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Tax and Discount Worksheet

Name: Date:

1. Nate buys 3 pencils for $1.50, an eraser for $1.25, a ruler for $0.75 and a notebook for $3.00. Each item is on sale for 50% off. Nate must pay sales tax of 8%. How much does Nate pay for school supplies? SHOW ALL WORK BELOW

2.Molly wants to buy a skirt. The original price was $29. PART A The skirt is on sale for 30% off. When she goes to pay for it the cashier tells her she can have an additional 25% discount off the sale price. Not counting the sales tax, how much will Molly pay for the skirt? SHOW ALL WORK BELOW.


PART B In determining the sale price of the skirt, is there a difference between: taking off each discount separately or adding the two discounts together before taking them off the original price? Explain your answer below.


3. Sammy buys his clothes at Super Discounts. On Saturday, he bought shoes regularly priced at $40 for 25% off, and a jacket regularly priced at $100 for 30% off. PART A Before the sales tax, what was the total price of the items Sammy bought? Show work below.


PART B Approximately what percent discount did Sammy get on his total purchases? Show work below.


PART C Including a 6% sales tax, what total amount will Sammy pay? Show work below.


4. Marion buys a dress and a pair of shoes at The Home Store. Before adding the sales tax, she pays $48 for a dress that normally sells for $62 and she pays $34 for a pair of shoes that normally sells for $46. Part A Before the sales tax, how much does Marion save on her purchases by buying at the sale price? Show all work.

Answer ____________ Part B To the nearest percent, what percent discount did Marion get on her total purchase? Show all work.

Answer ______________________ Part C Including a 6.5% sales tax, what total amount will Marion pay?

Answer _______________________

5. A CD player that regularly sells for $79.00 is on sale at a 15% discount. Part A Find the sale price of the CD player. Show your work.

Part B If the sales tax is 8%, what will the CD player cost, to the nearest cent? Show your work.

6. A bicycle that regularly sells for $179.00 is on sale at a 25% discount. Part A Find the sale price of the bike. Show your work.

Part B If the sales tax is 6.5%, what will the bike cost, to the nearest cent?

7. The regular price of a computer is $1,299. Part A What is the amount of the discount if the computer is advertised at 20% off? Show work.

Answer:__________________ Part B What is the sale price?

Answer:_________________ Part C If the sales tax is 7%, what is the total price of the computer purchased on sale?


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