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System, are you choosing the best?

Semester, we often hear this word as we enter the most challenging part of our education, college life. Even though it is tough, still, this must be the stage wherein we have and need to earn lots of information and improvement. This progress will be the tool or foundation of your future careers success. This victory of your future must be stabilized by means of having firm, intact and flexible foundation. How? It must be done through the best system that a university can offer to a student. This is the thing that you often hear when you are in the transition from high school to college, Semester system. So, before everything else, what is this Semestral system all about? Well, basically, this system is divided into two equal segments which compose of approximately 18 weeks per partition. Why enroll in semestral system? It is simply because of its proven efficacy in every students success. University of Santo Thomas(UST), University of the Philippines(UP), Ateneo de Manila University(AdMU), Far Eastern University(FEU), De la Salle University(DLSU), etc., these universities are just example of the knowledge-provider which have been producing enormous amount of victors in their own fields. The proof of this can be seen on how many decades these universities were founded. For instance, UST was founded hundred years ago using semestral system. As we all know UST is one of the top universities in this country. If the university is not successful in this system, why do you think theyve abided to use this system for so many years? Thereupon, this system is such an exemplary way of imparting lore. Also, UP, again, one of the most popular universities of the country has been using this system in their curriculum that yields many board passers and topnotchers as well. Moreover, there are lots of advantageous things that you can experience in choosing Semestral system. First, the level of difficulty; Semestral system requires student to go to school 5 days per week and 18 weeks per segment. Hence, students, from the beginning suffer from the same-level difficulty of students. As of this, students burden is being lessened for it gives same level of adversity each week. It will be easier for the students to cope up with the things that they missed. Second, in semestral system, payment of tuition fee will be hard at first. But isnt it that you are preparing for your college, thus, you have

money to enroll for the first segment of the school year. How about for the next segment? You will be having more time to earn the money that you need. Because, you will be having 18 weeks, which is 6 months, to gather the needed funds for the next semester. Isnt it more convenient? Yes I know it very is. Third, assurance of a quality education, Why? For instance, in a classroom, the professor can provide the most profound information that he/she can give. The professor wont be having the fright of time shortage in discussing lessons, thus, he/she will take the process slowly. So, the students will absorb the knowledge easier. In the said system, as stated earlier, has longer hours allotted in imparting knowledge. Education is effective through time. So, the more time to study the more many knowledge you get. Fourth, are you afraid of failing? Fear no more! Why? Simply because in semestral system you have many many exams for when you failed to pass two of them there will be three more to haul your grades. Also, semestral system gives many activities as bonus grades so you can cope up and avoid failing grades. Lastly, Transition from High School to college; As a fresh high school graduate. You will enter a new world; you will be leaving the portals of your former alma mater. So, your transition to college might be hard at first. Having long time of adjustments, it will be very a beneficial to your fear of being a loner, fear to be discriminated, fear to everything. Eventually, these fears will be at ease. I think these are the most significant things which many people need to know to appreciate the superfluous ideas of having or choosing Semestral system as mode of their pacing period. All in all, having the semestral system is very advisable to get if you want to get the fullest out of education. Semestral system has its proven efficacy in making students the best that they can ever be. Also, this system has the ways for you to prepare for the successive segments in giving you adequate time to earn money. Likewise, this system will give you your time to adjust until you reach your full confidence in college life. Lastly, this may serve as your best decision you ever made. Oh, dont you want to experience the fullest of education? Dont you want to gain more knowledge? Are you going to miss the opportunity of having the best that life can offer you? Im sure you are excited. So, what are you waiting for? Choose schools which use semetral system.

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