LESSON 12 On Algebraic Thinking-1

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Introduction The following are standard specifications for teaching algebra in an international standard algebra curriculum: to use letters to represent unknown numbers; to write simple algebraic expressions in one variable involving one operation; to write simple algebraic expressions in one variable involving more than one operation; to find the value of a simple algebraic expression in one. variable by substitution; to simplify algebraic expressions in one variable involving addition and subtraction; to solve word problems involving algebraic expressions.

This lesson provides analyses on how Malaysian primary mathematics curriculum can be used to develop algebraic thinking for primary school. Analysis of the curricular materials provides evidence that approaches such as part whole thinking does provide a wide spectrum of activities which utilize different thinking processes for the development of algebraic thinking.

LEARNING OUTCOMES Upon the completion of this lesson, you should be able to: 1. Discuss the conception of part whole thinking in addition and subtraction. 2. Solve problems using the part whole thinking concept. 3. Show pedagogical approaches in introducing algebraic thinking via part whole thinking. Additive structures, which consist of addition and subtraction operations, provide us with a striking example of the diversity needed for the analysis of mathematical concepts. This is because addition and subtraction are needed in a variety of situations, for which the cognitive task depends on the kind of relationship involved and the kind of unknown one has to calculate.

Children at an early age construct and utilize various strategies in solving addition and subtraction problems. Example Jamiah has six dolls. Sharan gives her two more. How many does Jamiah have now? In solving this problem, a child is apt to use a very different strategy compared to an adult. The child might begin by setting a mental internal counter to six dolls, then add on two more, using an ordinal (counting) sense of number. After adding on the necessary two words (seven, eight), the child stops counting at eight and identifies this as the answer. By contrast, adults are more apt to rely on memorized mathematical facts or associations with similar problems solved previously. Children sometimes do subtraction problems by counting backwards a specified number of steps from the initial value. For example, some children solve the problem 8 3 by mentally counting backwards three numbers (seven, six, five) and identifying the number they land on as the answer. Another method is to set the internal counter at the smaller of the two numbers, then count up to the larger number, keeping track with their fingers (four, five, six, seven, eight). The answer is the number of fingers used (in this case, five). Naturally, children are capable of using both the methods (if they understand both), choosing the faster option where possible. Teachers can assist children in becoming more versatile problem solvers by following a simple principle: it is better to solve one problem two ways than two problems the same way. However, the methods children use, as stated above are quite efficient if the numbers given are lesser than ten. However, if the numbers involved are more than ten, it could become quite tedious for them. In view of this, another method, the Part-Whole thinking method based on research is strongly recommended for childrens learning of addition and subtraction concepts which would naturally evolve to algebraic thinking, as the focus of this section. Furthermore, it is a known fact that most children at the early primary school level struggle with word problems as compared to computation problems. They face great difficulty in comprehending the statements given in a problem. This section has been written to bridge this gap. Hopefully, through the discussion presented in this section, our children will become better equipped to master the concepts of addition and subtraction problems via algebraic thinking.

The Importance of Part-Whole Thinking One of the most important tasks that early primary school children undertake is the application of the part-whole thinking to problems involving a quantity. Part-whole thinking is typically applied to number triples in the basic operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. It must be noted here that the application of this part-whole concept has not been introduced in mathematics classroom teaching in Malaysia. This section aims to introduce this

concept to the various operations in enhancing the learning of mathematics, especially among Lower Primary children. Part-whole thinking is typically applicable to number triples. Example: Ali has three pencils and Jamal gives him two more. How many pencils does Ali have now? The number three and two in this problem are treated by most adults as parts that, when combined, produce the whole (five) sought in the problem statement. In solving this type of problem, many teachers use part-whole thinking without realizing it. This can have significant consequences when a teacher tries to help a struggling child. Without realizing it, most people use part-whole thinking to select a problem solving strategy, whether it involves addition, subtraction, multiplication or division between the two numbers given in the problem. If a teacher is not able to reveal the selection process to children and so appears somehow to make the correct choice of operation based on insight, children can easily conclude that they do not have that type of insight and never will. In using the part-whole concept, the meaning of addition and subtraction can be considered simultaneously. This is a more natural approach to learning mathematics than the traditional one of teaching addition and then subtraction. Using a concrete manipulative and the part-whole concept, children can learn the meanings of these operations simultaneously, and begin to realize that in some sense, addition and subtraction are opposites of one another. This realization will pay off later as the child tries to master the large body of mathematical facts taught in the early primary years. For instance, to the child who understands both addition and subtraction, and who also recognizes their relationship, the following mathematical facts are related. 4+3=7 53=2 3+4=7 52=3

By recognizing these relationships, the child can reduce the number of separate facts to be memorized. Relationships like these also give the child a means to verify or check uncertain facts. Children commonly develop mental computational strategies by incorporating the part-whole concept and counting strategies to solve many routine problems. To help children really understand this type of word problem, teachers should teach them to interpret word problems in light of the part-whole concept. That is, in reading the problem, children must determine whether each number given is a part or the whole. If the whole is given, then a part must be the quantity sought after. Parts are generally found by using subtraction in some form. On the other hand, if the whole is the sought-after quantity, addition is usually used.

Part-Whole Concept in Addition To help children to understand this concept, the following examples are given to identify which numbers are parts and which number is the whole, and whether the quantity being sought for is a part or a whole.

Example 1

There are 4 chickens and 5 ducks in the farm. How many birds are there in all?

Example 2 There are 9 children at a party. Five of them are boys. How many girls are there?

From the two examples above, it can be seen that when you need to find the: Part, we SUBTRACT: Part = Whole - Part Whole, we ADD: Whole = Part + Part

Part-Whole Concept in Subtraction The operation of subtraction is the reverse of addition. To help understand this concept, the following examples are given to identify which numbers are

parts, which number is the whole, and whether the quantity being sought for is a part or a whole.

In addition, when we need to find the Whole, we ADD: Whole = Part + Part When we need to find the Part, we SUBTRACT Part = Whole Part

Example 1 Hassan had 9 marbles. He gave some to Ah Meng. Now Hassan has 6 marbles left. How many marbles did he give to Ah Meng?
Whole - Part 9 ? 6




We need to find the part, so we subtract. Number sentence: 9 6 = 3

Example 2 Mariani has 9 dolls. She gave 5 dolls to Janet. How many dolls does Maria have left?
9 Whole

5 Part

? Part

Part = Whole - Part

We need to find the part, so we Subtract. Number sentence: 9 5 = 4

Example 3 Adam had some marbles. He gave 3 marbles to Ahmad. Now Adam has 5 marbles left. How many marbles did Adam have at first?
? ?

3 5

Whole= Part + Part




We need to find the Whole, so we add. Number sentence: 5 + 3 = 8

Activity 12.1 Use the Part-Whole Thinking concept to solve the following problems. a) Mariam had a bag of chocolate bars. She gave away 26 chocolate bars to her friend. 37 chocolate bars were still in the bag. How many chocolate bars did Mariam have at first? =

We need to find the _____, so we _____ Number sentence = _____ + _____ Number sentence: __________ b) There were some durians in a basket. 24 more durians were added. There are 49 durians in the basket now. How many durians were there in the basket at first? = _____ _____ _____

We need to find the _____, so we ______. Number sentence = __________ Number sentence: __________

c) There were 27 glasses on the shelf. A few fell and broke. There are only 21 glasses left now. How many glasses broke?

= _____ _____ _____

We need to find the _____ so we _____ Number sentence = __________ Number sentence: __________

Algebraic Thinking for Early Learning Mathematics educators have long believed that arithmetic should precede algebra because it provides the foundations for algebra. Arithmetic presumably deals with operations involving particular numbers; algebra would deal with generalized numbers, variables and functions. Hence instructors of primary school students focus upon number facts, number sense, and word problems involving particular values. Algebra teachers pick up at the point where letters are used to stand for unknowns and sets of numbers. Although there are good reasons for this natural order, it lends itself to discontinuities and tensions between arithmetic and algebra. The contention here is not to deny that there are developmental prerequisites for learning algebra. It is agreed that there is a large gap between arithmetic and algebra in mathematics education from kindergarten to higher secondary. The question is: does it have to be this way? Is the gap set by developmental levels largely out of the sphere of influence of educators? Or is it to a great extent a matter of learning, or of teaching itself? Does the fact that there presently is a large gap signify that there must always be such a gap? It is crucial for students to learn to represent and manipulate unknowns. However, current believe is that it is a mistake to attribute the late emergence of this ability to developmental constraints. It emerges late because algebra enters the mathematics curriculum too late and is at odds with students knowledge and intuitions about arithmetic. The task before educators goes far beyond embracing the general idea of early algebra. Early algebra is not solely about teaching algebra, as we now teach it, to the younger students. It is about new ways of looking at how arithmetic and algebra are interwoven or, as we will attempt to illustrate here, at drawing out the algebraic characters of arithmetic. Doing this represents a considerable departure from the present state of affairs. How should this be done? What sort of problems should be used? What sorts of new demands does this place on teachers and students?

What are adjustments and new ideas like in teaching and learning that promise to be fruitful? Addition and subtraction may provide fruitful contexts for exploring the algebraic nature of arithmetic. Variable quantities can play an important role in the emergence of mathematical variables and that using notation for describing the relations among quantities foreshadows and paves the way for using notation about variables and their interrelations in functional notation. From this viewpoint, the concept of Part Whole thinking in addition and subtraction can be approached, from the start as additive functions amenable to description through algebraic notation.

What is algebra? Algebra is that part of mathematical language which has been designed to express generality. The language of algebra is the standard medium for precise communication about numbers and functions, and it is essential for higher mathematics. How can teachers understand the early stages of algebraic reasoning better in children? Building teachers' "algebra eyes and ears" so they can recognize opportunities for generalizationand systematic expression of that generality-and then act on these as they occur is important. By second grade most students know how to add 3 to another number. But they probably have not been asked to consider expressions such as "n + 3", where n might refer to any number.

How do we interpret: y = x + 4, x + 4 =y, y - 4 = x, x = y - 4, or yx=4 State if the quantity sought is Part or Whole. Then, solve the problem

Example 2

Example 3 Adam had some marbles. He gave 3 * * * marbles to Ahmad. Now Adam has 5 * * * * * marbles left. How many marbles did Adam have at first ?
? ?

3 5

Whole= Part + Part

Whole Part Part We need to find the Whole, so we add. Number sentence: 5 + 3 = 8

What if we substitute each of the ? with a letter in all the three example above? From example 1:

From example 2:

From example 3: Substitute the symbol ? with any letter, say W

By Primary 2, most students know how to add 3 to another number. But they probably have not been asked to consider expressions such as W +3", where W might refer to any number. With the aid of Part Whole Thinking, we should be able to introduce algebra as early as in Primary 2.

Suggestions for further reading Jenny Young-Loveridge (2002). Early Childhood Numeracy: Building an Understanding of PartWhole Relationships. Australian Journal of Early Childhood, Vol. 27, 2002 2012 University Place School District (2012) . Problem Types and Part-Whole Thinking. http://www.upsd.wednet.edu/1613101012143043530/blank/browse.asp?A=383&BMDRN=2000 &BCOB=0&C=57172

Parmjit, S. (2008). Mathematics Word problems For Year 3. Venton: Kuala Lumpur. Parmjit, S. (2008). Mathematics Word problems For Year 4. Venton: Kuala Lumpur. Suggested answers to activities

Activity 12.1 Use the Part-Whole Thinking concept to solve the following problems. a)






We need to find the Whole, so we add. Number sentence = Part + Part Number sentence: 37 + 26 = 63 b)
? 24 49




We need to find the part, so we subtract. Number sentence = Whole - Part Number sentence: 49 24 = 25 c)





We need to find the Part so we Subtract. Number sentence = Whole Part Number sentence: 27 + 21 = 6

Activity Use the Algebraic Part-Whole Thinking concept to solve the following problems. a) Betty has 38 chocolates bars. She gave a few to Noraini. She has 29 chocolate bars left. How many chocolate bars did she give to Noraini? b) There are some fishes in the tank. 25 of them died. There are 34 fishes left. How many fishes were there in the tank at first? c) There are some durians in the basket. 24 more durians are added. There are 49 durians in the basket now. How many durians were in the basket at first?

Suggested answers a)
38 P


Whole Part Part We need to find the Part, so we Subtract. Part = Whole - Part




W 25





We need to find the Whole, so we Add. Whole = Part + Part




= 59







We need to find the Part, so we Subtract Part = Whole Part




= 25

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