Installation - Huong Dan Lap Dat Ong PPR

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Tel Vietnam: 091.8182.

587 Digitally signed

by: Cuong
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Cuong C = VN
Date: 2009.04.
07 10:43:13 +
Signatu 07'00'

PPR piping installation

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Main types of PPR piping installation:

- Internal installation
- Installation in ducts
- Open installation

Various basic rules and conditions – including linear thermal expansion, joint method,
working conditions and necessary compensation – are to be considered during installation

Pipeline mounting technique

Two types of pipeline supports are most frequently
frequently used: fixed points and sliding points. It
is recommended to use pipe clamps with rubber protectors, which are specially designed
for PPR pipes; it is important, that the
clamp should do not damage the surface
of the pipe.

Fixed points
This type of fixing is excludes the
possibility of compensation; fixed supports
should be installed at different sections of
the pipe to avoid uncontrolled movement
of the pipe. Fixed points normally must be
positioned where the system changes
direction to ensure
ure expansion points are
not discharged. The distance between
fixed points should be measured properly
and the forces of expansion should be
considered. Never use pivoting clamps as
fixed points.

Sliding points
This type of mounting allows the pipe to
move e axially in both directions without damaging it. Sliding points should be positioned
distantly from the joints (fittings) to ensure the free movement of the pipe without any
damaging. Such type of installation does not restrict any expansion movement.

Key to abbreviations
 FP – Fixed Point
 SP – Sliding Point
Table 4. Distance between supports for Blue Ocean
PPR pipes and PPR/Al/PPR pipes (horizontal pipeline)
Internal installation
Internal installation is understood as cement or plaster
covering installation, under floor or in-wall
in installation. During
plaster covering installation of the pipeline, the thermal
expansion usually is not considered, but isolating of the
pipeline should be done in accordance with DIN 1988
Standard. The channel of the insulated pipe should be free
and should guarantee compensation of pipeline expansion. If
it is not necessary to insulate pipeline (cement covering
installation, under floor or in-wall
in installation),
llation), than installation can be held without
considering of thermal expansion, the compensation will be absorbed through the

During cold water (potable water) pipeline installation pipes should be insulated against
heat gain and formation of condensation. It is recommended to make insulation in
cordance with DIN 1988, Part 2.

Table 5: Standard values for the minimum insulation

thicknesses for cold (potable) water systems

Installation in ducts

During vertical installation at the time of assembling branches and elbows the
compensation of riser pipe should be considered.

At such installations it is recommended to use multilayer composite pipes (Blue Ocean

PPR/Al/PPR (PE-RT) RT) or Blue Ocean
Ocea Fiber-G
G pipes), thanks to its advanced
characteristics the linear expansion can be not considered. Fixed supports should be used
and the distance between them should not exceed 3 meters.

If the installation goes with usage of usual PPR pipes, then it is necessary to pay attention
to compensation.
Changing in length should If the duct has enough If the duct does not has
be guaranteed by space for installing the enough space to install the
compensator, this flexible arm compensator, calculated compensator,
compensator has to then it is recommended the wall hole should be
compensate up and down to use this type of enlarged to guarantee the
movements. compensation. free movement.

Notice: The pipes to be installed through

through the wall holes should be insulated

Open installation
During open installation attention to the visual appearance of the pipeline should be paid.
PPR pipes have big coefficient of linear expansion, all types of possible compensation
should be considered in advance. Blue Ocean PPR/Al/PPR (PE-RT) (PE RT) and Blue Ocean
G pipes have much lower linear expansion and it is better to use these pipes when
the strict consideration of compensation is needed.

The coefficient of linear expansion for Blue Ocean pipes:

 PPR pipes: α=0.15mm/mºС

 PPR/Al/PPR pipes: α=0.03mm/mºС
 Blue Ocean Fiber-G
G pipes:
pipes α=0.05mm/mºС

Figure 2. The coefficient of linear expansion for Blue Ocean pipes

Blue Ocean PPR pipes linear expansion calculation example
The linear expansion (contraction) is calculated according to the following formula: ∆L =

 ∆L - linear expansion (mm)

 α - coefficient of linear thermal expansion (mm/mºС)
 L - initial length of the pipe (m)
 ∆T - temperature difference between installation and operating temperature (º

Example 1:
 ∆L - ? (mm)
 α1 = 0.15mm/mºС С (PPR pipes)
 α2 = α=0.03mm/mºС С (PPR/Al/PPR pipes)
 α3 = α=0.05mm/mºС С (Blue Ocean Fiber-G
Fiber pipes)
 L = 5m
 T1 = 60ºСС (Operating temperature)
 T2 = 20ºСС (Installation temperature)
 ∆T = T1 - T2 = 40ºС

 ∆L = 0.15mm/mºС × 5m × 40ºС
40º = 30mm (PPR pipes)
 ∆L = 0.03mm/mºС × 5m × 40ºС
40º = 6mm (PPR/Al/PPR pipes)
 ∆L = 0.05mm/mºС × 5m × 40ºС
40º = 10mm (Blue Ocean Fiber-G
G pipes)

Linear expansion compensating methods

 Flexible arm
 Minimal length of the flexible arm is calculated according
 to the following formula:
 Ls = C ×

 Ls - required length of flexible section (mm)

 C - constant of material (PPR=30)
 D - pipe outside diameter (mm)
 ∆L - linear expansion (mm)
Example 2:
 Ls - ? (mm)
 D = 40mm
 ∆L
L = 30mm (calculated in Example 1)

Ls = 30 × = 1039mm (Length of flexible
flex arm)

Pipe with outside diameter 40mm and length 5m with temperature difference equals to
40ºС should be supported by fixed mounting at the length of 1039mm on the elbowing

U-type compensation
If linear expansion can not be compensated by changing
changing of direction, then it is
recommended to use U-type
type compensation.

Width of U-type
type compensation is calculated according to the following formula:

 Wk = 2 × ∆L + SL

 Wk - width of compensation (mm)

 ∆L - linear expansion (mm)
 SL - 150mm (safety distance)

Notice: Wk should be ≥ 10D

Example 3:

 Wk - ? (mm)
 ∆L
L = 30mm (calculated in Example 1)
 SL = 150mm


Wk = 2 × 30mm + 150mm = 210mm

The width of U-type

type expansion loop should be 210mm.

Tel Vietnam
ietnam: 091.8182.587

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