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Supporting Jobs and Growth

Economic Action Plan 2013 will create jobs and growth by taking action in three key areas: Connecting Canadians with Available Jobs Introducing a new Building Canada Plan Supporting Canadas Manufacturing Sector Do you agree that these are important priorities? * Yes No Undecided

The Conservative government will connect Canadians with available jobs by: Introducing the Canada Job Grant; Creating opportunities for apprentices; and Supporting job opportunities for all Canadians. Do you support our plan to help connect Canadians with available jobs? * Yes No Undecided

The Conservative government is introducing a new Building Canada plan the largest investment in job creating infrastructure in the history of Canada. It includes: The Community Improvement Fund to support local community projects in cities and communities across Canada. The Building Canada Fund - to support major economic projects that have a national, regional, and local significance. The P3 Canada Fund to support innovative ways to build infrastructure projects faster and provide better value for taxpayers through public-private partnerships. Do you support our plan to invest in infrastructure? * Yes No Undecided

The Conservative government will support high-quality, value-added jobs in important sectors of the Canadian economy such as manufacturing by: Providing tax relief for new manufacturing equipment; Building equipment for the Canadian Armed Forces in Canada; Providing support for Canadas manufacturers as they compete and innovate in the 21st century global economy.

Do you support our plan to help Canadian manufacturers and businesses succeed in the global economy? * Yes No Undecided

The Conservative government is also investing in world-class research and innovation. Do you support this? * Yes No Undecided

Supporting Families and Communities

The Conservative government is supporting families and communities in several ways which of these initiatives do you support? Investing $253 million over five years to renew the Investment in Affordable Housing Investing $119 million over five years for the Homelessness Partnering Strategy Protecting Canadas natural environment by investing in conservation efforts Building strong Aboriginal communities by investing in a variety of programs, including enhanced health and mental health services. The Conservative government is also supporting families and communities by keeping taxes low. Since 2006, we have reduced taxes over 150 times and the average family of four pays $3,220 less in federal taxes each year. Do you think taxes are: * Too high Too low About right Undecided

Balancing the Budget

Canada has by far the lowest net debt burden among G7 countries and the Conservative government is on track to balance the budget in 2015. Do you think it is important to balance the budget? * Yes No Undecided Do you think the Conservative government is doing enough to balance the budget? * Yes No Undecided

Open Forum
If an election was held today, which party would you vote for? * Conservative Party of Canada Liberal Party of Canada New Democratic Party Green Party of Canada Bloc Qubcois Undecided

Which three Conservative accomplishments are most important to you? * Creating over 900,000 net new jobs since the end of the recession Scrapping the long-gun registry Cutting the GST and other taxes, saving the average family $3200 Standing up for victims of crime and passing laws to keep our streets and communities safe Keeping the best net debt-to-GDP ratio in the G7 Introducing the universal child care benefit, saving families $100/month per child Making record investments in infrastructure through the Building Canada plan Ending the wheat board monopoly Increasing support for job and skills training, including the Canada Job Grant Principled foreign policy, including support for Israel Cracking down on human smuggling and speeding up the deportation of violent foreign criminals

Do you have any additional comments on Economic Action Plan 2013?

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