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Mechanical Engineering (General Option) Compared to Engineering Physics (Mechanical Option)

The Mechanical Engineering (General Option) and Engineering Physics (Mechanical Option) programs are both well-recognized and highly-regarded. They share the same goal of providing a top-quality education for future engineers, and even share many of the same courses. In terms of accepting students from first year, both programs have more applicants than spaces available, and they routinely have two of the highest entrance averages across all engineering programs at UBC. Both programs are fully accredited, meaning you can go on to become a professional engineer after graduating from either one. Amongst these similarities are also some notable differences, including program focus, course structure, and the role of Co-operative Education. The information below highlights some of the similarities and differences, and is intended to help you identify which program best fits your needs and goals. For simplicity, the two programs will be referred to below without the option in the name, as simply Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Physics for short.

Program Focus
The main difference between Engineering Physics and Mechanical Engineering is in the program focus. Engineering Physics places a greater emphasis on fundamental knowledge and application of physics and mathematics, whereas Mechanical Engineering places greater emphasis on engineering science and engineering practice. The charts below show the approximate balance of topic areas within the two curricula. Mechanical Engineering (151 credits) Engineering Physics (177 credits)


Physics & Natural Science Complementary Studies



Engineering Science

Physics & Natural Science Complementary Studies

Engineering Science

As noted in the charts above, students in Engineering Physics take an additional 26 credits (1 term) of academic courses. In Mechanical Engineering, this time is typically used for an additional term of paid engineering work experience through the Co-operative Education program (see below). In addition to the differences topic focus, the format of the major projects also differs between the programs. In Engineering Physics, students complete three major core projects that have a design focus, but may also include elements of research. Projects are completed in small groups or sometimes individually. In Mechanical Engineering, students complete five major core projects that emphasize design in the context of industry and society, and projects are done in larger groups with a focus on the development of team skills. In both programs, students also complete numerous smaller projects as part of their studies. For example, in Mechanical Engineering, students complete a community service learning (CSL) project as part of MECH 224, and in Engineering Physics students develop a demonstration or simulation related to classical mechanics in

PHYS 350. Opportunities also exist for students to customize their degree in either program by selecting additional project courses as technical electives.

Course Structure
For both Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Physics, students join their program in second year, following a common first year. The table below shows the sequence of academic and Co-operative education (Co-op) work terms. In the case of Mechanical Engineering, there are two routes: Co-op and non-Co-op. The Co-op route is selected by most Mechanical Engineering students and has a nominal time to graduation of five years; without Co-op the nominal time to graduation is four years.1 In Engineering Physics, the course schedule is optimized for Co-op and students complete the same course sequence whether or not they participate in the Co-op program. Participation in Co-op is highly recommended by both programs.


Term Fall

Mechanical Engineering Co-op Route (Recommended) Academic Academic Co-op 1 Co-op 2 Academic Co-op 3 Academic Co-op 4 Co-op 5 Academic May graduation

Mechanical Engineering without Co-op1 Academic Academic Break Academic

Engineering Physics with Co-op without

Academic Co-op 1 Break

Spring Summer Fall

Academic Academic

Spring Summer Fall

Academic Break Academic May graduation Co-op 2 Co-op 3 Break Break

Spring Summer Fall

Academic Co-op 4 Break

Academic Academic May graduation

Spring Summer

= major design / research project The symbol in the table above is used to indicate the timing of the major core projects relative to the academic and Co-op terms. As noted previously, in both programs students have the option to add additional project courses to tailor their degree.

Co-operative Education and Employment Prospects

Co-operative Education (Co-op) is offered and encouraged in both Engineering Physics and Mechanical Engineering. Co-op complements academic training with real-world engineering experience in industry, research labs, or other organizations. With four or five Co-op placements, students get a chance to work with several different employers and industries before graduating and seeking full-time employment. It is worth noting that becoming a Professional Engineer in most jurisdictions in Canada normally requires a minimum of four years of qualifying work experience after graduation, but with Co-op, this time can be reduced to three years. In addition, Co-op placements are paid positions so students earn money during their work terms, and

The four-year non-Co-op program in Mechanical Engineering only applies to the General Option. The Mechatronics, Thermofluids, and Biomedical Options all follow the Co-op route shown in the table.

after graduation there is often the opportunity to accept permanent, full-time employment with one of the previous Co-op employers. Further information on Co-op in the two programs is provided below, followed by information on employment prospects following graduation.

Mechanical Engineering
Co-op is strongly encouraged in Mechanical Engineering, and it consists of five work terms, each four months in duration. To graduate with Co-op standing, a student must complete a minimum of four work terms, with at least one work term in each academic semester (i.e. at least one Fall, one Winter, and one Summer term). With Co-op, the nominal time to graduation is five years (first year plus four years in Mechanical Engineering). Co-op placements in Mechanical Engineering are coordinated through the Engineering Co-op Office. For the past five years, an average of 337 work terms per year were filled by Mechanical Engineering students, and the students earned an average salary of approximately $2850/month. 2 The sectors with the greatest number of placements for UBC Mechanical Engineering Co-op students in the past five years were: Manufacturing / Research & Development (38% of placements), Consulting (17%), Oil & Gas (7%), Academic Research (7%), Mining/Minerals (5%), Construction (4%), Government (4%), and Aerospace and Transportation (3%).

Engineering Physics
Co-op is also strongly encouraged in Engineering Physics, and consists of four work terms, each four months in duration. To graduate with Co-op standing, a student must complete all four work terms. The curriculum is optimized to work with Co-op; with or without Co-op, the nominal time to graduation is five years (first year plus four years in Engineering Physics). Co-op placements in Engineering Physics are coordinated through the Science Co-op Office. For the past four years, an average of 167 work terms per year were filled by Engineering Physics students, and the students earned an average salary of approximately $2550/month.3 Data on the sectors in which Engineering Physics students worked most was not available.

Employment Prospects after Graduation

According to the Canadian Government, the job prospect for both Mechanical Engineers and Engineering Physicists is good (the highest ranking available).4 Based on the most recent compensation survey conducted by the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists (APEGBC), the average base salary for professional engineers in British Columbia with a bachelors degree in mechanical engineering was $91,010 (median was $93,033).5 From this same survey, the reported average base salary for those with a bachelors degree in engineering physics was $82,106 (median was $78,500).

Final Remarks
If your interest lies in the general field of mechanical engineering, both the Mechanical Engineering (General Option) and the Engineering Physics (Mechanical Option) programs deserve your consideration. In Mechanical Engineering you will see more emphasis on engineering science and practice, teamwork, and Co-op. In

Data obtained from Engineering Co-op Year-End Reports, available at

3 4

Data obtained from Science Co-op Year-End Reports, available at Data obtained from Services Canada: (Note: Engineering Physicists can be found in Group 2148 Other Professional Engineers) 5 Data obtained from the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of British Columbia (APEGBC) 2010 Report on Members Compensation and Benefits:

Engineering Physics you will see more emphasis on physics, math, and scientific methods, and you will take more courses from other engineering departments (most notably Electrical and Computer Engineering). There is much overlap in the two programs, but in general terms, Engineering Physics will give a broader theoretical foundation while Mechanical Engineering will give a deeper practical foundation. Both programs provide excellent opportunities to enter industry or to continue on to graduate studies. It is sometimes argued that Mechanical Engineering is slightly more aligned with industry while Engineering Physics is slightly more aligned with academia, but these differences are not large and you will be well prepared for both routes with either program. Please note that this is not intended to be a comprehensive assessment of either program. It is based on data from the 2011W Calendar, the 2011 visit of the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board, and Co-operative Education programs, as noted. For further information you are encouraged to contact an advisor in either program.

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