Teamsters Contract Training 2007

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Metro 2006

Labor Negotiations
Contract Training - Teamsters
Mission – 2006 Negotiations

Negotiate and agree to 4 labor

contracts - all of which
creatively combine and meet
the principles and interests of
the organization, the Unions Accomplished
and the respective members /
Objectives – 2006 Negotiations

Negotiate economically
sustainable labor contracts

Improve employee and labor

relations and more efficient Accomplished
problem solving
Retain and recruit a
professional, committed and Accomplished
motivated workforce
A New Beginning…
Labor Relations Is A Process Not An Event


Contract Tentative
Administration Agreement

Training Ratification
MTA Made Two Agreements With The Teamsters

Written Contract
Interpersonal Agreement

The changes in the

The changes in how we written language of the
interact with our Unions Teamsters Contract
and our employees
(word and intent)

“You must have confidence in your ability and then be

tough enough to follow through.” Rosalynn Carter
Interpersonal Agreement

The changes in how we interact with our Unions

and our employees
The Values MTA Committed To:

• We will treat employees fairly with dignity and respect

• This is our contract

• These are our employees

• The Unions are our partners and not our enemies

The Values MTA Committed To:

• We will not hide behind the rules

• We will not hide behind the contract or grievance process

• We will continue to work on issues of mutual interest

during this contract period
The Behaviors MTA Committed To:

• Show respect at all times

• Communicate openly, politely

• Use accurate information and data

• Advocate interests rigorously but never discourteously

• Act professionally at all times

• Avoid surprising or undermining the Union’s people or

The Behaviors MTA Committed To:

• Listen, comprehend…then speak

• Strive to solve problems jointly

• Address problems locally, quickly

• Maintain integrity in personal and organizational


• Make decisions with improved labor relations and

customer service in view
Supervisor Struggle

• Recognize that you are the shock absorber

• You are the ones who must carry out the

“front line” implementation of the labor

• We look to you to make these values and

behaviors MTA’s workplace reality
Honoring Our Interpersonal Commitments

Interpersonal Bank • Every kind word and positive

Account interaction is a deposit

• Every negative interaction is a


• Metro wants to create and

maintain a positive account
balance with the Teamsters
and with every employee
In Most Organizations One of the Major Problem Areas
is Discipline

What Constitutes Appropriate Discipline?

• Corrects behavior rather than punishes behavior

• Firm – people need and want boundaries

• Consistent but Fair

• Meets the 7 standards of “Just Cause”

7 Standards of Just Cause Discipline

1. Did the employee know of the rule or standard?

2. Did the employee understand the consequences of non


3. Is the rule reasonably related to the efficient and safe

operation of the business?

4. Was there a fair and objective investigation before the

discipline is administered?
7 Standards of Just Cause Discipline

5. Did the investigation result in adequate proof of


6. Were the rules and discipline for rule infraction applied

consistently and fairly?

7. Is the discipline appropriate for the offense and the

past record of the employee?

If the answer to any of these questions is no then you need

to revisit your decision to discipline
Avoid Escalating Gripes To Grievances

• Be available
– provide information early
– allow for input on work issues and decisions

• Listen
– many times all people want is to be heard
Avoid Escalating Gripes To Grievances

• Avoid win lose situations

• Ask yourself “why not”

• Be Fair
– sometimes fair is not consistent but it pays
attention to the dignity and respect required by
the individual and the situation
Working Together

• Respect each other and one another’s position

– Treat the Union according to their position as an

elected representative of the employees

– Treat the management as the representative of the

employer and the supervisor of the employee

• Remember - Both parties have legitimate yet sometimes

differing points of view about the workplace
Working Together

• Do not surprise one another

• Be polite and courteous in all interactions

• When necessary – agree to disagree

• Be responsive - do the things you say you are going to do

– When you say you are going to do them

• Don’t gang up – each party should have as many people

in the meeting as the other party

• Organization wide training (jointly with the
Unions where appropriate)

– Contract changes, interpretation, intent, application

and administration

– Interest based problem solving for Supervisors,

Managers and Union Officials

– Renewed commitment to Officer skills training

Getting Questions Answered

If you have a question about the contract

changes or contract interpretation:
1. Write down the question

2. Email the question to a member of the negotiating team

Carolyn Flowers, James Woodson, or Debbie Snell

3. The team will review the question and respond in writing

4. FAQs (frequently asked questions) will continue to be posted

on the intranet http://intranet1/labor%5Fcontracts/

5. Asking questions helps avoid grievances and establishing

inappropriate practices
Written Contract Agreement

The changes in the written language of the

Teamsters Contract
Your “Living” Contract

• This is your document for the term of this


• You are expected to keep it for the entire


• You are expected to keep track of issues

and problems in this document
Structure Of Document

• Three ring binder

– Information can be added where appropriate
• Memos, interpretations, arbitration decisions

• 81/2 by 11 not the small size of many agreements

– Readability
– Room to take notes and keep track of information
Structure Of Document

• Contract language printed only on one side of the

– keep notes on opposing side facing page

• Numbered lines
– ease of reference for questions and clarification

• Legislative format
– you can see what changes were made in the language
so you can change accordingly
Information To Track In Your Agreement

• Problems encountered with the agreement

• Nature of the problem (describe it)

• Describe how the language of the agreement impacted

the problem

• How much money did it cost

• What is your recommended solution to the problem

How This Information Will Be Used

• Interest based negotiations focus on

solving problems

• This information gives your negotiating

team excellent examples of problems

• This information gives you legitimate input

into process
Collect And Follow-up On Problem Information
From Staff

• No information no input

• Was it really a problem with the agreement

• Specific details of problem situation

• Specific cost of situation

Next Steps

• Contract training

• Joint “Interest Based” problem solving training

for Union and Management leadership
– Rhonda Hilyer and Gayland Moffat

• Joint Labor Management Committee

– Operations Management and Unions
Labor Relations Is A Process Not An Event


Contract Tentative
Administration Agreement

Training Ratification
Review of Contract Changes

Topic Change Page

Article 4 - Union Rights and Teamsters may have a mutually agreed upon
Responsibilities number of employees serve on the negotiating 5
Article 5 - Compensation Wage Increase:
Effective October 1, 2006 3.0 %
Effective October 1, 2007 3.5 %
Effective October 1, 2008 4.0 %
MTA may eliminate at any time one or more of
the entry steps in the wage progression. 7

Language moved from Side letter 2000-02 into

contract (additional 5% compensation for Senior
Transit Security Officers assigned to the duties of 7
Watch Commander).
Review of Contract Changes

Topic Change Page

Compensation Pay allowance of $15 per day (7 days a week) to

any officer responsible for a K9 unit.
K9 officers on call will be paid 1 hour pay for each
24 hour period on-call. An officer called out for
work shall work and be paid 4 hours at overtime
Article 6 - Shifts and Bidding for assignment/shift/days off will be
Schedules based on seniority.
Shift trades can be approved by Director for
Article 11 - Leaves of Military leave language revised in accordance
Absence with State and Federal law.
Article 14 - Holidays Clarification for fixed holidays being paid on the
day the actual holiday falls.
Review of Contract Changes

Topic Change Page

Article 16 - Uniforms and Employees will be provided a $250 shoe voucher

Equipment each year.
Article 17 - Discipline A tardy can be excused by manager for mitigating
circumstances. 33

A tardy will count as ½ of an absence instance. 34-35

Article 23 - Retirement Employees are eligible to participate in the
PTSC’s 457 plan in addition to the 401K plan.
Article 32 - Insurance MTA agreed to a prepaid legal benefit and life
insurance increase from $5,000 to $45,000 total 59
cost stayed below $803 cap
Cap effective October 2006 = $803
Cap effective October 2007 = $867 59
Cap effective October 2008 = $937
Review of Contract Changes

Topic Change Page

Article 32 - Insurance Move the $48,982 Health Insurance contingency

dollars to Training and Equipment
Article 33 - Term of October 1, 2006 – September 30, 2009
Article 35 - Miscellaneous New article added to replace Side letter 1997-03
Benefits permitting employees to participate in PTSC’s 62
Non-Represented Education Assistance Program.

Employees are eligible to participate in PTSC’s

Flexible Spending Account program.
Side letter of Agreement Educational Assistance side letter removed-
1997-03 language moved to Article 35.
Side letter of Agreement Agreement on internal posting procedures
2000-01 extended to promotions of any position.
Review of Contract Changes

Topic Change Page

Side letter of Agreement Pay when acting as Watch Commander side letter
2000-02 removed - language moved to Article 5
Side letter of Agreement Bidding Side letter removed – language amended
2000-03 and moved to Article 6.
New Side letter of A joint labor-management committee will
Agreement 2006-02 address issues of equipment, training and other
issues of interest.
$48,982 moved from the Health Insurance
contingency to fund equipment and/or training
that comes out of committee.
New Side letter of Re-opener permitted if the security model
Agreement 2006-01 changes as a result of Board action. Intent of re-
opener is not to change any of the financial terms
of the 2006 negotiations.
New Side letter of Insurance trust fund programs
Agreement 2006-03

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