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Specific objectives:

Symposium 1 Cardiac Rehabilitation

Cardiac Rehabilitation: History and summary evidence 1. Identification and treatment of risk factors among cardiac patients 2. Stabilizing or reversing the atherosclerotic process 3. Improving the psychological status of the patients Cardiac Rehabilitation Overview 1. Knowing the effects of the heart disease to the patient 2. Providing relief to cardiac symptoms 3. Enhancing participation in daily meaningful occupations at home and society Evolving Concepts in Lipids 1. Role of lipids in the body 2. Effects of diet high in saturated fat raises levels of endothelial lipase (EL) and diet high in omega-3 polyunsaturated fat Issues 1. 2. 3. Re: Patients referrals and utilization of CARE Tackles the specific issues related to patient referral and care Use appropriate approach to specific cardiac diseases in rehabilitation Maximizing physiological, social, and psychological capacity of cardiovascular disease patients 4. Practice within the scope of cultural sensitivity 5. Determine the importance of rehabilitation and non-pharmacological treatment

Symposium 2 Exercise
Exercise Physiology 1. Develop basic knowledge on exercise physiology 2. Identify relationships between the exercise and cardiac conditions Preventing Sports Related Injuries 1. Benefits of training, stretching, and cool down 2. Applying and understanding proper hydration and training for any sports activity Running for Beginners 1. Dos and donts before and after running 2. Achieving your running goal

Symposium 3 Risk Factor Modification

New Modalities in Valvular Heart Disease 1. Current trends of using different modalities in valvular heart disease 2. Using current modalities in identifying risk factors of cardiac diseases

Thrombosis 1. Knowing the definition, cause, signs and symptoms, and impact in occupational functioning 2. Early detention and prevention Evaluating Phase 1 in Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factor Modification Correlation of Functional Capacity with HR -00L among Patients undergoing Phase 2 Cardiac Rehabilitation Program at St. Lukes Medical Center from September 2011 to February 2012: A Prospective Cohort Study 1. Discussion of the results, analysis, and conclusion of the study 2. Correlates Functional Capacity with HR -00L among patients undergoing Phase 2 Cardiac Rehabilitation Program Managing Arrhythmias among CARE Patients 1. Knowing the definition, cause, signs and symptoms, and impact in occupational functioning 2. Early detention and prevention 3. Understanding primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention

Symposium 4 Education and Counselling

Smoking Cessation 1. Smoking and age 2. Consequences of high smoking 3. Lifestyle modification and alternatives to smoking Heart 1. 2. 3. Healthy Diet Different types of diet Maintaining a consistent diet A, B, Cs of proper eating habits

Sex and Heart Disease 1. Employ strategies to assess and prevent heart disease while doing sexual activity 2. Recommended new lifestyle approaches to heart disease 3. Apply pharmacological intervention to heart diseases Stress and Cardiovascular Disease 1. Strategies to assess and identify patients who are at risk for cardiovascular disease 2. Types of stress related to cardiovascular diseases: physical, psychological, social

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