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Moda: shit with me a zander killed me then i feel like i been losing u and jess especially too zander

Moda: like it kills me everyday Moda: the fact that he hurt me and he goin bout his life happy and im miserable Admiring: ur not losing us to him :/ Moda: i shoulda neva made yall his kids period Admiring: He is like a dad to me and jess tho Moda: yeh i know Moda: i know all bout it Moda: that instead of chillin with moms yall always with him when he on Moda: i know all bout it jess Moda: liv* Moda: and then when i invite Moda: i get ignored Moda: so u expect me too not feel like im losing yall why exactly? Admiring: Jess wasn't even online, I tried inviting her earlier that day, and i missed you invite! It doesn't I am ignoring you Moda: but Moda: its not just that time Moda: is wha im saying Admiring: We haven't been online at the same time for a long time Moda: eva since u told me u believe zae and all that shit happened Moda: when me and zander started fallin apart i would see u in his room Moda: and invite u over and over and over again Moda: and neva would not u nor jess come Admiring: I honestly wouldn't just ignore your invite, iw ould get back to you or msg u Moda: and i remember Moda: i would tell zander Moda: like i feel like im losing my kids too u Moda: and he would always have some shit too say Admiring: Don't put me in the middle of all of this, i already felt centred between you and lou i dont want it to happen again Moda: put u in the middle? Moda: first off i neva wanted u or anyone in the middle Moda: of anything im involved in Moda: i didnt come too u with the shit with zae Moda: he came too u Moda: second off when i talked too u bout lou it wasnt for u too pick sides Moda: i neva in 2 years told u too pick sides Moda: as my kid for 2 yrs u shoulda seen which way to go yourself Admiring: I know you haven't but it doesn't not put me in the middle when u say things like you wish D wasn't my dad Moda: u damn right Moda: i wish he wasnt ur dad Moda: cause honestly idl it Moda: but that dont put u in the middle Moda: cause u made ur choice Moda: HES STILL UR FATHER Moda: and i cry every night Moda: but not one person

Moda: or one soul knows how i feel cause noone gives a fuck Admiring: but by saying this like that does make me feel centred because, i always try to make everyone happy and you know that Moda: honestly Moda: alivia Moda: uv only known him for 2 mths Moda: and tbh Moda: centered or not Moda: u and jess hsoulda known that the woman who stood by ur for 2 yrs is the one worth fighting for Moda: not even giving the shit with zae a second choice or not even being sumone daughter who dogged ur mother out Moda: but the shit with zae jess didnt believe from jump Moda: and im sorry if u feel centered but my intentions isnt too mput in the middle cause i neva did b4 Moda: im just saying as MY KIDS FOR 2 YRS Moda: yall shouldnt of even double taked Admiring: Idk what u want me to say... :/ Moda: thats the thing Moda: i dont want nothing from nobody Moda: i give and give and give Moda: and get nothing Moda: anf im used too it by now Moda: but the fact that u sit here and say i put u in the middle Moda: pissed me off cause for 2 yrs i neva put u in the middle of shit Moda: but i guess Admiring: I can't help feeling centred Admiring: least im honest about it Moda: then feel it Moda: cause the fact that u do makes me angry af Moda: cause for 2 yrs i had ur back Moda: through everything and anything Moda: with u and jess Moda: and when i needed ppl too have MY BACK THE MOST Moda: yall went wit zander Admiring: ... How have i went with him Admiring: i haven't picked sides Moda: if u say so Moda: alivia how df did u think i was gonna feel afta u came too be and actually believed the shit zae said too u Moda: then aftyer it all Moda: all i see is u hanging with zander Moda: WHEN YALL CLEARLY SAW ME IN MY CHAT ROOM Moda: did eitha one of yall come in there and see if your mother is ok Moda: if she holding on Moda: if she needs her kids Moda: the ones who have been her kids the longest? Moda: NO Moda: NOT ONCE Admiring: I don't always look through my friendslist to see if people are in rooms...

Moda: but yet Moda: u could be sitting in a room with zxander Moda: i guess ur right Admiring: Because he invited me... Moda: so did i Moda: but u neva came Moda: wth Moda: am i like speakin in japanease Admiring: Like i said before i didn't get ur invites or i woulda come and seen you Admiring: iv always been the one to be here for you and listen to your problems Moda: u think it dont hurt me every minute of everyday knowing u hanging with zae Moda: and zander Moda: i neva say a fuckin word Moda: but at the end of the day ModaModa : i feel u and jess chose wrong but thats my opinion ModaModa : and i neva bought it up too noone Moda: cause i hold everything in Moda: but when u threw out i put u in the middle shit i just blew up cause it hurts too even think that u of all ppl would think that or feel that way smh Moda: cause i feel zander dont deserve too have daughters like u and jess but i gues Admiring: like u say tho thats mine and jess desicion Moda: and did i say u cant make it Moda: all i said is i felt your decision is wrong Moda: zanmder doesnt deserve too be your father Moda: and i wish to this day Moda: that i didnt bring her into your life Moda: or mine at that fact

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