Women Trafficking: An Annotated Bibliography

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Olivia Bittle Andrew R.

Brown English 1102 April 20, 2013

Women Trafficking: An Annotated Bibliography

China's lost girls. Dir. Scott Bronstein. Perf. NA. National Geographic ;, 2005. HD-DVD. This source gives lots of information about women trafficking focusing in and around China. The documentary explains why women trafficking is such a huge problem in China and how it often happens. This documentary is by National Geographic , which is incredibly well known. National Geographic presents the information in a very scholarly manner and shows very little bias. Even though National Geographic is considered a very credible source, it can be difficult to watch because of how down to the facts this video can be some times. I probably will use this source, if not just for examples. The information is presented in almost an overly scholarly manner. The information offered is perfect for my subject. It isnt too broad, but can be little too specific to China. National Geographic is just such a reliable source, I want to use just because I know what I am taking from it will be factual.

"- Circle of Sisterhood." Circle of Sisterhood. Circle of Sisterhood, n.d. Web. 18 Apr. 2013. This source is about the nonprofit organization, Circle of Sisterhood. The entire site is packed with information but it focuses around who the people are that are helping round the cause. This source explains that sorority women are the people this organization chooses to help liberate young girls who have been subjected to trafficking because sororities were born from strong women wanting equality. This source offers lots of helpful information, but a lot of it comes from the book, Half the Sky. Also a lot of the information is about sorority women and not about the actual cause. This is understandable because not many people far from a college campus would probably ever hear about Circle of Sisterhood, and it is probably mostly visited by sorority girls wanting to know more about the organization. Everything on the site is presented well in a scholarly manner and I would consider it to be a very reliable

source, just it would be difficult to find the usable information amongst all of the fluff of the site. Overall I enjoyed exploring the Circle of Sisterhood site but probably will not end up using too much information from it. My other sources seemed to have more raw facts than this source.

"End Human Trafficking." The White House. The White House, n.d. Web. 16 Apr. 2013. This source focused a lot on the slavery and work side of trafficking. It was focused more at general human trafficking than women specifically. It gave multiple ways on how to fight human trafficking and lots of Obamas statements on the subject, plus why it is considered one of the greatest human rights causes of our time. The White Houses articles on human trafficking are all very similar. They all have quotes by Obama and talk about why we need to get involved but it seems to me like it is just trying to bias the people to be more in Obamas favor. There is nothing wrong with that except the articles arent really full of facts like I was hoping for. The White House is however, a reliable source. I may use a few of Obamas quotes in a paper, but most of my information will have to come from elsewhere because this is really lacking in the useful information department. Overall, this is a decent source because it is reliable but not enough to go off of for even an opening sentence. This source is also a little broad for the topic I want to work with.

"European CommissionHomepage." Homepage. European Commision, 13 Mar. 2013. Web. 17 Apr. 2013. This source offers statistics and percentages of gender in trafficking and also specifically in sex trafficking. This is a source from Europe and focuses more on Europes strategy to the issue. This site also discusses such as predicting victims and catching the perpetrators. Everything is usually biased in one way or another but the European Commission really did not show much. I have not heard much about this source before but after doing a bit of research on it, it seems to have a good reputation and be reliable.

I would definitely use this source, because it has lots of information that I havent seen anywhere else. It goes a little further in detail than I need it to. The source seems to be very reliable so it is one of the sources I will use the most.

Frundt, Tina. "Home | Women's Funding Network." Home | Women's Funding Network. Womens Funding Network, n.d. Web. 18 Apr. 2013. The specific article I used from the Womens funding Network is Tina Frundt telling her own story about being trafficked. She goes into detail about how the traffickers get young girls. She talks about how the media can be on the traffickers side, but she also goes into detail about the physical abuse she was put through. Womens Funding Network is a somewhat well known network and is considered by most who know of it to be a reliable source. I have never heard of the author before this article. From what I can tell it is not very biased, just an account of her own past. I will use this source, more for just examples. Because it isnt as well known it doesnt seem as credible as some other sources that have big names like national geographic that offers similar accounts. I could get a very similar account to this one from a better known and more credible source.

"Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women." Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women. Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women, n.d. Web. 18 Apr. 2013 This source offers information from several countries giving accounts of women trafficking to how to stop it and all kinds of other information. There are all kinds of information on this site that it is just very hard to navigate. I had a few issues finding the things I would need to write a paper with. I have not heard of this site but everything on it seems to check out to be reliable. It is written in a very scholarly way. I am sure there is a lot of information that I could use from here, but it is really just harder to navigate than necessary. The amount of information is overwhelming and a lot of it is too broad for me to use.

Half the sky. Dir. Howard Sharp. Perf. Nicholas Kristof. Docuramafilms :, 2012. DVD. This video follows a few celebrities in support of Nicholas Kristofs work. They went to different countries and on there are firsthand accounts on video showing how hard it is to be a girl in certain parts of the word. In some cases there are laws against statutory rape and other laws put in line that could stop the trafficking and general mistreatment of women, but no one actually enforces them, so the girsl are still left unprotected. This documentary was sponsored by PBS, which is a reliable source. Also many of the people featured in the documentary are known for their efforts in philanthropy and community service, so this video is a very good source. I do not see very much bias in this source either. In writing a paper about women trafficking I will definitely use this documentary. It is packed with useful information in a very organized manner. The video is very easy to watch and this may be my absolute favorite of my sources.

Kristof, Nicholas D., and Sheryl WuDunn. Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2009. Print. The book, Half the Sky, and the movie are about the same topic but not the same story. This book was actually the inspiration for the documentary. The book goes through specific accounts but also teaches you how to raise awareness about this global issue. The book is reliable. It has won many awards and the authors, especially Kristof are very well known for being huge in finding education for less privileged girls. This source shows very little bias. I will be using this source when writing an essay about women trafficking. It offered lots of information that will prove very useful.

"Trafficking in Human Beings." DGs. European Commission, 13 Mar. 2013. Web. 17 Apr. 2013. This sources offers great information about trafficking of human beings. It gives a few statistics about where it happen most and the global efforts to stop human trafficking.

This source is funded by the European Commission which leads me to believe that t is very reliable because the European Commission is a reliable source. This source is written in a fairly scholarly manner. I would use this source because it offers lots of information and is from a credible source. The only issue is that it gives mostly information that is too broad for me to use.

"United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime." United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. UNODC, n.d. Web. 20 Apr. 2013 This source gives broad information about human trafficking and touches on women specifically. This source is coming from a department within the United Nations and seems to be reliable. It shows very little bias. I probably will not use this source, simply because it doesnt have very much information for me to work with. I trust everything it says, but there is just not much there.

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