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Console Commands tgm Good ol God Mode means youre completely invulnerable to everything, and pretty damn god-like.

And no one needs to write a book about you or anything. tcl No clipping lets you go literally anywhere in the game world, from the top of the sky to the bottom of the, er, sky. Fascinating if you want to witness the game world. unlock Cant find that vital key? Lockpicking skill too low? Simply highlight the door or chest you want to unlock, and type unlock into the console. If only this worked in real life. psb Every single spell in Skyrim is now yours! player.advlevel Automatically level up perfect if you hate playing games. caqs Automatically complete all the stages of your primary quest perfect if you hate playing games. showracemenu Unhappy with your blind, inbred-looking Bosmer chap? You can adjust the way your character looks just like you did at the start of Skyrim but this will reset your level and skills. player.modav skill X Where skill is the skill you want to modify, and X is the amount you want to modify it by. Skills are inputted via their in-game names without spaces, apart from Archery which is Marksman, and Speech, which is known as Speechcraft. player.additem ITEM ### Every single item in Skyrim has a code, a bit like an Argos catalogue of fantasy objects. Youll find them in our list of Skyrim item codes (link pending) replace ITEM with the items code, and ### with the number of items you want. Now your dreams of owning 47 cabbage potato soups can come true. You can find the codes in our Skyrim item codes post. player.additem 0000000f ### A simple way to get some free gold any number between 001 and 999 will do. player.additem 0000000a ### Running low on lockpicks? Enter the number you require here and theyll magically appear. addshout Combine with the codes on this Wikia page to add your selected shout. tm Toggles all in-game menus perfect if you want to take some screenshots to convince elderly relatives that Skyrim is where you went on your holidays. Note that this also turns off the Console commands menu, meaning youll have to type it again invisibly to be able to see what youre doing. tmm Followed by 0 or 1 turns map markers on or off. tfc Not Team Fortress Classic, unfortunately. However, you will be able to access the flycam and pretend to be a dragon. This is how everyone gets all those amazing Skyrim shots youve seen. tai Toggles AI, which means people wont interact with you, or do anything at all.

tcai Turns combat AI on or off, turning dragons into placid beasts who act like you arent there. A bit like cats. tdetect This one lets you behave like a little rapscallion, as it turns naughty business detection (stealing, murdering, doing a poo in the woods etc) on or off. Youll still get caught if you try pickpocketing, though. player.setcrimegold ### Adjust your wanted level with this handy command setting it to zero resets your current amount of wantedness. player.setlevel ## Up or down your player level as you see fit. Perfect if you hate playing games. player.setav speedmult ### Want to run like Uwe Boll after a night on the vindaloo? Set this number to anything more than 100 to speed up movement. movetoqt Go straight to your quest target. kill Target the thing you want to kill, type this command and theyll fall over in a very dead manner. We wish the command was Laputan Machine, though. killall Kills everything in the vicinity. Literally everything. help Lists every single console command. Weve put this further down the list because we want you to actually read this article. resurrect Target the thing you want to bring back to life, and theyll get up in a very alive manner. You can also use this on live people to respawn them, which can fix awkward problems like Lydia taking off all her clothes for no reason. player.modav carryweight # Tired of getting tired? Up your carryweight and youll be able to transport more goodies. setpcfame # When will I, will I be famous? When you up your fame number. setpcinfamy # Hes not just famous, hes in-famous! Up it here. player.setav fatigue # Up this to stop feeling so tired all the time. player.setav health # Up your health here. coc qasmoke Bethesdas handily included a room with every single in-game item in it type this command to go straight there. It might take a while to load there are thousands of items here. Type coc Riverwood to return to the game. qqq Quit the game without having to go through any of those pesky menus. removeallitems Target a character and type this and youll get all their items including their clothes. Note: does not work in real life. sexchange Change your characters gender. Note: does not work in real life.

set timescale to # This defaults at 16 1 is realtime. Up it to experience crazy timelapse-style Skyrim.


Daedric Artifacts These are the items that are awarded by completing quest for the different Daedric princes of Skyrim. They include some very powerful items which have unique enchantments and effects. 00063B27 Azuras Star 00063b29 The Black Star 0002ac61 Saviors Hide 0004E4EE Dawnbreaker 0004A38F Ebony Blade 000233E3 Mace of Molag Bal 000D2846 Masque of Clavicus Vile 000240D2 Mehrunes Razor 0001A332 Oghma Infinium 0002C37B Ring of Namira 0001cb36 Sanguine Rose 0003a070 Skeleton Key 00035066 Skull of Corruption 00045f96 Spellbreaker 0002ACD2 Volendrung 0002ac6f Wabbajack Levelled Items These items vary in power depending on what level you are when you first find them. Ive included the codes for each different version, hopefully this will come in handy if you find an item at a low level but want to keep using it. 000f1ac1 Dragonbane 1-18 000f71cd Dragonbane 19-26 000f71ce Dragonbane 27-35 000f71cf Dragonbane 36-45 000f71d0 Dragonbane 46+ 000ab702 Gauldur Blackblade 1-11 000f5d1a Gauldur Blackblade 12-18 000f5d1b Gauldur Blackblade 19-26 000f5d1c Gauldur Blackblade 27-36 000f5d1d Gauldur Blackblade 36+ 000a5def Gauldur Blackbow 1-11 000f5d1f Gauldur Blackbow 12-18 000f5d20 Gauldur Blackbow 19-26

000f5d21 Gauldur Blackbow 27-36 000f5d22 Gauldur Blackbow 36+ 000d37ce The Pale Blade 1-5 000f5d2a The Pale Blade 6-11 000f5d2b The Pale Blade 12-18 000f5d2c The Pale Blade 19-26 000f5d2d The Pale Blade 27+ 000f8313 Chillrend 1-10 000f8314 Chillrend 11-18 000f8315 Chillrend 19-26 000f8316 Chillrend 27-35 000f8317 Chillrend 36-45 000f8318 Chillrend 46+ 0007a917 Nightingale Blade 1-18 000f6524 Nightingale Blade 19-26 000f6525 Nightingale Blade 27-35 000f6526 Nightingale Blade 36-45 000f6527 Nightingale Blade 46+ 0007e5c3 Nightingale Bow 1-18 000f6529 Nightingale Bow 19-26 000f652a Nightingale Bow 27-35 000f652b Nightingale Bow 36-45 000f652c Nightingale Bow 46+ 0005db86 Nightingale Armour 1-18 000fcc0e Nightingale Armour 19-31 000fcc0f Nightingale Armour 32+ 000fcc0c Nightingale Boots 1-18 0005db85 Nightingale Boots 19-31 000fcc0d Nightingale Boots 32+ 0005db87 Nightingale Gloves 1-18 000fcc10 Nightingale Gloves 19-31 000fcc11 Nightingale Gloves 32+ 0005db88 Nightingale Hood 1-18 000fcc13 Nightingale Hood 19-31 000fcc12 Nightingale Hood 32+ 0009dff7 Amulet of Articulation 1 (NB: This item is bugged and is handed out at random instead of at a specific level) 000f6904 Amulet of Articulation 2 000f690d Amulet of Articulation 3 000f690e Amulet of Articulation 4 000f690f Amulet of Articulation 5

000f6910 Amulet of Articulation 6 000f6911 Amulet of Articulation 7 0009e023 Shield of Solitude 1-17 0010eb62 Shield of Solitude 18-24 0010eb64 Shield of Solitude 25-31 0010eb63 Shield of Solitude 32-39 0010eb65 Shield of Solitude 40+ Other Unique Items 0006A13C Keening 00035369 Staff of Magnus 000956B5 Wuuthrad 0010F570 Archmage Robes 00052794 Ebony Mail 0002D773 The Gauldur Amulet 000C891D The Necromancers Amulet 0002AC60 Hircines Ring 000e41d8 Shield of Ysgramor 000FC5BF Targe of the Blooded 0003AEB9 Blades Sword 000d2afe Aegisbane 0009ccdc Blade of Woe 000a4dce Bloodthorn 000c1989 Bolars Oathblade 000ab705 Bow of the Hunt 0008ffdf Eduj 00017059 Firiniels End 000c0186 Frokis Bow 00094a2b Ghostblade 000ae085 The Longhammer 001019d4 Notched Pickaxe 0008ffde Okin 000ae086 Poachers Axe 000ab703 Red Eagles Blade 0006af63 Trollsbane 000b994e Valdyrs Lucky Dagger 0006ea8b Windshear 000f494e Ancient Helmet of the Unburned 000c5809 The Bonds of Matrimony 000c72e8 Charmed Necklace 000f9904 Diadem of the Savant 0010a06a Gloves of the Pugilist 000295f3 Helm of Yngol 00107e2d Kynes Token 00096d9b Morvaths Boots 0006b218 Muiris Ring 00109c11 Mythic Dawn Robes 00068b83 Nightweavers Band

000a4dcd Predators Grace 000233d0 Saarthal Amulet 000f1b33 Savos Arens Amulet 00024cff Silver Blood Family Ring 000f5981 Tumberlane Gloves 00102019 The White Phial (Magic Resist) 0010201a The White Phial (Increase Stamina) 0010201b The White Phial (Reduces Detection) 0010201c The White Phial (Increase Magicka) 0010201d The White Phial (Increase One Handed Damage) 0010201e The White Phial (Restore Health) 0004D6E7 Dragon Priest Mask (Hevnoraak) 00100767 Dragon Priest Mask (Krosis) 00061C8B Dragon Priest Mask (Morokei) 00061CA5 Dragon Priest Mask (Nahkriin) 00061CC2 Dragon Priest Mask (Otar) 00061CC0 Dragon Priest Mask (Rahgot) 00061CC9 Dragon Priest Mask (Vokun) 00061CAB Dragon Priest Mask (Volsung) 00061CD6 Dragon Priest Mask (Konahrik) 000eafd0 Armour of the Old Gods 000eafd3 Boots of the Old Gods 000eafd2 Gauntlets of the Old Gods 000eafd1 Helmet of the Old Gods 00108544 Linwes Armour 00108543 Linwes Boots 00108545 Linwes Gloves 00108546 Linwes Hood 000D3AC2 Thieves Guild Boots 000D3AC3 Thieves Guild Armour 000D3AC4 Thieves Guild Gloves 000D3AC5 Thieves Guild Hood 000e35d7 Guild Masters Armour 000e35d6 Guild Masters Boots 000e35d8 Guild Masters Gloves 000e35d9 Guild Masters Hood 000d2844 Shrouded Armour 000d2845 Shrouded Boots 000d2842 Shrouded Cowl 0005abc4 Shrouded Cowl (Maskless) 000d2843 Shrouded Gloves

000e1f15 Ancient Shrouded Armour 000e1f14 Ancient Shrouded Boots 000e1f17 Ancient Shrouded Cowl 000e1f16 Ancient Shrouded Gloves 000cee70 Jesters Boots 000cee6e Jesters Clothes 000cee74 Jesters Gloves 000cee72 Jesters Hat 0006492a Ciceros Boots 0006492c Ciceros Clothes 0006492d Ciceros Gloves 0006492e Ciceros Hat Hide Items 00013911 Hide Armour 00013910 Hide Boots 00013912 Hide Bracers 00013913 Hide Helmet 00013914 Hide Shield Leather Items 0003619e Leather Armour 0001b3a2 Studded Armour 00013920 Leather Boots 00013921 Leather Bracers 00013922 Leather Helmet Elven Items 0001399E Elven Dagger 0001399F Elven Greatsword 000139A0 Elven Mace 000139A1 Elven Sword 0001399C Elven Battleaxe 0001399D Elven Bow 000139A2 Elven Warhammer 0001399B Elven War Axe 000139BD Elven Arrow 000896a3 Elven Armour 0001391a Elven Boots 0001391c Elven Gauntlets 0001391d Elven Helmet 0001391e Elven Shield Scaled Items

0001b3a3 Scaled Armour 0001b39f Scaled Boots 0001b3a0 Scaled Bracers 0001b3a1 Scaled Helmet Glass Items 000139A3 Glass War Axe 000139A4 Glass Battleaxe 000139A5 Glass Bow 000139A6 Glass Dagger 000139A7 Glass Greatsword 000139A8 Glass Mace 000139A9 Glass Sword 000139AA Glass Warhammer 000139BE Glass Arrow 00013939 Glass Armour 00013938 Glass Boots 0001393a Glass Gauntlets 0001393b Glass Helmet 0001393c Glass Shield Dragonscale Items 0001393e Dragonscale Armour 0001393d Dragonscale Boots 0001393f Dragonscale Gauntlets 00013940 Dragonscale Helmet 00013941 Dragonscale Shield Iron Items 00012EB7 Iron Sword 00013790 Iron War Axe 0001397E Iron Dagger 00013981 Iron Warhammer 00013982 Iron Mace 00013988 Iron Warhammer 0001359D Iron Greatsword 00012e49 Iron Armour 00013948 Banded Iron Armour 00012e4b Iron Boots 00012e46 Iron Gauntlets 00012e4d Iron Helmet 00012eb6 Iron Shield 0001394b Banded Iron Shield Imperial Items

00013841 Imperial Bow 000135B8 Imperial Sword 000135BA Imperial Shield 000f6f23 Steel Imperial Gauntlets Steel Items 00013983 Steel War Axe 00013984 Steel Battleaxe 00013986 Steel Dagger 00013987 Steel Greatsword 00013988 Steel Mace 00013989 Steel Sword 0001398A Steel Warhammer 00013952 Steel Armour 000f6f22 Steel Armour (alternate appearance) 000f6f21 Steel Shin Boots 00013951 Steel Cuffed Boots 00013953 Steel Gauntlets 00013954 Steel Helmet 000f6f24 Steel Horned Helmet 00013955 Steel Shield Skyforge Steel Items 0009F25C Skyforge Steel Sword 0009F25D Skyforge Steel Dagger 0009F25E Skyforge Steel Greatsword 0009F25F Skyforge Steel Battleaxe 0009F260 Skyforge Steel War Axe Dwarven Items 00013994 Dwarven Battleaxe 00013995 Dwarven Bow 00013996 Dwarven Dagger 00013997 Dwarven Greatsword 00013998 Dwarven Mace 00013999 Dwarven Sword 00013993 Dwarven War Axe 0001399A Dwarven Warhammer 0001394d Dwarven Armour 0001394c Dwarven Boots 0001394e Dwarven Gauntlets 0001394f Dwarven Helmet 00013950 Dwarven Shield Steel Plate Items

0001395c Steel Plate Armour 0001395b Steel Plate Boots 0001395d Steel Plate Gauntlets 0001395e Steel Plate Helmet Orcish Items 0001398B Orcish War Axe 0001398C Orcish Battle Axe 0001398D Orcish Bow 0001398E Orcish Dagger 0001398F Orcish Greatsword 00013990 Orcish Mace 00013991 Orcish Sword 00013992 Orcish Warhammer 000139BB Orcish Arrow 00013957 Orcish Armour 00013956 Orcish Boots 00013958 Orcish Gauntlets 00013959 Orcish Helmet 00013946 Orcish Shield Ebony Items 000139B1 Ebony Sword 000139AD Ebony Bow 000139B2 Ebony Warhammer 000139B0 Ebony Mace 000139AC Ebony Battleaxe 000139AB Ebony War Axe 000139AF Ebony Greatsword 000139AE Ebony Dagger 000139BF Ebony Arrow 00013961 Ebony Armour 00013960 Ebony Boots 00013962 Ebony Gauntlets 00013963 Ebony Helmets 00013964 Ebony Shield Dragonplate Items 00013966 Dragonplate Armour 00013965 Dragonplate Boots 00013967 Dragonplate Gauntlets 00013969 Dragonplate Helmet 00013968 Dragonplate Shield Daedric Items

000139B3 Daedric War Axe 000139B4 Daedric Battleaxe 000139B5 Daedric Bow 000139B6 Daedric Dagger 000139B7 Daedric Greatsword 000139B8 Daedric Mace 000139B9 Daedric Sword 000139BA Daedric Warhammer 000139C0 Daedric Arrow 0001396b Daedric Armour 0001396a Daedric Boots 0001396c Daedric Gauntlets 0001396d Daedric Helmet 0001396e Daedric Shield Ancient Nord Items 000302CA Ancient Nord Bow 0001CB64 Ancient Nord Battle Axe 0002C672 -Ancient Nord War Axe 000236A5 Ancient Nord Greatsword 0002C66F Ancient Nord Sword Falmer Items 00038340 Falmer Bow 000302CD Falmer War Axe 0002E6D1 Falmer Sword 000b83cb Falmer Armour 000b83cd Falmer Boots 000b83cf Falmer Gauntlets 0004c3cb Falmer Helmet 0005c06c Falmer Shield Forsworn Items 000CC829 Forsworn Axe 000CADE9 Forsworn Sword 000CEE9B Forsworn Bow 000CEE9E Forsworn Arrow 000CC826 Forsworn Staff

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