES AUN Pero a pesar de que trabajar con rapidez, es importante recordar que las computadoras no son (inteligentes). Son slo mquinas que siguen las instrucciones. No (entender) o (creo). Los cientficos estn tratando de ensear a las computadoras a pensar y entender, que es el campo de la I.A. o Inteligencia Artificial. Los equipos ya han hecho que se puede hacer frente a entornos limitados bastante inteligente - hoy en da, las computadoras pueden jugar al ajedrez muy bien, pueden hacer diagnsticos mdicos, e incluso hacer pronsticos del tiempo. Algunos expertos piensan que es slo una cuestin de tiempo antes de empezar a pensar en los ordenadores como los seres humanos, pero otros piensan que es imposible, qu te parece?

C. Questions about the text: 1. Name five ways that computers are changing our lives jobs in: offices, banks, farms and factories

doctors and scientists: use computers to discover more about our bodies and the world aroud us. space exploration, genetic engineering. the armed force in the USA: Radar, systems, missile control, intelligence surveillance scanners, lasers, telecommunications Education.

2. How do the armed forces of the United States use computers the United States use computers the armed forces, use computers in Radar, systems, missile control, intelligence surveillance. 3. When were the first modern computers made? The first modern computers made in the 1960s, computers have taken a giant step forward with the invention of the transistor. Uses the properties of silicon semiconductors to provide electronic amplification. 4. What important discovery was made in the 1960? in 1960 were discovered miniaturized transistors integrated circuits (combinations of transistors and other electrical components) 5. How are todays computers different form the first ones? Computers of today are smaller, cheaper, more powerful

6. What does a computer do? The computers process, store and allow manipuar the information quickly 7. Can computers think? not the computers can not think, just get instructions, but can play, give medical dignosticos and weather prediction 8. What is A.I.? Is Artificial Intelligence

9. Name three areas where computers are working intelligently? Computers are working intelligently in areas such as medicine, military and telecommunications.


Advantage: the era of technology is an advantage for the development of human social. Environment: we must protect the environment. Feet: The plane flies to three thousand feet. Forward: the man has come forward with the help of computers. Lasers: Lasers have been some very significant advances in recent times. Miniaturized: miniaturized machines have labor. Numbers: computers have reduced a large number of tasks. silicon chip: silicon chip has been the protagonist of computers. scanner: scanners are very useful in offices. Simple: win a simple effort English. surveillance: cameras provide surveillance work. to create: to create the document was needed prayers. to deal: to deal with the technologies they need to be updated. to discover: it was necessary to further efforts to discover new developments. to help: we must save water to help the environment. to process: computers are important to process the Information. to provide: the Internet is useful to provide the information. to solve: the dialogue is a good way to solve problems. to store: tanks are used to store wter. vast: the first computers were vast.

3) DISCUSSION: What can computers do? In small groups, discuss what a computer can do: At home: At home computers are useful for performing tasks, play games and watch videos.

In offices: In the office are useful for storing, processing and manipulating information. in banks, computers store information about how much money the client has. in factories, computers take control of employee payrolls. at airports, flight control computers and stored information of travelers. In schools and universities, computers are used to do homework. In government departments, computers store information for citizens.

MATCH THE PICTURE 1.computers can count very fast and help people who work with complicated mathematical calculation(G) 2 people who write letters and keep records save time by using

computers(B) computer can do the work of many men..(E) 4. automatic cashiers are open at any time. (A) 5: microwave-ovens, washing machines and dishwashers use chip

technology(D) 6. radar missiles, satellite communications and strategy games are all parts of a modern armys resources.. (C) 7. .the votes are secret because the computers do the

counting(F) ADJECTIVES

Look at the adjectives below. write the opposite of the adjectives in the spaces: Fast .. slow Intelligent. silly - ignorant Expensive inexpensive Unreliable dependable Large ..short Difficult ..easy Boring funny Full.. incomplete Long small Good Bad


one advantage of computers is that they can do calculations very quickly , they are very fast compared to people , who are comparatively slow. Because

computers are machines, they are intelligent they dont make they dont make mistakes, and also, they dont mind working for long hours on large jobs. The first computers cost a lot of money; they were....... and they were very ....... too, sometimes they occupied a whole room.


2. Tick the sentence below where the verb is in the present tense.

1. 2.

Computers were invented a long time ago. I havent got a computer. (Present)

3. 4. 5.

When did John visit Silicon Valley? ( Where does Fred buy his games? (Present) Nowadays we can watch T.V programmers from all over the world (Present)

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

The washing machine has a spin drier incorporated. (Present) My friend Jane wanted to learn PASCAL, but she got married They use PCs for their work at the office. (Present) How many disk drives has your computer got Have you seen the new laser printers


1. Have a computer at home? No I havent got a computer at home, but my father uses one at the office. 2. Where your father works? He works in a bank 3. What kind of work does your father? Hes got a Gradolf P.C. 4. How often you use the computer? He uses the computer every day 5. What that work done the computer? Well, he uses it to make calculations and keep records. 6. Does he like computers? Yes, he likes computers a lot. He say they are very useful 7. Why not buy one? Because theyre very expensive and I havent got any money 8. How much a computer? It depends, but a P.C, with 2 disk drives and a monitor is about $500.

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