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Revision for ES441, Term 1, 2004.

R.M. Kerr, University of Warwick

April 7, 2005

REVISE as follows: The lecture notes, now all contained in: les/ES912 0405.pdf Vector calculus will not be examined directly. Know how to do similarity theory as in the example problems. Do all the example problems. There were will 2-3 extra lectures at the beginning of term 3 to go over the answers. Know the following from the lecture notes; Summary of assumptions and their limitations Reynolds averaging 1. Large-scale time variations are small. This approximation is valid only for simple ows like a wake, jet or mixing layer. For real applications, unsteadiness should be considered. 2. Downstream scaling obeys simple power laws. Even for simple ows recent work indications that minor modications are necessary. For complicated ows these assumptions are not true and are only useful for matching regimes. 3. Know the terms in the RANS equations: advection, production, transport, dissipation. Statistical theory of turbulence 1. Homogeneity: All statistics can be represented by simple separations or wavenumbers in each direction. Multi-component hot-wire data is applicable using the Taylor frozen turbulence assumption. This assumption is approximately true in the centre of simple ows, far from any boundaries. It is not true at all for boundary layers.

2. Isotropy: All statistics can be represented by a single direction. Singlecomponent hot-wire statistical data can be converted into other components. Experiments show that this is never true. 3. Gaussian statistics: One can use the quasi-normal approximation, or that approximation modied to preserve realisibility with E > 0 for all times, to close the energy energy. Experiments show this is never true. 4. Periodic boundary conditions: Simulations in a periodic box are applicable. What is learned can only be applied where homogeneity is approximately true. 5. Energy cascade depends only upon the energy cascade rate, which is equivalent to the energy dissipation rate . If this were approximately true it would imply that even if isotropy and homogeneity were not true on the largest scales, they would be true on smaller scales. This is an important assumption in large-eddy simulation. 6. Know the spectral regimes: energy-containing, inertial, viscous, and their characteristic length scales: Large-scale L, Taylor microscale , Kolmogorov . You do not need to know details about moments, correlations and structure functions, these would be provided on a test or exam. You do need to be able to recognise the Kolmogorov -5/3 spectrum for energy (E (k ) =what?) and know that it is closely related to the 2/3 law for the 2nd order structure function S2 (r). 7. Universality. This is the principle that as the Reynolds number increases certain scaling regimes retain their basic features if rescaled by the appropriate length, velocity and time scales. For example, as Reynolds number increases the range over which the -5/3 energy spectrum and the 2/3 law for S2 applies increases, but if universality is true the coecients in front of those scaling laws will not change. 8. No-slip assumption. True for most real surfaces. Rough surfaces need modications. Direct numerical simulations are a tool for looking at the velocity structure next to a no-slip surface in detail, but not a tool for looking at rough surfaces. Universality is believed to hold for the boundary layer due to a velocity shear above a no-slip surface, where velocities can be rescaled in terms of u and distances are dened by y+ (see below). The constant in front of the von K arm an log layer is supposed to be universal, even for

rough surfaces where only the additive coecient appears to depend upon roughness. k - modelling 1. That the dissipation equation can be closed using factors of /k . 2. That there are sharp boundaries between the turbulent ows and the surrounding irrotational ow. This is actually a consequence of k - modelling, that is the proles predicted have this property. This property is never true due to intermittency, the tendency for there to be alternating regions of highly rotational, turbulent ow separated by irrotational, nearly laminar uid. 3. Flat-plate assumption: That there is no curvature on surfaces and the wakelike region downstream grows with Reynolds number. In general, surfaces are curved and at large enough Reynolds numbers there is separation. That is vortices are shed, the wake-like region becomes smaller, and the drag less. 4. No-slip assumption: U = k = 0 at Very dicult to apply in practice. 5. Log-layer assumption: that the scaling of the log-layer can be used to provide the boundary condition. This is the weakest part of the complete RANS/k modelling framework. The thicker the layer, the more the modelled dissipation can lead to errors. The thinner the layer, the more numerical errors can accumulate. Stiness problem. 6. Know the terminology for quantities in the boundary layer, how the velocity and distance from the wall are dened what the layers of a at-plate boundary layer are : viscous sublayer, (buer layer), log-law, turbulent wake-like, irrotational outer ow. Be able to identify them on a graph or to sketch their shape if the terms are given. The wall friction velocity u is u2 = uv and from this the length scale, a wall unit is dened as /u and the distance from the wall in wall units is y+ = u y/ . Modelling: pros and cons: 1. Know the advantages and disadvantages of dierent types of modelling of turbulent ows. 2. Know situations where each type of modelling is most eective.

3. You are not expected to know the details of either DNS or the latest advances in LES (only what the Smagorinsky model is). 4. Know the balancing between more modelling/less computing and less modelling/more computing. Both between methods in general, 5. and specics about k - .

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