AIO Employee Handbook

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All In One, Inc.


Employee Handbook
April 2013

Table of Contents
I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. XII. XIII. XIV. XV. XVI. XVII. XVIII. XIX. XX. XXI. XXII. XXIII. XXIV. XXV. XXVI. XXVII. XXVIII. XXIX. XXX. XXXI. XXXII. Welcome ............................................................................................................................... 4 Our Mission & Philosophy ................................................................................................... 4 Employment at will .............................................................................................................. 4 Equal Employment Opportunity........................................................................................... 5 Non Discrimination and Harassment Policy ........................................................................ 5 Open Discussion with Management ..................................................................................... 6 Scheduling ............................................................................................................................ 6 Time Sheets .......................................................................................................................... 6 Attendance and Punctuality .................................................................................................. 7 Employee categories ............................................................................................................. 7 Salary Policy......................................................................................................................... 8 Breaks ................................................................................................................................... 8 Holidays................................................................................................................................ 8 Raises and Time Off ............................................................................................................. 8 Unpaid Time off ................................................................................................................... 9 Leaves of absence ................................................................................................................. 9 Benefits............................................................................................................................... 10 Dress Code ......................................................................................................................... 11 Smoking.............................................................................................................................. 11 Telephone and Email/Computer Use.................................................................................. 11 Performance Evaluation and Pay Raises ............................................................................ 11 Staff Meetings .................................................................................................................... 11 Confidentiality .................................................................................................................... 12 Workplace Gossip .............................................................................................................. 12 Conflicts of Interest ............................................................................................................ 12 Business Conduct ............................................................................................................... 12 Distribution and Solicitation............................................................................................... 12 Drivers License and Driving Record ................................................................................. 13 Background Investigation ................................................................................................... 13 Alcohol and Drugs.............................................................................................................. 13 Personnel Records .............................................................................................................. 14 Resignations ....................................................................................................................... 14 2


Compliance with Rules, Regulations, Requirements & Laws ............................................ 14 Coding and Documentation ................................................................................................ 14 Vendor Relationships ......................................................................................................... 14 Disciplinary Procedures...................................................................................................... 15 Employee Benefits.............................................................................................................. 15 Conclusion .......................................................................................................................... 16



We are happy to welcome you to AIO and wish you success in your new position. As an important part of this company, your work directly influences AIOs reputation and growth. This handbook includes our policies central to the tasks you will be performing at work. This handbook also provides you with the information necessary for your new position and it allows you to get better acquainted so you feel more at home. Whenever you have any questions that are not answered in this book, please discuss them with a manager. It is the responsibility of all employees to understand and abide by the policies in this handbook. The policies and procedures provided are subject to change without notice by the company.


Our Mission & Philosophy

Our purpose here at AIO is to provide a facility that incorporates family oriented, recreational sports into a fun and safe environment conducive to our stakeholders. Our sports bar & grill and convenient, on-site lodging allow guests to enjoy our comprehensive sporting complex for an evening, or an entire week. We exist to enable guests of all ages to enjoy various activities yearround, without regard to the weather. The added success that AIO brings to the surrounding Buffalo area will arise from the multi-seasonal sporting opportunities that we offer the community. From top to bottom, we strive to provide a safe environment for family, friends, and fun, All In One. To accomplish our mission, we must work together, as a team. The cooperation and insight of our employees is very important to our success. Please feel encouraged to bring any suggestions you may have to the attention of a manager.


Employment at will

Employment with AIO is at will. This means that both the employee and the company may terminate the employment relationship at any time for any non-discriminatory reason.


Equal Employment Opportunity

AIO is an equal opportunity company. AIOs policies, employment, compensation, benefits and advancements are without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, disability, veteran status, disability, sexual orientation, marital status and any other category in agreement with state and federal requirements.


Non Discrimination and Harassment Policy

AIO prohibits all forms of unlawful discrimination or harassment against our employees based on that individuals sex, race, age, color, national origin, religion, disability, marital status, or sexual orientation and any other category protected by law. Verbal, physical, or mental harassment will not be tolerated by any AIO personnel or business partners. AIO is committed to offering a pleasant work environment. All employees are responsible for respecting this policy and the rights of their co-workers. Harassment may occur in the form of jokes, pranks, words, intimidation, or violence intended to abuse or offend another person based on one or more of the protected characteristics mentioned above. The most common form is sexual harassment. This involves any unwelcome sexual advance, flirtation, propositions, vulgar language, or other similar actions and can occur between employees at similar or different levels of employment. Sexual harassment is not limited by the gender of either party and will be disciplined according to the strict guidelines that follow. Complaints / Reporting - If you feel that you are experiencing any form of harassment or discrimination in violation of this policy, please immediately report it to your supervisor, the manager of your department or any available manager. Be sure to report the conduct even if you are not the victim. That individual will have been trained to take the appropriate action to make sure a comprehensive and impartial investigation will be completed as soon as possible. Investigation and Retaliation - The organization will immediately investigate reports of sexual harassment, according to policy. If the supervisor doesnt report it to a head manager, that supervisor will be subject to discipline. The length of the investigation will depend on the facts of the case, but ten business days from the time the report has been received is standard. Once the investigation is complete, both the reporter and the alleged offender will be notified of the results. It is a violation of state and federal law, as well as our policy, for an employee to retaliate against an individual who makes a harassment complaint in good faith. AIO will take all measures possible to ensure that no employee is retaliated against for exercising his or her right. If retaliation has taken place, please follow the previous complaint/reporting procedure.

Confidentiality - The employer will handle all information received in a responsible manner and it will be kept reasonably confidential to the greatest extent possible. Complete confidentiality cannot be guaranteed because an effective investigation will require revealing some facts. Remedial Measures and Disciplinary Action - If it has been determined that the complaint is valid, the employer will then take any and all corrective action necessary to end the current harassment and prevent reoccurrence. Appropriate disciplinary action, which will depend on the details of the case, will be taken against the offender.


Open Discussion with Management

Open communication between employees and their managers is an important aspect of AIOs culture. Employees and management should feel comfortable to discuss any part of the employment relationship. There are differences of opinion about discipline, expectations, and other work related matters. Please do not keep any concerns to yourself. Instead, discuss them and try to reach a resolution. If problems cannot be resolved through discussions, please direct them to a higher-level manager.



The restaurant manager, lodging manager, and sportsplex manager will create a weekly schedule of work for each employee in their department. The schedule may vary for various reasons, for instance if AIO is hosting a tournament that week. Employees availabilities and preferences will be incorporated into the schedule at all times possible. A work schedule will be posted by 5:00pm on Friday for the next week. Paychecks will be available on Thursdays after 10:00 am.


Time Sheets

All employees are required to complete a time sheet when beginning work and when leaving in accordance with their scheduled shift. The employees are responsible for their time sheets and total hours to be recorded each week. They are also responsible for the accuracy of their time sheets; falsification of reported time is strictly prohibited. Employees must indicate their lunch or break time on their time sheet. The filling out of any time sheet that is not your own is not permitted. Salaried employees must still complete timesheets, as a record of attendance.


Attendance and Punctuality

The attendance and punctuality of each employee is important to the company. This means being present and ready to work at the time your shift starts. Absenteeism and tardiness places the burden on your fellow co-workers and the company as a whole. If you are aware that you will be late or absent, you are to call or inform your supervisor or manager as soon as possible. Each employee will be provided with that important contact information on date of hire. Tardiness and Sick call-ins: Tardy means that the employee comes to work after their scheduled starting time, and such missed time is not covered by time off policies. Early departure is when an employee leaves before their scheduled end time. Sick call-in is when an employee calls in sick or misses over 4 hours of work within the workday because of illness. Each employee is allowed 2 tardies in a 90 day period and 5 sick call-ins within a one year period, without experiencing any disciplinary action. If the employee has 4 tardies (or early departures) in 90 days or 7 sick call-ins within a one year period they will receive a verbal warning which will go in their employee file. If the employee has 5 tardies or early departures in a 90 day period or 8 sick call-ins in a one year period, they will get a written warning, of which will be placed in their employee file. If the employee has any greater amount of tardies or sick call-ins within the same time periods as above, that will be suspended for up to three days and other possible action including termination may follow. No-call / No-show - Not calling in and not showing up to work is a serious matter. The first time it happens the employee will receive a warning. The second time will bring about further discipline. If an employee were to not show up to work or call for four days straight the employee will be terminated.


Employee categories
1. Administrative Salaried Employees 2. Hourly Employees a. Full-time status - regularly works 40 hours or more a week b. Part-time status - regularly works less than 40 hours a week.

The following are categories of AIO employees:


Salary Policy

The federal law, Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), necessitates that most of the employees in the United States are paid at least the federal minimum wage for all hours worked, and mandates overtime pay to be time and one half of the regular rate of pay for all hours worked over 40 in one work week. Section 13(a)(1) provides an exemption for employees who are employed in administrative, executive, and outside sales positions. To meet exemption status, employees must meet certain test criteria, which can be provided by HR, and will be paid on a salary basis.



For four and five hour shifts, the employee will be allowed one fifteen-minute break. For six and seven hour shifts, the employee will be allowed one fifteen-minute break and an unpaid thirtyminute lunch break. For eight hour shifts, employees will receive two fifteen-minute breaks and an unpaid thirty-minute lunch.


1. Paid holidays - New Years Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Day after Thanksgiving, Christmas Day 2. Unpaid holidays - Christmas Eve, New Years Eve

AIOs holiday schedule is as follows:

All full-time employees will receive regular pay on holidays after their first 90 days of employment. For part-time employment, holiday pay will be determined by taking the average hours per week and dividing it by 5.


Raises and Time Off

Employees will be eligible for raises and time off after six months of employment. Every six months part-time employees will earn a fifteen-cent pay raise unless they receive an unsatisfactory review. After every year, part-time employees will earn one week paid vacation. After three years, they will earn two weeks of paid vacation each year. The vacation must be used before the next anniversary, or will risk loss. Salaried employees will earn a raise based on a schedule agreed upon at the date of hire.


Unpaid Time off

An employee must use up all earned time off before asking for unpaid time off.


Leaves of absence

Employees eligible under the Family Medical Leave Act have been employed at AIO for at least a year (12 months) and have worked a minimum of 1,230 hours over that year prior to the leave. Employees can take up to 12 weeks of leave that is unpaid without risk of losing their job. The leave can be taken for the birth or adoption of a baby, care for a child, spouse, parent or yourself because of a serious health condition. This is measured during a rolling 12-month period that is measured backwards from the date an FMLA leave is requested. If the leave is planned or known ahead of time, the employee must provide at least 30 days advance notice. If it is unexpected, the employee must give notice as soon as possible, indicating the reasons for the leave, the expected duration, and the start date. If no notice is given, AIO can deny leave until 30 days after notice is provided. The employee must use any time off they have as part of the FMLA leave. Benefit coverage will continue under the same conditions as if the employee were working. Returning from leave, an employee will return to the position he/she held when the leave began, or an equivalent position with equivalent pay. Leave of Absence excluding FMLA - This is an unpaid leave granted to those employees not eligible for FMLA or reasons other than FMLA. This can also be given for up to 12 weeks and is considered a discretionary leave of absence. All unused time off must be expended during this leave and the employee will not accrue sick or vacation days. A leave of absence must be discussed with a manager before being approved and benefits will be determined at that time. Funeral Leave In the event of a death to an employees spouse, child, sibling, parent, fatherin-law, mother-in-law, step-parent, grandparent, or grandchild, three consecutive days leave will be given to all full- and part-time employees. Full-time employees will receive pay during this time. If additional time is needed, please speak to a manager. Military Leave- Employees who serve on active duty will be awarded unpaid leave of absence up to a maximum time determined by law. It is the employees responsibility to inform their supervisor as soon as are possible and to submit a copy of the military orders. Employment status is protected under the Uniform Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994. AIO also provides up to ten days unpaid leave to an employee whose spouse is deployed during a time of conflict or to a combat zone of operations. This leave would be available at the same time as their spouses. It applies to employees who work 20 or more hours per week.

Blood Donation Leave - An employee who works 20 or more hours per week is given three hours of unpaid leave in a one-year period to donate blood out of the workplace. The employee must inform their supervisor at least three working days before about their leave. Following the donation, they must provide proof of the donation from the blood donation center. Jury Duty- Employees must notify their supervisors as soon as possible when called for jury duty. Employees who are not required to serve on jury duty during their normal shift should report to work. Salaried employees will receive their full and regular pay for their time spent at jury duty.



This section of the handbook provides only brief descriptions of the benefits available to eligible employees. For the full detailed description, employees should contact their manager and review the Summary Plan Description for each one. AIO reserves the right to amend or terminate any terms in effect. It is important that all employees understand the benefits that are granted by AIO. Health Care - Full-time and salaried employees are eligible to join the health care plan after ninety days of continuous service. To enter a plan, full-time employees must give thirty days notice and the plan begins on the first of every month. Part-time employees are not eligible for health insurance benefits. Independent Health will provide the coverage. It is the participating employees responsibility to pay all co-pays and deductibles. Enhanced Short-term Disability and Life Benefits - AIO offers disability and life insurance in accordance with NYS Disability through Guardian. 401(k) Plan - To participate in this plan the employee must have worked a minimum of 1,000 hours within one year and be at least 21 years old. AIO will match 50% of the employees contribution up to 2% of the employees gross pay. Workers Compensation-If an employee were to sustain an injury or illness that is related or due to the work environment, they are permitted to benefits in accordance with state law. Those benefits include replacing a percentage of lost income or earnings, as well as medical treatment and rehabilitation costs. New York State Disability - New York State Disability Benefits Law covers the employees injuries incurred off the job. There is a seven-day waiting period before the benefits can begin. Any possible personal or sick days must be used during the waiting period. If you feel you are unable to work, please provide management with notice that includes the nature of the disability and the expected date of return.



Dress Code

This is a professional work environment and it is expected that all upper management dress business professional. All employees working in the AIO hotel or sports bar & grill should wear their uniforms which will be provided on the first day.



In accordance with federal, state, and local laws, smoking is not allowed anywhere on the AIO premises.


Telephone and Email/Computer Use

Telephones are for work purposes only. Personal phone calls must be brief and approved by management. Politeness and professionalism are essential when answering the phone because it is a reflection of AIOs quality. Certain employees that deal with vendors and other business partners will be provided a company email address. Any email and computer use must be only for business purposes. It is important to remember that all emails should be handled in a professional manner because, once again, they are representations of AIOs operations.


Performance Evaluation and Pay Raises

Your performance is an important element of our company and its success. Once each year, your supervisor will evaluate your performance and determine whether or not you have earned a raise. This formal assessment is meant to help you better understand your level of performance and what is expected of you. Pay raises may be awarded for improvement between evaluations.


Staff Meetings

Employees are expected to attend staff meetings whenever they are scheduled. Time at staff meetings will be considered work for payroll.




All information relating to our customers will be kept confidential. Employees should not at any time use the information for personal benefit or disclose it to any unauthorized party. AIO holds the information in trust following the terms of employment. After termination of employment, employees may not take any physical property, data, or any other supplies or materials belonging to the company.


Workplace Gossip

Employees are not to spread gossip or rumors regarding company plans, other employees, or customers. Violation of this policy may result in disciplinary action, and potentially termination.


Conflicts of Interest

No employee is allowed to use his or her position to make a personal profit or the advance of family or friends. All decisions must be made in good faith in the best interests of AIO. Employees are also not allowed to accept any gifts from suppliers, customers or other contacts.


Business Conduct

Our customers and colleagues make decisions about us based on our actions and appearance. Employees should conduct themselves as professional individuals at all times.


Distribution and Solicitation

1. Those that are not employees may not distribute or solicit literature on AIO property at any time. 2. Employees may not solicit other employees while either employee is at work. 3. Employees may not distribute literature to another employee while at work or in any work area at any time. 4. Employees cannot discuss complaints anyone but their managers.



Drivers License and Driving Record

If the employees work responsibilities require operation of a motor vehicle, the employee must present and maintain a valid drivers license and a clean driving record. The employee may be asked to submit a copy of the driving record at any time. The employee must also submit any traffic tickets and accidents to the manager as they occur. Weather Conditions The Buffalo area is prone to weather storms and slippery conditions. If an AIO facility were to close due to weather, it will be posted and announced via local television and radio channels.


Background Investigation

The employer will conduct a background check on all candidates who are offered and accept employment. Employment will be conditional upon the successful completion of the check. A new check may be done at the employers discretion.


Alcohol and Drugs

Being under the influence of drugs may create an unsafe, unhealthy and inefficient work environment for the customers as well as the employees they are working with. The physical and psychological health of our employees is very important to our company. The following policies have been established and implemented: 1. All who receive an offer of employment may be subject to an illegal drugs and alcohol test. It will be one component of determining employment. The applicant will also need to sign an agreement to take the test. 2. All employees are prohibited from working with illegal drugs and alcohol in their system. 3. The sale, distribution, or manufacture of illegal drugs and alcohol on AIO property or while working is prohibited. 4. If an employee has an arrest or conviction that relates to drugs and alcohol, that employee must report it to a manager. Every effort will be made to find early indication of substance abuse. Also the company will work with and assist that employee in finding treatment without delay.



Personnel Records

AIO needs to keep up-to-date information about employees in case of a personal emergency. Please inform upper management of any changes in address, telephone, next of kin, and other information that is relevant to employment. Access to these personal records is restricted and confidential. Upon request, each employee can see his or her own file.



If an employee plans to resign from their position at AIO, at least two weeks notice should be provided, stating the last day he or she plans to work, the reason for resignation, and a signature. If an employee were to leave without the required notice, they will lose all accrued time off or vacation time that is unused. When the notice is given, the employee will be paid all earned vacation and time off on the last day worked.


Compliance with Rules, Regulations, Requirements & Laws

The company is committed to complying with all rules, regulations, requirements and laws that are set forth by all federal and state agencies and insurers that apply to the company. Similar compliance is expected and required of all employees.


Coding and Documentation

Employees and staff are required to understand the basic coding and documentation guidelines used in the different sections of AIO. Newly hired employees will be trained on the coding by their managers. More training can be administered if the manager feels the employee still doesnt understand. Training will be provided to current employees when there are updates to the system. Employees should maintain integrity when dealing with our guests in handling payment and documentation.


Vendor Relationships

AIO will choose its vendors based on quality, price, safety, and usefulness of the product or service. AIO will not accept payment that is meant to influence the decision. Any payment that is offered to employees for the purposes of the purchase of items must be approved by management.


Disciplinary Procedures

Good job performance and compliance with the policies within this handbook allow continued employment. Disciplinary action will be taken if an employee cannot comply with the policy. Disciplinary action may include verbal or written warning, suspension, or termination, and will become a part of the employees personnel record when administered. There may be other forms of discipline depending on the situation and the disciplinary action does not have to occur in the order provided. I. II. Rules and practices that if violated will lead to progressive discipline: taking a break that is longer than the specified time poor, careless work that leads to damages of store property tardiness or unpreparedness leaving designated area without permission disrespect to our guests and customers excessive absences and tardiness use of profanity tricks, pranks, or disrespect to others unauthorized use of tools or machinery smoking on the premises Immediate termination will occur if the following were to happen: Sale, use, or possession of alcohol on AIO premises Sale, use, or possession of illegal drugs on AIO premises filling out the time chart of another employee falsifying employment information or records theft of any kind fighting on AIO premises possession of firearms or dangerous materials or weapons accessing or taking possession of unauthorized records creating an unsafe environment


Employee Benefits

As an employee of AIO, you will receive some extra benefits relating to the facility. All employees are allowed to use the sportsplex after closing with permission from a supervisor so that the correct arrangements can be made. They will also receive a membership card for access to the sportsplex on days that they do not work. Employees will receive a 50 percent discount on any food purchased during a shift.




Please keep our handbook for a reference for our policies. If you have any questions involving information in this guide or anything not stated in this book, please speak to a manager. Welcome and we hope that your employment is successful and most importantly, fun!


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