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"Spirit Of Doom" Hangs Over Turks

Observer Feels it Despite Gigantic Preparations to Meet Attck of Allies


Dardanelles Expected to Hold out Against Any Force of Less Than 300,000


British War Office Announced Defeat of All Attacks and Progress Into Interior of Peninsula

MAY 5, 1915

Special Cable to THE NEW YORK TIMES. CONSTANTINOPLE, (via Bucharest,)

April 28, (Dispatch to London Daily Chronicle).--An observer in Constantinople cannot
be struck by the widespread unpopularity of the war. Against the Russians there is
naturally a certain historical animus; toward the British there is at most indifference, but
for the French there is a warm and sincere affection. The sympathies of the Greek
portions of the population are openly for the Allies, while the Armenians express the
same sentiments more cautiously.
But the most curious feature is the attitude of the Jews, who are in many ways the
intellectuals. Ever since the revolution, Jewish influence has been enormous in Turkey,
and it has been said their Zionist aims had seriously undermined the loyalty of the Arabs.
Apparently , however, Enver Pasha has decided Arab support is worth a great deal more
than of the Jews, and various steps have been taken to force the Jews into Turkish mould.
Jewish disaffection is no slight matter, and it is more significant as Jewish influence had
hitherto worked powerfully for Germany.
To these elements, Greek, Armenian, and Jewish, must be added the anti-Enver section of
Young Turks lead by the Heir Apparent. With this movements are associated many
Turkish business men and minor officials, who have been hard hit by the war. It is no
exaggeration to say that barely 5 per cent of the population of the empire is enthusiastic
for the war, while over 50 per cent, are frankly or covertly hostile.
But it would be a great miscalculation to reckon on this as an immediate factor. The only
domestic event which might lead to Turkey's climbing down is the removal of Enver
Pasha. The terror of this decoratively dominating figure causes criticism to sink to limpid
whispers in secluded corners. Even neutrals have their life made unbearable by a plague
of spies and agents provocateurs, though I personally met with nothing but courtesy from
Turkish officials.
German Influence Grown.
Every day tightens the German grip on Turkey. All circumstantial stories of von der
Goltzs proposing a separate peace at the war council are idle chatter. Germany holds
grimly on to Turkey both for her own sake and as a lever separate Great Britain and
Russia. The Government is preparing for every eventuality. Eski Shehir has been chosen
as the new capital if Constantinople falls. I have visited this town in the swampy upland
valley high among hills in the heart of Asia Minor, 80 miles from the Bosporus on the
Anatolian Railway. It occupies an excellent strategic position.
I found work feverishly proceeding to improve the streets and sanitary conditions. Over
200 houses have been commandeered for official use, and thither then families of high
official were sent in February and still remain there, owing to the dread of a Bulgarian
attack on Constantinople.
The Turkish Ministry of War places the total figure of men under the colors at 322, 000,
but probably this is an overstatement. I should estimate the actual number at 800,000,
including 200,000 Christians, who are being used for building trenches, railways, roads,
and bridges. The rest are divided into five.
The first, commanded by Field Marshal Von Der Goltz, about 100,000 strong is
encamped at the Adrianople-Tchataldja lines and Constantinople. The second with
150,000, under Djemal Pasha, threatens Egypt, while the third. 50,000 strong, operates
from Baghdad. The fourth about 18,000 is the Caucasus army. The fifth, under General
Von Sanders, composed of picked draft of about 70,000 at Dardanelle, with 15,000 at
Smyrna. The headquarters are at Gallipolis. In addition there is a detached force of
20,000 at the disposal of Admiral Suchon for the defense of the Bosporus.
New batches of reservists are arriving daily at the depots, but arms and uniforms are
insufficient or inefficient for future formations. It is noticeable many relief infantrymen
wear a bandolier of soft-nosed bullets quite openly. The question of ammunition despite
official assurances is causing anxiety. The order was issued last week commanding the
coast artillery to enjoin strict economy of fire, but as large quantities are still available
there is no immediate.
Dardanelle's Preparation.
The Dardanelles have been further strengthened. Since March obstacles have been placed
in the way of submarine navigation and the whole British Navy could not force the strait
in its present condition by a simple naval action.
It is the current opinion here that landing less than 300,000 men offers little chance of
success and the Turks are confident the Allies have no such force available. Their
nervousness is due solely for fear of Bulgarian co-operation with Allies. Fort Hamidieh
only is manned mostly by Germans; the others are garrisoned by Turkish officers and
men with a sprinkling of Germans.
The campaign in the Caucasus is almost at a standstill owing to typhus. On the average,
150 men succumb daily and vigorous measures have been taken to counteract the
epidemic, which is raging under indescribably awful conditions. Every available doctor is
being died. The commander is contemplating in consequence white drawing into the
fortified region of Erzrum there to await the advance of the Russians through the infected
Meanwhile the Egyptian expedition is more and more absorbing the energitic and hopes
of the Turks. No doubt the next attempt in about two months time will be of a much more
formidable character than the last. A light gauged railway is being constructed branching
off the Hedjas line, northeast of Akaba, and will be finished six weeks from now.
Howitaers have been sent with German gunners for transport over this line.
I made a careful inquiry into the relations of Turks and Germans in the army. There has
been some friction between German and Turkish officers due to Teutonic tactlessness,
but the rank and file does not resent anything. Under the stern compulsion of his new
task-masters the Turk is acquiring a magnificent machine-like efficiency. It would be
foolish belittle the admirable work done by the Germans in Turkey on underestimate the
resultant vitality in resources and strength of the Ottoman Empire.
Yet it is true that over this land a stranger feels hovering a spirit of doom.
A hard copy of this article or hundreds of others from the time of the Armenian Genocide
can be found in The Armenian Genocide: News Accounts From The American Press:
Categories: Armenian Genocide

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