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Homework 7, english CTI 2013

C at alin C. Vasii May 8, 2013

1. Consider the pseudocode sequence: If(B){execute the bloc I;} else {execute the bloc II;} Who is the sure event of the random process consisting of two observations of the if-else statement; If the outcomes o1 = (I, I ), o2 = (I, II ), o3 = (II, I ), o4 = (II, II ) have the probabilities 0.2, 0.26, 0.31, 0.23 compute the probability of the event that the bloc I is executed at least one time and the probability of the event that the bloc II is the rst to be executed. 2. If the events A and B are independent and P (A|B ) = 0.5, P (B |A B ) = 2/3 compute P (B ) 3. BNR has estimated four scenarios for the next year: scenario ination unemployment probability of the intersection 1 high high 0.16 2 high low 0.24 3 low high 0.36 4 low low 0.24 Assume you are a WEB designer at Bancpost and you are requested to insert in the banks website, based of the data BNR provided, the following probabilities: The probability of high ination; The probability of high unemployment in the event of high ination; Your boss knows that you have studies probabilities and asks you if the unemployment and the ination are independent. 1

4. Four viruses V1 , . . . , V4 are spreading over the internet and it is possible that the network in the student dormitories is infected. Denote Ei the event that the virus Vi has aected the network. The events E1 , E2 are independent and so are E3 , E4 . The events E1 , E3 are uncompatible and so are E1 , E4 the pair E2 , E3 and E2 , E4 . From the manufacturer of the antivirus we know that P (E1 ) = P (E2 ) = 0.05 and P (E3 ) = P (E4 ) = 0.01. Compute the probability that the network is aected. 5. Some packages are send from a source, via router 1, then a router 2 and then to the destination. The routers may block a package independently with a probability p = 0.15 Compute the probability that a package reaches its destination. 6. (Interview at google) Three ants start walking along the edges of a triangle, each one from a dierent vertex. Compute the probability of a collision. 7. (google interview, again) If the probability to see a bicycle passing by the window in a 20 minutes time is 0.9 then what is the probability to see a bicycle passing by the window in 5 minutes? 8. In a digital communication system, the bits might be transmitted wrongly because of the channel noise. Consider the events Tb The bit b has been transmitted and Rb The bit b has been received, b 0, 1. We know that P (R0 |T0 ) = 0.7, P (R1 |T1 ) = 0.8 and 60% of the transmitted bits are 0. If the bit 0 was received, what is the probability that 1 was transmitted?

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