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Cloud computing jumping event neutralism design, which is thought up basic event result flows across time

writer: Said Mchaalia (first draft copy start on May 1st 2013)

Abastruct: Cloud computing is very interest off-line as leaf like on-line simulation. Uwe Schwiegelsohn [1] did prove that a virtual eventual basic logical inside simulation is needed for describing cloud computing. Although, this eventual basic logical inside synchronisation is a virtual vogue in proceeding processing, whose valuable variables are the (left, right) rotation motion of any robot mobile such that the soccer player, the manafacturing image maker (in space motion within wireless sending of capturing images for all linked sattelites, etc ...).

Introduction: In fact, cloud computing is a vogue into setting forth: (1) the visible fast "as if "into electic shadow, (2) laud voice in the wrrently vogue; (3)probable chimical comostion for water production(2H+O=H2O) and (4) under constraint valuable variables. Hence, the "as if" could jump into "what if" inserting inspiration in probable formulation vogues in current digital data flow fashion (modulation's need is a mathematical formulation in square[sin[g(t,f)]], energy flow is a formulation of integration{power.dt} during a [n.T] time intervals. Thus, Lempel and Ziv in year 1978 did their waveform compression algrithms based on currently vogue needs, whereby either the on-line or the off-line digital simulation and verification needs huge of storage space to be used in the next step of elaboration phase [2]. In fact, the "under constraint"conditions allow the valuable variables to be color comosition processing whose interest vogues are in (white,black) dream cream couples. Therefore, compose color is equal to add ratio of white light color to initial black color. The Earth's moon is a fatal formulated example, when the NOT(exist of Earth's Moon) = black color of its famous place. Otherwise, the add(ratio of light white color) = be full in exact 14 days of its second appearance. Is this true? This question permits a fuzzy proceeding in basic logics inside systems.

Though, lossy data of electrical shadow during any cloud computing has many manufacturing features, which are proposal outward appearances ( thus, Earth's quarter is a white light color till the last quarter, which never allow a long stay on it, because it will disppear in approximatly 8 days). Therefore, manufacturing features are in "handons" of "across any currently vogue". In fact two primordial principle thread tasks are operating in cloud computing processing, such that, (i) light, which has been to be identified, and (ii) velocity, which should be a measurable core. Hence, it measures the movable distance of clear visible volume (volume= surface.heigt) during a quantity amount of micro-seconds. In fact, lighting a volume requires deep investigation in Grid simulation (from electricity production, which has been started by rotation motion of turbines to distributing of equi-quantity amounts for all connected electricity consumers Uwe Schwiegelsohn did explain such scheduling jobs in his 2012 paper [1]). In the other hand, "cloud computing" is scheduling jobs in parallel simulation, whereby, whose measusrable cores are metric quantity amounts such that: electricity production, voice production, visible light color production, chemical composition production, water for end user production, etc ... In spite of digital signal processing (DSP), cloud computing processing events are measurable cores in all scheduling jobs and parallel thread task, which were detailed in Grahman's 1966 paper: Scheduling jobs in parallel simulation [3]. In fact, propagation of produced light during cloud computing is a "virtual in currently vogue" formulation joining "emit rays" designs. Even though, based on formulation joining "emit rays" designs, the fatal famous formulation form of the propagation of produced light during cloud computing is so defined:

V = f(e, s, n, m, l)
. v = is a valuable variable vogue describing what will be occurred (happend). . e = is event occurrence during s micro-seconds. . s = s float number of micro-seconds for an event to occurr inside the cloud computing simulation. . n = is nil value (0) for origins and symetry scheduling jobs: from white

to black, I need a symmetry origin = n. . m = is main manufacturing design: water = chemical composition if true of 2H + O =H2O should be scheduled and produce jobs. . l = is local liable logical language inside syetem sychronization: after cloud computing => tha produced water is enorme enough for drink, during cloud computing stored produced light inside capacitors is usefull for any electrical energy flows across time, etc ... In fact, in "currently vogue" of cloud computing, the fatal factors are the "what if" and the "as if" inserting inspiration items, whereby "what if" inspiration if enough nuclear design basics of event result flows around test and try in digital verification. Although, "as if" inspiration is operation processing, such that mathematical operands in forms of processes to be running during simulation times. I. Safe Sychronization of "in currently vogue" motion of cloud computing: Indeed, moving clouds to be computed is "jack-ins" exciting design basics of event result flows aroud ties. In winter, the north part of Earth (Norway, Finnland, Danmark, Uk, etc...) has more enough cloud, which allow water and snow to be easy produced, however this will then be happend in the southern part in summer. Hence, how clouds are moving and controled? The answer to this question allow fictious understanding of "in currently vogue" motion during computing: I want to move left, right, behind, front off and so on exactly true leaf like clouds during the famous hand-on adages "count a day away to be 12 months a year". Furthermore, the "in currently vogue" motion during any computing proceeding is linked to stochastic ratios: in just one month how were clouds computed? was any water or snow produced as result flows of this cloud computing duing this month? In fact, the basic logics inside synchronization is an "in currently vogue" motion during any computing proceeding, whose basic event ratios are jumping (event occurrence: if clock'event && clock'value==1 do { } end if;) exciting design during time intervals (across time and around ties) in digital forms : t = n.T, where T is a defined shored period, which could be easy realesed from transistor transition language (TTL), and T <= NOT(T) after x nan-seconds, should be a scheduling jobs of any TTL languages. II/ Join jurry electric "OR" net designs burning event result flows (to burn = to build; I want to be, I want to see "born to make you happy from Britney Spears")

In fact, jump to jaw electrical net designs of "OR" that is built for event result flows ( to burn = to build; I want to be, I want to see "born to make you happy from Britney Spears"), is the just Jesus extern nuclear die, whom operating unities (Kaufmann Kohler; Unicity of Godhood) bind basic environment reality.

The (Exit E, Out O) dream couple is always used to drill the incoming current flows for any electrical tool such as all actual home depot wares. In fact, the aim object of Said Mchaalia, Uwe Schwiegelsohn, Kao Odej, Susan Weber and many others is the bring up "Bridges into Gaps" Therefore, from the picture defined above, we could inspire a hot jumping exciting nuclear deign for "OR" burrowing environment reality, which is so defined " my motor should flow sometimes lefts, othertimes rights". Indeed, Sony firm did this modeling design into just one block box nuclear design within its paly stations: from 2 until now. This nice beautiful operating processing within "P-N or N-P" jack-ins' jonctions permit "hand-ons" for "adages bridge gaps" design; for example the Professor Kao Odej could from just hand-on sheet bring many "jawing exciting net design operating under basic environment reality flows, which are Control Data Flow Graph transistion translation into handling event result flows across times (See Said Mchaalia's wave-report.pdf, whereby the control data flow graph could be then applied to reduce the waveform compression algorithms and to produce SusiCompress.exe"

III/ Jack-ins exciting net designs operating under basic event result flows: In fact, from the start up of electricity (17xy) in United Kingdom, the main operating unit of electricity is the Capacitor C(x micro Farads, y Volts). Thus, what is exactly a Capacitor? Is it a response reaction time to allow incoming current to flow any where deep nets? Or is it a source bridge gap for bring up envisaged electrical energy when it is required as it is current in new vogue so define for the DDR3 and may be DDR4 or DDRN net design operating under basic event result flows of "HOLD when it is required". Even though, diode waveforms are equivalent to capacitors' languages: by the ways that they hold electrical energies in short times. Therefore, the description maths for any diode is a function of expo(f(time)), whereby it is to remember that d[expo(f(time))]/dtime = {d[f(time)]/dtime}.[expo(f(time))] In fact, the safe compute the needed time for storage electrical energy inside diode or capacitor a calculation of derivation function should be done. Therefore (should, schedule) jobs are the most bridge gaps inside timing calculation as Said Mchaalia did it within its paper: wavereport.pdf. On the other hand, firms for co-processors or processors leaf like Motorola, Intel, Sun, AMD, etc could best understand the meaningfulness of Said Mchaalia's Wave-report.pdf, whereby the safe sience of secret synchronisation was thought through for think thou! Hence, just exciting nuclear design for operating to understand basic event result flows is the following " Cloud computing" model defined in the next picture:

Hello all, I, Said Mchaalia, would like to send you my last hot news: Join jury electrical "OR" net design, which burn event result flows (to build when is equal burn = so it is Mchaalia Arabic into English translation) This is done in my draft paper 2013: Cloud computing jumping event neutralism design, which is thought up basic event result flows across time writer: Said Mchaalia (first draft copy start on May 1st 2013)

Abstract: Cloud computing is very interest off-line as leaf like on-line simulation. Uwe Schwiegelsohn [1] did prove that a virtual eventual basic logical inside simulation is needed for describing cloud computing. Although, this eventual basic logical inside synchronization is a virtual vogue in proceeding processing, whose valuable variables are the (left, right) rotation motion of any robot mobile such that the soccer player, the manufacturing image maker (in space motion within wireless sending of capturing images for all linked sattelites, etc ...).

Introduction: In fact, cloud computing is a vogue into setting forth: (1) the visible fast "as if "into electric shadow, (2) laud voice in the reverently vogue; (3)probable chemical compostion for water production(2H+O=H2O) and (4) under constraint valuable variables. Hence, the "as if" could jump into "what if" inserting inspiration in probable formulation vogues in current digital data flow fashion (modulation's need is a mathematical formulation in square[sin[g(t,f)]], energy flow is a formulation of integration{PowerPoint at time t} during a [n.T] time intervals. Thus, Lempel and Ziv in year 1978 did their waveform compression algorithms based on currently vogue needs, whereby either the on-line or the off-line digital simulation and verification needs huge of storage space to be used in the next step of elaboration phase [2]. In fact, the "under constraint"conditions allow the valuable variables to be color composition processing whose interest vogues are in (white,black) dream cream couples. Therefore, compose color is equal to add ratio of white light color to initial black color. The Earth's moon is a fatal formulated example, when the NOT(exist of Earth's Moon) = black color of its famous place. Otherwise, the add(ratio of light white color) = be full in exact 14 days of its second appearance. Is this true? This question permits a fuzzy proceeding in basic logics inside systems. Though, lossy data of electrical shadow during any cloud computing has many manufacturing features, which are proposal outward appearances ( thus, Earth's quarter is a white light color till the last quarter, which never allow a long stay on it, because it will disappear in approximately 8 days). Therefore, manufacturing features are in "hand-ons" of "across any currently vogue". In fact two primordial principle thread tasks are operating in cloud computing processing, such that, (i) light, which has been to be identified, and (ii) velocity, which should be a measurable core. Hence, it measures the movable distance of clear visible volume (volume= subsurface integration during time dt) during a quantity amount of micro-seconds. In fact, lighting a volume requires deep investigation in Grid simulation

(from electricity production, which has been started by rotation motion of turbines to distributing of equi-quantity amounts for all connected electricity consumers Uwe Schwiegelsohn did explain such scheduling jobs in his 2012 paper [1]). In the other hand, "cloud computing" is scheduling jobs in parallel simulation, whereby, whose measurable cores are metric quantity amounts such that: electricity production, voice production, visible light color production, chemical composition production, water for end user production, etc ... In spite of digital signal processing (DSP), cloud computing processing events are measurable cores in all scheduling jobs and parallel thread task, which were detailed in Grahman's 1966 paper: Scheduling jobs in parallel simulation [3]. In fact, propagation of produced light during cloud computing is a "virtual in currently vogue" formulation joining "emit rays" designs. Even though, based on formulation joining "emit rays" designs, the fatal famous formulation form of the propagation of produced light during cloud computing is so defined: V = f(e, s, n, m, l) . v = is a valuable variable vogue describing what will be occurred (happen). . e = is event occurrence during s micro-seconds. . s = s float number of micro-seconds for an event to occur inside the cloud computing simulation. . n = is nil value (0) for origins and symmetry scheduling jobs: from white to black, I need a symmetry origin = n. . m = is main manufacturing design: water = chemical composition if true of 2H + O =H2O should be scheduled and produce jobs. . l = is local liable logical language inside system synchronization: after cloud computing => tha produced water is extreme enough for drink, during cloud computing stored produced light inside capacitors is useful for any electrical energy flows across time, etc ... In fact, in "currently vogue" of cloud computing, the fatal factors are the "what if" and the "as if" inserting inspiration items, whereby "what if" inspiration if enough nuclear design basics of event result flows around test and try in digital verification. Although, "as if" inspiration is operation processing, such that mathematical operands in forms of processes to be running during simulation times.

I. Safe Synchronization of "in currently vogue" motion of cloud computing: Indeed, moving clouds to be computed is "jack-ins" exciting design basics of event result flows around ties. In winter, the north part of Earth (Norway, Finland, Denmark, Uk, etc...) has more enough cloud, which allow water and snow to be easy produced, however this will then be happened in the southern part in summer. Hence, how clouds are moving and controlled? The answer to this question allow fictitious understanding of "in currently vogue" motion during computing: I want to move left, right, behind, front off and so on exactly true leaf like clouds during the famous hand-on adages "count a day away to be 12 months a year". Furthermore, the "in currently vogue" motion during any computing proceeding is linked to stochastic ratios: in just one month how were clouds computed? was any water or snow produced as result flows of this cloud computing during this month? In fact, the basic logics inside synchronization is an "in currently vogue" motion during any computing proceeding, whose basic event ratios are jumping (event occurrence: if clock'event && clock'value==1 do { } end if;) exciting design during time intervals (across time and around ties) in digital forms : t = n.T, where T is a defined shored period, which could be easy realesed from transistor transition language (TTL), and T <= NOT(T) after x nan-seconds, should be a scheduling jobs of any TTL languages. II/ Join jurry electric "OR" net designs burning event result flows (to burn = to build; I want to be, I want to see "born to make you happy from Britney Spears") In fact, jump to jaw electrical net designs of "OR" that is built for event result flows ( to burn = to build; I want to be, I want to see "born to make you happy from Britney Spears"), is the just Jesus extern nuclear die, whom operating unities (Kaufmann Kohler; Unicity of Godhood) bind basic environment reality. The (Exit E, Out O) dream couple is always used to drill the incoming current flows for any electrical tool such as all actual home depot wares. In fact, the aim object of Said Mchaalia, Uwe Schwiegelsohn, Kao Odej, Susan Weber and many others is the bring up "Bridges into Gaps" Therefore, from the picture defined above, we could inspire a hot jumping exciting nuclear deign for "OR" burrowing environment reality, which is so defined " my motor should flow sometimes lefts, other times rights". Indeed, Sony firm did this modeling design into just one

block box nuclear design within its play stations: from 2 until now. This nice beautiful operating processing within "P-N or N-P" jack-ins' junctions permit "hand-ons" for "adages bridge gaps" design; for example the Professor Kao Odej could from just hand-on sheet bring many "jawing exciting net design operating under basic environment reality flows, which are Control Data Flow Graph transition translation into handling event result flows across times (See Said Mchaalia's wave-report.pdf, whereby the control data flow graph could be then applied to reduce the waveform compression algorithms and to produce SusiCompress.exe" III/ Jack-ins exciting net designs operating under basic event result flows: In fact, from the start up of electricity (17xy) in United Kingdom, the main operating unit of electricity is the Capacitor C(x micro Farads, y Volts). Thus, what is exactly a Capacitor? Is it a response reaction time to allow incoming current to flow any where deep nets? Or is it a source bridge gap for bring up envisaged electrical energy when it is required as it is current in new vogue so define for the DDR3 and may be DDR4 or DDRN net design operating under basic event result flows of "HOLD when it is required". Even though, diode waveforms are equivalent to capacitors' languages: by the ways that they hold electrical energies in short times. Therefore, the description maths for any diode is a function of expo(f(time)), whereby it is to remember that d[expo(f(time))]/dtime = {d[f(time)]/dtime}.[expo(f(time))] In fact, the safe compute the needed time for storage electrical energy inside diode or capacitor a calculation of derivation function should be done. Therefore (should, schedule) jobs are the most bridge gaps inside timing calculation as Said Mchaalia did it within its paper: wavereport.pdf. On the other hand, firms for co-processors or processors leaf like Motorola, Intel, Sun, AMD, etc could best understand the meaningfulness of Said Mchaalia's Wave-report.pdf, whereby the safe science of secret synchronization was thought through for think thou! Hence, just exciting nuclear design for operating to understand basic event result flows is the following " Cloud computing" model defined in the next picture:

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