Survival Models in SAS Part 6: PROC PHREG - Part 1: April 16, 2008 Charlie Hallahan

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Survival Models in SAS Part 6: PROC PHREG Part 1

April 16, 2008 Charlie Hallahan


Chapter 5: Estimating Cox Regression Models with PROC PHREG

These talks are based on the book Survival Analysis Using the SAS System: A Practical Guide (1995) by Paul Allison. The book is part of the SAS Books-by-Users series and can be found at

Chapter 5: Estimating Cox Regression Models with PROC PHREG

This series of talks will cover Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Basic Concepts of Survival Analysis Chapter 3: Estimating and Comparing Survival Curves with PROC LIFETEST Chapter 4: Estimating Parametric Regression Models with PROC LIFEREG Chapter 5: Estimating Cox Regression Models with PROC PHREG Chapter 6: Competing Risks

Chapter 5: Estimating Cox Regression Models with PROC PHREG

Topics in Chapter 5:
Introduction The Proportional Hazards Model Partial Likelihood Tied Data Time-Dependent Covariates Cox Models with Nonproportional Hazards Interactions with Time as Time-Dependent Covariates Nonproportionality via Stratification Left Truncation and Late Entry into the Risk Set Estimating Survivor Functions Residuals and Influence Statistics Testing Linear Hypotheses with the TEST Statement Conclusion

Chapter 5: Estimating Cox Regression Models with PROC PHREG: Introduction

The proportional hazards regression model was introduced by David Cox in a 1972 JRSS Series B paper. This is one of the most cited papers in all of science. The method is also called Cox regression. Some properties of the Cox regression model: 1. 2. 3. 4. A parametric assumption of the distribution of survival time is not necessary. Time-dependent covariates are easily incorporated. Stratified analysis is easily handled. Adjustments for periods of time when the subject is not at risk can be made. 5

Chapter 5: Estimating Cox Regression Models with PROC PHREG: The Proportional Hazards Model
The 1972 Cox paper proposed two innovations: It introduced the proportional hazards model (even though the model can handle nonproportional hazards). A new estimation method was derived, (maximum) partial likelihood.



Note: Some of the parametric models already introduced are also proportional hazards models, for example, the Weibull and Gompertz models.

Chapter 5: Estimating Cox Regression Models with PROC PHREG: The Proportional Hazards Model
A basic model without time-varying covariates or nonproportional hazards is: (1) hi (t ) = 0 (t ) exp ( 1 xi1 + ... + k xik )

0 (t ) is called the baseline hazard and is unspecified (except that 0 (t ) 0).

Note that exp ( 1 xi1 + ... + k xik ) guarantees that hi (t ) 0. Also, hi (t ) = 0 (t ) whenever xi1 = ... = xik = 0. Taking logs of both sides of (1) yields log hi (t ) = (t ) + 1 xi1 + ... + k xik where (t ) = log 0 (t ).

Chapter 5: Estimating Cox Regression Models with PROC PHREG: The Proportional Hazards Model
Special cases:

(t ) = t yields the Gompertz model. (t ) = log t yields the Weibull model.

For the Cox model, no assumptions are made for (t ). Reason for the name proportional hazards model: hi (t ) = exp ( 1 ( xi1 x j1 ) + ... + k ( xik x jk ) ) does not depend on t. h j (t ) Plots of the hazard functions over time for two subjects will be parallel.

Chapter 5: Estimating Cox Regression Models with PROC PHREG: Partial Likelihood
Some properties of the partial likelihood method: The estimates of do not depend on the baseline hazard 0 (t ). The full likelihood function is factored into two parts: one part depends on both

0 (t ) and and the other part only depends on .

The partial likelihood method ignores the first part and maximizes the second part. As a result the partial likelihood method is not fully efficient, but the loss in efficiency is small (Efron 1977) and it is still consistent and asymptotically normal. Partial likelihood estimates only depend on the ranks of the event times and not their actual values. Thus, any monotonic transformation of the event times does not affect the partial likelihood estimates.

Chapter 5: Estimating Cox Regression Models with PROC PHREG: Partial Likelihood: Examples
Well estimate a proportional hazards model using the recidivism data that was used for parametric models with PROC LIFEREG. The basic syntax for PHREG is the same as that for LIFEREG, except that a distribution is not specified.

proc phreg data=survival.recid; model week*arrest(0)=fin age race wexp mar paro prio; run;
The PHREG Procedure Model Information Data Set Dependent Variable Censoring Variable Censoring Value(s) Ties Handling SURVIVAL.RECID week arrest 0 BRESLOW

Number of Observations Read Number of Observations Used

432 432


Chapter 5: Estimating Cox Regression Models with PROC PHREG: Partial Likelihood: Examples
Summary of the Number of Event and Censored Values Percent Censored 73.61

Total 432

Event 114

Censored 318

Convergence Status Convergence criterion (GCONV=1E-) satisfied. Model Fit Statistics Without With Criterion Covariates Covariates -2 LOG L AIC SBC 1351.367 1351.367 1351.367 1318.241 1332.241 1351.395

Testing Global Null Hypothesis: BETA=0 Test Likelihood Ratio Score Wald Chi-Square 33.1256 33.3828 31.9875 DF 7 7 7 Pr > ChiSq <.0001 <.0001 <.0001


Chapter 5: Estimating Cox Regression Models with PROC PHREG: Partial Likelihood: Examples
Analysis of Maximum Likelihood Estimates Parameter Estimate -0.37902 -0.05724 0.31415 -0.15113 -0.43280 -0.08497 0.09114 Standard Error 0.19136 0.02198 0.30802 0.21212 0.38180 0.19575 0.02863 Hazard Ratio 0.685 0.944 1.369 0.860 0.649 0.919 1.095

Variable fin age race wexp mar paro prio

DF 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Chi-Square 3.9228 6.7798 1.0402 0.5076 1.2850 0.1884 10.1331

Pr > ChiSq 0.0476 0.0092 0.3078 0.4762 0.2570 0.6642 0.0015

The partial likelihood method only uses the ranks of the event times in its calculations. So there must be a way to deal with tied events. The default method for PHREG is the Breslow method. Three superior methods are discussed later. Note that there is no intercept in the model. It is absorbed into the baseline hazard function (t).


Chapter 5: Estimating Cox Regression Models with PROC PHREG: Partial Likelihood: Examples
The column labeled Hazard Ratio is e. It represents the relative change in the hazard function when the corresponding variable changes by one unit (controlling for all the other covariates). So for a dummy variable, e represents the relative change in the hazard as the variable changes from 0 to 1. For example, a hazard ratio of 0.685 for the dummy variable FIN means that the hazard of being arrested for those who received financial assistance is 69% of the hazard of those who did not receive financial assistance. For quantitative covariates, a more useful calculation is 100( e - 1). This represents the percent change in the hazard as that covariate increase by one unit. For example, a hazard ratio of 0.944 for AGE means that for each year increase in age, the hazard of being arrested decreases by 5.6%. 13

Chapter 5: Estimating Cox Regression Models with PROC PHREG: Partial Likelihood: Examples
The substantive conclusions from the Cox model are similar to those from the parametric model estimated by LIFEREG. Namely, AGE and PRIO are highly significant and FIN is just significant at the 5% level. Note that while the magnitudes and p-values for the two specifications are very similar, the signs are reversed. This is because LIFEREG estimates the model in log-survival time, while PHREG estimates a model in log-hazard format. Note that only the parametric models that are also proportional hazard models (exponential, Weibull, Gompertz) can be interpreted in log-hazard format and compared to a Cox model. Distributions such as gamma, log-logistic, and lognormal do not produce proportional hazard models, and a comparison with a Cox model is not appropriate.

Chapter 5: Estimating Cox Regression Models with PROC PHREG: Partial Likelihood: Examples
The next example is a little more complicated and involves the famous Stanford Heart Transplant Data (Crowley and Hu, 1977). The sample consists of 103 cardiac patients enrolled in the transplantation program between 1967 and 1974. After enrollment in the program, patients waited varying lengths of time until a suitable donor heart was found. Thirty patients died before receiving a transplant, while another four patients had still not received transplants at the termination date of April 1, 1974. Patients were followed until death or until the termination date. Of the 69 transplant recipients, only 24 were still alive at termination. At the time of transplantation, all but four of the patients were tissue typed to determine the degree of similarity with the donor.

Chapter 5: Estimating Cox Regression Models with PROC PHREG: Partial Likelihood: Examples
The input variables are: DOB DOA DOT DLS DEAD SURG M1 M2 M3 date of birth date of acceptance into the program date of transplant date last seen (dead or censored) coded 1 if dead at DLS; otherwise coded as 0 coded 1 if patient had open-heart surgery prior to DOA; otherwise coded 0 number of donor alleles with no match in recipient ( 1 through 4) 1 if donor-recipient mismatch on HLA-A2 antigen; otherwise 0 mismatch score

The variables DOT, M1, M2, and M3 are coded as missing for those patients who did not receive a transplant. All four date measures are coded in the form mm/dd/yy.

Chapter 5: Estimating Cox Regression Models with PROC PHREG: Partial Likelihood: Examples
options yearcutoff = 1900; data survival.stan; input dob mmddyy9. doa mmddyy9. dot mmddyy9. dls mmddyy9. id age dead dur surg trans wtime m1 m2 m3 reject; format dob doa dot mmddyy9.; surv1=dls-doa; surv2=dls-dot; wait=dot-doa; agetrans=(dot-dob)/365.25; ageaccpt=(doa-dob)/365.25; if wait = . then wait = 10000; agels=(dls-dob)/365.25; cards; 01/10/37 11/15/67 . 01/03/68 1 30 1 50 0 0 . . . . . Etc. 05/20/28 09/13/67 . 09/18/67 103 39 1 6 0 0 . . . . .


Chapter 5: Estimating Cox Regression Models with PROC PHREG: Partial Likelihood: Examples
1st 10 observations in the Stanford Heart Transplant Data dob 01/10/37 03/02/16 09/19/13 12/23/27 07/28/47 11/08/13 08/29/17 03/27/23 06/11/21 02/09/26 doa 11/15/67 01/02/68 01/06/68 03/28/68 05/10/68 06/13/68 07/12/68 08/01/68 08/09/68 08/11/68 dot . . 01/06/68 05/02/68 . . 08/31/68 . . 08/22/68 dls 2924 2928 2942 3047 3069 3088 3789 3174 3227 3202 dead 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 surg 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 m1 . . 2 3 . . 4 . . 2 m2 . . 0 0 . . 0 . . 0 m3 . . 1.11 1.66 . . 1.32 . . 0.61

Several additional variables are also created:

surv1=dls-doa; * days from acceptance until death; surv2=dls-dot; * days from transplant until death; wait=dot-doa; * days from acceptance until transplant; agetrans=(dot-dob)/365.25; * age at transplant; ageaccpt=(doa-dob)/365.25; * age at acceptance; if wait = . then wait = 10000; 18 agels=(dls-dob)/365.25; * age at death;

Chapter 5: Estimating Cox Regression Models with PROC PHREG: Partial Likelihood: Examples
Question 1: Did transplantation decrease the hazard of death? Approach: Cox regression of SURV1 on transplant status (TRANS) controlling for AGEACCPT and SURG.
title "1st Cox Model for Stanford Heart Transplant Data"; proc phreg data=survival.stan; model surv1*dead(0) = trans surg ageaccpt; run; Model Information
Data Set SURVIVAL.STAN Dependent Variable surv1 Censoring Variable dead Censoring Value(s) 0 Ties Handling BRESLOW Number of Observations Read 103 Number of Observations Used 103 Summary of the Number of Event and Censored Values Percent Total Event Censored Censored 103 75 28 27.18


Chapter 5: Estimating Cox Regression Models with PROC PHREG: Partial Likelihood: Examples
Model Fit Statistics Without Covariates 596.651 596.651 596.651 With Covariates 551.188 557.188 564.141

Criterion -2 LOG L AIC SBC

Testing Global Null Hypothesis: BETA=0 Test Likelihood Ratio Score Wald Chi-Square 45.4629 52.0469 46.6680 DF 3 3 3 Pr > ChiSq <.0001 <.0001 <.0001

Analysis of Maximum Likelihood Estimates Parameter Estimate -1.70813 -0.42130 0.05860 Standard Error 0.27860 0.37098 0.01505 Hazard Ratio 0.181 0.656 20 1.060

Variable trans surg ageaccpt

DF 1 1 1

Chi-Square 37.5902 1.2896 15.1611

Pr > ChiSq <.0001 0.2561 <.0001

Chapter 5: Estimating Cox Regression Models with PROC PHREG: Partial Likelihood: Examples
The results show significant effects of both transplant status and age of acceptance. Each additional year of age at the time of acceptance into the program leads to a 6 percent increase in the hazard of death. The hazard for those who received a transplant is only about 18 percent of the hazard of those who did not. Or equivalently (taking the reciprocal), those who did not receive a transplant are about 5 times more likely to die at any given point in time. However, the main reason why patients did not get transplants is that they died before a suitable donor could be found thus the death rates are higher. The covariate is actually a consequence of the dependent variable: an early death prevents a patient from getting a transplant. One solution is to treat transplant status as a time-dependent covariate (to be covered later).

Chapter 5: Estimating Cox Regression Models with PROC PHREG: Partial Likelihood: Examples
Question 2: Of those patients who did receive a transplant, why did some survive longer than others? Approach: Cox regression of SURV2 on covariates M1, M2, M3, AGETRANS, WAIT and DOT for just the transplant patients.

title "Cox Model for just those receiving transplants"; proc phreg data=survival.stan; where trans=1; model surv2*dead(0)=surg m1 m2 m3 agetrans wait dot; run;

Note that the origin has changed to the date of the transplant from the date of entry into the program.

Chapter 5: Estimating Cox Regression Models with PROC PHREG: Partial Likelihood: Examples
Analysis of Maximum Likelihood Estimates Parameter Estimate -0.77029 -0.24857 0.02958 0.64407 0.04927 -0.00197 -0.0001650 Standard Error 0.49718 0.19437 0.44268 0.34276 0.02282 0.00514 0.0002991 Hazard Ratio 0.463 0.780 1.030 1.904 1.050 0.998 1.000

Variable surg m1 m2 m3 agetrans wait dot

DF 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Chi-Square 2.4004 1.6355 0.0045 3.5309 4.6619 0.1469 0.3044

Pr > ChiSq 0.1213 0.2009 0.9467 0.0602 0.0308 0.7015 0.5811

The two significant estimates imply that each additional year of age when the transplant takes place increases the hazard of dying by about 5 percent and that the hazard of dying almost doubles for those with a unit increase in the measure of tissue mismatch (m3).


Chapter 5: Estimating Cox Regression Models with PROC PHREG: Partial Likelihood: Mathematical and Computational Details
Recall the notation for survival models: Given n independent observations (i = 1,..., n) the data consists of three parts: ti = time of the event

i = indicator variable equal to 1 if observation not censored and 0 if censored

xi = [xi1 ... xik ] = vector of covariate values An ordinary likelihood is written L = Li where Li is the likelihood contribution for the
i =1 n

ith observation. The partial likelihood is a product of the likelihoods for all the events that are observed . If there are J events, then PL = L j where L j is the likelihood contribution for the jth event.
j =1 J


Chapter 5: Estimating Cox Regression Models with PROC PHREG: Partial Likelihood: Mathematical and Computational Details
Well see how the factors Lj are formed with an example. The data is from Collett (1994) and consists of 45 breast cancer patients. The variable SURV contains the survival time in months, beginning with the month of surgery. Twenty-six of the women died (DEAD = 1) during the observation period. Thus, there are 26 terms in the partial likelihood. The variable X has a value of 1 if the tumor had a positive marker for possible metastasis; otherwise it equals 0. To avoid complications with tied data, the survival time for patient 8 is changed from 26 to 25. The data listed on the next page are sorted by survival time to simplify the construction of the partial likelihood.

Chapter 5: Estimating Cox Regression Models with PROC PHREG: Partial Likelihood: Mathematical and Computational Details
Breast cancer Dataset (Collett, 1994) Obs surv dead x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 5 8 10 13 18 23 24 25 26 31 35 40 41 47 48 50 59 61 68 69 70 71 71 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 76 100 101 105 107 109 113 116 118 143 148 154 162 181 188 198 208 212 212 217 224 225 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1


Chapter 5: Estimating Cox Regression Models with PROC PHREG: Partial Likelihood: Mathematical and Computational Details
The partial likelihood method is based on the ordering of the event times and the risk set at each event time. The first event (death) occurs to patient 1 in month 5. To form the partial likelihood term L1 , we need the probability that patient 1 is the one (only one in this case since we don't have any ties in this dataset) to fail at t = 5 given that patients 1 through 45 are all at risk at t = 5. This probability can be shown to be: L1 = h1 (5) . h1 (5) + h2 (5) + ... + h45 (5)


Chapter 5: Estimating Cox Regression Models with PROC PHREG: Partial Likelihood: Mathematical and Computational Details
The second event (death) occurs to patient 2 in month 8. The risk set in this case is patients 2 through 45 (since patient 1 is gone now). L2 = h2 (8) . h2 (8) + h3 (8) + ... + h45 (8)

We can continue this way for each successive event, dropping from the risk set those who have experienced the event prior to the current event time (death). Any censored observations are also dropped from a risk set if they occur before the current event time. For example, the 21st death occurred to patient 22 in month 71. Patient 21 was censored at month 70, so her hazard does not appear in the denominator of L21. When a censored observation occurs at the same time as an event, the convention is to include the censored observation in the risk set for that event. Thus, patient 23 who was censored in month 71 does show up in the denominator of L21.

Chapter 5: Estimating Cox Regression Models with PROC PHREG: Partial Likelihood: Mathematical and Computational Details
A general expression for the partial likelihood for data with fixed covariates from a proportional hazards model is: x i n e PL = n x j i =1 Y e ij j =1

where Yij = 1 if t j ti and Yij = 0 if t j < ti . Note that even though this product is taken over all patients, the censored observations i are essentially ignored since i = 0. This expression is not valid if there are tied events, but it is valid for ties between a single event and several censored observations. n x As with maximum likelihood estimation, log PL = i xi log Yij e j i =1 j =1 actually maximized.

is the function


Chapter 5: Estimating Cox Regression Models with PROC PHREG: Partial Likelihood: Mathematical and Computational Details
Convergence problems can arise if there is a dummy explanatory variable X such that all observations having one of the values of X (0 or 1) occur in censored observations. In such cases, an estimated value for the parameter of X may be reported when in actuality the parameter is approaching plus or minus infinity.
title "Cox Model for the Breast cancer Dataset (Collett, 1994)"; proc phreg data=survival.breast; model surv*dead(0) = x; run;


Chapter 5: Estimating Cox Regression Models with PROC PHREG: Partial Likelihood: Mathematical and Computational Details
Model Fit Statistics Without Covariates 173.914 173.914 173.914 With Covariates 170.030 172.030 173.288

Criterion -2 LOG L AIC SBC

Testing Global Null Hypothesis: BETA=0 Test Likelihood Ratio Score Wald Chi-Square 3.8843 3.5194 3.2957 DF 1 1 1 Pr > ChiSq 0.0487 0.0607 0.0695

Analysis of Maximum Likelihood Estimates Parameter Estimate 0.90933 Standard Error 0.50089 Hazard Ratio 2.483

Variable x

DF 1

Chi-Square 3.2957

Pr > ChiSq 0.0695


Chapter 5: Estimating Cox Regression Models with PROC PHREG: Partial Likelihood: Mathematical and Computational Details
Note that the p-value for the Wald and Score tests are above the 5% cutoff while that for the Log-Likelihood test is below. Sample too small? The estimated hazard ratio of 2.483 says that the hazard for death for those whose tumor has the positive marker was nearly 2 times the hazard for those without the positive marker. In a model with a single binary covariate (such as this one), an alternative to testing for different survival curves for the two groups is use PROC LIFETEST. In this case, the p-value for the log-rank test is identical to that of PHREG above. Thats because the two tests are equivalent for this special case.


Chapter 5: Estimating Cox Regression Models with PROC PHREG: Partial Likelihood: Mathematical and Computational Details
title "Log-rank Test for the Breast cancer Dataset"; proc lifetest data=survival.breast; time surv*dead(0); strata x; run;
The LIFETEST Procedure Summary of the Number of Censored and Uncensored Values Percent Censored





1 0 13 5 8 61.54 2 1 32 21 11 34.38 ------------------------------------------------------------------Total 45 26 19 42.22 Test of Equality over Strata Pr > Chi-Square 0.0607 0.0410 0.0368

Test Log-Rank Wilcoxon -2Log(LR)

Chi-Square 3.5194 4.1766 4.3600

DF 1 1 1


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