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name: __________________

Human Body Systems B

Functions of Blood
_________________ carries oxygen from your lungs to all your body cells. Blood also carries carbon dioxide from your cells to your lungs to be exhaled. Blood carries waste products from your cells to your kidneys to be removed. Blood transports nutrients and other substances to your body cells. Cells and molecules in blood fight infections and help heal wounds.

Colour of Blood
Blood is always _________________ - bright red when it is oxygenated and a darker red when it's lacking oxygen. ____________________ blood just looks blue because you're seeing it through your skin. Oxygen poor blood is most definitely NOT blue. it is a sort of purplish/maroon color at best. Realize that to see the vein at all, light has to go THROUGH the skin and hit the blood in the vein. The blood absorbs certain colours of light, and reflects others back through the skin. For some reason, the combination of these effects gives a blue color.

Amount of Blood
On average, about 8% of your body weight is blood. As an example, a 60kg person has = 4.8kg of blood. 60*.0.08 = 4.8 1kg = 1.4 L of blood You have about 6.67 L of blood.

What is in your Blood?

Plasma _______ Platelets < 1% Red blood cells 45% White blood cells <1%

Plasma (55 %)
_________________ part of blood Mostly _________________ Makes up more than half the volume of blood (55%) Nutrients, minerals, oxygen and wastes are dissolved in plasma

Platelets (<1 %)
____________ shaped cell fragments Helps clot blood They plug holes in small vessels. They release chemicals that help form filaments of fibrin. A cubic millimeter of blood has.. _________________ platelets Life span: 5-9 days

Red Blood Cells (45 %)

Red Blood Cells are ______________________blood cells that have no nuclei and contain hemoglobin. Hemoglobin carries oxygen and some carbon dioxide (the rest of the CO2 is carried in the cytoplasm of the red blood cell) Hemoglobin is made of an ______________ compound that gives blood its red colour. The life span of a red blood cell is ________ days (4 months) They are made at a rate of 2-3 million per second. WOW!!! Where are they made? Bone Marrow RBC are also destroyed at about the same rate, 2-3 million per second 1 cubic millimeter of blood has _________________ red blood cells!!! WOW!! We have approximately 25-30 _________________ RBC in our bodies at any given time. Each RBC has 250 million hemoglobin molecules. Every hemoglobin can hold 4 O2 molecules. How many O2 molecules can one RBC carry? One Billion!!!

White Blood Cells (<1 %)

1 cubic millimeter of blood has only 5,000 to _________________ white blood cells. Function: fight _________________, viruses and other invaders. Your body produces more white blood cells when _________________ enter your body. WBC Leave blood through the capillary walls and go into the tissues that have been invaded. Here is where they fight the intruder. Life span: few days to many months. There are several _________________, sizes, and shapes of white blood cells.

Blood Clotting
What stops the bleeding? _________________ stick to the wound and release chemicals. Then ___________________ carry out a series of chemical reactions. The reactions cause threadlike fibers called _________________ to form a sticky net. The net _________________ escaping blood cells and plasma and forms a clot. Once the clot becomes hard, skin cells begin to reform under the scab. Eventually the scab is lifted off, revealing fresh, new skin! What if you cant clot?? You have a genetic disorder called hemophilia. You lack one of the clotting factors that begin the clotting process.

Blood Types
There are 4 different blood types: A, B, AB, and O. Types A, B and AB have chemical identification tags called _________________ on their red blood cells. Type O red blood cells have no antigens. Each blood type has specific _________________ in its plasma. They are proteins in your plasma that destroy or neutralize substances that do not belong to your body. Because of this, certain blood types cannot mix. If type A is mixed with type B blood, the type A antibodies determine that the type B does not belong there. The antibodies will cause the type B red blood cells to clump.

Blood Types - Donation

Rh Factor
Another chemical ID tag in blood is the ____________________. If the Rh factor is on red blood cells, the person has Rh-_____________ (Rh +) blood. If the Rh factor is not on the red blood cells, the person has Rh-___________(Rh - ) blood. If an Rh- person receives a blood transfusion from an Rh+ person, he or she will produce _________________ against the Rh+ factor. Clots will then form in the blood vessels and the person will die. If an Rh- mother is pregnant with an Rh+ baby, the mother might make antibodies to the childs Rh factor. Close to the time of birth, Rh antibodies from the mother can pass from her blood into the babys blood. These antibodies can destroy the babys red blood cells. If this occurs, the baby will have to receive a blood transfusion before or after the birth. But at 28 weeks, the mother can receive an injection that blocks the production of _________________ to the Rh+ factor. These injections prevent the life-threatening situation.

Diseases of the Blood

Leukemia A disease in which one or more types of white blood cells are made in _________________ numbers. These cells are _________________ and do not fight infections well. They fill the ____________________ and crowd out the normal cells. Then not enough red & white blood cells and platelets can be made. Types of leukemia affect children or adults. Medicines, blood transfusions, and bone marrow transplants are used to treat this disease. Anemia Anemia is a disease of the red blood cells, in which body cells cant get enough _________________ and are unable to carry on their usual activities. Causes: Loss of blood Diet lacks iron or certain vitamins Side effect of the treatment of another disease One type of anemia results from the disease sickle cell anemia, a _________________ genetic disorder. In sickle cell anemia the red blood cells are _________________ shaped and cannot carry _________________ properly.

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