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Geography (Mains) Question Paper 1995 Paper -I

Time Allowed: Three Hours Maximum Marks: 300

1. On the map of India provided, mark the following and write in not more than ten words in your answer-book what you consider to be the most significant aspect of each one of them:- (a) Kolleru lake (b) Maikal range (c) Palghat (d) Darjeeling (e) Ellora (f) Ran of Kachchh (g) January Isotherm of 20 C (h) Ghanghara River (i) Bokaro (j) Corbett Park OR On the map of the world provided, mark the following and write in not more than ten words in your answer-book what you consider to be the most significant aspect of each one of them:(a) Danube river (b) Leipzig (c) Sierra Nevada (d) Washington D.C. (e) Red Sea (f) Canadian National Railway (g) Ashkhabad (h) Ulan Bator (i) Port Said (j) Pampas 2. Write short notes on any three of the following (each answer should be in about 200 words each): (a) Natural Hazards (b) Inversion of temperature (c) Food from the sea (d) Dryland farming

Geography (Mains) Question Paper 1995

Section A
3. Discuss the limitations of the theory of Continental Drift and show how the theory ofPlate Tectonics is an improvement over it.
4. Explain the life-cycle of a temperate cyclone and also describe the weather associated with it. 5. 'Man must realize the importance of maximizing agricultural production without destroying the ecological basis on which our entire food production systems rests.' Explain with examples.

Section B
6. Discuss the contributions of Al Biruni towards the development of geographical knowledge. 7. Examine the theories about population control and explain the relative merits of these theories in limiting population growth. 8. Explain and illustrate the models of internal structure of cities as proposed by Burgess and Hovt. Mention also the limitations of these models.

Geography (Mains) Question Paper 1995

Paper - II
Time Allowed: Three Hours Maximum Marks: 300

Section A
1. Answer any three of the following in about 200 words each: (a) Explain the factors responsible for uneven distribution of rainfall in India. (b) Examine the origin and characteristics of the soils of the North Indian Plain. (c) Discuss the problems of tribal areas in India. (d) Elucidate the measures taken to limit the growth of population in India. 2. Draw a sketch-map in your answer book to delineate the main physiographic regions of India and provide a reasoned account of the relief and structure of the Himalayan region. 3. Examine the fossil fuel resources of India with particular reference to the present and future demands for energy. 4. Discuss the role of infrastructural, scientific and technological development in the recent transformation of Indian agriculture.

Section B
5. Write short notes in about 200 words each or any three of the following: (a) Recent changes in India's basic industrial policy. (b) Role of rural market centres in promoting intra and inter-regional trade. (c) Land-use characteristics of the rural urban fringe in India. (d) Importance of India in the geopolitics of the Indian Ocean realm. 6. Examine critically the factors for the localization of iron and steel industry in India with special reference to the newer centres of steel production. 7. Explain, with the help of suitable examples and illustrations, the distribution of various patterns of rural settlements in India. 8. Give the hierarchy of planning regions and bring out the role of metropolitan planning in fostering regional development in India.

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