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Jeymer Buelvas Jose Romero Andres Caro Dario Barrios Iris Bermejo





The search for a calculating machine For centuries scientists and inventors tried to find a machine that could do calculations, because most people had difficulty doing sums with pencil and paper, specialty with very large numbers. Although it is not a machine, the abacus was used 5000 years ago for counting, and is still used in many countries today. It is a frame with wires holding a number of balls that can be moved along it. Depending on where you position the balls, they represent different numbers.

Pascal and Leibniz The first real counting machine was invented by a Frenchman called Blaise Pascal in the seventeenth century. It did additions and subtractions but very few people were convinced of its value. One man who inspected the machine was Gottfried Leibniz, who was born in Saxony in 1646. Leibniz used the binary system to simplify the number of wheels and cogs a calculator needed. It was a very important improvement, but Leibniz was too busy with other questions to give sufficient attention to the idea, and nothing much happened for the next hundred years.

Charles Babbage Babbage, generally considered to be the inventor of the computer, was born in England in 1791. He was a rich man who spent all his time and money trying to build a machine that accepted input (numbers) and then did calculations on the input, using a set of rules, and finally gave the result printed on paper. His first machine, which was limited to solving certain types of mathematical equations, was called the Difference Engine, but he then had the idea of making a machine

which could do any sort of calculation. This device Babbage called the Analytical Engine, but it was never finished, and Babbage died a disappointed man. You can see the Difference Engine in the Science Museum in London, and you can see Babbages brain (preserved in 2 jars) in the Hunterian Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons.

Herman Hollerith Hollerith invented his Tabulating Machine in 1887. It was another big step forward and combined Jacquard Cards (pieces of paper with holes placed at regular intervals) with electricity. Hollerith formed the Tabulating Machine Company in Washington, and before he died he changed the name of the company to the International Business Machine Corporation, or IBM.

The Beginning of modern computers: the 1940s Konrad Zuse in Germany, Alan Turing in England, and Howard Aiken in the U.S.A. saw the start of modern computers. Aiken produced the Harvard Mark I for IBM in 1943. It was enormous, very slow, very noisy, and not very reliable, and it cost more than a million dollars. In the same year, Turing created his Collossus machine. Four years later, J. W. Mauchley of the Moore School of Engineering in Pennsylvania presented the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator (ENIAC), and we entered the computer age.

TRADUCCIN HISTORIA DE LOS COMPUTADORES La bsqueda para una maquina calculadora Por siglos inventores y cientficos intentaron encontrar una mquina que pudiera hacer clculos, porque la mayora de la gente tena dificultad haciendo sumas con lpiz y papel, especialmente con nmeros muy grandes. Aunque no es una mquina, el baco era usado hace 5000 aos para calcular, y es todava utilizado en muchos pases hoy da. Se trata de un marco con cables que sostiene un

nmero de bolas que se pueden mover a lo largo de l. Dependiendo en donde tu posiciones las bolas, ellas representan nmeros.

Pascal y Leibniz La primera mquina de conteo real fue inventada por un francs llamado Blaise Pascal en el siglo diecisiete. Ella hacia adiciones y sustracciones, pero muy poca gente estaban convencidos de su valor. Un hombre quien inspeccionaba la maquina era Gottfried Leibniz, quien naci en Sajonia en 1646. Leibniz uso el sistema binario para simplificar los nmeros de ruedas y engranajes que necesitaban una calculadora. Ella era una muy importante mejora, pero Leibniz estaba demasiado ocupado con otras cuestiones para dar suficiente atencin a la idea, y nada paso mucho por los siguientes cien aos.

Charles Babbage Babbage, generalmente es considerado el inventor de la computadora naci en Inglaterra en 1791. l era un hombre rico que gastaba todo su tiempo y dinero tratando de construir una mquina que aceptara entrada (de nmeros) y entonces hacia clculos en la entrada usando unas normas establecidas, y finalmente dar los resultados impreso en papel. Su primera mquina era limitada para resolver cierto tipo de ecuaciones matemticas, era llamado el Motor de Diferencia, pero l entonces tena la idea de fabricar una mquina que pudiere hacer cualquier especie de clculos. Este dispositivo Babbage lo llamo el Motor Analtico, pero l nunca fue acabado, y Babbage muri como un hombre decepcionado. Usted puede ver el Motor de Diferencia en el Museo de Ciencia en Londres y usted puede ver el cerebro de Babbage (conservado en dos frascos) en el Museo de Hunterian del Colegio Real de Cirujanos.

Herman Hollerith Hollerith invento su mquina tabuladora en 1887. Ella era otro gran paso adelante y combinado Tarjetas Jacquard (piezas de papel con agujeros colocados en

intervalos regulares) con electricidad. Hollerith formo la empresa de Maquinas Tabuladoras en Washington, y antes de l morir, l cambio los nombres de la compaa a la Corporacin Internacional de Maquinas de Negocios, o IBM. El comienzo de las computadoras modernas: de la dcada de los 40 Konrad Zuse de Alemania, Alan Turing de Inglaterra y Howard Aiken de los Estados Unidos, cierran el inicio de las computadoras modernas. Aiken produjo la Harvard Mark I por IBM en 1943. Ellas eran enormes, muy lentas, muy ruidosas y no muy confiables, y el costo era ms de un milln de dlares. En el mismo ao, Turing creo su mquina Collossus. Cuatro aos ms tarde J.W. Mauchley en la escuela Moore de Ingeniera en Pensilvania presento el Integrador Electrnico de Nmeros y Clculos (ENIAC) y nosotros entramos a la edad de la computadora.

1. Questions about the text: a. Whats an abacus? An Abacus is frame with wires holding a number of balls that can be moved along it. It was used 5000 years ago for counting. b. What was Pascals contribution to the development of computers? Blaise Pascal invented the first real counting machine in the seventeenth century. It did additions and substractions but very few people were convinced of its value.

c. Who was Charles Babbage Babbage was born in England in 1791. He considered to be the inventor of the computer. He was a rich man who spent all his time and money trying to build a machine that accepted input (numbers) and then did calculations on the input, used a set of rules, an finally gave the result printed on paper.

d. Why did Babbage die disappointed?

Babbage die disappointed because the Analytical Engine was never finished.

e. The tabulator was the start of what great company? The tabulator was the start of the company IBM, or International Business Machine Corporation.

f. Describe the Harvard Mark 1. Harvard Mark 1 was enormous, very slow, very noisy, and not very reliable, and it cost more than a million dollars.

2. Correct captions:

Can you put the captions below with their corresponding picture?


The abacus was the first mechanical aid for counting.(E) Pascal didnt have time to develop his calculator.(F) Jacquards loom helped mechanize the textile industry.(C)




A punch card was used to tell the computer how to count. (A) Holleriths tabulator (B)



ENIAC was the father of modern computers.(D)

3. True or False?

Below are some sentences. Are they true or false? Mark each sentence T or F and then compare your answer with another student: a. The ENIAC preceded the Analytical Engine.(F) b. The Abacus is still, in use today.(T) c. There were no calculating machines before Holleriths tabulator (F) d. Herman Hollerith made many contributions to the development of the modern computer.(T) e. IBM was created by Babbage(F) f. Charles Babbage never saw the Analytical Engine in action(T) g. The Harvard Mark 1 was financed by IBM (T) h. Leibninz used the binary system to simplify Pascals design (T)

4. Matching exercise. Match column A, B, C, and make sentences A Babbage Aiken J. W. Mauchly Pascal Hollerith Turin Colossus Tabulator Mechanical calculator ENIAC Harvard Mark 1 Analytical Engine B 1943 1890 1947 1943 1822 1642 C

Babbage invented the Analytical Engine in 1822 Aiken invented the Harvard Mark 1 in 1943 J. W. Mauchly invent the ENIAC in 1947 Pascal invented the Mechanical Calculator in 1642 Hollerith invented the tabulator in 1890 Turin created the colossus in 1943

5. Vocabulary study

Abacus addition Analytical Engine Cogs Counting Machines Difference Engine Difficulty frames

Holes Improvement Mark 1 Noisy Tabulating Machine To be convinced To be disappointed To count

To try To simplify A set of rules Reliable Sort of Subtraction Wheels wires

The abacus is a system to make calculations The basics operations are addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. The Analytical Engine is a device that invented Babbage. Leibninz used the binary system to simplify the number of wheels and cogs a calculator needed. The counting machines are useful for people had difficulty doing sums with pencil and paper. The difference engine was limited to solving certain types of mathematical equations. There are people have difficulty to use the computer. The wood frames are very useful and pretties. Jacquard Cards was pieces of paper with holes placed at regular intervals. The technology has a lot improvement to passing years. Faltan las demas oraciones 6. complete the following sentences using one of the words above: a. Its such a good idea, Im convinced it will work b. A car has four wheels. c. Most games like tennis or poker have a set of rules to follow. d. I had no difficulty finding your house e. Please try to come to the party we want to see you.

f. I was very disappointed when I failed my exam g. A computer can count much faster than human beings h. Computers can simplify our lives by doing a lot of the boring jobs for us.

7. Word game In group, invent a new name for a computer and describe how and why it was invented.

CLELUED: Leyne, Lucerlys and Eduar computers This computer was invented by Leyne Meja, Lucerlys Reyes and Eduar Jaspe, a youngs students of Bachelor of computing at the University of Cartagena. In order to simplify the home works and labour lives of the students of university course of Bachelor of computing, thanks to softwares and programs specialized to the teachers of computing.

8. The simple past tense Make questions and answers based on these words. a. Leibninz/ the first real counting machine? Question: Did Leibninz invented the first real counting machine? Answer: No, he didnt. Blaise Pascal did b. Babbage/the tabulating machine? Question: Did Babbage invent the Tabulating Machine? Answer: No, he didnt Herman Hollerith did c. Konrad Zuse/the Colossus machine? Question: Did Konrad Zuse create the Colossus machine? Answer: No, he didnt, Alan Turin did. d. Aiken/ Analytical Engine? Question: Did Aiken produce the Analytical Engine? Answer: No, he didnt, Charles Babbage did. e. J.W. Mauchly/ Mark 1?

Question: Did J.W Mauchly invent the Harvard Mark 1? Answer: No he didnt, Aiken did.

9. The passive voice The passive voice is formed with the verb to be plus the past participle of the main verb. a. They broke ten windows. Ten windows broken by them. b. Thieves stole two million pounds. Two million pound by thieves. c. They gave John the prize The prize John given by them d. Businessmen analyzed the companies. The companies were analyzed by businessmen e. Manufactures cut the prices of computers The prices of computers was cut.

10. Construye cinco oraciones con el vocabulario de los videos, emplea verbos en pasado, en voz activa y voz pasiva. Active: Electronic mail not existed above Passive: Electronic mail were not used by people before 1900. Active: The internet began the technological age Passive: The technological age was begun with the internet Active: Jaro broke the hardware of the computer Passive: The hardware of the computer was broken by Jaro Active: Walter chose a file of a website Passive: A file of a website was chosen by Walter. Active: The search of documentation for bandwidth did easy to perform tasks. Passive: Performing tasks was done easy by bandwidth

11. Irregular verbs in the simple past tense

Write on the line following each verb the simple past tense form of that verb. Then find that word in the puzzle above

To begin: began To choose: chose To do: did To eat: ate To leave: left To run: ran To lie: lied To know: knew To teach: taught To say: said To steal: stole To think: thought To go: went To freeze: froze To fly: flew To feel: felt

To have: had To hurt: hurt To get: got To hide: hid To let: let To see: saw To wear: wore To tear: tore To sit: sat To drink: drank To swim: swam To brake: broke To take: took To sing: sang

12. Trminos referenciales And: y As well as: tambin Also: tambin, adems, igualmente. Besides: adems, adems de Accordingly: en conformidad, como tal , por lo tanto, consiguiente. Hence: de aqu, por lo tanto, por consiguiente. Due to: debido As a result: como resultado Therefone: por eso, por consiguiente, por lo tanto. Thus: as As a consequence: como consecuencia If: si When: cuando Unless: a menos que, a no ser que. Provided: con tal que. But: pero Though: aunque, si bien, sin embargo Although: aunque, si bien, bien que Still yet: Like: del mismo modo que Unlike: desemejante, distinto, diferencia, a diferencia de. Linkewise: igualmente, asi mismo, del mismo modo, tambin. In the same way: en la misma manera Above all: sobre todo Really: realmente In effect: en efecto Especially: especialmente Possibly: posiblemente Perhaps: acaso, tal vez

Probably: probablemente In the beginning: en el principio, en el origen First: primero, en primer lugar Later: ms tarde Then: entonces, en aquel tiempo, en aquella ocasin Next: prximo, siguiente Later on: For example: por ejemplo That is to say: esta es una manera Namely: a saber, esto es, es decir Such as: tal como, tales como 13. Text the virus What is a virus? In computers, a virus is a program or programming code that replicates by being copied or initiating its copying to another program, computer boot sector or document. Viruses can be transmitted as attachments to an e-mail note or in a downloaded file or be present on a diskette or CD. The immediate source of the e-mail note, downloaded file, or diskette youve received is usually unaware that it contains a virus. Some viruses wreak their effect as soon as their code is executed; other are bening or playful in intent and effect (Happy Birthday, Ludwing!) and some can be quite harmful, erasing data or causing your hard disk to require reformatting. A virus that replicates itself by resending itself as an e-mail attachment or as part of a network message is known as a worm.

Generally, there are three main classes of viruses:

File infectors. Some file infector viruses attach themselves to program files, usually selected.COM or .EXE files.

Some can infect any program for which execution is requested, including. SYS, OVL, PRG, and. MNU files. When the program is loaded, the virus is loaded as well. Other file infector viruses arrive as wholly-contained programs or scripts sent as an attachment to an e-mail note.

System or boot-record infectors. These viruses infect executable code found in certain system areas on a disk. They attach to the DOS boot sector on diskettes or the Master Boot Record on hard disks. A typical scenario (familiar to the author) is to receive a diskette from an innocent source that contains a boot disk virus. When your operating system is running, files on the diskette can be read without triggering the boot disk virus. However, if you leave the diskette in the drive, and then turn the computer off or reload the operating system the computer will look first in youre a drive, find the diskette with its boot disk virus, load it, and make it temporarily impossible to use your hard disk. (Allow several days for recovery) This is why you should make sure you have a bootable floppy.

Macro viruses. These are among the most common viruses, and they tend to do the least damage. Macro viruses infect your Microsoft Word application and typically insert unwanted word or phrases.

The best protection against a virus is to know the origin of each program or file you load into your computer or open from your e-mail program. Since this is difficult, you can buy anti-virus software that can screen e-mail attachments and also check all of your files periodically and remove any viruses that are found. From time to time, you may get an e-mail message warning of a new virus. Unless the warning is from a source you recognize, chances are good that the warning is a virus hoax.

The computer virus, of course, gets its name from the biological virus. The word itself comes from a Latin word meaning slimy liquid or poison.

RELATED GLOSSARY TERMS: RSA algorithm (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman), data key, greynet (or graynet), spam cocktail (or anti-spam cocktail), fingerscanning (fingerprint scanning), munging, insider threat, authentication server, defense in depth, nonrepudiation.

Traduccin del texto El virus Qu es un virus? En informtica, un virus es un programa o cdigo de programacin que replica por ser copiado o iniciar su copia para otro programa, los virus arrancan a computar en un sector o documento. Los virus pueden ser transmitidos como archivos adjuntos a una nota de correo o en una descarga de expediente o estar presente en un disquete o cd. La fuente inmediata de la nota de correo, la descarga de expediente, o el disquete que t has recibido es usualmente inconsciente que contiene virus. Algunos virus infringen su efecto tan pronto como su cdigo es ejecutado; otros virus latentes mienten hasta causar circunstancias para que su cdigo sea ejecutado por el computador. Algunos virus son benignos o juguetones en intencin y efecto (Feliz cumpleaos, Ludwig!) y algunos pueden ser bastante perjudicial, borrando datos o causando que a su disco duro requiera formatearlo. Un virus que replica asimismo por reenviar asimismo como un correo de archivos adjuntos o como parte de un mensaje de red que se conoce como gusano.

Generalmente, hay tres clases principales de virus:

Virus que infectan archivos. Algunos virus que infectan archivos adjuntan ellos mismos a archivos de programas, usualmente seleccionado. Los

archivos COM o EXE son algunos que pueden infectar cualquier programa porque su ejecucin es pedida, incluso archivos SYS, OVL, PRG, y MNU. Cuando los programas estn cargando, el virus es cargado tambin. Otros virus que infectan archivos llegan como programas de contenido completo o guiones enviados como un accesorio de una nota de correo.

Del sistema o de inicio de registros causantes de infecciones. Estos virus infectan al cdigo ejecutable encontrado en ciertas reas del sistema o un disco. Ellos se adhieren al sector de arranque DOS en disquetes o en el registro maestro de arranque en los discos duros. Un escenario tpico (familiar para el autor) es al recibir un disquete de una fuente inocente que contiene un virus arrancando el disco. Sin embargo, s usted deja el disquete en el controlador, y entonces al apagar el computador o recargar el sistema operativo, el computador va a buscar lo primero en su unidad, al encontrar el disquete con el virus en su disco de arranque, cargndolo, y hacer temporalmente imposible utilizar su disco duro. (Dejar varios das para su recuperacin) Esto es porque usted debera tener seguro un arranque flexible.

Los Macro virus. Estos son los virus ms comunes, y ellos tienden a hacer el mnimo dao. Los virus Macro infectan la aplicacin de Microsoft Word y tpicamente insertan palabras o frases no deseadas.

La mejor proteccin contra un virus es saber el origen de cada programa o archivo que usted cargue en su computador o abrir desde su correo.

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