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Letter of Agreement

February 13, 2009

Mr. Randall Smith

Monte Crisco Resorts International
3325 Wills Drive
Birmingham, AL 35243

Re: Newspaper and Radio Campaign

NewsUSA is pleased to present this offer to distribute your nationally syndicated

newspaper feature(s) to a designated number of daily and weekly newspapers, news
and wire services. Our services will include: feature consultation and development,
writing and editing, printing, delivery, clippings and readership reports including
comparable advertising space value reports. You will have final approval on all copy and
agree to hold harmless and defend NewsUSA from its content and publication.

Your feature(s) will be distributed on computer disks, by direct electronic feed, in

cameraready format, and will be placed on the Internet via NewsUSA's homepage.
NewsUSA will deliver clipping reports beginning ten (10) weeks after media pick up;
these reports will continue to be sent on a monthly basis for eighteen (18) months from
delivery (date feature was distributed).

Although public relations placement is subject to individual editorial discretion, NewsUSA

offers the following courtesy guarantee: each print feature must receive placements in at
least one hundred (100) newspapers. If the placements do not equate this number within
a six (6) month period, NewsUSA will re-write and/or re-distribute the feature at no cost
to you.

Companion Radio. NewsUSA will convert four of your print features to :30 and/or :60
second radio broadcast news features and distribute them to a designated number of
radio stations nationwide. Our services will include: feature consultation and
development, writing and editing, delivery, tracking and coverage reports based on
station verification. You will have final approval on all copy and agree to hold harmless
and defend NewsUSA from its content and publication.
Mr. Randall Smith
February 13, 2009
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Our rates are the following:

20 two-column print features w/color and B&W photos including NewsUSA Internet
distribution via NewsUSA’s homepage@$5,500 each…….……...…………....$110,000
4 Radio Features @ $2,500……........................................................................$10,000
Less prepayment discount...............................................................................(-$35,000)
New package discount price.......................................................................... $75,000

The package discount price will be available only if this Letter of Agreement is accepted
and returned by March 18, 2009 and will apply only if all features are used within twelve
(12) months of the Agreement date.

The package discount price will be available only for goods and services obtained in the
quantities specified above; otherwise the price will be at the full single feature price.

Billing will be "Net Due Upon Receipt of Invoice." This Agreement is governed by
the laws of and shall be enforced solely in the Commonwealth of Virginia.

Please indicate your acceptance of this Agreement by signing below, then please fax the
original at your earliest convenience to: Jim Bellis, National Media Adviser, 2841
Hartland Road, Suite 301, Falls Church, VA 22043, Fax: (703) 734-6313.

NewsUSA Inc.__________________________
Date ______________

Agreed and Accepted:

Client: Randall Smith.

Date February 18 2009.

Payment Method (Please check one):

❑ American Express ❑ Discover ❑ MasterCard ❑ Visa

Card# ______________________________________ Exp.____/____
Name on Card ______________________________________ VSC Code_______
Billing Address (if different from above) ______________________________________

❑ Electronic Transfer Fund (ETF) _____________________________

❑ Net Due Upon Receipt of Invoice

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