In The Shadow of The Mountain

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In the Shadow of the mountain

In the Shadow of the mountain

English4u - Hausaufgabenforum Englisch: Referate / Hausarbeiten: Klassen 11-13: In the Shadow of the mountain Verffentlicht von Thomas Pichler (tommy1) am Montag, den 31. Mrz, 2003 18:01: HI! Es wre nett wenn jemand einen Blick auf diesen Text werfen wrde!! Wegen den Gramatikfehlern und so... Vielleicht kennt jemand das Buch. Danke im Voraus..... tommy ----------------------------------------Summary of: "IN THE SHADOW OF THE MOUNTAIN" Characters: Clare Newton: 46 years old. A journalist. Lives in London. Andrew Newton: Younger brother of Clare. Married to Jan. Marjorie Newton: In her late seventies. Married to Thomas Newton, who died a year before the story begins. Edward Crowe: Grandfather of Clare and Andrew. Father of Marjorie. Married to Agatha. Bruno: In his early forties. Ski instructor and mountain guide in Zermatt. Ulrich Grunwalder: 94 year-old mountain guide. Lives in Zermatt. On 23. April 1998, Edward Crowe came out from the glacier on the north side of the Matterhorn mountain above Zermatt in Switzerland. He had been dead for seventy-four years. He had a daughter, Marjorie and two grandchildren, Clare, Andrew. Clare and Andrew were visiting there mother for some days. Clare was working for an English newspaper. Marjorie was very pleased that her children visited her because one year before her man had died and from this moment there was a strange silence in the house. They were having a drink when suddenly the telephone rang. Clare answered it. It was the foreign Office, they told her that they have found the death body of her grandfather which appeared out of the Matterhorn. When Clare and Andrew were children they were very proud that their grandfather had died while climbing. So there was a kind of mystery in their family. Clare decided to pick up the dead body in Zermatt. But she also told her editor Kevin at daily news about that so she had to made a story out of it. Marjorie wasnt really surprised 1/5


In the Shadow of the mountain

about the telephone call, because she had got a letter from the authorities about her father six months ago. After Clare had made tea, her mother told her and Andrew about the letter. Andrew told his wife, Jan that he would stay by his mother that day. His mother was really glad that her two children were at home. Clare and Andrew decided to go into a pub and to have a drink. In the bar they told each what in their live had changed. Then they thought what their mother want to show them. They also spoke about their grandfather. After some minutes they decided to drive home to their mother and bring a pizza for dinner. Marjorie handed Clare two letters. Both were from her father, he had written them four years before he had died. The letters told that Edward wouldnt come back home to his family and that he had made an arrangement with the bank, so they had an account on which was a lot of money for them. Two months after writing this letters Edward died. So they thought what the reason could have been that Edward left his family. When Clare arrived Zermatt she liked the place. It was warm and she thought of this place 20 years ago. Then she turned to the Hotel Zermatterhof where she booked a room. At night she went into the dining room to have dinner. But she was so excited that she had finished quickly. After dinner she went to a bar. Clare didnt like that the people were chatting about her grandfather. After breakfast at the next morning Clare went to the police station. Herr Ziegler told her that her grandfather had been taken away for a post mortem examination. He told Clare that she should invite the Alpine Museum. After Clare left the station she went into the museum. She was very interested in it. There she found a photo of Gordon Younger which had died at the same year like her grandfather did. She also read much about an very good climber which name is Ulrich Grunwalder. After Clare had lunch when she was back in her hotel she called Kevin. He told her that he had printed a short article of her grandfather, which Clare didnt like. After the call she decided to search Mr. Grunwalder to ask him about her grandfather. After she had found him, she asked him if he know something about Edward. But he said, that he didn't know Edward. There were as much Englishman at this time. FIRST FLASHBACK: Zermatt, August 1923 Ulrich which was a really young and busy man, his mother and his sister were preparing for the winter. Ulrich was a climbing-guide for one year and he misted his friend Otto which was still climbing at the Matterhorn. Ulrich started climbing whit his father which had died 4 years ago. Marianne, Ulrich's sister, should went down to the village to look after the little daughter(Marjorie) of one of the quest families, of her cousins hotel, for a few days. Ulrich decided to come with his sister, to provide her to make an mistake. When they joined their cousins hotel (Monte Rosa) they found out that they two are going to be employed by the same person (Mr. and Mrs. Crow). SECOND FLASHBACK: 2/5


In the Shadow of the mountain

Zermatt, August 1923 Ulrich heard that his sister was introduced to the Crows four years ago. Mr. Crow was an climber with much experience. They decided to climb at the Hohtalli on Wednesday and will be away for two days. A man at the bar later told Ulrich that Mr. Crow was a good climber. The man climbed with Crow three years ago. In the followed days Ulrich and his mother worked on the field. On Wednesday morning Mr. Crow an Ulrich started their climb. At every rest Mr. Crow asked Ulrich about the area and his life in Zermatt. Ulrich realised how much Mr. Crow loved the mountains. After the second day they returned to Zermatt, and Mr. Crow was satisfied. Ulrichs mother wanted that his sister got married, because she was still twenty-three years old. Marianne told her brother that she loved Mr. Crow. Clare felt very happy that she met Mr. Grunwalder. At her hotel she was relaxing, by heaving a warm bath, for 30 minutes. Then she phoned back her brother which had called her during her bath. Andrew told her about the little article in the newspaper. Clear felt really sorry. She told him that Kevin had written it without saying something to her. Andrew told her that she should keep Kevin under control. (He didn't like Kevin) The next morning, Clare decided to go back to the Alpine Museum to see if they had any records of her grandfathers climb up the Matterhorn. But she didnt find anything in the Museum about some records of climbing the Matterhorn. Clare remembered of an picture of an climber who had died in 1924, but his name was Gordon Younger. The manager of the Museum told her to ask Ulrich Grunwalder. Clare left the museum, and then she went to an ski school office and after some minutes she had a private teacher. The next day she was going to improve her skiing. After some moments she forgot her grandfather and Mr. Grunwalder an she skied behind Bruno and concentrated on staying on her feet. After skiing, Bruno asked Clare for a drink in the hotel bar of Monte Rosa. Bruno and Clare chatted at the hotel bar. He told Clare that his live seemed to be the same like his fathers one is. Later that evening they went into a nightclub to dance. At about two oclock at night, they went home. Bruno gave her a kiss on both cheeks and then very light he kissed her on the lips. They made an arrangement for the next day to improve Clare's skiing more. Clare early woke up the next day, she had breakfast and then she decided to go to the police station. Herr Ziegler told her that the results of the test had shown that this was her grandfather. Clare wanted to see the death body of her grandfather, but Herr Ziegler said, that it wasn't a good idea. In the wallet, which Herr Ziegler gave her, there was a photograph of her mother at the age about three. Clare told her Ziegler about the museum and that she didn't find anything. Herr Ziegler was surprised an told her that he had heard that her grandfather was climbing with Gordon Younger. Clare was feeling confused when she left the police station, because nobody told her this but everyone was known about it. At her hotel she booked her flight for 3/5


In the Shadow of the mountain

Monday and then she called Kevin. Clare told him that she is going to arrive England and also about Gordon Younger. The next person she wanted to ask about Ulrich Grunwalder was Bruno because Grunwalder was also a guide. She hoped that Bruno would help her to fix a meting with Mr. Grunwalder. Next day, she didnt enjoy the skiing. She asked Bruno if he knew something about Edward, and he answered yes. So she asked Bruno, if he could arrange for her, to talk with Ulrich Grunwalder, and he also applied. Later that day Bruno phoned her and told her that he had fixed a meeting with Mr. Grunwalder. At the afternoon Clare and Bruno meet at the bar. Bruno told her that Ulrich Grunwalder is his grandfather. Bruno said, that his grandfather had indeed been the climbing guide for Crow and Younger on their last expedition. He also told her that he thought, that something was strange at this expedition. THIRD FLASHBACK: Ulrich watched Edward, when he kissed Marianne. He was shocked about this. Ulrich himself had got married in February to Greta. At May, Edward returned to Zermatt. Ulrich's mother begged him, to tell Edward to leave Zermatt. He said to his mother that he would do this when they were climbing on the Matterhorn. At the next morning Bruno and Clare entered Ulrich's house. Clare asked Mr. Grunwalder about her grandfathers death. Grunwalder said, that it was an accident. There was Gordon Younger, with them. He said, that they had decided, that only one men moved at a time. But when he was on the other side of the glacier he saw that the two man were on the rope at the same time. So both were fallen down. Clare asked him how he managed to stop his falling too. He answered, that he had been at the other side of the glacier. He also told her that the next day he had gone up with a group of men to find the bodies. They found the two bodies but they had been only able to save the dead body of Mr. Younger but when they were rescuing Mr. Crows body the rope broke and so his body was fallen even more. He also told Clare that Edward had been in love with Marianne, his sister. But Mr. Crow had been married to Agatha. Agatha told Mr. Younger to climb with Edward to the top of the Matterhorn but he should also persuade Edward to return home to her. But Younger had been in love with Agatha. So he had tried to kill Edward. But Mr. Grunwalder didnt know if it was an accident or not. Clare was very pleased , to knew the true story. Clare sat in her room with a strong gin and tonic, thinking about her family. She began to cry. She phoned Andrew and told him the story. Later that day Bruno came in her room. They two would meet the next morning. Clare began to write her story. At the next day Clare and Bruno go out for a walk. They chatted about their live, their families and their future. When they returned to Clare's room they gave them each other the address. They knew that they were fallen in love at this walk. Then they had a long kiss. 4/5


In the Shadow of the mountain

Later that evening she rang Kevin. He would have her story , as soon as possible, but Clare said, that she would send him the story (e-mail) in the morning before she leave, because she didnt want that Kevin change the story. Clare left Zermatt early the next morning. At the train station she thought at Bruno and her family. Then Andrew phoned her. When she was at home she phoned her friends and later she phoned Bruno. After they had chatted Clare felt better. After the call she read the Daily News. She was shocked about the headline. WAS HE PUSHED OR DID HE FALL? She was very angry about Kevin. Her mother was very sad about her. Clare called Kevin and told him that he was a bastard. Clare felt very sorry about this. She decided to stay overnight. She said, that she would have a interview with Cherry Gaskell on Friday, and that would be her first job away from the Daily News. Clare was very happy that her mother and her brother gave her a second chance. After the next morning Clare drove back to London. She planned to go straight to the office. She wanted to collect some personal things from her desk. Then Bruno phoned her. They made planes for Bruno to come to London in two weeks. Clare felt that this relationship was also a new start for her. THE END


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