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A personal assessment of the online Yoox experience

A.1 Main Page
 Nice, simple design, the three column idea works very well.
 Top and bottom menus are also well placed and comprehensive.
 Overall design seems more matching with older 4:3 ratio than the more current 16:9
widescreen ratio.
 Colors, especially of fonts, can be too light, can make reading difficult.
 The use of a heavy video in the middle of the page can be a detractor.
A.1.i Shopping Experience: The easiest way to shop at Yoox is either through a
search or by selecting one of the specials from the right-hand column. The Designers
and Categories menus feel congested and not very easy to use. A further categorisation
would be more effective.
(+) Initiated by either the ‘Search’ or the 'Specials' column, the shopping experience is
fast and easy. Pictures are neutral and of good quality and the very useful 'Zoom’
function works with no troubles. The ‘Deja-Vu’ function is very useful and supports sales
in a personal and subtle way.
(-) Descriptions are quite technical to the customer and would be more useful in product
categorisation to support the search function and not in an informative context. Also the
section dedicated to designers sometimes contains lengthy texts; the presentation space
could be used for better purposes and the function dealt with a link to a dedicated page.

A.2 Customer Care

 ‘Who is Yoox’ and ‘Shopping on Yoox’ should constitute a separate section.
 Also ‘Myoox’ and ‘Yooxnews’ info should be placed in their responsive pages. The
specific section talks more about the benefits of registering with Yoox and belongs to
the ‘Myoox' section.
 ‘Sizes’ and My Order’ are the highlights of the section with advanced usability.

A.3 The Project

 Well Presented. Only objection can be the title as the more traditional ‘About Us’ is
more representative of this section’s content. Also, ‘Project’ gives the impression of
something unfinished; for the customer ‘Yoox’ is a channel and should give the
impression of working flawlessly.

A.4 Myoox
The most interesting section of the website. Ambitious, with room for improvement in two
fields: Personalisation and Social Networking:
A.4.i Personalisation: Yoox should offer its members the opportunity to further
personalise their experience. A more open platform that can be enriched by e.g. external
applications, can involve its customers, enable their creativity and improve the site’s
A.4.ii Social Networking: Yoox should be a place to make friends and not only to invite
friends too. Members should be enabled and encouraged to connect with people with
whom they share tastes and interests, in a manner similar to that of a social networking
site; members can thus become the best evangelists of the site’s offering.
Yoox has a lot to gain from offering its customers the opportunity to interact directly
between themselves: By monitoring social activity it can get invaluable insights for its
services, offering as well as innovative ideas. The future belongs to small, relevant and
exclusive networks of like-minded individuals and Yoox has the critical mass of members
to create such a network which, apart form the direct sales gains will be of enormous
value to marketers and companies as a targeted, group of innovators and lead users.
 The ‘My Orders’ functionality overlaps with the one at the Customer Care section
(where it also make more sense).
 ‘Dreambox’ is the highlight of the section, contributing to both the personalisation of
the experience and the involvement of the customer. Only objection: interaction
should take place within the site and not through e-mail.
The overall feeling of the section is that it is too much concentrated on the commerce
functionality. Yoox seems to ask for a lot (Feedback, Word of Mouth by making wishes
public) without offering as much. Myoox should be more focused on the experience and
the benefits for the company more subtle. More focus should be given on the identity of
the user that can be expressed through Yoox and signalled to other members.

A.5 Cart
Many sections overlap with Customer Care but in all it is a comprehensive and self-
explicatory process. The highlight of the section is the ‘My Returns’ functionality that
offers the possibility to monitor a return much in the same way of monitoring an order;
this augments greatly the feeling of transaction security that customers have.
A.5.i Security: Emphasis on transaction security can be augmented by dedicating a
special section on the subject. Verisign and ATW certifications are an adequate standard.
An idea could be to explain how Paypal is reliable and secure for people unfamiliar with
A.5.ii Payment Experience: The final step of the purchase and the shopping
experience as a whole must, apart from secure, feel intuitive and as less complicated as
possible. The 4 steps employed are the industry standard: they are simple, with no
hidden charges, fast and safe. All in all, the Cart section works very well.

A.6. Others
The layout used for the sections listed on the bottom menu is very user friendly and
intuitive, while its standardised nature makes navigation and information retrieval very
easy. This layout could be the norm of the website and be used in more occasions.
A.6.i Yoox News: The Yoox News pop-up window follows the minimal logic of the
website and is very effective; the only objection is that the link tab can delude the user to
think that is leads to an informative section and not a subscription form.
A.6.ii Yooxer Megazine: The Yooxer Megazine is a great idea that should be expanded.
It is the next step, the part of the website that is more than commerce and deals with
issues relevant to fashion and that run along the interests of the Yoox target group.
Content is always relevant but looks poor: it should be enriched and perhaps invite users
to comment on it or provide their own content. The layout and form of the magazine can
also be brought closer to the Web 2.0 standards (Different Logo, more interactive
content etc.). This is the place where videos and flash content should be placed instead
of the part of the site that serves the commerce functionality.
A.6.iii Mail Correspondence: Subtle and informative, mail correspondence manages to
fulfill its purpose of keeping in touch with members without feeling intrusive or abusive.
Response time in case of desired correspondence (e.g. customer care or password
change) is very fast.
B.1 Site Features
B.1.i Ease of Use: 7/10
The site is generally easy to use but there is a feeling that it has grown out of proportion
and that changes are in need. The usability of the catalogues is perhaps the part with
the poorest performance. As a contrast, the Spartan design of the bottom down menu
sections (e.g. Privacy Policy) has a very high mark of usability.
B.1.ii Speed: 9/10
The site is generally light and loads very fast. The Pictures and the Zoom function
require fast connection but generally work well. Only detractor: the heavy video of the
Main Page that takes time to load and occasionally does not work well (compared to the
one at the Biagetti site).
B.1.iii Functionality: 8/10
As an e-commerce platform the site works very well. The search function works
accurately and quickly, links to similar sections are clearly available making navigation
easy, articles are presented in an adequate manner and the purchasing function is
secure and intuitive in line with the industry standards. A set of extra functionalities such
as the Dreambox and Premiere score above industry standards but more can be done
for the site to achieve increased functionality in other areas than the commerce activity
and be in lone with Web 2.0 standards.
B.1.iv Design: 9/10
A strong point of the site which has obviously been built based on the content and not
the existing space. Clean and simple, it is features two standards (the Three Columns
one for the commerce section and the Menu – Text one for the informative section) that
become, along with the soft colors, part of the site’s identity. Other pluses are the
centered orientation, the plentiful white space and the spare use of multimedia and other
heavy applications. The absence of adverts is also positive while the level of
aggressiveness is relatively low. Only objection is the small text size which is also of a
light tone of grey that can make reading against the white background tiring.
B.2 Aspects of the Site
B.2.i Content
 Coherence: Content is coherent with the site and its members’ interests; limited to
luxury clothing and accessories, the selling proposition is targeted and relevant.
Additional themes include books on the same subjects, as well as art, architecture
etc. that create a successful augmented product.
 Rich vs. Reach: Product offering is rich, maybe in an excessive way that borders with
diffusion. Reach is limited to the specific target group of fashion-conscious crowd.
 Context: Functional versus aesthetic component – In this area Yoox manages to
hit a well-sought balance. The site scores high on functionality but also on the
aesthetic factor, avoiding heavy content (such as 3D graphics, Shockwave
applications etc.)
 Catalogue: variety versus richness - The catalogue can be described as very rich
in a vertical way (clothing and accessories). Variety is successfully limited to
achieve a sense of specialization and exclusivity.
 Level of personalization – Medium; efforts such as Myoox should be further
elaborated upon.
 Live Updates: The site feels that it is updated constantly. The 'Last Minute' function
that lists current sales is a great trick to this direction.
B.2.ii Commerce: The core activity of the site is very well executed as has been
B.2.iii Community: The area where the site lacks; the first attempts to form a social
network have been made (Dreambox, My Friends) but there is along way from
developing a meaningful community of members and fans.

B.3 Site Localisation

This is a description of how the website travels along borders. Languages inspected:
Italian (base), English, French, German and Spanish.
B.3.i Semiotic Aspects
 Images: Images remain unchanged in each version of the site. Although no need
exists to localize products whose offering is universal, differences can occur
across cultures and should be taken care of; for instance, the image of Santa
Claus at the Special Offers section during the holiday season works well in
Europe and the States but not in Malaysia, Japan or Turkey.
 Layout: No need considered necessary. Although Asian sites normally have a
diverse layout, the design of Yoox is part of its identity and can be standardized
without feeling awkward to e.g. Chinese users.
 Shapes & Colors: By avoiding complicated shapes and the use of strong colors
that could be problematic (e.g. the use of the color green in Islamic countries)
Yoox avoids the need to make changes and comply to local standards.
B.3.ii Linguistic Aspects
 Themes: Themes remain the same across cultures and no change is deemed
necessary, even in more specific items such as the articles dealt with at the Yooxer.
Fashion is seen as a culture of its own and the same themes are interesting to
fashionistas across the globe, forming and delivering the identity of Yoox.
 Register: Register has generally been converted correctly and the tone of addressing
clients does not read offensive or awkward.
 Logos-Payoffs: Logos should remain untranslatable as part of a brand's identity.
Payoffs on the other hand should be localized as in a different context they lose their
punch. A successful example is the play with words ‘Big Promotions for the Little
Ones’ that travels well across languages.
 Untranslated Items: Many items in the fashion industry have to remain untranslated
because they convey a meaning in their own (Premiere is
The overall feeling of the texts is that they read awkward and that they are obviously a
translation of the Italian texts. The literal translation of Italian expressions such as
‘Connect your friends' (to what), compared to ‘Conetti i tuoi amici’, make it obvious that
the texts have been written in Italian and then have been translated. More efforts should
be made either in translating or in providing content in the original language.

B.4 Luxury
An assessment on how much does the website covers the elements inherent in fashion
and luxury:
 Quality: 9/10
Certified by the brand names, it is enhanced by the Quality Policy of the website.
 Price: 5/10
The Yoox price discount refers more to a bargain than to a premium product.
 Scarcity: 6/10
The abundance of offering and the accessibility of the channel are partly
counterbalanced by the special editions and limited item availability.
 Beauty/Style: 9/10
Selected designers and a stylish website signal high stylistic value. Also, the positive
comments of satisfied customers and the press add to the image of the site and its
 Conspicuousness: 10/10
Apart from the ability to demonstrate clothes by wearing them, the site gives you the
opportunity to exhibit your taste and acquisitions through the Dreambox and Your
Friends functionalities.
C.1 General Assessment
C.1.i SWOT Analysis
Strengths Weaknesses
 Best known e-tailer of a market niche  Competition in prices rather than
internationally margins constitutes business plan
 Well positioned in a high growth – high more vulnerable to new entrants
margin market segment  Consumers’ perception closer to a
 Constant innovation in services and discount – outlet model than an
product delivery alternative channel for premium items.
Opportunities Threats
 The expansion Yoox Services and the 1. Entry of competitors, both niche and
creation of monobrand sites larger ones (E-Bay)
 The creation of a private label by 2. Excessive growth with resulting
expanding collaboration with designers excessive offering
 Expansion in other areas of luxury 3. Diffusion of brands and resulting
(jewelry, watches, furniture, perfumes) reluctance to cooperate

C.1.ii Conclusions
1. The major threat at the moment is the overgrowth of the product offering through the
platform and the resulting diffusion of the brands (Kiton is listed along with Diadora).
An answer to that could be a further segmentation of the designers and the offered
products in more visible categories. A differentiation between soft and hard luxury for
instance can be created along with the different levels of accessibility to each
product category.
2. The limited availability of sizes in the presented models as well as the discounted
prices are similar to the outlet model. Discounts should be rationalized in the minds
of consumers (Internet discount because of Supply Chain cost cuts) while the limited
availability in sizes can be used to enhance the sense of scarcity and exclusivity
(display a full range of sizes and colors that has been sold-is not available any more)
3. There is an inherent contradiction of terms between the internet as an commercial
channel and luxury products: Internet is the most readily accessible means while
luxury entails the concept of scarcity and exclusivity. To address this issue, a diverse
historical approach can be taken for each product and target group:
 Aristocracy - The initial approach of the luxury industry to its customer base:
exclusive and distant creates the feeling of feeling special. This approach can be
used again for the top-end luxury brands of the Yoox portfolio (e.g. Kiton, Loro
Piana). Differentiation here can be based on Distribution which can be selective
and create the feeling of uniqueness.
 Democratization – The approach of the big groups that commoditized luxury can
be used for the main bulk of the Yoox product offering (Big brands such as
Armani, Prada etc. and sport related products e.g. Puma). Differentiation here
can be based on Pricing (better prices because of internet savings)
 Skilled Customer – The modern approach to luxury: the customer is an equal,
well informed on fashion issues, ready to share tastes and knowledge. This
approach is ideal for new trends and brands focused on a niche (Refrigiwear,
Drumohr etc.) Differentiation here can be based on Promotion that can take
place primarily through Social Networking channels, word of mouth being the
best practice.

C.2 Ideas to Enhance Yoox Services:

C.2.i Exclusive Monobrand Websites
In the same manner of creating websites for Marni and Emporio Armani, Yoox can seek
to create websites for other brands by following a differentiated strategy that works
especially on hard luxury brands: The idea is to create exclusive sites where entry is
limited only to members; in order for someone to become a privileged member, a
process must be followed, e.g.:
 Invitation by other members; initial member base must be selected carefully in being
able to operate as opinion leaders and trend setters as well as having a broad social
network for the creation of word-of-mouth.
 Invitation by Yoox, on the basis of activity on the Yoox platform (as high-spender or
activity on the Myoox section).
C.2.ii Collaboration with other SN Sites (aSW)
To achieve optimum promotion and guide traffic to its own niche network, Yoox can
collaborate with existing exclusive SN sites (such as a Small World) or exclusive groups
on wider SN sites (e.g. brand fan clubs on Facebook).
C.2.iii Focus on Social Networking Aspects- (Fans of Specific Brands)
Yoox though should seek to create its own Social Networking activity. In the wake of the
inability of open and large SN sites to gain from their members, that exactly because of
their openness consider any advertising activity as invasive to their privacy, small,
exclusive and relevant networks are the future of marketing. Yoox has a broad and
dense Network that can use either for its own benefit (information, collaborative
innovation) or for the benefit of the designers’ it collaborates with, extracting thus better
C.2.iv Expansion in Second Life
A logical step would also be an expansion in the SL universe. Being a place where
everything is based on appearances, Yoox could draw benefit either by offering virtual
products or by a virtual service, such as a more interactive approach to selling clothes,
especially by recreating the consulting atmosphere of the traditional shops.

C.3 Features to Enhance Yoox Site Functionality:

C.3.i Configuration A Configuration functionality could be added. In this way customers
would be able to further personalize their experience (e.g. form virtual clothing sets).
C.3.ii Recommendations Yoox could boost sales by adding a Recommendations
feature, advising customers which other articles would fit with the one they have
bought/are currently interested in. This could be done either automatically or based on
other users combinations/preferences. This way it could be possible to sell in bundles
and offer a service to customers at the same time.
C.3.iii Value Added Services A number of services that can be found at traditional
shops can be duplicated online
 Virtual Fashion Consultant, where customers can ask for fashion and styling tips.
 Concierge Service that would include more than shopping assistance (synergies with
the Yooxer, assistance in getting concert tickets, restaurant reservations by linking to
relevant, affiliate sites)
 Another Premier Service can be a Personal Shopping Assistant for high spenders
that need advice or don’t have the time to browse around the site. This way,
customer can be guided to best offers and maximum value can be extracted by a
high-status service. These services can be offered and advertised as privileges to
boost customer loyalty.
C.3.iv Loyalty Schemes A full loyalty scheme can be organized for keeping customers
coming back to Yoox. This is an important issue as recurring shoppers offer more value
at lower costs. Incentives can be monetary (discount by affiliate credit cards, points
system according to shopping frequency), or not (connection with related activities - e.g.
concerts, special networking events etc.). Non-monetary incentives count more in the
luxury and fashion industries where value is heavily associated with immaterial benefits.
C.3.v Expansion to Other Luxury Related Segments: At a time that fashion and luxury
groups turn over to accessories to get higher margins, it could be an idea to extend the
offering to other related products as described before. This expansion should be
executed carefully, probably through a separate platform. Private Label: Depending on the success of the yearly attempt of Yoox to market
anniversary clothing created by collaborating designers, Yoox can consider launching a
private label; such a solution could provide great benefits both in terms of profits and
margins as well as in leveraging buying power.

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