Schedule of First Semester Classes (SY 2013-2014)

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Department of Communication Course Offerings: 1st Semester, 2013-2014 Revision Date: 6 May 2013 NOTES Course Offerings based

d on old AB COM / MA COM Curriculum Incoming COM Sophomores: 115 Incoming COM Juniors: 99 Incoming Com Seniors: 106 COMTECH: TBA IS Majors: Intro to Media Studies/Theory (35), Intro to Production (14), Basic Video/TV Prod (15), Intro to Journ (39), AdPrinciples (13),PR (16)

AB COMMUNICATION-REQUIRED CLASSES CAT NO. COM 100 COM 100 COM 100 COM 100 COM 101 COM 101 COM 101 COM 101 COM 102 COM 102 COM 102 COM 102 COM 103 COM 103 COM 103 COM 103 COM 103 COM 103 SEC. TITLE A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D E F Communication Seminar Communication Seminar Communication Seminar Communication Seminar Communication Theory Communication Theory Communication Theory Communication Theory Communication Research Communication Research Communication Research Communication Research Communication Thesis and Defense Communication Thesis and Defense Communication Thesis and Defense Communication Thesis and Defense Communication Thesis and Defense Communication Thesis and Defense INSTRUCTOR Jose Supangco Jaime Manuel Flores Jaime Manuel Flores Jose Supangco Cheryl Borsoto Cheryl Borsoto Jason Cabanes, PhD Jason Cabanes, PhD Jenna Mae Atun Jenna Mae Atun Inez Ponce de Leon, PhD Inez Ponce de Leon, PhD Andrew Ty Cheryl Borsoto Jaime Manuel Flores DAY MWF TTH TTH MWF TTH TTH TTH TTH MWF MWF T M W F M TIME 3:30-4:30 9:00-10:30 2:30-3:30 VENUE SS 5 SS 5 SS 5 SLOTS REQUIRED 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 30 30 25 20 18 18 18 18 18 18 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y PREREQ None None None None None None None None COM 101 COM 101 COM 101 COM 101 COM 102 COM 102 COM 102 COM 102 COM 102 COM 102 NOTES BLOCKED for Sophomore Communication Majors; Open for Irregular Communication Majors BLOCKED for Sophomore Communication Majors; Open for Irregular Communication Majors BLOCKED for Sophomore Communication Majors; Open for Irregular Communication Majors BLOCKED for Sophomore Communication Majors; Open for Irregular Communication Majors BLOCKED for Sophomore Communication Majors and Irregular Communication Majors Only BLOCKED for Sophomore Communication Majors and Irregular Communication Majors Only BLOCKED for Sophomore Communication Majors and Irregular Communication Majors Only BLOCKED for Sophomore Communication Majors and Irregular Communication Majors Only For Junior and Irregular Communication Majors Only For Junior and Irregular Communication Majors Only For Junior and Irregular Communication Majors Only For Junior and Irregular Communication Majors Only For Senior and Irregular (Graduating) Communication Majors Only For Senior and Irregular (Graduating) Communication Majors Only For Senior and Irregular (Graduating) Communication Majors Only For Senior and Irregular (Graduating) Communication Majors Only For Senior and Irregular (Graduating) Communication Majors Only For Senior and Irregular (Graduating) Communication Majors Only

10:30-12:00 SS 5

10:30-12:00 SS 280 12:00-1:30 1:30-3:00 3:00-4:30 8:30-9:30 9:30-10:30 1:30-4:30 10:30-1:30 1:30-4:30 1:30-4:30 1:30-4:30 9:30-12:30 9:00-12:00 9:00-12:00 SS 280 SS 280 SS 280 SS 280 SS 280 SS 5 SS 6 SS 312 SS 312 SS 312 SS 312 SS 312 SS 312

Severino Sarmenta, Jr., PhD W Severino Sarmenta, Jr., PhD TH Jose Supangco T

COMTECH-REQUIRED CLASSES; FOR COMTECH MAJORS ONLY COM 11 COM 11 COM 11 COM 11 COM 15 A B C D A Introduction to Communication Introduction to Communication Introduction to Communication Introduction to Communication Audio and Video Production Techniques Elgene Feliciano Andrew Ty Andrew Ty Elgene Feliciano Jose Angelo Supangco MWF MWF MWF MWF TH 11:30-12:30 SS 280 8:30-9:30 1:30-2:30 9:00-12:00 CSR SS 5 CSR 10:30-11:30 SS 280 35 35 35 30 30 Y Y Y Y Y None None None None COM 13 BLOCKED; for COMTECH Majors Only BLOCKED; for COMTECH Majors Only BLOCKED; for COMTECH Majors Only BLOCKED; for COMTECH Majors Only BLOCKED; for COMTECH Majors Only

AB COMMUNICATION-FILM AND MEDIA STUDIES TRACK ELECTIVES INTRODUCTORY COURSES COM 111 COM105 A A Elements of Screen Art Introduction to Media Studies Nicasio Cruz, S.J. Andrew Ty T MWF 1:30-4:30 12:30-1:30 CSR CSR 75 40 N Y None None Elective; open to all Majors For IS majors only

SPECIALIZED COURSES COM 115.3 COM 115.5 COM 115.8 COM 115.10 COM112 A A A A A Film Seminar: American Cinema Film Seminar: European Film Film Seminar: Asian Cinema Film Seminar: Japanese Film Film History: Theory and Practice Mark Escaler Nicasio Cruz, S.J. Nicasio Cruz, S.J. Tito Valiente Victor Valbuena, PhD T F TH S TH 9:00-12:00 1:30-4:30 1:30-4:30 9:00-12:00 1:30-4:30 CSR CSR CSR FAVR SS 6 30 75 75 10 20 N N N N N None None None None None Elective; open to all Majors Elective; open to all Majors Elective; open to all Majors Elective; open to all Majors Elective; open to all Majors

AB COMMUNICATION-PRODUCTION TRACK ELECTIVES INTRODUCTORY COURSES COM130 COM 124 COM 124 COM120 COM 127 COM171 A A B A A A Writing for Film Basic Video/TV Production Basic Video/TV Production Introduction to Production (Radio) Basic Photography Visual Communication Isabel Kenny Jose Supangco Rafael Jimenez Cielo Timbol Perez Francis Escaler Isabel Kenny W M T F TH W 9:30-12:30 9:30-12:30 9:00-12:00 9:30-12:30 5:00-8:00 4:30-7:30 CSR SS 5 SS 6 SS 6 CSR CSR 20 25 20 20 40 20 N N N N N N None None None None Access to digital SLR camera None For AB Communication and AB Fine Arts majors only 7 slots for IS Majors, 18 slots for COM Majors 7 slots for IS Majors, 13 slots for COM Majors 10 slots for IS Majors, 10 slots for other majors Elective; open to all Majors Elective; open to all Majors; Also Com 232.1

SPECIALIZED COURSES COM 126.6 COM116.5 COM134.3 COM 143.16 A A A A Special Topics in Production: Film Acting The Independent Film The Short Film Performance and Presentation Banaue Miclat Francis Pasion John Torres Patricia Laurel W W S M 1:30-4:30 9:30-12:30 9:00-12:00 1:30-4:30 G 306 SS 6 SS 6 SS 280 8 20 20 20 N N N N None None None None Open to all majors; Slash with FA 137.8 For Junior and Senior Communication Majors Only For Junior and Senior Communication Majors Only For COM Majors Only



Jimmy Domingo


SS 280


Knowledge of basic photography; Access to Digital SLR camera and various lenses Elective; Open to all majors

AB COMMUNICATION-JOURNALISM TRACK ELECTIVES BASIC COURSES COM 140 COM 140 A B Introduction to Journalism Introduction to Journalism Chin Wong Arlene Burgos S F 9:00-12:00 8:30-11:30 CSR SS 5 30 30 N N None None 20 Slots for IS Majors, 10 slots for COM Majors 20 Slots for IS Majors, 10 slots for COM Majors

SPECIALIZED COURSES COM 144 COM 149.3 A A Investigative Journalism Special Topics in Print Journalism: Writing about Culture Ma. Rosario Hofilena Ruel de Vera M W 1:30-4:30 1:30-4:30 SS 6 SS 6 20 20 N N Com 141 None For COM Majors Only For COM Majors Only


COM 160 COM 160 COM 161 COM 161


Advertising Principles and Practices Advertising Principles and Practices Public Relations Public Relations

Nanette Diyco Nanette Diyco Bernard Bagaman


9:30-12:30 1:30-4:30 4:30-7:30 8:00-11:00


30 30 40 30


None None None None

8 Slots for IS Majors, 22 slots for COM Majors 7 Slots for IS Majors,23 slots for COM Majors For COM Majors Only Elective; Open to All Majors

Severino Sarmenta,Jr,PhD W

SPECIALIZED COURSES COM161.1 COM 162 COM 163.2 COM 163.9 A A A A Public Relations: Creating PR Tools Advertising Management Special Topics in Advertising: Creative Writing for Advertising (Copywriting) Special Topics in Advertising: Strategic Planning Severino Sarmenta,Jr,PhD M Nanette Diyco Greg Martin Norman Agatep F S TH 1:30-4:30 9:30-12:30 9:00-12:00 5:00-8:00 CSR CSR SS 280 SS 280 30 30 30 30 N N N N Com 161 Com 160 None Com 160 20 slots for AB Communication Junior and AB Communication Seniors; 10 slots for AB IS majors Elective; Open to All Majors For AB Communication Majors only For COM Majors Only

MA COMMUNICATION COURSES REQUIRED COURSES COM200 COM 201 COM280 ELECTIVES COM210 COM208.2 COM232.1 COM249.9 COM259.3 COM257 COM 298 COM 299 A A A A A A A A Introduction to Graduate Studies in Cinema Seminar on Communication and Society: Media Law Environmental Graphics: Visual Communication Special Topics in Journalism: Writing About Culture Seminar in Marketing and Advertising: Integrated Marketing Communication Seminar Problems and Issues I: Communication Seminar Comprehensive Examinations Independent Study Thesis Writing Victor Valbuena, PhD Elgene Feliciano Isabel Kenny Ruel de Vera Jose Agustin Cuenco Jaime Manuel Flores Department Faculty Department Faculty Department Faculty TH M W W M M NA NA NA 5:00-8:00 5:00-8:00 4:30-7:30 5:00-8:00 5:00-8:00 5:00-8:00 NA NA NA SS 5 SS 5 CSR SS 6 SS 6 CSR NA NA NA 20 20 10 20 20 20 12 12 NA N N N N N N Y Y Y None None None None None None MA Com Compre 200 MA Com Compre 200 Open to all graduate students Open to all graduate students Open to all graduate students; Also Com 171 Open to all graduate students Open to all graduate students Open to all graduate students For MA Commnication Students only For MA Communication Students Only A A A Theory and Process of Communication Communication and Social Change Research Methods in Communication Jason Cabanes, PhD Jan Tan Co Chua Inez Ponce de Leon, PhD W TH T 5:00-9:00 5:00-8:00 5:00-8:00 SS 5 SS 6 SS 6 25 20 20 N N N None None Com 200 For MA Communication Majors only; Classes start on 10 July 2013. From 10 July-18 Sept, 5:00-9:00pm. Sept - 2 Oct, 5:00-8:00pm. For MA Communication Majors only For MA Communication Majors only From 25


MA COM Course Work For MA Communication Students only


Noted by:

Mark Vincent Escaler Chair

Department of Communication Date: 10 May 2012

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