Canada Work Permit Kit

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Canadian Work Permit Kit




Welcome ! Documentation! Section 1,! Getting Canadian Employers Interested in You ! Section 2,! Where to nd employment in Canada !

3 3 4 4 5 5

How to approach Canadian Employers and how to get a Job Offer validated by HRSDC! 5

Section 3,! Getting a Job Offer validated by HRSDC !

6 6

What can you do to Assist your Potential Employer in making his decision to hire / sponsor an overseas worker ! 6 Why is this important ?! 6

Categories of Occupations Generally Requiring LMO (Labour Market Opinions) ! 7 Section 4,! 8

Completing the Labour Market Opinion Application for Lower Skilled Occupations ! 8 Section 5,! Find out if you need a work permit to work in Canada !
If your job category is not listed below, you need a work permit! Work permit applications can be found on the next page.!

9 9
9 9

Section 6,! Application for Work Permit!

10 10

Having been through the whole immigration process ourselves, we understand how frustrating and bewildering it can be, and hope that we can help you navigate through the legal hurdles & pathways to Immigrate to Canada and understand a little better what steps need to be taken in order to successfully qualify and apply for your Canadian Work Permit.

Within this guide, you will nd 4 key sections, followed by the appropriate forms, document checklist and sample forms or document, that you will be required to complete and submit to the relevant Employers / The Labour Department / Embassy Please set aside enough time to familiarize yourself with the procedure, and all of the required steps in order to obtain a Positive LMO / Job Offer / Work Permit from CIC.

Section 1, Getting Canadian Employers Interested in You

Get Noticed by Employers. Attract the attention of an employer by assuring them that you meet the requirements for their open position. List your qualications in a presentable manner. Focus on your skills and achievements. Prepare a professional Resume that will focus on your details skills, credentials, and abilities that are relevant to the next rung of your career ladder is necessary to grab the attention of Canadian Employers. The resume is one of the most important tools in your job search. The professional resume attracts the attention of an employer by assuring them that you meet the requirements for their open position. A poorly constructed resume or one that doesn't place the proper focus on your abilities can very easily get you disqualied by The Canadian Hiring Managers. The CV, or the "Resume", as we call it in North America, is the Silent Salesman for a job applicant, giving insight into the candidates unique abilities.

We here, at understand that making a resume requires special skills that not every person possesses. That is why we are providing a FREE Canadian Resume Template and a Cover Letter Template at our website:

Next: Where and How to nd Employment in Canada


Section 2, Where to nd employment in Canada

Canada announced they need more workers and immigrants Jobs and economic growth on the rise, faster than in the U.S. Free Public Healthcare & Life Expectancy of 81.23 years Quality Education & Higher Standard of Living Canada is among the most peaceful nations in the world The Government is approving more than 260,000 applications a year. Finding employment in Canada is the KEY to Migration. At we feature thousands of Job Vacancies from major Canadian Employers where you can apply for a Temporary/Permanent Job in Canada. Our Canada Job Search Portal has new vacancies added each day, and with thousands of job vacancies available at: theres bound to be one for you. There is also a list included of some of the most reputable recruitment agencies for you to search for positions, as well as some prominent companies in Canada for you to do some research on, who have their own careers section on their websites so that you may apply directly. Through doing this, you will be tapping into the hidden job market in Canada, and you should aim to spend equal amounts of time applying for jobs both through our own Canada Job Search portal where new jobs are added daily, located at: http:// and also through your own research, applying directly to companies in your eld.

Next: How to approach Canadian Employers and how to get a Job Offer validated by HRSDC

Section 3, Getting a Job Offer validated by HRSDC

Every year, Canadian Employers hire over 150,000 temporary workers with specic skills, including live-in caregivers When the best skilled workers are willing to relocate, employers will always benet! Government studies have shown that foreign skilled-workers contribute more economically to employers than a local employee as they are more motivated and driven to succeed. Employers who wish to hire temporary foreign workers must rst apply to Service Canada for a Labour Market Opinion. The Labour Market Opinion (LMO) assesses the impact the foreign worker would have on Canadas labour market or, in other words, how the offer of employment would likely affect Canadian jobs. Your Potential Employer will need a positive Labour Market Opinion to hire you as a temporary foreign worker. You ll need to obtain a positive Labour Market Opinion in order to apply to Citizenship and Immigration Canada for a work permit. What can you do to Assist your Potential Employer in making his decision to hire / sponsor an overseas worker You will need to conrm that the position offered is skilled and the employer has been advertised the position in Canada, prior to considering an overseas candidate. You will also need to let him know that you are strongly determined to relocate to Canada for work and that you already possess the knowledge and the documents required to successfully apply for a Work Permit, once the employer has decided to consider you for the position Why is this important ? Common concerns of Canadian Companies while reviewing Resumes of foreign workers have been well documented in the past and you will need to communicate to the Potential Employer that you understand the Magnitude of his/her responsibility, when considering Foreign Workers. You should also point-out that as a foreign worker, you are prepared to perform all of your duties with great determination, much like a native Canadian employee, not less because of your sheer determination and ambition to succeed in this new Economy, and make a statement for yourself.

Categories of Occupations Generally Requiring LMO (Labour Market Opinions)

High-Skilled Occupations: Requests to hire skilled foreign workers (i.e., in high-skilled occupations) usually require an LMO, but as previously noted, some categories of work do not require an LMO. Lower-Skilled Occupations: Requests to hire foreign workers in occupations that usually require at most a high school diploma or job-specic training will likely require an LMO. Seasonal Agricultural Workers: Requests to hire seasonal agricultural workers from any foreign country will require an LMO. Live-in Caregivers: Requests to hire live-in caregivers (i.e., under the Live-in Caregiver Program) will require an LMO. If the Job Offer Requires an LMO Your employer will be required to complete an Application for a Labour Market Opinion and submit it to the appropriate Service Canada Centre serving his region. Service Canada considers the following factors in an LMO application The occupation in which the foreign worker will be employed The wages and working conditions offered to the foreign worker The employers advertisement and recruitment efforts to hire Canadians/ permanent residents The associated labour market benets that may occur from hiring the foreign worker (e.g., transfer of new skills/knowledge, creation/retention of jobs, etc.) Consultations with organized labour if the position the foreign worker will ll is part of a bargaining unit Determination if the entry of the foreign worker is likely to affect the settlement of an ongoing labour dispute Please note that for certain occupations the employer may also be required to submit an employment contract which will be considered as part of the LMO assessment.

Section 4, Completing the Labour Market Opinion Application for Lower Skilled Occupations
This form should be used by your employer to apply for a Labour Market Opinion (LMO) to hire temporary foreign workers under the Pilot Project for Occupations Requiring Lower Levels of Formal Training (NOC C and D). The application can be downloaded from: search/eforms/index.cgi?app=pr&frm=emp5517&ln=eng and all other required documents must be submitted to Service Canada.

Next: Find out if you need to apply for a work permit, after the LMO is processed from HRSDC, and get the necessary Work Permit Forms.

Section 5, Find out if you need a work permit to work in Canada

If your job category is listed below, you do not need a work permit. However, you may need to meet other requirements. Read the information carefully. If your job category is not listed below, you need a work permit Work permit applications can be found on the next page. Athletes and coaches Aviation accident or incident investigators Business visitors Civil aviation inspectors Clergy Convention organizers Crew members Emergency service providers Examiners and evaluators Expert witnesses or investigators Family members of foreign representatives Foreign government ofcers Foreign representatives Health care students Judges, referees and similar ofcials Military personnel News reporters, lm and media crews Performing artists Public speakers Students working on campus

Section 6, Application for Work Permit

A current copy of the Application for Work Permit can be downloaded from: http:// and is for people who are not Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada and who wish to work temporarily in Canada. A work permit is issued if the application is accepted. NEW: CIC has introduced a new Application for a Work Permit Made Outside of Canada [IMM1295] form. It comes with additional forms and an instruction guide. Please read the guide carefully as it contains important information on how to complete the form. All applicants must complete and sign their own individual form, including persons traveling as a family. Applicants who are under the age of 18 years must have their form signed by a parent or guardian.


Section 7, Congratulations
If youre reading this, that means youve made it! We share your excitement and sincerely believe that Canada is the best possible place to relocate because of its excellent settlement services, the stability of the environment and openness to those wishing to become part of its landscape. Canada as a land of opportunity provides economic prosperity, easily accessible and affordable education, one of the worlds best health care system and abundance of land and fresh water. Now you and your family can share with Canadians and take part in continued creation of the worlds most admired and peaceful nation and country You can be proud to call Your home - Canada !

Yours in success!

The team at


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