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Human Body Systems

C/rra|a/crg Sgs/rm

Pulmonary Circulation is the flow of blood through the _________ to the lungs and back to
the heart.
Blood carries oxygen and nutrients to _________.
Blood carries carbon dioxide and other wastes away from the cells.
Movement of __________________ into and out of your cells occurs by diffusion and
active transport.
Materials move through your _________ via the Circulatory System.
The Circulatory System include the _________, blood vessels and blood.
Circulatory System
name: __________________
What is moving?
Pulmonary Circulation
2. 3.
1. Blood, high in ______ and low
in O
returns from the body and
travels to the heart.
It enters the right atrium
through the superior and
inferior vena _________.
Carbon dioxide and wastes are
picked up by the blood and
return, through your veins.
2. The right atrium _______ and
blood enters the right ventricle.
The ventricle then contracts and
sends blood to the _________
through the pulmonary artery.
Why are the pulmonary arteries
They are the only artery that
carries blood that is low in
3. Oxygen rich blood, from the
lungs, enters the heart through
the _________________
vein and into the left atrium.
What makes pulmonary veins
special? They are the only
_________ that carries
oxygen rich blood.
4. The _________ atrium
contracts and forces the blood
into the left ventricle. Once that
contracts, blood flows out of the
heart and into the aorta.

Blood moves through your body (except your heart and lungs) by ___________ circulation.
Oxygen-rich blood flows from your heart through _________. They carry nutrients and
oxygen to your body cells.
Carbon dioxide and wastes are picked up by the blood and return, through your veins.
Systemic Circulation
Arteries are blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart.
Each ventricle of the heart is attached to an artery.
The right ventricle is attached to the pulmonary artery.
The left ventricle is attached to the aorta.
Veins are blood vessels that carry blood _____________ to the heart
Veins have ______________ valves that keep blood moving towards the heart
Blood flow is helped by your _____________ muscles. When they contract, the veins are
squeezed and move blood toward the heart
_________ major veins return blood to the heart.
___________________________ returns blood from your head and neck.
Inferior vena cava returns blood from your abdomen and lower body.
Arteries and veins are ________________ by capillaries.
The walls of capillaries are only one cell thick
Nutrient and oxygen diffuse into body cells through the thin capillary walls.
Wastes materials and carbon dioxide diffuse from body cells into the capillaries.
Fatty deposits build up on arterial walls and cause the arteries to ___________ and narrow.
Atherosclerosis is the usual cause of heart attacks and ___________.
What can lead to this disease?
High Blood ___________
High levels of cholesterol
High levels of ___________ in the blood
Hypertension or High Blood Pressure
The higher the pressure, the harder the heart has to ___________. Hypertension can lead
to damaged organs, kidney failure, aneurysm, heart failure, stroke, or heart ___________.
The causes of hypertension are:
___________ lifestyle
Lack of physical
Heart Failure
The heart cannot pump blood ____________________.
It might be cause by a weakened heart muscle or heart valves not working properly.
Cardiovascular Disease
Ways to prevent cardiovascular disease
Regular check ups, a healthy diet choosing foods low in salt, sugar, cholesterol and
saturated fats, exercise, not ______________
Blood Pressure - the force of blood on the wall of the blood vessels
Blood pressure highest in arteries or veins? ________________
________________ pressure - pressure caused when the ventricles contract and blood is
pushed out of the heart
Diastolic pressure - pressure that occurs when the ventricles fill with blood just before they
contract again.
Blood Pressure
Preventing Cardiovascular Disease

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