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Project <Name of the Project> : <Type of Engagement(for e.g.


Functional Specification
Format No/ Rev: Version: <Version Number> Specification No: <Functional specification No. as provided in the RICEF list> Development No: <Technical specification No. as provided in the RICEF list> Business Process No:< BBP Reference in which the related process is captured> Revision History Version <Version Number> Date <Date on which the version of this document is created> Description of changes < Provide a brief of the reason for the change in the version> Issue Date (dd/mm/yyyy): <Date on which the FS was issued to the ABAP consultant> In Preparation Approved Review Released

Responsible To be discussed Section I: Justification Area: <Give the functional area for which this development is needed(for e.g.Finance)> Requested by: Module name: <for e.g.FICO> Sub area: <The particular area within the function/module in which the development is needed(for e.g.Accounts Payable)> Date : <Date on which the requirement was provided by the business to EY> To be discussed

<Name of the Client personnel who requested for the development>

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Brief description: Generic question:

<Provide a brief description of the development(for e.g.To develop the cheque payment advise form)>

Impact of not creating the program:< Identify the nature of impact on the business if the development is not catered to>

Legal requirements will not be fulfilled Lack of information required for the business Lose functionality compared to the old system Others

Is there any alternative in the standard system:< Identify if any other means to achieve the same is available in the standard system or not> Describe the alternative found: Reason why this alternative was not acceptable: <Inspite of having the alternative in the standard system why the decision was made for development(Explain in brief)> Program type:<The type of development> Priority:<The priority/urgency of the development in terms of business impact and requirement> Charateristics < If the development is a report please provide whether its a Drill Down or ALV. In case of any other development please select Others> Report Enhancement Application Development High/mandatory



< If answer to the above is yes then give a description of the alternative in details> Performance problems Others: Complexity

Module Pool Conversion Others Form




Drill Down



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Frequency:< Frequency at which the business transaction/report is carried out for which this development is to be made> Only for Interfaces:< Describe the details of interface> Type of interface: Direction of interface:

Daily Biweekly

Weekly Other:


Real-Time Inbound

Batch Outbound Both

Sign off Functional Specification Prepared By Date Team Lead Date <EY consultant who prepared the FS> <EY Team Lead for the project> Comments <Comments/remarks if any>

Lead Consultant Date <Whether the development has bee n approved by the concerned Project Management Team or not>

<EY Lead Consultant>

Approved by Project Management Team (in case of Application development)

Received Team Lead/ Lead Consultant Date

<ABAP team lead/lead consultant who received the FS>

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Section II: (a) Business Needs & Requirement ( Please use this section for describing the business requirement in detail preferably with flow diagram)

Description and PurposeThe enhancement is developed to track different sale tax form issued by saletax department Business Process Detail C Form is given by the buyer to the supplier of goods in case it is an out-of-state (ex. OMS - Outside Maharashtra State) sale that attracts CST (Central Sales Tax). If you as a buyer provide C Form, you have to pay lower CST (ex. 3% CST in lieu of 9% CST). However, it is considered the supplier's responsibility (funny policies) to collect the C Form from the buyer, failing which he will have to pay the differential Sales Tax. i.e. he will get penalised if the buyer defaults. C Forms are issued by Sales Tax Department which have to be collected from there by the buyer so that he can give it to the supplier for CST transaction. Goods-in-Transit transactions also attract CST, hence C Forms come in play.

Authorization requirements: < State if any additional authorization will be needed if the development is implemented>

Section III: Only For Enhancements

<Name of the enhancement>

Description <Description of the enhancement>

Process Logic
C Form is given by the buyer to the supplier of goods in case it is an out-of-state (ex. OOS - Outside Orissa State) sale that attracts CST (Central Sales Tax). There will er two T-Codes 1. 2. Create and close c-form Change and display

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Screen 1:


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Create different sections as boxes and include the fields in layout header screen e.g. 1. Form details 2. Organization details 3. Customer details

Add entry tax amount, debit note or credit note issued against any invoice ,Status check .in table control.

NOTE: Add entry tax amount, debit note or credit note issued against any invoice in table control. A status check box will be there at the end which will be X automatically if form amount is equal to total amount or the user can also close the invoice by clicking on status check box and put their remarks in remarks field. Create different section in screen If Entry tax is .5 % then we need form E15

Fields Receive No.

Char I/O

Form Tracking System Sales Description User Should enter manualy

Technical Details

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Receive ID Receive Date State/Central Company Code Plant Sales Area Customer No. Address R.C. No Actual R.C.No. Form type Form Details Contact person Show Billing date from and to

Output I/O with f4 help I/O with f4 help I/O with f4 help I/O with f4 help I/O with f4 help I/O with f4 help I/O with f4 help I/O I/O I/O with f4 help I/O I/O Pushbutton I/O with f4 help

System generated id

use number range object to generate system a unique no.

user should enter company code manually or through search help and company code description will appear in another field

Three fields (Sales org/distribution channel/ division) enter customer no. and description will appear in next field will come from customer master and user can change it user should enter after getting forms user should enter after getting forms maintain values at domain lebel

Click on pushbutton will display data in bleow grid based on certain selection criteria

Logic for data selection and display in Grid. Once the user click on SHOW button, based on company code,sales area,customer code,billing date select all the invoices of the particular customer which has been raised during the selected period from table vbrk an vbrp, How to get the form details of particular sales? Goto va03 ->header->Billing document->alt tax classification See the below screen

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This field denotes which form is used for the sales

Get all the sales order created for the invoices and check the alt tax classification field, Fields details for grid Billing No->Invoice no (VBRK-VBELN) Billing Dt-Invoice Dt.(VBRK-ERDAT) Taxable amount, tax amount total amount are condition based Form amountmanually entered based on hard copy of form received Shortage = Total amount form amount.


Add new lines Save data in custom z table Exit fr

Structure of Custom Table

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Header Table

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Item Table

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1. 2.

Input details, (Selection screen / screen design). Selection Parameters will be:< Provide the selection parameters at screen level> Output format, (Report layout, Form Layout). < Provide the layout where applicable>


Flow Diagram. < Provide a flow diagram for an easier understanding of the complete logic>

Sign-Off and Acceptance of developed object

Names and Signatures

_______________________________________________________________________________________ Team Lead _______________________________________________________________________________________ Lead Consultant

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