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Community Connection

MapleHeightsBoardofEduca on 5740LawnAvenue MapleHeights,Ohio441371023

Board of Educa on
PamelaD.Crews,President DaleWalter,VicePresident RobertF.Dober NicholasR.Dorsey MichaelA.White


A Message From the Superintendent

Celebrate Success!
Teacher Academy/FEA Students Excel
In March students in the Teacher Academy Program a ended the Future Educators Associa on (FEA) of Ohio State compe on. This years state con ferencewasdesignedandledbyourveryownseniors,Alethia BellCollier and Jalen Brown. BellCollier and Brown serve as the current State President and Vice President, respec vely. They were extremely organized, professional and crea ve in their execu on of leading the conference. We couldnt be more proudoftheirleadership!

Contact Information
Abraham Lincoln School 6009DunhamRoad 216.438.6030 AliciaLenczewski,Principal...............ext.5001 MainOce........................................ext.5021

Spring Sports Update

Lady Mustang Softball
The Lady Mustang So ball team is looking for its 7th consecu ve winningseasonthisyear.TheteamisledbyseniorsJasmine Carpenter, Arielle Sanders, Keirra Walker, Toresha Fairfax and Shon a Gardner. Jun iors Stephanie Russell, Taylor Robinson, Taylor La more, Madison Palja, andfreshmanDominique Daniel roundoutthesquadwhilenewcomersMa kayla Belore andRamandeep Mann jointheteamaspitchers.Coach Rocco Covelli, in his 10th year as head coach, thinks this years team has the capa bility of providing another winning season, adding to the winning tradi on thattheMustangSo ballteamstandsby.

John F. Kennedy School 5933DunhamRoad 216.438.6010 ZelinaPames,Principal......................ext.6001 MainOce........................................ext.6003 Barack Obama School 5800GlenwoodAvenue 216.438.6020 DawnBesteder,Principal..................ext.4001 MainOce........................................ext. 4003/4002 Milkovich Middle School 19800StaordAvenue 216.438.6000 SusanHarvey,Principal.....................ext.2001 JeremyHunter,AssistantPrincipal...ext.2012 MainOce........................................ext.2002 Maple Heights High School 5445WestBoulevard 216.438.6400 MarielSallee,Principal......................ext.1001 MainOce........................................ext.1018 AaronNewman,F/APrincipal...........ext.1340 F/AOce...........................................ext.1624 MuataNiamkeS2CPrincipal.............ext.1320 S2COce..........................................ext.1026 DeanneMiklovic,A3Principal ...........ext.1330 A3CommunityOce........................ext.1332

Mustang Baseball
The Mustang Baseball program is looking to improve its record over last season (916). The team, under the direc on of rst year head coach, Josh Mayle, is led by juniors Tim Brown, Carlton Flanagan, and Taylor Round tree.CoachMayleisdependingonseniors,Kyle Harper,Quincy Carrier,T.J. Tulshi, Ben Wherry, and Kory Graham to provide the leadership the team needstogetbackonthewinningtrack.

Imsoproudof all our students. They are doing great things eve ry day and we are liv ing out our vision to raise student achieve ment. I am pleased with their individual and group accomplish ments.Thisyearwe have seen students who have had school pro jects published, elected as state and Na onal Ocers of the FEA organiza on and recog nized for both academic and athle c comple onsatthestateandregionallevels.Itisfan tas ctowalkaroundournewschoolsandsee theposi veclimateandhardworkgoingonin our classrooms. Our sta works hard to build strong rela onships and strive to provide quality, engaging learning experiences to our students. You will read about some great thingshappeninginourschoolsinthisissue.

In addi on to this great feat, our students came away with numerous awards, earning many top honors. First place was earned by Jalen Brown, Ale thia BellCollier,Kiana Ford,andTJ Tulshi intheEthicalDilemma.Otheraward recipients included: Kevin Jackson (2nd) and Kiana Ford (3rd) in the Lesson Plans compe on; Aleah Montgomery (4th) and TJ Tulshi (5th) in Tshirt De sign; and Jalen Brown (9th) in Essay Composi on. As a group, our students placed fourth in Childrens Literature and their Display for Class of 2013 took 7th. Our senior group received honors chapter as they earned over a 3.0 in combinedservicelearning,leadership,andfundraisingskills.

Boys & Girls Track

Boys Track, led by senior James Burge, Dezmenn Fedrick and Aaron Thomas, hopes to win this years league tle. Fedrick is one of the areas fastest sprinters and Burge holds the school record in the 800 meters. Our weightmen, led by senior Mark Evere , along with teammates Antonio Weatherspoon, Jus n Early and Treyvon Swanson took 4th at their recent meet. Newcomers Cli Garner, Rob Hardin, Nick Reid, Martez Butler and Myles Moore helptospeedupourrelayswhilefreshmanRob Taylor,arun nerandlongjumperhasbeenagreatsurprise.

As we approach the end of the year, it will be a very even ul me for our students and sta.Thefollowingisjustafewoftheupcom ing ac vi es: Band concerts, awards and recogni on programs, Top 20 Scholars Banquet, Wellness Fair, Field Day, Kindergarten Tea,andProm.

First Place winners Brown,BellCollier,Ford,and Tulshi willadvancetothe Na onals held April 2528 in Orlando, Florida to compete in the ethical dilem macompe on.WhileatNa onals,Brownwillalsocompeteintheimpromptu speech category and the students will present a workshop called Stop the Bull thattheydesignedwhichaddressesthedangersofcyberbullying.

Addi onally,Jalen Brown ranandwonforNa onal Vice President of FEA. He will travel to Washington, DC in May to help design next years na onal conference.HealsowilltourtheU.S.speakingonleadership.

The Girls Track Team, led by senior Sharhonda Rowell, a state qualier in the discus, hopes to make a return trip this year. Contribu ng to this years team are: Paris Throwsdale, Jazmyne Maxwell, Alleyah Crutcheld andImari DavisThomas.Theteamhasalotofyoungrunnerswhocon nue toimproveanddotheirbesteachday.

As you can see, we have a busy, yet exci ng me aheadthere are so many great things happening. I am proud of the sta and I am grateful to our parents for their coopera on andsupportinkeepingourschoolsstrong.

Come and Support the Teams this Spring! - GO MUSTANGS!!

Thankyou. Dr.CharlieKeenan


Moreover, Talia Montgomery was se lected as a State Public Rela ons Ocer for 20132014. Talia will be part of the Ex ecu veCommi eethatdesignsnextyear's conference and works with the Ohio De partmentofEduca ononcommunica on issuesasastudentrepresenta ve.Con gratula onstoallpar cipantsandocers, andgoodlucktoadvancingstudents.The Academyisunderthedirec onofadvisor, Melissa Jacot.

For more information, visit our website at or call 216.587.6100.

Spring 2013 Edition

Wellness Fair & 5K Run/1 Mi Walk

2013 Pathfinder Awards!

Recipients Recognized for Creating Path of Success

The Maple Heights Board of Educa on will host a Wellness Fair on Saturday, May 11, from9:00a.m.un l12:00p.m.atStaordSta dium. The event will kicko with the Maple Educa on Founda ons 5K Run/1 Mile Walk in the morning and will include health infor ma on, screenings and local business repre senta on. Food and drinks will be available. This event is for community members of all ages.Pleasejoinus!

Maple Heights City Schools held its Ninth Annual Pathnders As sembly in February. The Pathnders assembly is the culmina on of Black History Month ac vi es and recognizes individuals who have been trail blazers to success in ve dierent areas: the arts & science, ci zenship/ government, business, educa on, and humanitarianism. Individuals are recognized for nding or crea ng a path of success that our students can follow thus the name Pathnders. In addi on to recognizing our hon orees,theassemblyservestoinspireourstudentstoachievegoalstheyset forthemselvesthroughouttheirlives.

Educa on Award recipient Herbina Sheperd has dedicated her professional life to helping others make the transi on from inexperienced high school students to successful university scholars. Shepherd, a 2004 Maple Heights graduate, earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree in communica on from the Ohio State University. She con nued her studies at the University of Central Missouri, earning a Master of ScienceinCollegeStudentPersonnelAdministra on.

High School Hosts Career Day


Forinforma onon the 5KRun/1MileWalk, contact Dale Walter at 216.438.6400, ext. 1084. Bricks from the old high school will be available on May 11, 8:3011:00 a.m. at Staord Stadium. Bricks are available for a $5 dona ontotheMaple Educa on Founda on Communitymembers areencouragedtoa end. Welookforwardtoseeingyou!

Thisyear,highschoolstudentambassadorsintroducedspecialguests and hosted a luncheon. Students Indigo Askew, Bri any Burton, David Jenkins, and Asya Turner sang the Na onal Anthem; while sixth graders Alana Colvin, Kenya Gilbert and Martell Howard were selected to read their essays. Students Asya Turner, Abdul Freeman, Deoshanae Caldwell, and Karen Carr, and Imari DavisThomas each contributed. The program was rounded out with performances by the gospel choir, and the high schoolandmiddleschooldancesquads.

Sincethat me,shehasservedasaresiden allifecoordinatoratHope College in Holland, Michigan and as the coordinator of mul cultural stu dentservicesforMuskingumUniversity.Inhercurrentposi onasanarea coordinator at Muskingum, she oversees the opera ons of four residen alareasanddirectlysupervisesitssta.

The2013MapleHeights HighSchoolCareerDaywas superSuccessful!Thisyear over20professionals,repre sen ngmanyareasofbusi ness,service,poli cal,and educa onalprofessionscon tributedtothedayssuccess.

Eachpresenterrotatedthroughclassrooms. Thisallowedanopportunityforthemajorityof thestudentbodytotakepartinCareerDay.

Meet the 2013 Pathfinders

Upon gradua ng from Maple Heights High Schoolin1976,itwouldhaveseemedthatHumani tarianism Award recipient,Carlos Jones washead ed for a career in auto mechanics or mechanical engineering. However, a Bob Marley and the Wail ers concert, changed all that. That concert opened Jones eyes to the world of reggae musicand he hasntlookedback.

sharedinfor ma onabout theirprofes sionsanden couragedthe studentsto strivefortheirgoals.Thepresenterswerevery eec veinengagingstudents.Ourhighschool studentambassadors,representedbyover25 students,didanoutstandingjobofhos ng, escor ngandpresen ngourgueststotheir peersandteachers.

Anthony Wright, Jr., this years Ci zenship & Government Awardwinner,isa2007grad uateofMapleHeights.Anacademicandath le c standout in high school, Wright was ad mi ed to the pres gious United States Air Force Academy Preparatory School. He fol lowed his year in preparatory school with col lege studies at the U.S. Air Force Academy, wherehewasanintegralpartofitsfootball team.WrightearnedaBachelorofScienceDegreein2012.

In the beginning, Jones was a percussionist and backup vocalist; however, by 1984, he had formed his own group, First Light. First Lights rock, funk, and reggae sounds drew na onal a en on, and a er cu ng two albums, he opened for many of his musical heroes, includingCarlosSantana,theNevilleBrothers,andtheWailers.

These days Jones spends his musical energies on his group The Peace Love Unity Syndicate, playing music that li s the spirit and sends a mes sage of peace and love for humanity. The band has been voted Best of Cleveland several mes. Addi onally, Jones has been recognized as one ofFox8Newshometownheroes,forhisworkinthecommunity.

Currently, Wright serves as a second lieutenant in the U.S. Air Force at NellisAFBinLasVegasasavehicleopera onsocerincharge.


Alumnus Ellio Anderson, is our Business Award recipient. Anderson, Salutatorian of the Class of 1996,tookhisacademic achievementstothecollege level when he enrolled at the Ohio State University. While at OSU he studied chemical engineering un l he transferred to the University Akron and earned a BachelorofScienceDegreeinComputerScience.

Alumnus Diaz McDaniel, a mechanical engineer with Devro Inc. in S. Carolina, is the Arts & Science Honoree. Encouraged by his high school counselor, he applied for and was awarded a scholarship by Kent State University. While a ending KSU, McDan iel channeled his interest and talent in mechanics andscience.HegraduatedMagnaCumLaudewitha Bachelor of Science Degree, concentrated in manu facturing technology and a Master of Technology Degree.

Andersonhasworkedinnumerouscapaci es relatedtoso wareengineeringanddevelopmentat Rockwell Automa on in Mayeld Heights. Addi onally, Anderson is in volved in many civic ac vi es and serves in several leadership posi ons with Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity. He gives back to community youth as an instructor for Rockwells summer internship program and as a junior achievement event coordinator. Anderson is the husband of last years Educa onAwardwinner,DemetriaBellAnderson.

McDaniel has served as an associate manufacturing engineer for Gen eralMotorsinMichigan,andhasexcelledasaprocessengineer,develop ing laser programs. His educa on and vast experience has given him the opportunity to work in diering industrial sectors; automo ve manufac turing,exibleelectronics,andfoodprocessing.Addi onally,it hasprovidedhimtheopportunitytoworkforsmall,medium,and largemul na onalcorpora ons.Hisskillsandknowledgeinthe eldofengineeringhastakenhimtomanypartsofthecountry.

Athankyou goes out to the presenters/ professionals who were able to contribute their meand resources.Anaddi onalthankyoutotheAca demic Booster Organiza on and to parent, Karen Leak, for their coordina on eorts and leadershipinthisevent.
Theincludedpicturesweretakenby ourstudentphotographers.


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