Questionnaire For Investors363

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Ph. D. Researcher: Mr. Nitin Niranjan Burla, Assistant Professor MBA Department, Nagesh Karajagi ORCHID College of Engg. & Tech., Solapur Ph.D. Guide : Dr. Barbole Anil N. Head of Commerce Department, Chh. Shivaji Night College of Arts and Commerce, Solapur Research Topic

A Study on Awareness and Investment pattern about Mutual Funds among Individual Investors.
Note: The data collected from you will be utmost important in research and will be kept confidential. (Please tick at appropriate columns) Name: ___________________________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________ Gender: Age: Male 30 40 Years Female 40 50 years

20 30 Years

50 60 Years 60 Years & Above E-mail: __________________________________________________________________ Contact No: PART I 1. Occupation: Government Employee Professional Retired Private Employee Businessman Housewife

2. Education:

SSC / HSC Postgraduate

Graduate Professional (Please Specify _______________________)

3. Monthly Income of family:

Up to 10,000 20,001 to 30,000 40, 001 to 50, 000

10,001 to 20,000 30,001 to 40,000 50, 001 and above

4. Which amongst the following avenues have you invested in? (Please tick at appropriate columns) and what is the percentage of investment in each instrument of total annual investment? Sr. No 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 Investment avenues Mutual Funds Bank Deposit Real Estate Life Insurance Scheme Bullion( Gold & Silver) Bonds / Debentures PPF/ EPF Equity Shares (Please tick or X) % of Total Investment in the financial year

5. What is the pattern of your investment : Monthly (Regular) Quarterly Annually

6. What is your level of risk with regards to your Investment? No Risk Low Risk Moderate Risk High Risk

7. Are you aware about Mutual Funds? Yes No

(If your answer is Yes for question No. 7, Please fill Part II)


8. Which of the following source provided you with the information about Mutual Funds? Media Friends Brokers Relatives Investment Consultant Other

9. Which of the following features of Mutual Funds are you AWARE of? Rank them on the scale of 01 to 05. (Where 01 for most aware feature 05 for least aware feature) Sr. No. 01 02 03 04 05 Factors Professional Management Better Returns Liquidity Tax Benefit Diversification Rank

10. Are you interested to invest in Mutual Funds? Interested Not Interested

11. Which is your preferred mode of investment in Mutual Funds? Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) Lump sum Both

12. Which scheme of Mutual Fund would you prefer? Open ended scheme Close ended scheme

13. In which amongst the following fund would you like to invest? Rank them on the scale of 01 to 06. (Where 01 for most preferred fund 06 for least preferred fund) Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Fund Growth Fund Liquid Fund Index Fund Debt Fund Balanced Fund ELSS Rank

14. Which kind of plan or option would you choose from the given following options? Rank them on the scale of 01 to 03. (Where 01 for most preferred option 03 for least preferred option) Sr. No. 1 2 3 Fund Growth Option Dividend Option Reinvestment Option Rank

15. While buying Mutual Fund, which of the following factors do you consider? Rank them on the scale of 01 to 06. (Where 01 for most considered factor 06 for least considered factor) Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Factor Past Performance of Fund Fund Manager Brand Name Tax Benefit Portfolio of Stocks in Fund Ratings Rank

16. What is your expected rate of returns from Mutual Fund? 10% -15% 15% - 20% more than 20%

**** THANK YOU ****

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