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Step by Step Upgrading Oracle 10g to Oracle 11g ----------------------------------------------February 24, 2011 by samadhan Recently we did database upgrade

from 10g to Oracle 11g.I would like share that activity with you. Pre-Requisite: You should have the Oracle database 10g, which you want to migerate. Also here we are upgrading to Oracle Database 11g Beta 6 ( Step 1) Installing Oracle 11g Home We cannot upgrade the existing Oracle Home, since 11g is not a patchset. We have to install 11g oracle home as a seperate ORACLE_HOME in parallel to 10g Oracle Home. Example my 10g Oracle Home is : /u01/app/oracle/oracle/product/10.2.0 then my 11g Oracel Home is : /u01/app/oracle/oracle/product/11.1.0 Just a parallel 11.1.0 directory can be created and we can install oracle home i n this location. Start the installation using the below command ./runInstaller -invPtrLoc /u01/app/oracle/oracle/product/11.1.0/oraInst Screen 1 Select Product Install select Oracle Database 11g Screen 2 Select Installation Method Choose Advanced Installation Screen 3 Specify Inventory directory and creditials Note: We are providing local inventory here inside the corresponding ORACLE_HOME location. Screen 4 Select Installation Type Choose Enterprise Edition Screen 5 Installation Location Oracle Base as parent directory of ORACLE HOME Screen 6 Product Specific Pre-requisite Checks It may gives below warning, we can ignore and proceed further Screen 7 Upgrade an Existsing Database Choose No Screen 8 Select Configuration Option Choose Install Software Only Screen 9 Privileged system groups

Based on the group of oracle user, this value has to be set. Screen 10 Summary

Click on


At the end of installation, installer will ask to run script. Do not pre ss OK button. Run as a root user and once done, press OK button. This will complete th e software installation for Oracle Database 11g. Step 2) Pre-Upgrade Utility In 11g Home you installed, go to $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin and copy the file utlu 111i.sql to some temp location. [oracle]$ cd $ORACLE_HOME [oracle]$ cd rdbms/admin/ [oracle]$ pwd /u01/app/oracle/oracle/product/product/11.1.0/db_1/rdbms/admin [oracle]$ cp utlu111i.sql /tmp The utility will give the output in the form of recommendations to be implemente d before starting the upgrade. Unless these requirements are met, the upgrade will fail. Most of the time issue use to come up with time zone . Then login to the 10g oracle database and run the above sql you copied. Oracle Database 11.1 Pre-Upgrade Information Tool 23-02-2011 01:34:07 . ********************************************************************** Database: ********************************************************************** > name: ORCL > version: > compatible: > blocksize: 8192 > platform: Linux IA (32-bit) > timezone file: V2 . ********************************************************************** Tablespaces: [make adjustments in the current environment] ********************************************************************** > SYSTEM tablespace is adequate for the upgrade. . . . . WARNING: > Database contains schemas with objects dependent on network packages. . Refer to the 11g Upgrade Guide for instructions to configure Network ACLs. . USER SYSMAN has dependent objects. WARNING: > EM Database Control Repository exists in the database. . Direct downgrade of EM Database Control is not supported. Refer to the . 11g Upgrade Guide for instructions to save the EM data prior to upgrade. . PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. The utility will give the output in the form of recommendations to be implemente d before starting the upgrade. Unless these requirements are met, the upgrade will fail.

Step 3) Executing the recommended steps Following are the critical steps to be executed based on above warnings. These commands are to be executed while connecting to database from 10g Oracle H ome WARNING: > Database is using an old timezone file version. . Patch the database to timezone file version 4 . BEFORE upgrading the database. Re-run utlu111i.sql after . patching the database to record the new timezone file version. Finding the Version of existing timezone files: SQL> select * from v$timezone_file; FILENAME VERSION timezlrg.dat 2 SQL> WHEN WHEN WHEN WHEN WHEN WHEN WHEN WHEN WHEN WHEN WHEN WHEN ELSE FROM SELECT CASE COUNT(DISTINCT(tzname)) 183 then 1 355 then 1 347 then 1 377 then 2 186 then case COUNT(tzname) WHEN 636 then 2 WHEN 626 then 3 ELSE 0 end 185 then 3 386 then 3 387 then case COUNT(tzname) WHEN 1438 then 3 ELSE 0 end 391 then case COUNT(tzname) WHEN 1457 then 4 ELSE 0 end 392 then case COUNT(tzname) WHEN 1458 then 4 ELSE 0 end 188 then case COUNT(tzname) WHEN 637 then 4 ELSE 0 end 189 then case COUNT(tzname) WHEN 638 then 4 ELSE 0 end 0 end VERSION v$timezone_names;

VERSION 2 If the Version of the existing timezone is less than 4, then apply the patch for Version 4 timezone files. Check the database version SQL> select banner from v$version; BANNER Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release PL/SQL Release Production CORE Production TNS for Linux: Version Production NLSRTL Version Production Prod

For check the metalink note ID 413671.1. We have a table which defines the patch to be applied. Always try to use the official patch The script (and on 10g also the csv file) are normally delivered through install

ation of a patch in the Oracle home. Please note that before using this note you are advised to double check that the time zone patches are not available for your patchset. Applying the correct patch through opatch is always preferable to the manual metho d described in this note. If there is no official patchset for the version you are currently having then y ou can Identify the utltzuv2.sql & timezdif.csv combination patch for a different patchset, but same release. For example if you run and you are trying to find the utltzuv2.sql scri pt & timezdif.csv file you can find the correct patch 5632264 for and this will be applicable to a s well. Please follow the metalink note ID 396387.1 Once you identify the correct patchset(5632264 for 10.2.X), download the same an d unzip it. [oracle]$ unzip [oracle]$ ls etc files README.txt [oracle]$ cd files/oracore/zoneinfo [oracle]$ ls readme.txt timezlrg.dat timezone.dat Backup $ORACLE_HOME/oracore/zoneinfo directory [oracle]$ cp -R $ORACLE_HOME/oracore/zoneinfo $ORACLE_HOME/oracore/zoneinfo_back up Copy the .dat files [oracle]$ cp timezone.dat timezlrg.dat $ORACLE_HOME/oracore/zoneinfo Bounce the database and check the TIMEZONE version again SQL> select * from v$timezone_file; FILENAME VERSION timezlrg.dat 4 SQL> WHEN WHEN WHEN WHEN WHEN WHEN WHEN WHEN WHEN WHEN WHEN WHEN ELSE FROM SELECT CASE COUNT(DISTINCT(tzname)) 183 then 1 355 then 1 347 then 1 377 then 2 186 then case COUNT(tzname) WHEN 636 then 2 WHEN 626 then 3 ELSE 0 end 185 then 3 386 then 3 387 then case COUNT(tzname) WHEN 1438 then 3 ELSE 0 end 391 then case COUNT(tzname) WHEN 1457 then 4 ELSE 0 end 392 then case COUNT(tzname) WHEN 1458 then 4 ELSE 0 end 188 then case COUNT(tzname) WHEN 637 then 4 ELSE 0 end 189 then case COUNT(tzname) WHEN 638 then 4 ELSE 0 end 0 end VERSION v$timezone_names;


4 WARNING: > Database contains stale optimizer statistics. . Refer to the 11g Upgrade Guide for instructions to update . statistics prior to upgrading the database. . Component Schemas with stale statistics: . SYS . SYSMAN Gather Dictionary stats: Connect as sys user and gather statistics SQL> EXEC DBMS_STATS.GATHER_DICTIONARY_STATS; SQL> EXEC DBMS_STATS.GATHER_SCHEMA_STATS( SYS ); PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL> EXEC DBMS_STATS.GATHER_SCHEMA_STATS( SYSMAN ); PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. Step 4) Run Pre-Upgrade Utility again After executing the recommended steps, run the pre-upgrade utility once again to make sure, you don t get any critical warnings. Run the pre-upgrade utility script on 10g database while connecting from 10g ora cle home. If every thing looks fine, Shut down the database from 10g Oracle Home This time make sure you dont have the critical warnings like the one with TIMEZO NE version. Step 5) Starting Upgrade Source the following variables for 11g Oracle Home [oracle]$ [oracle]$ [oracle]$ [oracle]$ export export export export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/oracle/product/product/11.1.0/db_1 PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$PATH ORACLE_SID=orcl TNS_ADMIN=$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin

connected to the database sys as sysdba sqlplus / as sysdba > will be connected to idle instance

SQL> startup upgrade ORA-32004: obsolete and/or deprecated parameter(s) specified ORACLE instance started. Total System Global Area 611000320 bytes Fixed Size 1301588 bytes Variable Size 201327532 bytes Database Buffers 402653184 bytes Redo Buffers 5718016 bytes Database mounted. Database opened.

SQL> SPOOL upgrade.log SQL> @catupgrd.sql Once the upgrades finishes. It will shut down the database automatically. Login again as sysdba and startup in normal mode. Check the dba_registry for the components and its status Step 6) Post-Upgrade Steps Once the upgrade completes, restart the instance to reinitialize the system para meters for normal operation. SQL> STARTUP Run utlu111s.sql to display the results of the upgrade: SQL> @?/rdbms/admin/utlu111s.sql . Oracle Database 11.1 Post-Upgrade Status Tool 23-02-2011 05:22:40 . Component Status Version HH:MM:SS . Oracle Server . VALID 00:19:02 JServer JAVA Virtual Machine . VALID 00:02:55 Oracle Workspace Manager . VALID 00:00:54 OLAP Analytic Workspace . VALID 00:00:26 OLAP Catalog . VALID 00:00:58 Oracle OLAP API . VALID 00:00:25 Oracle Enterprise Manager . VALID 00:11:00 Oracle XDK . VALID 00:00:53 Oracle Text . VALID 00:00:50 Oracle XML Database . VALID 00:03:52 Oracle Database Java Packages . VALID 00:00:21 Oracle Multimedia . VALID 00:04:25 Spatial . VALID 00:05:18 Oracle Expression Filter . VALID 00:00:13 Oracle Rules Manager . VALID 00:00:12 Gathering Statistics . 00:04:03 Total Upgrade Time: 00:55:57 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. Run catuppst.sql, located in the ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin directory, to perform u

pgrade actions that do not require the database to be in UPGRADE mode: SQL> @?/rdbms/admin/catuppst.sql Run utlrp.sql to recompile SQL> select count(*) from dba_objects 2 where status = INVALID ; COUNT(*) 1576 SQL> @?/rdbms/admin/utlrp.sql SQL> select count(*) from dba_objects 2 where status = INVALID ; COUNT(*) 0 This completes the upgrade.

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