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Dissimulation To Conceal Its Aims

1 Illuminati Strategies, Indoctrination & How Final Aim Was Progressively Revealed
Dissimulation To Conceal Its Aims
The Illuminati were skilled in misleading recruits to not detect their ultimate goals. For sake of survival, the Illuminati recognized dissimulation had to be used extensively over their membership. Knigge, one of the Orders leaders, explained to an intimate: We must give such an account of things, that fanatics shall not be alarmed, and that shall, notwithstanding, excite a spirit of free inquiry... [B]y the assistance of hidden schools of Wisdom, Liberty and Equality, the natural and imprescriptible rights of man warm and glow in every breast.1 The Illuminati learned to cloak themselves in the message of Jesus. Thus, the Illuminati said to recruits in the early grades that their goals were actually compatible with Christianity. They taught communism was Christs aim. Knigge had devised this strategy. He in fact fought hard with Weishaupt to introduce the affirmation of Christian principles as a cloak for their true agenda. Knigge explained to Cato-Zwack what would be taught at the outset to attract the new members:
Jesus Christ established no new Religion, but only to restore natural religion and reason to their old rights. He wished to unite men in a great universal association, and through the
1. John Robison, Proofs (1798, Kessinger 2003 edition) at 87. Illuminati of Bavaria 1

Illuminati Strategies, Indoctrination & How Final Aim Was Progressively

spread of a wiser morality, enlightenment, and the combating of all prejudices to make them capable of governing themselves; so the secret meaning of his teaching was to lead men without revolution to universal liberty and equality. There are many passages in the Bible which can be made use of and explained, so all quarrelling between the sects ceases if one can find a reasonable meaning in the teaching of Jesusbe they true or not. As, however, this simple religion was afterwards distorted, so were these teachings imparted to us through Disciplinara Arcani and finally through Freemasonry, and all masonic hieroglyphics can be explained with this object. Spartacus has collected very good data for this and I have myself added to them,... and so I have got both degrees ready.... Now therefore that people see that we are the only real and true Christians, we can say a word more against priest and princes, but I have so managed things that after previous tests I can receive popes and kings in this degree. In the higher Mysteries we must then (a) disclose the pious fraud2 and (b) reveal from all writings the origin of all religious lies and their connexion....3

Catholic Christianity was understood for some time to have been accused by Protestants of using pious frauds, i.e., deception to spread the true gospel. Knigge meant to appropriate that strategy to the Orders use. And by this stratagem, the Illuminati claimed Jesus taught communism, but this was forgotten over the ages. Hence, they taught the true followers of Jesus are the Illuminati. By this ruse, the Illuminati could deflect suspicion that their goal was to destroy all religions. They hoped one day that some might even mistake Illuminism or Illuminized
Illuminati of Bavaria 2

Dissimulation To Conceal Its Aims

Freemasonry for a Christian-oriented sect. The Illuminati were so clever that they envisioned themselves creating a new religion where Jesus was their main founder. They trusted their internal security apparatus would avoid the discovery of their true meaning to this claim. Only their best recruits would understand the secular meaning. This explanation to the recruit that Illuminism was true Christianity became a standard fixture of many subsequent Illuminist societies. This tactic was handed down in the dark to successor secret societies, political movements and concocted religions. It survives in our era.4 Knigge wrote to another member how crafty were these efforts. He explained: I have been at unwearied pains to remove the fears of some who imagine that our Superiors want to abolish Christianity. ... Were I to let them know that our General holds all Religion to be a lie, and uses even Deism... only to lead men by the nose [would bother them].5 Initially, the recruit would be told that the Illuminati would use non-violent means to abolish all governments. The Illuminati told the recruit that as the order spread its influence in

2. Jesuits studied this doctrine, and justified pious frauds. Jesuits made casuistry a separate science, and defended the permissibility of acts which are sinful in themselves, but may be justified or at least pardoned, under extenuating circumstances, such as...tyrannicide to free the people from oppression...pious fraud or lying for a good purpose..... (Philip Schaff & Samuel Macauley Jackson, Theological Propdeutic, a General Introduction to Theology (N.Y.: Scribners, 1893) at 441.) Even the Fathers of the Church practiced what acquired its own term pious fraud in the battle to bring heathens and heretics into the fold of revealed religion. (Evelin Sullivan, The Concise Book of Lying (N.Y.: Picador, 2001) at 269.) There is in the Roman Catholic church a vast amount of what can only be called pious fraud. (The Four Hundredth Birthday of Luther, The British Quarterly Review (Oct. 1883) at 210.) 3. Nachtrag von Weiteren Originalschriften (Munich: Zweite Abteilung, 1787), Vol. I, at 104-06. See also Robison, Proofs, (1798), supra, at 9899. Illuminati of Bavaria 3

Illuminati Strategies, Indoctrination & How Final Aim Was Progressively

the world, a gradual lessening of the need for government would take place. In early grades, the Illuminati suggested this would be by peaceful means alone. Along these lines, Knigges instructions dating from 1781 taught:
[Secret schools of wisdom] were always the archives of nature and the rights of man; through their agency, man will recover from his fall; princes and nations, without violence to force them, will vanish from the earth, the human race will become one family, and the world a habitation of rational beings. Moral Science alone will effect these reforms imperceptibly; every father will become like Abraham and the patriarchs, the priest and absolute lord of his household, and reason will be mans only code of law.6

Thus, the Illuminati would seem almost to be Christians. They wanted to restore the political freedoms of Israel in the patriarchal age (which could extend to Moses, Joshua, and the age of Judges as well). They simply wanted liberty and equality.

4. Michael Howard, a New Age philosopher, a few years back heaped high praise on the role of secret societies since 1789. He says that they have generally taught they have held the true teachings of Jesus; that these teachings were perverted by the official church; and these societies seek to evolve mankind along this benign path of Jesus which only has been thwarted by the pride of individual men. See Michael Howard, The Occult ConspiracySecret SocietiesTheir Influence and Power in World History (Rochester, Vt.: Destiny Books, 1989) at 149, 163, 177. 5. Robison, Proofs (1798), supra, at 124. 6. Nachtrag von weitern Originalschriften (Munich: Zweite Abteilung, 1787) at 80 et seq (emphasis added); Der neuester Arberten des Spartacus and Philo (Munich: 1793) at 38, quoted in and discussed in Gruber, Les Illumins, Catholic Encyclopedia, supra, at 20 Illuminati of Bavaria 4

Selection of Members

In the later degrees of the Illuminati, the supervisor revealed to his recruit that he had intentionally deceived the recruit at the outset. Weishaupt instructed the Insinuators how to reveal this difficult truth:
We must first gradually explain away all our preparatory pious frauds. And when persons of discernment find fault, we must desire them to consider the end of all our labor. This sanctifies our means... because they procured us a patient hearing, when otherwise men would have turned away from us like petted children.7

Weishaupt thus obtained a hearing for his ideas by first intriguing members about the mysteries he would bring, and then binding them to support the Order long before knowing what goals the Order pursued.

Selection of Members
The Illuminati formulated very specific instructions on who should be recruited. Every exertion was to be used to gain the offices surrounding a prince. He that has done this, has done more than if he engaged the prince himself, reads the exhortation.8 The Illuminati also recruited those who were distinguished by wealth, power, or learning. Spare no pains, spare nothing in the acquisition of such adepts. If heaven refuse its succor, conjure hell.9 Attorneys and doc-

7. Nesta Webster, World Revolution (Devon, UK: Britons Publishing Co., 1971) (orig. published 1921) at 89 (quoting the papers of the Illuminati). 8. Supplement to the Encyclopedia (1803), supra, at 204. 9. Supplement to the Encyclopedia (1803) at 204. Illuminati of Bavaria 5

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tors are worth having, says Weishaupt, but they are sometimes real devils, so difficult are they to be led; they are, however, worth having when they can be gained over.10 It is also necessary, runs Weishaupt's instructions to the Illuminati, to gain the common people to our Order. The great means to that end is influence in the schools. One can also succeed, now by open, hearty behavior. Show condescension, make oneself popular, and, at other times, endure with an air of patience prejudices that one can gradually root out later.11 Weishaupt wanted leaders to espouse a moderate platform to enlist members. Weishaupt said in another place: Select those in particular who have met with misfortunes, not from accidents, but from some injustice; that is to say in other words, the discontented; for such men are to be called into the bosom of Illuminism as into their proper asylum.12 The Illuminati, accordingly, would seek out the downtrodden, the poor and oppressed to support the Illuminatis campaign. Using this appeal, the Illuminati intended to convince these lower economic groups a solution that a new order was coming to solve all their problems. Privately, however, there was skepticism among the Illuminati that these lower-classes really ever could experience true Enlightenment.13

10.Supplement to the Encyclopedia (1803) at 204. 11.Neuesten Arberten des Spartacus und Philo, supra, vii., 139. See also Robison, Proofs (1798), supra, at 82-83, 111 12.Supplement to the Encyclopedia (1803), supra, at 204. 13. By 1785, an Illuminatus wrote the unlikelihood peasants could have any important role in the membership of the Order: That would be completely impossible. How can one drum Enlightenment (Aufklrung) into thick peasant skulls. (Ludwig Wolfram, Die Illuminaten in Bayern und ihre Verfolgung, Programm des kgl. humanistischen Gymnasiums in Erlangen (2 vols.) (Erlangen, 1899-1900), II, at 1, quoted in Epstein, Genesis of German Conservatism, at 94 n. 17. Illuminati of Bavaria 6

Recruiting of Booksellers and Media Persons

Recruiting of Booksellers and Media Persons

The Illuminati taught that book reviewers and booksellers should be recruited to bring our opinions into fashion. Weishaupt goes on: We must endeavor by every means to gain over the Reviewers and Journalists; and we must also try to gain the booksellers, who in time will see that it is their interest to side with us; but should our attempt fail, and we should be unable to entice him into the Order, let him be discredited by every means possible, Weishaupt instructed the Illuminati leaders.14 The Illuminati thus intended to take over book publishing and newspapers. Thereby, they could spread their ideas and thwart their opponents. The Illuminati's first step to promote their ideas was to stop those who advanced opposing ideas. The Illuminati had members who were royal censors who could use their censorship powers to help. For example, as discussed elsewhere, one of the censors of Austria, Retzer, who belonged to an enlightened lodge, issued a ban on sale of the Bavarian governments revelation about the Illuminati called Spartacus and Philo in the Order of Illuminati. He also banned The Final Overthrow of Free Masonry (1785), the work of Babo, an ex-Illuminatus, which was critical of the Illuminati. Retzer also sent an order to the Viennese Magazine of Literature and Arts, which had frequently exposed the activity of the Illuminati. He ordered it to cease mentioning the Illuminati or he would shut the entire magazine down. The Censor of the city-state of Mainz, an Illuminatus, issued comparable orders to journals there.15

14.Robison, Proofs (1798), supra, at 109; Barruel, Memoirs of Jacobinism (Trans. Clifford) (1798), supra, III, at 343. 15.See Bavarian Investigation & Suppression Decrees on page 1 et seq. Illuminati of Bavaria 7

Illuminati Strategies, Indoctrination & How Final Aim Was Progressively

By 1787, the Illuminatis penetration of German media seemed quite successful. In 1787, two prominent Germans wrote that the print media had taken on a slant which appeared to operate in a coordinated manner. The slant of the publishing houses cut off outlets for books that promoted religion. Instead, they claimed the houses only opened their printing presses to books which opposed traditional religion or denounced government policies. The first book to collect circumstantial evidence to support this thesis was published in 1787 in Germany, and it was entitled Proofs of a hidden Combination to destroy the Freedom of Thought and Writing in Germany. In the same year appeared Heinzmanns Appeal to My Country, concerning a Combination of Writers and Booksellers, to rule the Literature of Germany, and form the public mind into a contempt for the religion and civil establishments of the Empire. Without awareness of the writings of the Illuminati, these works both attempted to show a biased force had gained control of the access to the publishing housesa force bent on undermining faith in God and country. Examples of the slant that began to dominate popular literature were the articles by Knigge. By 1787, he was the former Illuminatus leader living at Frankfurt. Beginning 1787, he wrote a series of short pieces published in the Religions Begebenheiten. These articles called Christianity an allegory for a deeper truth. He threw up many horrors caused by religious superstition. He bemoaned the sad condition of the poor despite the charity of the church. Knigge claimed that the tricks of the priests were afflicting the people. Knigge closed his series of articles by claiming the life of the nomads was the best epoch for humanity.16 This was the kind of teachings which the Illuminati promoted.

16.See Robison, Proofs, (1798), supra, at 52-53. Illuminati of Bavaria 8

Influence Over Schools

We shall see later how the German Union founded in 1787 by Bode was a continuation of this effort to spread such ideas.17

Influence Over Schools

The Illuminati sought influence in the schools. Weishaupt, the founder of the Illuminati, was himself a college professor. He had first-hand experience on how to use schools as both recruiting grounds and as a center to propagate his ideas. He said, It is also necessary to gain the common people to our Order. The great means to that end is influence in the schools.18 Weishaupt elsewhere directed his members, We must acquire the direction of education of church management of the professorial chair, and of the pulpit.19 Schools were to be a place to spread the Illuminatis doctrine. Weishaupt also instructed the leadership:
Never lose sight of the military schools, of the academies, printing presses, libraries, cathedral chapters, or any public establishments that can influence education or government. Let our Regents perpetually attend to the various means, and form plans, for making us masters of all these establishments.... The Prefect will spare no pains to gain possession of the schools which lie within his district, and also of their teachers. He will find means of placing them under the tuition of members of our

17.See Appendix B in book four. 18.Neuesten Arberten des Spartacus und Philo, supra, vii., 139, discussed and quoted in Robison, Proofs, supra, at 111. 19.Robison, Proofs (1798), supra, at 109 (Instruction in Regents Degree). Illuminati of Bavaria 9

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Order, for this is the true method of infusing our principles and of training our young men.20

Consistent with these plans, Cato-Zwack boasted to Weishaupt that their entry into certain German schools had succeeded and they are at last under our direction.21 These men plotted with some success in putting their members in positions of trust as teachers to advance the good cause. Often the teachers influenced students by sponsoring fraternities and student societies. The leading two of Germany, Konstantisten and Schwarze Brder, date back to this time, and were heavily infiltrated by the Illuminati.22

Influence Over Religious Organizations

Weishaupt also instructed that the Illuminati must gain control over the church pulpits. He said, If it is to our interest to have the ordinary schools on our side, it is also very important to win over the ecclesiastical seminaries and their superiors; for in that way we should secure the best part of the country, and disarm the greatest enemies of all innovation; and what is still better, in winning the ecclesiastics, we should have the people in our hand.23 Several times his assistants reported obtaining posts as leaders of seminaries that trained Catholic priests.

20.Clifford, Application of Barruels Memoirs, supra, Preliminary Observations (emphasis added). 21. Robison, Proofs (1798), supra, at 114. 22.Adolf Rossberg, Freimaurerei und Politik im Zeitalter der franzsischen Revolution (Berlin: 1942) pt. II, chs. 2 and 3, cited in Klaus Epstein, The Genesis of German Conservatism (Princeton: 1966) at 94. 23. Una Birch, Secret Societies and the French Revolution, supra, at 46. Illuminati of Bavaria 10

Influence Over Religious Organizations

Weishaupts Use of Religion As A Mask

The Illuminatis efforts to use religion as a mask is aptly summed up in Weishaupts own words. He said to a member:
[W]e have pretended to have the sole true religion, remember that the end justifies the means, and that the wise ought to take all the means to do good which the wicked take to do evil. Those which we have taken to deliver you, those which we have taken to deliver one day the human race from all religion, are nothing else than a pious fraud which we reserve to unveil one day in the grade of Magus or Philosopher Illuminated.24

The truth is that Weishaupt instructed his closets aids that the Illuminati must profess to have religion, but this is all designed to serve an opposite agenda. An example of this new religion fostered by the Illuminati is in the next quote. Religion is a mask. They would appeal to Jesus as their true Grand Master. This passage portrays Jesus as cleverly using the mask of religion for a political agenda of liberty and equality. Yet, this is precisely how the Illuminati intended to use Jesus, and certainly was otherwise a pious fraud:
Jesus of Nazareth, the Grand Master of our Order, appeared at a time when the world was in the utmost disorder.... He taught them [i.e., the people] the lessons of reason. To be more effective, he took in the aid of Religionof opinions which were currentand, in a very clever manner, he combined his secret doctrines with the popular religion and with the customs which lay to his hand.... Never did any prophet lead men so easily and so securely

24. Nesta Webster, World Revolution (1927), supra, at 14. Illuminati of Bavaria 11

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along the road of liberty. He concealed the precious meaning and consequences of his doctrines, but fully disclosed them to a chosen few.... Let us only take Liberty and Equality as the great aim of his doctrines, and Morality as the way to attain it, and everything in the New Testament will be comprehensible; and Jesus will appear as the Redeemer of slaves.25

Knigge explained the purpose of using religion in the Illuminati. It is all one whether it be true or false, we must have it, that we may tickle those who have a hankering for religion.26 The secrets of the Illuminati would be cloaked in ancient religions, such as that of Isis among the Egyptians. Weishaupt wrote what the Insinuator must teach:
He must begin by descanting on the supreme felicity of being versed in sciences which few can approach; of walking in the paths of light, while the vulgar are groping in darkness. He must remark, that there exist doctrines solely transmitted by secret traditions, because they are above the comprehension of common minds. In proof of his assertions, he will cite the Gymnosophists in the Indies,27 the priests of Isis in Egypt, and those of Eleusis, and the Pythagorean school in Greece.28

The linking of Jesus to Egyptian mysteries was the easiest to use because this was a well-known pagan claim by Celsus of what truly happened when Jesus as a young child fled to Egypt.29

25.J.C., The French Revolution, The Theosophical Quarterly (Brooklyn, N.Y.: Theosophical Society in America, 1920) Vol. XVIII at 314. 26.Robison, Proofs (1798) (Kessinger 2008 reprint) at 98. Illuminati of Bavaria 12

Influence Over Religious Organizations

However, Weishaupt refused to use the threat of hell in his new religion. He would teach a morality free of such religious concepts, and thus eventually allow mankind to dispense with the need for any governments:
[What shall we teach?] Not that morality which adding to the miseries of the miserable, throws them in a state of pusillanimity and despair, by the threats of hell and the fear of devils. True morality is no other than the art of teaching men to shake off their wardship, to attain the age of manhood, and thus to need neither princes nor governments....[M]an is wicked, because religion, the state, and bad examples, perverts him....May our principles become the foundation of all morals! Let reason, at length, be the religion of men!30

27.The Gymnosophists thought disease was shameful, and when they suffered from it, the sages were expected to commit suicide by fire. (Anton J. L. van Hooff, From Autothanasia to Suicide (London: Routledge, 1990) at 58.) According to Apollonius, the Gymnosophists of Africa claimed to hold Egyptian mysteries, yet descended from Indians who were taught by Pythagoras. One of their teachings is they dared not venture to give any form to the gods as the Greeks did. Instead, they represented the gods by symbols and allegories. Apollonius rejected this, and thus quitted the Egyptian Gymnosophists. (Thomas William Allies, The Formation of Christendom (London: Longmans, 1875) at 283-84.) 28.[Henry Dana Ward], Free a Master Mason (N.Y.: 1828) at 344, citing Barruel [Vol. ?] at 119-20. 29.Celsus second century pagan criticism of Christianity claimed Jesus fled with his mother to Egypt where he apprenticed himself to magic. (James A. Francis, Subversive Virtue (Pennsylvania State University, 1995) at 138.) 30.[Henry Dana Ward], Free a Master Mason (N.Y.: 1828) at 344, citing Barruel [Vol.?] at 119-20. Illuminati of Bavaria 13

Illuminati Strategies, Indoctrination & How Final Aim Was Progressively

Influence With Women

The Illuminatis writings include a plan to recruit women into a separate section of the Order. The separate order might be able to suit the fancy of the male members. Dittfurth, a member of the Illuminati ruling Areopagite Council, wrote a letter to Sebastien in 1782 on how to set up a Minerval School for women. His plan was that men would be prohibited from this branch. He then went on to explain the role of women in the movement:
[W]e should insinuate ourselves into their good opinion, give them hints of emancipation from the tyranny of public opinion, and of standing up for themselves; it will be an immense relief to their enslaved minds to be freed from any one bond of restraint, and it will fire them the more, and cause them to work for us with zeal, without knowing that they do so; for they will only be indulging their own desire of personal admiration.31

Dittfurth came up with a skilled solution to hold a womans interest. He wrote: But how shall we get hold of them?... You must contrive pretty degrees, and dresses, and ornaments, and elegant and decent rituals....32 Then he says:
They [women] will be our great apostles. Reflect on the respect, nay, the awe and terror, inspired by the female mystics of antiquity.... But I am doubtful whether this association [of
31.Robison, Proofs (1798), supra, at 111 (emphasis added). 32.John Robison, A.M., Proofs of a Conspiracy against All the Religions and Governments of Europe, carried on in the secret meetings, of Free Masons, Illuminati, and Reading Societies. (Fourth Edition) (Edinburgh: Cadell, Davies & Creech, 1798) at 173-74 (quoting Illuminati papers). Illuminati of Bavaria 14

Tactics of the Illuminati

only women] will be durable. Women are fickle....They have not our motives to persevere for years, allowing themselves to be led about, and even then to hold their tongues when they find that they have been deceived.33

Thus, Dittfurth had come up with a plan to bring women so they would serve unwittingly the ultimate goals of the Order. For now, the Order would give women hints of emancipation from restrictions society placed on women.

Tactics of the Illuminati

Of course, the Illuminatis principal reward for members was promising them careers by favoritism through other members in positions to provide well-paying jobs. Weishaupt required that all members must be assisted... [and] preferred to all persons otherwise of equal merit.34 This became a means of not only gaining adherents, but also spreading the Orders power. Professor Renner at the Marianen Academy testified that the Illuminati assured members loyalty with the most magnificent promises, and assure. . the protection of great personages ready to do everything for the advancement of its members at the recommendation of the Order.35 The Illuminati also trained their members in what can be described as modern espionage. Cato-Zwack described in 1778 several devices of stealth: a strong box which if forced open would blow up and destroy its contents; a liquid which

33.Robison, Proofs of a Conspiracy (Fourth Edition) (Edinburg: 1798), supra, at 174-76 (quoting Illuminati papers). 34.Robison, Proofs (N.Y.: Foreman, 1798) at 149. 35.Barruel, Memoires Illustrating the History of Jacobinism (London: T. Burton, 1798), Vol. 3, at 147. Illuminati of Bavaria 15

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blinds or kills when spurted in the face; a pellet for filling a bed-chamber with pestilent vapors; and a sheet containing a recipe for sympathetic ink. The Illuminati in addition prepared Instructions which explained how to take off wax impressions of seals equivalent to an official signature in those days. Members were thus trained how to forge official or state documents. During police searches in Bavaria, the authorities discovered 100 seals that belonged to princes, nobles, and clergy.36 Furthermore, the Illuminati operated like modern-day secret agents. Superiors were required to use more than one cipher and to learn to write with both hands. The Illuminati lodge thereby became a school of what today we would regard as a spy or secret agent. No doubt, such activity was quite stimulating to the adventuresome. In addition, the Illuminati plotted invasion of Freemason Lodges. Above all, we must push forward with all of our skill the plan of Eclectic Masonry... [and] have the Masonry of the Illuminati... introduced [in the Freemason lodges], Weishaupt wrote his Areopagites.37

36. Weishaupt in his defense said [t]hese things were not carried into effectonly spoken of, and are justifiable when taken in proper connection. He swore, I never saw or heard... of these abominable means; such as poisoning, abortion, etc. He never paid attention to detail. The general plan is [still] good. Robison, Proofs (N.Y.: 1798), supra, at 80-81. Weishaupt's own responsibility, however, for approving similar behaviors can be found in the Illuminati papers. For example, after Marius the Archivist for the Elector stole a book for the Order and was having recriminations, Weishaupt told Zwack in March 1778: To collect unpublished works, and information from the archives of States, will be a most useful service... In this case, where the advantage far exceeds the trust, it is meritorious virtue. It will do more good in our hands than by remaining for 1000 years on the dusty shelf. Id. at 78. 37. Robison, Proofs (N.Y.: 1798), supra, at 102. Illuminati of Bavaria 16

Illuminati Indoctrination Methods

The Illuminati's ruthless pursuit of their goals set them apart from any other movement of the era. What also distinguished the Illuminati was their indoctrination system. It rivals those of modern totalitarian movements.

Illuminati Indoctrination Methods

The key to the Illuminati was their subtle teaching methods. As a professor, Weishaupt had much professional experience in this area. Weishaupt told Zwack: We cannot use people as they are, but begin by making them over.38 Thus, indoctrination techniques occupied a large part of the Illuminatis preparations. Consequently, if we want to understand the Order's unique source of power, then we must start with a study of this system. The Illuminati imposed strict discipline and maintained a tight organization. Weishaupt explained this to Baader in a letter:
I have sent to Zwack a scale, showing how one may methodically, and without much trouble, arrange a great multitude of men in the finest order imaginable the spirit of the first, of the most ardent, of the most profound adept, daily and incessantly communicates itself to the two A A, by the one to B B, by the other to C CB B and C C communicate it to the eight following; these to the next sixteen; from thence to thirty-two, and so downwardsIn a word, every man has his Aid-Major, by whose means he immediately acts on all the others.
38.Letter of Weishaupt to Zwack, Mar 10, 1778, quoted in S. Landa, Konspirackje oswieceniowe i tajne organizacje polityczne, Przelgad Historyczny (1967) no. 2, at 246, quoted in Billington, Fire in the Minds of Men, supra, at 94. Illuminati of Bavaria 17

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The whole force first issues from the center, and then flows back again to it. Each one subjects, as it were to his own person, two men whom he searches to the bottom, whom he observes, disposes, inflames, and drills, as it were, like recruits, that they may hereafter exercise and fire with the whole regiment.39

Elsewhere, Weishaupt explained: I have two directly under me into which I breathe my entire soul, and these two each have two others, and so forth. In this manner I am able, in the simplest way, to set thousands of people into movement and into flames. In this manner the Order must be organized and operate politically.40 The Illuminati approached new recruits very subtly. At the outset, new members were invited to join so the Order could help them in self-improvement. The Illuminati advertised they would teach one how to know oneself better and to achieve a more virtuous life. The recruit was told that the degree he was in was the highest. Once the Order was ready to advance the member, the member was informed that another grade did exist above their present grade, and they were invited to go higher. Although enticed by such an offer, the recruit was kept in the dark again and told the next grade was the last. The true political ambitions of the Order were not imparted until several more steps up the ladder were taken. Each step was accompanied by specific rigorous indoctrination, testing, and observation. Once it was ascertained that the member could be trusted with the truth at the next level, he was upgraded. Finally, even then, the most severe oaths were required which authorized the Order to have the power of life and death over any member if he should betray the Orders secrets.
39. Barruel, Memoirs of Jacobinism (Trans. Clifford) (1798), supra, III, at 409 (emphasis added). 40.Originalschriften des Illuminatenordens (Munich: 1787), Vol. II, at 32, quoted in Billington, Fire in the Minds of Men, supra, at 543 n. 123. Illuminati of Bavaria 18

Illuminati Indoctrination Methods

As a result, the most important position in the Illuminati was the Insinuator. His level operated like a secret police within the Order. To penetrate the minds of members, Insinuators were instructed by Weishaupt to acquire the habit of talking backwards and forwards so as not to commit themselves. One must speak, Weishaupt further explained, sometimes in one way, sometimes in another, so that our real purpose should remain impenetrable to our inferiors.41 To understand the Illuminatis ability to influence members, even those who might disagree with their project if they knew the Orders ultimate secrets, let us examine the ritual which comprises their indoctrination system.
Initial Grade of Novice

A candidate for admission into the Illuminati had to ask permission from a Minerval, a second level Illuminatus. In turn, the Minerval reported the request to his Superior who then advised the Areopagites. No response was immediately given, but the candidate was then more carefully observed. If the candidate was found unfit, no notice was taken. If he was satisfactory, he was invited to a conference where he was asked to sign a simple oath to not reveal what was seen or heard and to never make an extract of any paper. He then was asked to describe in writing biographical details about himself (e.g., age, profession). The candidate also had to answer in writing several questions, for example, what benefit he sought from the Order? and what use he could be to the Order? He then read several articles on a table, including a history of the Order and its objects in promoting the happiness of mankind. He was then assigned an instructor, an Illuminatus Dirigens, and made a part of an Academy of ten to fifteen Minervals under an Illuminatus Major.

41.Nachtrag von Weiteren Originalschriften (Zweite Abteilung, 1787) i., 8-12, discussed in Robison, Proofs (1798), supra, at 85. Illuminati of Bavaria 19

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Twice monthly the Academy would have a closeddoor meeting. Weekly, the Novice was given more instructions and recommendations to read various books. He was required to give a weekly account in writing on what he had learned. The instructions often involved delicate personal questions. The Novice was regularly told that his novitiate was mainly to enlighten his understanding, to root out his prejudices, and to disclose to him in an unbiased way, his own character and his most vulnerable side. To allow such service, the Novice was next required to write out an account of his own prior conduct and friendships. To help him, he was trained to write reports on other brothers as a service for them. As preparation for this, he was told to first describe characters in history. Then he was to report on the characters of people in his own neighborhood. Thereafter he would write reports on his own conduct and that of the brethren of the lodge. While this is taking place, the Insinuators in the Illuminati had to make their own reports on the Novice without the knowledge of the Novice. Thus, secret dossiers were kept on each member. Weishaupt instructed the Insinuators in this task, Apply yourselves to the art of counterfeit, of hiding and masking yourselves when observing others, so as to penetrate into their minds.42 Elsewhere, in a section called the Statutes of the Order, we read a similar general instruction to all members: They [the members] ought to learn the art of dissimulation, and observing and probing others.43 Judging by the dossiers found in the Illuminati papers, the Brother Insinuator pried into the Novice's character, relations, and enemies to discover if the Novice was friendly to the Orders ultimate goals. The Illuminati, in effect, required
42.Originalschriften des Illuminatenordens, supra, at 40 (emphasis added). Illuminati of Bavaria 20

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self-confessions and spying on one another to keep a total lock on each member. In this manner, the Illuminati intended to protect against an opponent slipping in and learning the Orders secrets.44 The Insinuator was also instructed to find members who were suitable to specific tasks, such as those able to lead a revolt or becoming public leaders. In one passage of Weishaupt's instructions to Insinuators, he tells them:
Seek me out the dexterous and dashing youths. We must have adepts who are insinuating, intriguing, full of resource, bold and enterprising; they must also be flexible and tractable, obedient, docile and sociable. Above all things pay attention to the figure, and select the well made men and handsome young fellows... It is true, they have not the depth that men of more gloomy countenances often have. They are not persons to be entrusted with a revolt, or the care of stirring up the people; but it is for that very reason we must know how to choose our agents.45
43.The French translation reads: Ils doivent apprndre lart de dissimuler, et dobserver et des sonder les autres. This is quoted in the introduction to the Original Writings of the Illuminati reprinted in Henry Coston, La Conjuration des Illumins (Paris: Diffusion, La Libraire Francaise, 1979) at xxxvi. 44. This was adopted by East Germany during its communist phase. The dossiers discovered in East Germany after the collapse of the Communist regime revealed: (1) 200,000 civilians informed on their spouses, brothers, sisters, and friends; (2) dossiers existed on one-third of the populace; (3) teachers of grammar school children kept dossiers on students who expressed political dissent, and they were later turned over to the Stasi police who, in turn, used the information to block career progress of those identified as dubious when only a child; and (4) the dossiers on the populace were stacked on five floors in rotating shelves that were 125 miles long. See, Fear and Betrayal in the Stasi State, Time (February 3, 1992) at 32 et seq. 45. Supplement to the Encyclopedia (1803), supra, at 204 (emphasis added). Illuminati of Bavaria 21

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However, Weishaupt instructed that one must not recruit Jews, Jesuits, talkers, drunkards, and violent men because the latter were difficult to manage.46 In sum, Weishaupt had members in the Novice class studied rigorously and their views uncovered. Individual dossiers were created so that no one could betray the Order. From this information, the Illuminati could employ an individual member where he was best suited. The Illuminati thereby created in essence a career workshop for reformation of society. The training intensified in the next step up in the Order.
Initiation as Minerval

In the second grade called Minerval, the recruit was required to turn over his conscience to the Order. He was asked, and was expected to answer affirmatively, the following questions: Have you seriously reflected on the importance of the step you take, in binding yourself to engagements that are unknown to you?. . . Do you moreover, grant the power of life and death to our order or society? Are you disposed, upon all occasions, to give the preference to men of our order over all other men? Do you subject yourself to a blind obedience, without any restriction whatsoever?47 The candidate who said yes advanced into this grade. The oath literally meant the recruit agreed the Order could kill him if the Order deemed his death necessary. The oath required the candidate to promote faithfully the Illuminati in job positions and discriminate against any one else. The implication from juxtaposing these two ideas in one oath was that if one betrayed the Order by any disloyalty (e.g., hiring a non-Illuminatus in business without permission), then one could be put to death.

46.Supplement to the Encyclopedia, supra, at 204. 47.Supplement to the Encyclopedia (1803), at 206. Illuminati of Bavaria 22

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In the next instruction in this ceremony, the Minerval candidate was told that any fears he might be entertaining that his superiors had revolutionary designs were not justified:
After [one] [two] years reflection, experience, intercourse, reading of the graduated writings and information, you will necessarily have formed the impression that the final aim of our society is nothing less than to win power and riches, to undermine secular or religious government and to obtain mastery of the world.48

The candidate was then assured that this was not so. He was also assured that the grade of Minerval was the highest grade, thereby repeating the same lie told to the recruit when he was entering the Novice class. Then a sword was put to his chest. The candidate was required to swear obedience and warned of unavoidable vengeance if he turned back. The oath of the Minerval (Illuminatus Minor under the structure Knigge created in 1780) required the member to bind himself to the following promises:
I will... oppose, with all my might, the enemies of the human race, and of political society. I will embrace every opportunity of saving mankind. . .. I bind myself to perpetual silence and unshaken loyalty and submission to the Order, in the persons of my Superiors; here making a faithful and complete surrender of my private judgment, my own will. . . The friends and enemies of the Order shall be my friends and enemies; and with respect to both I will conduct myself as directed by the Order....49
48.Originalschriften des Illuminatenordens, supra, at 72 (emphasis added). 49.Robison, Proofs (N.Y.: 1798), supra, at 71. Illuminati of Bavaria 23

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Hence, Weishaupt required the initiates in this degree to agree to act as a mere agent of whatever his Illuminati superiors decreed. The initiates at this level were compelled to give consent to the Orders goals before being really sure what they were. Then a medallion of Minerval was put on the members chest. On it was depicted an owl with a book in his talons upon which the initials P.M.C.V. appeared. These letters meant Per Me Caeci Vident (Thanks to me, the blind see). Attached to the medal was a green ribbon.50 The member was now a Minerval (or later called Illuminatus Minor). The Minerval was then told the secret sign of recognition of his grade. The sign was made by holding ones hand over the eyes as if one had been dazzled by some light.51 Lastly, the Minerval was given the current passwordsone the name of a man, the other the name of a place, e.g., Caesar, Berlin.
Training in the Minerval Degree

The Novice had been previously assured that Illuminism was compatible with Christianity. In the Minerval grade, Weishaupts lessons expanded on this idea, to pave the way for acceptance of his ideology. It read, If Jesus preaches contempt of riches, He wishes to teach us the reasonable use of them and prepare for the community of goods introduced by Him.52

50.Alleau, Hitler et les socits secrtes. Enquete sur les sources occultes du nazisme, supra, at 111. 51. Alleau, id., at 111. 52. Nachtrag von Originalschriften, supra, Vol. II, at 100. Weishaupt was alluding to Acts, 2:44-45. It says: And all that believed were together, and had all things in common; and sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need. Illuminati of Bavaria 24

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This device appeal to communistic ideas through Christianity was successful. Weishaupt wrote to Zwack about the teaching in the later Fire Priest (Supervisor) degrees which turned this lesson even further in the direction of their final goals: You cannot imagine what consideration and sensation our Fire Priest degree is arousing. The most wonderful thing is that great Protestant and reformed theologians who belong to the Illuminati still believe that the religious teaching imparted in it contains the true and genuine spirit of the Christian religion. Oh! Men, of what cannot you be persuaded? I never thought I should become the founder of a new religion.53 Weishaupt was laughing at members of the clergy who thought his teachings were truly compatible with Christianity. Yet, some historians still believe the Illuminatis reliance on Christian terminology and precepts was genuine.54 In the Minerval grade, each Minerval had to keep a daily journal according to precise rules.55 The Minerval also annually had to produce essays in a contest for a prize. Topics given to the Minervals were Cato (the famous Roman who committed suicide),56 the End justifies the Means, and Priests and Kings.57 The Minerval was scrutinized to see whether he would submit to every torture, or even commit suicide. Suicide was reckoned not only innocent, but honorable in some situations.

53. Nachtrag von Weitern Originalschriften des Illuminatenordens (Munich: 1787), Vol. I, at 76, discussed in Robison, Proofs (1798), supra, at 86. 54. Ktjar says: In direct contradiction to himself, Weishaupt conceived his utopistic state as the earthly realization of the teachings of Christ. Mria Ktjar, The German Illuminati in Hungary, Studies in Eighteenth Century Literature (L. Miklos and F. Szenczi, eds.) (Budapest: 1974) at 329. 55. Alleau, supra, at 111. Illuminati of Bavaria 25

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By the time that one successfully passed from the Minerval degree, he had become willing to sacrifice everything for the success of the Order. This was the main lesson imposed in this grade.
Entry Into Scotch Novice and Knight Degrees

When the Minerval moved up to Scotch Novice (Illuminatus Major), he was sent as a missionary to the Freemason lodges. We know little else about this degree. In the next ceremony of the Scotch Knight (Illuminatus Dirigens), the Illuminati instructed the candidate that [i]n all Mason Lodges we must try secretly to get the upper hand. The instructions added, We must endeavor to get the disposal of the money of the lodges of the Freemasons....58 The candidate bound himself to consider and treat the Illuminati as the Superiors of Freemasonry, and endeavor in all the Mason Lodges which he frequents, to have the Masonry of the Illuminati, and particularly the Scotch Noviciate, introduced into the Lodge.59 The purpose of influencing Freemasons lodges was obvious. Weishaupt explained that the Freemasons mask our progress, and procure us the facility of incorporating in

56. Cato the Younger was born Marcus Porcius Cato (95-46 B.C.). In 62 B.C. Cato proposed the distribution of land and grain to the people. See P.A. Brunt, Social Conflict in the Roman Republic (N.Y.: W.W. Norton & Co., 1971) at 94, 132. In 54 B.C. he was elected prtor, and commenced to institute reforms that strongly irritated the prevailing political establishment. Later, Cato committed suicide rather than be captured by his opponents. He later became venerated as a martyr by the opposition to the Empire. His nephew, Brutus, exacted some revenge by assassinating Csar. See, Tacitus, The Annals of Imperial Rome (Trans. Michael Grant) (ca. 68 A.D.) (Middlesex, England: Penguin Books, 1985) at 156. 57. Supplement to the Dictionary (1803), supra, at 207. 58.Robison, Proofs (1798), supra, at 102. 59.Robison, Proofs (1798), supra, at 102. Illuminati of Bavaria 26

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our plans and of admitting into our Order, after the proper trials, the most able men, whose patience, long abused, thirsts after the Grand Ultimatum.60 The Scotch Novice training also required the initiate to present a paper telling why he joined and whether he would remain to cooperate in the goals of the Order. This had to be a detailed and faithful account of his whole life, without any reserve or deceit. This will, Weishaupt wrote to CatoZwack, answer all the purposes of auricular confession.61 Such confessions could serve as potential blackmail. They could keep the member silent if he disagreed with the ultimate objectives of the Order when revealed in later degrees. The oath in this degree involved a commitment to serve the political goals of the Order. It reads: I will powerfully oppose superstition, slander and despotism....62 The celebrants then did a re-enactment of the Last Supper in a Love Feast by breaking bread and wine as part of the ceremony. Hence, we see that the Illuminati once a member passed into the Illuminati Dirigens degree required the recruit to assist in gaining mastery over Freemason lodges. For those who already were Freemasons, this degree served as their first degree in Illuminism (the fourth degree within the Illuminati). For Freemasons, this degree served to teach them to agree the Illuminati were superior to all Freemason lodges.
Entry Into The Fire Priest Degree

Then the pupil was next initiated into the Fire Priest Degree. John Robison in Proofs of A Conspiracy in 1798 identified this word as fhrer but apparently he misread it, and it meant fire. He put in a footnote that the original Ger60. Barruel, Memoirs of Jacobinism (1798), supra, Vol. III, at 213. 61.Supplement to the Encyclopedia, supra, at 207. 62.Id. Illuminati of Bavaria 27

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man was Fhrer, signalling to us that he was unsure of his translation and perhaps the spelling. It is difficult to read Fractur German. In any respect, Weishaupt wrote: The degrees will be Fhren [sic: Fire] Orden, Parsen Orden... I engage that none shall enter this class who has not laid aside his prejudices. No man is fit for our Order who is not a Brutus or a Cataline, and is not ready to go every length.63
The Instruction in the Third Chamber: Fire Priest class

Upon initiation into the Fire Priest class, the Illuminatus Dirigens read the Instruction in the Third Chamber. This document from the early 1780s seems almost modern. It idealizes a supposedly early state of humanity:
Men originally led a patriarchal life, in which every father of a family was the sole lord of his house and his property, while he himself possessed general freedom and equality. But they suffered themselves to be oppressed gave themselves up to civil societies, and formed states. Even by this they fell. To get out of this state... there is no other means than the use of pure Reason by which a general morality may be established, which will... dispense with all political supports, and particularly with rulers. This can be done in no other way but by secret associations, which will by degrees and in silence, possess themselves of the government of the states.... Princes and Priests are in particular the wicked, whose hands must [be] tied up by means of these associations, if we cannot root them out altogether. [We] shall restore the rights of man, original liberty and independence.64

63. Robison, Proofs (N.Y.: 1798), supra, at 78. Illuminati of Bavaria 28

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The Illuminati thus aimed at a world where government as we know it would fade away. Reason would conquer all. Princes and priests would be routed out. The original rights of man in liberty and equality would triumph. The Illuminati in this degree also expressed doubt whether science had real value. They asked the candidate an ambiguous question (to conceal their true position if necessary): Do the common sciences afford real enlightenment, real human happiness? Or are they not rather children of necessity, the inventions of vain and crafty brains?65 The suggestion is that science was meaningless for happiness. This confirms that Weishaupt was essentially copying Rousseaus anti-scientific teachings.66 In the Fire Priest degree, violence was now suggested as an acceptable means at some point to achieve their goals. The question was put to the initiate, How can one begin this noble attempt; by means of open support, by forcible revolution, or by what other way?67 Many more questions were put to the pupil. The lesson in this ceremony also said that the Order had the power to put any individual (no longer necessarily restricted to members) to death. The instruction explained, This power [of life and death] was allowed to all sovereignties, for the good of the State, it therefore belonged to the Order, which is to
64.Robison, Proofs (1798), supra, at 106-07 (emphasis added). The original source is Nachtrag von Weiteren Originalschriften (Munich: Zweite Abteilung, 1787) at 44. 65.Barruel, Memoires pour Servir (1803), supra, Vol. III, at 212 (address to Hierophant). 66.Rousseau praised ancient Sparta for its expulsion of scientists and artists. He claimed that hard labor was better for mankind than the activities of the mind. If we learn the secrets of nature through science, he contended, this will lead to luxury, dissolution, and slavery. (J.J. Rousseau, Discourse on the Arts and Sciences, The Essential Rousseau (Trans. Lowell Blair) (N.Y.: New American Library, 1974) at 212-15.) 67. Robison, Proofs (N.Y.: 1798), supra, at 108. Illuminati of Bavaria 29

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govern the world.68 Hence, the Illuminati now was implying they could issue assassinations against perceived enemies. The members unwittingly obliged themselves to fulfill their superiors requests before learning how serious these commands would become. Serbanesco, a serious historian and Freemason, explains that this message was then reinforced in the Illuminatis epopte rite by handing the initiate a red woolen cap with the instruction: Cover yourself with this bonnet, it is better than the crown of kings.69 The red cap signified that they were no long slaves, but free men. The Illuminati, always students of history, used the Phyrigian cap, because it represented a cap of liberty to identify citizens of ancient Phyrigia who had been Roman slaves but were now given freedom.70 This was the same Phrygian red cap that later became the hallmark of the Jacobin societies of Europe. It was first used in public by them in July, 1790 at Lyons. Serbanesco (a French masonic historian) and Birch (a British historian) both concur on its Illuminati origin.71

68. Robison, Proofs (N.Y.: 1798), supra, at 108. 69. Gerard Serbanesco, Histoire de la Franc-Maonnerie Universelle (Paris: Demange, 1966) Vol. III, at 42. The original quote in French about the Illuminati ritual was: Le discours une fois termine, le nouvel epopte est revetu dun costume symoblique et on lui dit: Couvre-toi de ce bonnet, it vaut mieux que la couronne des rois. Noublions pas quependantlaRevolution,le20June1792,LouisXVIdutendosserlebonnet. 70.The Phrygians were an ancient Asian people, living in what is now Turkey; their conical caps became caps of liberty when the style was adopted by freed Roman slaves (as headgear symbolic of their liberation). ( print_issue10_gloss.html (accessed 12/30/08). 71. Serbanesco, Histoire de la Franc-Maonnerie Universelle (Paris: Demange, 1966), Vol. III, at 42. Likewise, Birch said the red woolen cap of the Jacobins was first used in the epopte ritual of the Illuminati. See Birch, Secret Societies and the French Revolution, supra, at 44. Illuminati of Bavaria 30

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One finds it hard to doubt such an origin for two reasons. The red caps Illuminati origin in the French Revolution was first sponsored by Brissot. He was identified by Bavaria in a 1791 confidential dispatch to Austria as being a member of the Bavarian Illuminati.72 It was Brissot who was the first to popularize the bonnet rouge . . . during the French Revolution.73
Entry Into The Rex Degree

In the next degree of Rex (king), the Illuminati sought those particularly discontented with the usual civil institutions.74 Here the lessons openly suggested revolution. A rhetorical question in this degree was, Would the Society be objectionable which should (till the greater revolution of nature should be ripe) put monarchs and rulers out of the condition to do harm which in silence prevents the abuse of power, by surrounding the great with its members...?75 The Rex candidate was thus first invited to explore the possibility of conquest of governments by infiltration. Then the teachings touched on the viable alternative of using violence to stop the abuse of power. The lessons taught that the lowest citizen is himself a sovereign as in the Patriarchal state, and that nations must be brought back to this state, by whatever means are conduciblepeaceably if it can be done; but if not, then by forcefor all subordination

72. See Illuminati of Bavaria on page 1 et seq. 73. J.M. Thompson, Leaders of the French Revolution (N.Y.: 1989) at 74. 74.Robison, Proofs (N.Y.: 1798), supra, at 110. 75.Robison, Proofs (N.Y.: 1798), supra, at 112. Illuminati of Bavaria 31

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must vanish from the face of the earth.76 Thus, by this high echelon degree, the Illuminati revealed its final tactic was violent revolution to establish an atheist communist world. Incidentally, many erroneous interpretations about the Illuminati stem from those who are unaware of these passages in the higher ritual. There are earlier lessons in the Illuminati that say the Order will bring change slowly and without violence. Some believe these passages are conclusive on Illuminati goals. However, the Illuminati correspondence shows they laughed between themselves how these early lessons were designed to give that very misimpression. An example of one who fell victim to reading only the early part of the ritual is Firminger. Firminger claims Barruel and Robison have led a campaign of mendacity in attacking the Illuminati as prone to revolution when it is borne in mind that not even the inner circle of the German Illuminati had conceived such a scheme of political revolution.... Then Firminger proves this by quoting from passages of the Illuminati's Preparatory Catechism which asks What then ought we to do? To favour revolutions, to upset everything, to oppose violence by violence, to exchange tyrants for other tyrants? Far be such a thought from us! Every violent reform is condemnable in that there can be no amelioration so long as men remain with their passion what they actually are.77 Was Weishaupt serious about never resorting to violence? Firminger says yes. Wilson, Firmingers Freemason brother, in the same journal responded and said Firminger was not balanced in his examination, and his trust is not reliable: his [Firmingers] task is to present the strongest possible case against the defendants [Barruel and Robison], by

76.John H. Lepper, Famous Secret Societies (S. Low, Marston & co., ltd, 1932) at 113. 77.Firminger, The Romances of Barruel and Robison, supra, at 60, quoting Le Forestier, Les Illumins, supra, at 328. Illuminati of Bavaria 32

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every possible means, subject only to the qualification that misrepresentation should not be so obvious as to defeat its own ends....78 Yet, while Firminger was too credulous, one cannot exaggerate the Illuminatis objectives as being utterly violent. From these writings, one could say they were non-violent but accepted sometimes violence would be necessary.
Entry Into The Magus Degree

In the last degree of Magus (or Philosophus), crude atheism was preached. God and the world are the same thing, reads the speech given to recruits, and all religions whatever are without foundation, and merely the contrivance of ambitious men.79 The Illuminati thereby finally showed the member their true feelings. All religion, they thought, was false. Virtue was still important, but not that derived from any notion of God. Atheism was the major mystery of the Order. This whole slow initiation process was designed to conceal this fact from the very first until one reached this final grade and were prepared to hear it, and virtually assured that one would accept it.80

78. See Wilson, Mirabeaus Plan for the Political Penetration of Freemasonry, supra, at 173. 79. Lepper, Famous Secret Societies, supra, at 113 (emphasis added). 80.Some historians have failed to understand the Orders final mysteries. Ktjar is an example. She wrote: [Weishaupt] recognized the existence of a superior power independent of human consciousness, calling it God. However, his concept...resembled the pantheistic concept of Leibniz. His ideal is a godlike purposefulness...As a result of his idealism, Weishaupt was never adverse to religion but only to the Churches. (Mria Ktjar, The German Illuminati in Hungary, Studies in Eighteenth Century Literature (L. Miklos and F. Szenczi, eds.) (Budapest: 1974) at 328-29.) Ktjars statement is mysterious because there is nothing in Weishaupts writings where he ever made such statements. Illuminati of Bavaria 33

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Administrative Levels Within The Illuminati

The Illuminati created authority based on concentric circles. At the lowest level was the Academy of a Minerval Lodge. Then above that was the District of Scottish Directory. This was run by a Prefect who had to come from the Regent degree. Then a certain number of districts were within a Province. A Provincial, who had to come from the Regent degree, governed the Province with a certain number of Consultants (De Luchet says nine), who were also all Regent degree members. Then over them was a National Superior or Inspector. This post belonged only to those who were Epoptes (who were allowed to wear the Phyrigian red bonnet). And above that post was the National Director. He too had to be a member of the Regent class. He would learn the identity of the actual General of the Order, Weishaupt. Finally, above this level was the Areopagite Council, which had twelve members. They had to already have been initiated into the Man-King degree.81 The Areopagite Council was the only body to know all the Orders secrets and to make all policy decisions. Weishaupt described this in a letter to Cato:
At the end we will unfold completely the maxims and politics of the Order. Here, within the Supreme Council, it plans, [and] it studies how we will take and build little by little a state [tat] to attack face-to-face one day the enemy of reason and the human race. Here it also studies how these objects can be introduced within the Order and how they can be confided to the Brothers; how each in propor-

81.Henry Coston, La Conjuration des Illumins (Paris: Diffusion, La Libraire Francaise, Paris, 1979) at xxxiv-xxxv. This book is a reprint, with a short introduction, of the Original Writings of the Illuminati published by the Bavarian government. The introduction includes a useful description of the Illuminati structure. Illuminati of Bavaria 34

A Critique of Illuminist Thought

tion to our confidence in them will be given [knowledge of the objects and] how they can be put into execution.82

The Council was the secret planning level of the Illuminati. It would implement the Orders goal to influence a state government, whether peaceably or by force, so eventually the Order could attack the enemies of reason and the human race priests and princes, etc.

A Critique of Illuminist Thought

Weishaupt once wrote: What these men [i.e., the Jesuits] have done for altar and throne, why should I not do in opposition to the altar and the throne.83 This suggests Weishaupt was trying to do the opposite from what others he disliked were doing. Unfortunately, this is a poor theoretical basis for action and decision-making. But he started out as a deep thinker. Weishaupt had assimilated clearly Rousseaus ideas on property, the original state of nature, and a cosmopolitan world confederation. Yet, instead of trying to spread those ideas, and restate them, and improve upon them, like other thinkers had always done, Weishaupt, the Professor, thought it better to create secret schools. This way he could pass on the ideas of Rousseau while adding one of his own: atheism.

82. Quelque crits orinaux De LOrder des Illumins qui ont t trouvs chez Zwack ancien conseiller du government lors de la visiste domiciliare excute Landshut le 11 et 12 octobre 1786 (Munich: Published by order of his Electoral Highness, published by Antoine Franz, Court printer, 1786) letter to Cato, 10 March 1778, quoted in Costons Conjuration des Illumines, at xxxv. 83.Barruel, Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism (London: T. Burton, 1798) Vol. I, at 9-10. Illuminati of Bavaria 35

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Unfortunately, by Weishaupts methodology of using a secret society, it allowed him to pursue his ambitions without any longer defending his beliefs. He foreclosed himself from further discussion and debate. Instead, Weishaupt wanted solely to give the orders. Until the exposures, Weishaupt was nurtured by his own self-created mission. Weishaupt clearly believed the only question left was one of implementation, and no discussion of ideas was even possible. Thus, tragically, despite Weishaupt having a brilliant mind and thinking he was following Reason, he expected his followers to act as unreasoning servants of his own. When dissent appeared among Illuminati rank-and-file, such as from Faber, Grolman, Hoffman, etc., there was no reflection and discussion. Instead, the Illuminati allies went into attack mode. Such a system thus survives only if members inflexibly follow the leadership. The independent streak in men make this an unrealistic premise for an Order that is intended to last for centuries, if necessary, to achieve its ends.

Illuminati of Bavaria


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