New Brandz LTD

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Repackaging Goods Samuel Colas


New Brandz is glad to introduce its new project on discount C-Level goods. What is the main concept of this plan is to grow new brand awareness in our new local market. By doing so it will also help us grow export to other islands.

New Brandz
New Brandz Product Low-Cost Products

Prepared by Samuel Colas and family Address: St.Maarten, Dutch Quarter Madrid rd 12a Email address: SXM Tel: +1721-5874004/+1721-5243303 USA Tel: 001 407-255-8600

This document is the proprietary property of Napbiz City Ltd. Copying or otherwise distributing the information contained herein is a breach of confidentiality agreement.

Table of content Acknowledge Agreement Confidentiality Agreement Executive Summary .. Objective..................... Mission and Vision Statement Company . Business Procedures. The advantages and disadvantages of rebranding unbranded package.. Products... Competition Risk/Opportunity. Capital Requirements.. Strategic Alliances................ New and Follow-on Products.. Production Uniqueness . The Marketing Plan a. Market Segment. b. Target Market Segment Strategy.. c. Price. d. Price description. Marketing strategy ... Pricing.. a. Price break down. b. Math calculation. Service Business Analysis Distribution channels. Strategy and Implementation Summary.....

i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. xiii. xiv. xv.

xvi. xvii.

xviii. xix. xx. xxi. xxii.

Competitive Edge.
Risk/Opportunity...................... a. Business Risks. b. Opportunity................. Management Team. a. New Brandz. LTD Head Quarter.... Professional Support .. Board of Advisors...... Capital Requirements................ Financials.....................

xxiii. xxiv. xxv. xxvi. xxvii.

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Acknowledge Agreement

I, ___________________________ receive this project and acknowledge to respect its confidentiality Signature _________________________

Name ____________________________

Date _________________________

This document is the proprietary property of Napbiz City Ltd. Copying or otherwise distributing the information contained herein is a breach of confidentiality agreement.

Confidentiality Agreement

I, __________________________________ agreed to acknowledge the information provided by Samuel Colas New Brandz. In this business plan is unique to this business and confidential; therefore, anyone reading this plan agrees not to disclose any of the information in this business plan without the express written permission of Samuel Colas New Brandz... It is also acknowledged by the reader of this business plan that the information furnished in this business plan, other than information that is in the public domain, may cause serious harm or damage to ________________________________________________ and will be kept in the strictest confidence. Upon request, this document is to be immediately returned to Samuel Colas/New Brandz...

Signature _________________________

Name ____________________________

Date _________________________ This is the business plan for Samuel Colas New Brandz... The presentation of this business plan does not imply an offering of danger.

This document is the proprietary property of Napbiz City Ltd. Copying or otherwise distributing the information contained herein is a breach of confidentiality agreement.


Executive Summary

Samuel Colas is glad to introduce you a new project on C-Level goods. What is the main concept of this plan is to grow New Brandz awareness in our Caribbean local market, as we offer more for less. By doing so it will benefit our island by supplying to other islands. We are focusing on building these Factories to supply and develop here on our island, where many people can afford to increase their spending power on these particular products. Our goal and aim is to develop every year by adding additional products into the market, these product will be categorize as dry goods such as detergent toilet paper napkins, Forks/spoons and etc. This product carries less risk and can store for a longer period of time. We also aiming to accomplish in todays mar ket on what consumers needs in there every day life (Washing Powder: Who doesnt wash their clothes? Everybody does included yourself. Toilet Paper: Who doesnt use their rest room? Everybody does included yourself and the questions can go on) building a factory which give us an advantage and a strong stand point on our low products. Selecting these products shows also that its what shoppers and organization need and use those products has no end in their everyday business. Foreign product are mainly expensive because of their brand due to these product have years on the market and their brand are well known. New Brandz will focus more on repacking raw materials/goods which is also called unbranded product that has no market value. We are not entering our local market as a whole sale, distributer nor Super Market, but as a Factory- supplier that will work long side many businesses as such as hotels, laundries, whole sale distributer and supermarket that can benefit each others. After increasing our product line in our market we will have within 2 years and strive to build a manufacture with these complete products under 1 building as a head quarter facility. This opportunity can give subcontractors and unemployed worker a job that can help the community for their labor and work. Shoppers are looking for goods that can increase their spending power by buying more for less. We will satisfy them as much as possible buy using our low cost strategy and coupons tactic to draw them and also provide a charity program where we offer some of our products to large or unstable families.

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Introduce a Good Quality low Cost product in St.Maarten to costumers that are complaining Over high price. Use and Increase Coupons Discount on New Brandz products that will draw new consumers. Expand New Brandz product in Stores and increase products and production through the Caribbean islands in the 4th quarter in 2014. Sell the minimum of 50,000 products to business and consumers in the 4th quarter in 2015. Build New Brandz Manufactures in other Caribbean islands. Franchise New Brandz Products around the islands and stay low as possible comparing to other. Grow investor/local banks investment by financing New Brandz to grow R.O.I and also capital. Due to the high demand in products, New Brandz. Strategize a financial tactic to save more so each individual can be satisfied. New Brandz financial tactic will be supplying their product to large families, laundry, whole Sales and distributers. Provide a policy and narrow framework that supports the future deployment of New Brandz.

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Mission and Vision Statement

Our goal is to become St.Maarten Local Factory - Supplier and build a trade market in our island and form a strong low-cost brand in the Caribbean islands. Becoming a supplier that not only focusing on one main product, but evolve more and more on quantity/volume quality goods and other varitiy products that can satisfied customers needs. Building a brand which focus on developing products is our main mission. Examples: 1. Maintaining a reputable and untarnished reputation in the community. 2. Value commercial solutions for supplying their products at low cost. 3. Competitive pricing ( get more for less). 4. Expand in a short period of time in 1 year and a half. We seek to carry a reputation in the marketplace for developing and delivering low cost product that sold at a fair price that are in the local market. We will use the Coupon discount stratergy to draw customers to us, (these coupon will be inside large packages) In pursuit of our goal, we resolve to treat shareholders, customers, and the community with a good quality product at low prices and also coupons. Shoppers will see our company providing a good market price that will bring pleasure to our potential customers and business. Customers will find reasonable products that they can afford to. iv. Company

New Brandz Products will to be developed in 2013. Our Company will only focus on raw goods (unvalued) that will be repacked in our brand and market out. We will stick with these cycle due to the fact that unnamed brand has not much value as branded products that has already carry it position in the market. Restructuring there plan by adding values to them are a unique strategy what New Brandz will do. We will work close with outside suppliers that are in the European and Global market that can build New Brandz, in making it a sole proprietorship for the Caribbean islands. (Company with shareholders cant be a sole proprietorship but will become one after turn license to N.V)

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Business procedures

We are will keep our startup product line in repacking goods in the present future. Our company is at the seeking seed, start-up stage of business, we havent have funds to developed our first product or booked our first foreign order. Manufacturing has three classes of inventory: 1. Un-package 2. Repackage 3. Finished goods Unpackaged Product also known as un-named product, these product are raw made and are selling for a very low price, because of their value in the market and no brand recognition was packed onto them. Purchasing un-named products that will be customizing by New Brandz is one of our best ways to brand our product uniquely. Purchasing bags and sticker which will be deliver to us at an unbelievable cost that can assemble together with a New Market Product will gain its reputation remarkably (raw material + packaging = New Brandz product). Our product speed in delivering new products in to the market will increase incredibly in purchasing new machinery that can help increase productivity.
Production steps on becoming New Brandz Product:



Raw Material

New Brandz

Finished goods

The image above shows the steps that how products will develop and delivered in to the Caribbean market included our Island St.Maarten. Each of the steps will take necessary caution due to the good quality we want to deliver in our market.
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These are Images on how unvalued products will be sent to New Brandz.


This document is the proprietary property of Napbiz City Ltd. Copying or otherwise distributing the information contained herein is a breach of confidentiality agreement.


The advantages and disadvantages of rebranding unbranded package

Advantages Package product very swiftly Large quantities can be produced

Disadvantages Need to hire serious workers on weekends Difficult and disturbing if the production process has to be stopped Risk on frozen goods there no facility to store them. Start up with a minimum amount

Good products which have to be reliable quality Small investment to come



What New Brandz will do is to develop a series of home products like detergents, food, Home& Garden appliances that many shoppers use every day. New Brandz will reproduce the following products; Detergent: washing powder, dish liquid and soap these are the first launch market product that will be our main focus. Why we decided to choose this section, are because we selected what do customers use in their everyday life and can be stored for months without worrying for expiration date. Our washing powder is unique, because main shoppers/potential customers focus and their everyday use in washing their cloths and taking care of their body, get more for less thats why we have an advantage in the marketplace. New Brandz Product will be a Low Cost product that can help many shoppers to save and increase their spending power. Others market will able to provide somewhat similar products but we are able to separate ourselves in the market, because we are able to package our entire product.

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We compete directly with no competitors that produce and supply these goods on the island, or we have no direct competition locally in supplying. Our product is unique, because its price and discount that it will have and a competitive advantage because of our low cost producer status. Also as the first Soap Powder supplier on the market, New Brandz will build a brand identity, establishing the company as the standard for improving soap powder. ix. Risk/Opportunity

The greatest risks we have in our business today are market risk, product risk, management risk. We feel we can overcome these risks because of (1) letting people know more about our product, (2) who produce these products, (3) build brand awareness and (4) have many work workshops to build our management team. The opportunities before us are significant; we have the opportunity to bring in a market what many people are avoiding to invest on, structure a strong business and seeing the future opportunity on these market trade, thats not will only carry out here on St.Maarten but also around the Caribbean Islands, upsurge exportation product from St.Maarten to varieties of Islands. x. Capital Requirements

We seek $ 6,524.25 which will enable us to have products release from port, and becoming a local Factory/Supplier on the island to supply distributers, whole sales, business and clients and lease of all shoppers . We can provide and exit within 2 years most by dividend of excess profits, recapitalizations, sales from company. xi. Strategic Alliances

New Brandz will developed important and profitable strategic alliances with the following larger, more established business; Whole Sales, Distributers and local markets. For example, we will develop marketing agreements with Prime, Sunny Food: Distributers, one of the market leaders in products which will enable us to sell, alongside them.

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By working along these companies, it can help us penetrate the market more quickly. The risk in this relationship is they can decide to sell and produce their own product themselves and cut us out of the process. We will have a strategic relationship with a number of suppliers. In exchange for a supplier agreement to purchase more than average of our quantity, if they have agreed to not make it available to the market at large for 3- months,. New Brandz will also build a strategic supplier relationship with a number of customers. This allows us to sell a large and steady volume for New Brandz Mini Market (Under Construction). Washing powder (product launch) to laundries and local shoppers, who use them every day. This gets many units of our product out in to the marketplace; however, it provides little brand awareness for us. xii. New and Follow-on Products

Responding to market needs, we plan to follow up on product with a extensions to our line which include Cleaning detergent and Hygiene merchandises, Food and everyday goods. Our target introduction dates for these products will be carry out after every product lunch, which corresponds with a major sale & sample testing. xiii. Production

Start- Up Production: Our product will be manufactured/supplied and assembled in an (Samuel Colas Home) empty apartment room from components from various vendors. Raw materials, sub-assemblies, components used in our products are gladly available from a variety of manufacturers who can meet our quality standards. Major Production: Product will be manufactured in Warehouse/Container where we can carry our more productions in one section and have large area to work faster. Critical factors in the production of our product are, material, and labor requirements and not having the product produce on time and readily available. xiv. Uniqueness Our product is unique, because we will hand out special discount cards to business that are potential clients which give them access to purchase under products on very special deals, give consumers low cost comparing to overseas products and/ will have an advantage in the marketplace on our local brand and also have manufacture many product flexuate speed to the market.

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Product Examples

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The Marketing Plan

Our marketing plan is based on the following fundamentals; we expect to penetrate the lowaverage segments in the market and achieve this by using the local consumers, laundries and large families as our primary target and retails/wholesalers/ distribution channels as our second. In time, we plan to capture great share of the market. New Brandz intends to maintain an extensive marketing movement that will ensure maximum visibility for the business in its targeted market. Below is an overview of the marketing strategies and objectives of the Company. New Brandz will focus on three customer groups: Wholesale & Distributors: This group is the critical trader to retail channel and the key to success for New Brandz products.

Local market: An important key to the local market is the ability to add value through innovative products or techniques. We believe that New Brandz products are an invaluable tool to local markets and foreign Market. Consumers: Concern of high cost has driven away from product or demand on price for their product, New Brandz will present itself as an good quality low cost product that has created a collection of consumers who will only use and afford to purchase.

A typical customer for our product is a person who currently use similar/alternative product for their purpose (washing powder and toilet paper). They will be motivated to buy our product because of its value, and its usefulness. We know this from customer responses. We believe our customers will perceive our products as good value, superior performance and great taste. Our product, will however, have the following strength; low price point than most other products, strong brand identity in a commodity market. Low cost brands get popular very quickly than high valued product because of it price. We going to work in positioning our product as an C level goods in order to increase its awareness in a short period of time.

XVI. Target Market Segment Strategy Businesses and individuals/residential are seeking a more cost effective and sustainable goods/brand products that they can be relied on. New Brandz know that customers need more and spend less. Customers uses product that fit their needs, product for their workplace and their homes. Today's generation is becoming more aware of economy issues and wishes to do its part in saving. Our shoppers will take the initiative to buy merchandises, while budgeting money.
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Quantity Purchase Projection



500g 1kg 2kg 27% 40% 5kg

We are able to give a projection analysis that most people buy 1kg packing than the 500gram 2kg and 5kg. After having interviewing with 20 different washing powder 70 percent of these user where ROMA WASHING POWDER which is the cheapest powder on the market. The result and complain they have complaint was that the substance that they use are damage their clothes due to the high bleach substance. These chemicals also damage their hands and since its within their budge thats why they keep purchasing it because it still does the job. xvi. Marketing strategy

The business will provide quality superior products at a fair price for the customers. Promotional measures therefore will be quality recreational activities availability at the right place.

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The most important marketing strategies will be PPPD: Product, Pricing, Promotion and Distribution a) Product strategy In response to the customers business shall strive to lead with innovations both in product design and services which are unequalled in this specific market and industry. b) Pricing strategy The business will have a mark-up policy of 200% - 300 % on sales which will be affordable by the target market. The market place dictates our pricing and the approval of loans for customers is a proof that our pricing structure is acceptable in the market. It means a fair price lead by demand and supply. c) Promotion strategy The business will be engaged in direct marketing. The products will be marketed by means of word of mouth and never for seen advertising stratergy. We will use radio and newspaper ads to reach more unaware targets. d) Distribution strategy New Brandz will be distributed to the site where the product will get more attention. New Brandz will make a significant profit through providing excellent product. No Credit to consumers/shopper. Even though New Brandz will an average prices, the company will see profit within the 1st year due to beneficial word-of- mouth advertising, radio marketing new paper ads and new idea of marketing stratergy that can build warness in months. Comunication plan (under construction) xvii. Pricing

Our pricing will add a special fee to large family that cant afford to purchase product, what we will do is to support not only our organization, but also the community. Example If the cost of washing powder Cost prist is for $13.70 we will add a 0.30ct which will be charity cost. We arrive at our pricing based on cost, gross margin objectives, market prices, perceived value. We will review these pricing monthly, quarterly, annually to ensure that potential profits are not squandered. Customers seems willing to pay as much as average or low cost, because they are satified on what there spending on.

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a. Price discription Container 20ft price include shipping: $ 10,720

20ft = $ 5,720 Shipping + Misc = $ 5,000

1KG = 2.02Pounds
Cost price for one 10kg is $ 8.46 Cost Price break down is 10KG: 0.869 = 1kg

1300 bags of 10KG from 520kg/25kg 1-10KG selling price is $1.5 -$ 15 13000 bags/1kg x 1.50 = $ 19,500 Selling Price: 1kg Cost Price $ $
1.50 1

Gross Profit Gross Profit Markup

$ %

0.50 0.50 % 50 %

New Brandz overall gain : $19.500 Investment on New Brandz Detergent : $ 10,720 xviii. Service Business Analysis

Most of the industry analysis is contained in the Competitive Comparison/ Evaluation section to give the reader the idea of the competitive nature of the industry, its opportunities and threats, and the company's flexibility in pricing.

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SWOT analisis New Brandz will exist in a purely competitive market that faces virtually limited competition and high demand. The company will engage in a low-cost leadership strategy while maintaining a suitable level of quality. Since the cost on the island is getting very expensive repacking these products can provide both consumer and our head raw supplier in a safe and secure relationship.

strength Price quantity & Variety Competitive advantage Unique selling point Innovative aspects High Quality Manpower Social responsibly Low Cost Product First Supplier on the island Doesnt get spoil/expire

Weakness Strong Competitors Substitute Products Building Customers trust Lack of control in market Lack of competitive strength

Opertuinity Changing life style of people New Market, vertical, horizontal Business and Product Development New Product development Technology Development and Innovation Increase the volume of production Niche Target Market

Threat Introduction of local product Change loyal consumer

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Distribution channels

The distribution channels we are perusing to use our product are wholesalers, cataloguers, mass merchant retailers, consolidators. The competition uses the wholesalers, mass merchant retailers. Our channel will prove more advantageous because, we will give them a good offer and also a percentage sale of each coupon each Distribution sells. Our major current customers included 2nd and 3rd world livings which a low and middle class spenders. xx. Strategy and Implementation Summary Emphasize service - New Brandz will differentiate itself. The company will establish the business offering as a clear and viable alternative for the company's target market. Build a relationship-oriented business - Build long-term relationships with businesses and not single-visit deals but multiple. Become their suppliers and target of choice. Make them understand the value of the relationship. Focus on target markets - needs to focus its offerings on specific population groups as the key market segment the company should own. xxi. Competitive Edge New Brandz competitive edge relies in the ability to position ourselves as strategically with customers and businesses. By building a business model based on long-standing relationships with satisfied clients, New Brandz Separately build defenses against competition. The longer the relationship stands, the more the company helps shoppers understand what New Brandz has to offer them and why they need it. Furthermore, New Brandz. Focuses on making the business sustainable and the company product dependable by making practical, educated decisions. xxii. Risk/Opportunity

a. Business Risks Some of the major risks facing our development include limited operating history; limited resources; market uncertainties; production uncertainties; limited management experience, dependence on key management.

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b. Opportunities Although our business today has its share of risk, we feel we can overcome these risks, because of support from entrepreneurs that has active businesses for several years which we can use as guidance and carry daily meeting/ workshop with foreign entrepreneurs. We will address market risk by doing a comprehensive study, joint venture with a larger company who knows the market at the middle stage of New Brandz Development. We feel we can address pricing risk, product risk, and management risk by focusing on cooperating with a whole sale/ retailers company who knows the market. If we are able to overcome these risks, our company has the opportunity to dominate a niche in the marketplace, by become a major force in the production. We feel our brand could and will become known for a place where entrepreneurs look for internship, the place where people look for good quality product at low cost. We believe we can achieve this goal in the next 2 years. Specifically, our lead product washing powder, toilet paper dish liquid, softener and etc. (2013 -2014 entry market) has the chance to change our business image, affect many lives, and improve performance in laundries, hotels, restaurant etc. This would also enable us to tap markets we have not yet begun to approach, such as international sales and ethnic market.
xxiii. Management Team

The management will only consist of one Owner/CEO that has the vision of directing the business to be a profitable enterprise. Mr. Colas Samuel (Owner) will take charge and approval of any task that comes to him after evaluation Direct and lead operational standards leading to qualitative products. Responsible for all administration and bookkeeping and financial direction. a. New Brandz. LTD- Head Quarter Share Holder (After license Switch to N.V)

Name/Share Holders of Head Quarter 1st command Samuel Colas 2nd command Litanise Bernard Colas 3rd Gilbert Bernard Management Team Samuel Colas - Managing Director/CEO Litanise Bernard Colas - Budget Manger Micheal Marcellus - Account

% Ownership 100

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Founders will share in the operational and financial responbilities of the company. They will be responsible for finding, attaining and managing new accounts, Founders will be responsible for making direct sales,marketing an all other operational task involve with making the company successful. The CEO will oversee all company discions. B. Personnel Plan

In order to free up enough capital to continue operations and possible expansion, our executive team will not receive more than a living wage salary until the product is well into black and AWARE. We understood that as a new product we will need technical support and legal; advice, this will be currently outsourced to various consultants. All sales for the first year of the business will be closed by the executive management team. Starting from the second year, we will employ a SALES ACCOCIATE who will handle sales transaction. His/hers companion of fixed salary and commission of Sales. For the purpose of financing planning, we combined the Sales Associate compensation into an aggregate forecast. To Flexible in meeting the customer demand, we plan to stock a minimum amount of product in a rented/bought warehouse. At the beginning, all incoming product stock will be accepted later dispatched to customers by the companies executives team. Planning on the 2 Year we will hire a Inventory Manager to handles these task.
C. New Brandz Market Control shares

The Shareholders that are interested in investing will invest a minimum amount that they can invest; these investment plans will be giving out in packages. The investment period can last up to 5 years or even more depends on the packages. Payment will be pay out depending on our market sales. Investors have the opportunity to invest in any product that shoppers needs and want in their everyday life. Those products would not affect other New Brandz product. Each product carries their own payout sales. As time goes we will and need to analyze payment terms on monthly, quarterly or yearly payouts. (Need to discuss after product has market awareness).

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Head Quarter

Share Holder 1

Share Holder 2

Share Holder 3

Share Holder 4

Product A

Product B

Product C

Product D

Product E

Product F

Product G

Product H


Professional Support

We have build a strong team of professionals, including; Chatter Box Nature Discount And etc. xxv. Board of Advisors We have also secured the assistance and support of the following business and business specialists to help in the decision making, strategizing, and opportunity pouncing process;

Javier Garven Jules James Sandra Richardson

As you can see above there are list of advisors that has and still running there active business and willing to cooperate in with New Brandz to build management skills, the decision making, strategizing, and opportunity pouncing process; CEO of New Brandz will gather much information before setting acting. xxvi. Capital Requirements

Based on our plans, we feel an investment to our Company is a great opportunity. In order to proceed, we are requesting an investment, loan of $ 6,524.25 by June/July 2013.

The initial stage of funding will be used to complete development, purchase container; here is a breakdowf how the funds will be spent;
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New Brandz Investment Break Down Total overall investment: 14751.55 + 6524.25 All calculation will be back up by reciept. Payment will be paid in 2 4 years/No Penalty)

Goods/Container Freight + Misc. Bags Storage/Yearly Payment Machinery /Equipment Renovation Product Test Result Insurance Office Accessories Transportation Misc. Post Cost BIP Patent Product Design Development

Financial input vs Financial Required

Goods/Container . Freight + Misc Business MISC Bags Storage/Yearly Payment Machinery /Equipment Renovation Product Test Result Insurance Product Design Development Patent rights Transportation NBSD Deposit 736 6000 780 875 390 1524.25 250.55 0.00 X,xxx 5720 5000

We can provide and exit for this low investment within 2 years by a dividend of excess profits, recapitalizations, sales of company, or public offering.

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20FT container Financial Monthly Projection

40FT container Financial Monthly Projection

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xxvii. Financial Plan

Year 1 : Soap Powder SR EN KG 10,376 1 Sales Purchase price Freight + MISC Rent+ Mort Packaging Salary (0.6cts per pack) Salary (Office & Overhead) Repairs/ Maintenance Electricity Gasoline Big Bags / BIG BOX Promotion Cell phone Misc. TOT 300 400 1,000 750 60 750 98 300 400 1,000 750 60 750 98 300 400 2,000 1,000 60 750 98 600 800 2,000 750 60 1,000 195 19,500 5,720 5,000 736 750 10,312 2 19,500 5,720 5,000 641 750 10,442 3 19,500 5,720 4,000 586 750 17,903 4 39,000 11,440 7,500 1,077 1,530

Total costs After TOT





Net Profit





Capital contribution Current account loan Working capital (62 days) Investment in machine Investment solar energy Cash flow

. 14751.55 6524.25 (3,312) (430) 13,258 17,194 21,226 (430) 24,633 17,279 (3,312)

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17,968 6 39,000 11,440 7,500 1,077 1,530

17,568 7 39,000 11,440 7,500 1,077 2,000

17,568 8 39,000 11,440 7,500 1,077 2,000 800 2,000 750 60 1,000 195

17,568 9 39,000 11,440 7,500 1,077 2,000 800 2,000 750 60 1,000 195

17,568 10 39,000 11,440 7,500 1,077 2,000 800 2,000 750 60 1,000 195

17,568 11 39,000 11,440 7,500 1,077 2,000 800 2,000 750 60 1,000 195

17,568 12 39,000 11,440 7,500 1,077 2,000 800 2,000 750 60 1,000 195 11,651 16,020 12,000 2,700 8,400 22,000 9,250 720 11,250 1,950 YTD 390,000 120,120 81,500

600 800 2,000 750 60 1,000 195

800 2,000 750 60 1,000 195

26,952 12,049

26,352 12,149

26,352 12,649

26,352 12,649

26,352 12,649

26,352 12,649

26,352 12,649

285,561 104,439

(4,000) 41,376

(4,500) 49,524






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Year 2 : Soap Powder







Purchase price Freight + MISC Rent+ Mort Packaging Salary (Office & Overhead) Repairs/ Maintenance Salary (0.6cts per pack) Electricity Gasoline Big Bags / BIG BOX Promotion Cell phone Misc.

11,440 7,500 2,000 1,077 2,000

11,440 7,500 2,000 1,077 2,000

11,440 7,500 2,000 1,077 2,000

11,440 7,500 2,000 1,077 2,000

11,440 7,500 2,000 1,077 2,000

800 1,500 750 120 1,000

800 1,500 750 120 1,000

800 1,500 750 120 1,000

800 1,500 750 120 1,000

800 1,500 750 120 1,000







Total costs AFTER TOT






Net Profit






Cash flow






This document is the proprietary property of Napbiz City Ltd. Copying or otherwise distributing the information contained herein is a breach of confidentiality agreement.














11,440 7,500 2,000 1,077 2,000

11,440 7,500 2,000 1,077 2,000

11,440 7,500 2,000 1,077 2,000

11,440 7,500 2,000 1,077 2,000

11,440 7,500 2,000 1,077 2,000

11,440 7,500 2,000 1,077 2,000

11,440 7,500 2,000 1,077 2,000

120,120 90,000 24,000 12,918 24,000

800 1,500 750 120 1,000

800 1,500 750 120 1,000

800 1,500 750 120 1,000

800 1,500 750 120 1,000

800 1,500 750 120 1,000

800 1,500 750 120 1,000

800 1,500 750 120 1,000

9,600 18,000 9,000 1,440 12,000
































This document is the proprietary property of Napbiz City Ltd. Copying or otherwise distributing the information contained herein is a breach of confidentiality agreement.


Year 3 : Soap Powder








Purchase price Freight + MISC Rent+ Mort Packaging Salary (Office & Overhead) Repairs/ Maintenance Salary (0.6cts per pack) Electricity Gasoline Big Bags / BIG BOX Promotion Cell phone TOT Misc.

11,440 12 2,000 1,077 2,000

11,440 12 2,000 1,077 2,000

11,440 7,500 2,000 1,077 2,000

11,440 7,500 2,000 1,077 2,000

11,440 7,500 2,000 1,077 2,000

11,440 7,500 2,000 1,077 2,000

800 1,500 750 120 195 800

800 1,500 750 120 195 800

800 1,500 750 120 195 800

800 1,500 750 120 195 800

800 1,500 750 120 195 800

800 1,500 750 120 195 800

Total costs After TOT







Net Profit







Cash flow







This document is the proprietary property of Napbiz City Ltd. Copying or otherwise distributing the information contained herein is a breach of confidentiality agreement.













11,440 7,500 2,000 1,077 2,000

11,440 7,500 2,000 1,077 2,000

11,440 7,500 2,000 1,077 2,000

11,440 7,500 2,000 1,077 2,000

11,440 7,500 2,000 1,077 2,000

11,440 7,500 2,000 1,077 2,000

120,120 75,024 24,000 12,918 24,000

800 1,500 750 120 195 800

800 1,500 750 120 195 800

800 1,500 750 120 195 800

800 1,500 750 120 195 800

800 1,500 750 120 195 800

800 1,500 750 120 195 800

9,600 18,000 9,000 18,360 2,340 9,600





















This document is the proprietary property of Napbiz City Ltd. Copying or otherwise distributing the information contained herein is a breach of confidentiality agreement.


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