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The River Rats presen three

a, 'ards each year for outstanding
achievements' b. a child or fam
il\,. The :vlayor's award, for the
greatest allaround achievement
I for the year, wenl to Miss
Ison. Mayor Milton Rosene of FaIr
Haven presented hili award.
The Captain Ed Little memorlal
trophy, for the child r.
Imost embodring the SPlrlt Ofj
helpfulness, CO-oQperation and
thusiasm, went to th DavId
IGoodWin rami y. The late Capt. I
Little wa the skipper of one ('If
the last steamers to put in at the
port of Fair Raven.
The Commodore' award, 0 thl!'
child or family doing the mas
tor the advancemen and develop
ment of River Rat dw' g th
year. went to Mis uyosevich.
I Commodore William RO()ney Ilre
sented this award.
Th trophies were presented by
Skipper Bob Brockmann vith the
assistance of fleet captain Henry
Thomas. Other River Rat officer
ar; Fral.ier, xecutive officer;
Edward Koeniger, Jr" chief of
ficer; Walter lsbrandt en, fir t
officer: Dave Goodwin, second of
ficer; Mrs. David Asch, pur er,
and Mrs. obert Beck. )'eo an.
The club IS spo1\soring a fall
series for Indian SCouts and Blue
Javs on Sunda s. Th Bl\le Ja'
serle:; is open to the Atlan ic
Highlands Y. C. and Shrewsbury
S. & Y,C. fleets.

o eVI ]1 ec

II H. 1\1 tOll Tropl y
FAIR HAVE. Sailors of the Sco Its, first place was taken
River Rats organization turned Dirk Isbrandtscn; second by hlS
landlubber SWlday when they, brother Carl and
came ashore to participate In third. Jody Martin.
"Trophy Day," a day in which Junior awards In Blue Javs
the skippers and rew picked up w0!l by. L I'm. Isbl'andtsel1.
their silver hardware after a first Pillp hmnock,. second. and
"ummer eason of ailing. Nina uyosevlch, thIrd,
. R II H Minton pre- Adult pennant '....ere awarded
Mayor llsse; h to in the ladies open races of In-
Isemed the tro
; est dian Scouts to Evelyn Isbrandt
sen. first: June
'w ernen and Val Jose, lIurd. Ladles'
Wil\t m Rooney,. who was mas- Open in Blue Jays were won by
t f Happy lfitchcock, fir t: Rooky
pt.-etal appreciation of the enti ChID' nock second and Edith
. R' R t Peter Ic '
band liver a s a Fraser, [hiI'd.
Donough, Rumson. Wl10, al.though The Indian SCOUl opcn races
a onmemb ,served the any skipper, any CJew, were won
lmm l' Whether It was b Becks'" ury," first place;
rontor or hand, wasllsbrandt en's "Flying pray,"
I il. there to provld It. I second, and Johnson's "Little
Walt r lsbrandt en opened the Chum" third
m ies with a speci I inv - Th' Blue .1 ay open race awa rds
arion hich was writ en by the wenl to Bill Hitchcock, first;
air Haven skipper. 1Quentin Fraser, second, and Ipa
ap Edward Lltlle's nephew, Vu osevich, Ulird.
Harvev Little of Fair Ha en, A ter luncheon prOVided by Bill
prcseri'ted the Capt. Edward Lit- and Happy Hitchcock as host and
tIc award to andy Chinnock. ho.te s, two races were voted for
Trophies awarded in the Blue n the spot because. of
Jay class for the spring lenge of the steadily stiffenmg
summer series went to QuentmIbreeze.
Fraser first place: Betty Min- The first open raCe of Blue
ton and Bill Hitchcock, Jays was won by Jim Hinton's
thi;d' Rebel." Bob Brockman' 'Ro
children's awards In the gue" took second, amI i'13 uy
novice class of Indian S outs ". ellic;' thirfl.
went to Dirk Isbrandtsen, first 111e Indian Scout op n .race
place, Carl lsbrandtsen, second, I was won by Dirk Tsbrandlst'll;
and Peter John on, tilird. Alii Hal John on, second, and Jack
awards were given a the boats Jamison, third.
rather than to individuals be- The nexl race was declared
cause tne boats were sailed by the fir t ofUelal on f tile
various kippers and crew. series. For the Blue .Ta. s, Pblp
Blue Jay novice prizes were Chinnock in "Hootie" won first
awarded to Rosem ry and Margo Iplace; Pat Bow'ditch in "Gavi
Fraser, first place; Candy Chin- ota" took second, and Bud Ru.
nock in "!loolie," second, and sell in "Swish" \Va thIrd. The
Chad and' Sabin Ru sell, in rndian cout race wa . won by
"SWIsh," third. Hal .Iohnson; Jack Jaml'on. 'ee-
In the junior en , Indian ont!, apd
River ats B g........... earn
(Last of a Series)
FA HA.m - In October,
IO;J4 twenty - upnt families be
gan classe to teach their children
water safety and seamanshi,.
Thus began the River an
offshoot of Dads Inc., a Fair Ha-
ven youth v,6rk gro':>.
Robert Brockman, the R i ,- e r
Rats' skipp-er, says: "We arc nol
a achting cluh, but a grcup
of dedicated parents who wan t
10 ee our chi drcn prop 1'1)' in
ructed abollt the '."
Tbi foil 's e aim of he clue)
as sated in the consti ution: "lo
promote int re't in aquatic acti\'i
tie. mong children and II> 02n
coura"e family pa.rliciPation."
Wilh the members' ..
I. 'awlin ail around the :-:,
Brockman feels Rive Ra :5 an
appropriate name for he cluD.
Progress Noted
In tbe past seven year. the
Rivel' Rat have e tabUshed three
- ol sail' _ts, found a home.
org' nized a lraining program, :md
i H:r-eased .hcir member hi fr 1m
28 to 85 families.
The lirt [Ieet wa tarte in
1055 when the members
twenly - one 2
z-foot Indian Scout
sailboats, The next year the Blue
Jay c1as- entered the club, in
c easing the salling and cI'ewing
opportunities for nonboatownlD"
The a-fool fibergla Porpoisar River R Is barge headquarters, which has since been sold.
ailin pram followed lIe Is ueY-------
.Ja ' At p'e nt the prams a e
beinO' modified with tailor masts
and greater saH are to m a k e
hem easier Lo handle or s ail
fa!>ter .
. fLel' some shuffling a the
Ri er Hat are now [lerman"'!! ty
located on (ollr acres ,If \ "t .
front llUlf and at th {'lid of
allio r a d on the . avesink
iver, The property (orm"dy
owned hy Gnrdner stout was
op ned up to Ihe Rivel' Rat in
195;). After three years, the nad
10 move out when tbe property
.... . ld

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