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1. You are going to write an essay for a school essay competition.

This is the topic of the essay: STUDIES ABROAD: FOR AND AGAINST. In your essay, give at least three arguments to support your opinion. You may give three arguments 'for' or 'against'. You may also give 1(2) arguments 'for' and 2(1) 'against'. _______________________________________________ 2. You have been asked to write a composition for a magazine for young people and express your opinion on this topic: IS VOLUNTEERING IMPORTANT FOR YOUNG PEOPLE? Give at least two reasons to support your opinion. _________________ 3. Lithuanian and Maths are more important subjects than Art and Music. Discuss this statement, giving at least 3 arguments to support your opinion. You may also give 2 arguments supporting your opinion and 1 argument supporting an opposite opinion. ______________________________________________________________________________________ 4. A student magazine is accepting stories on this topic: My first day at school. Write a composition describing the events on your first day at school. _______________________________________________________________________________ 5. Write an essay giving 3 solutions for this problem and supporting them with appropriate arguments and example s: What are the ways to improve the lives of the elderly? ____________________________________________________________ 6. You are a student at an international summer school. You have been asked to express your opinion on various educational and social issues. Write a composition on the following topic: How Could Secondary Schools Become More Democratic?__________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. You are planning to enter an urban planning programme at university. The university asks all applicants to submit an essay on this topic: Public transport where I live: what is it like and what are the ways to improve it? Write a composition describing the public transport system in your city or country and suggesting 2 ways to improve it. _____________________ 8. Write a composition comparing and contrasting two TV shows or two movies of your choice. Compare and contrast them in 3 aspects. __________________________________________________________________________________________ 9. Your school is running an anti-bullying campaign and is organizing an essay contest. Students should submit essays on this topic: Why is it important to stop bullying? Write your essay, giving at least 3 effects that bullying has. _______________ 10. You have been asked to write a composition for a magazine for young people and express your opinion on this topic: THE BEST PROFESSION TO CHOOSE. Give at least two reasons to support your choice. Write 170200 words. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11. Your class has been doing a project on crime. Write a composition on the topic: What are the ways to make your home and neighbourhood safer from crime? Give at least 3 suggestions and support them with appropriate arguments and examples. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 12. Write a composition on the following topic: What are the benefits and drawbacks of vegetarianism? ______________ 13. Write a composition on this topic: The place I like to go to. Describe the place in at least 2 aspects and explain why you like it. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ 14. What are the effects of watching too much TV? Write an essay explaining 2-3 effects that too much TV may have on people. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ 15. A local politian has recently stated, Too much money is spent on sport when it could be used to help the poor. Do you agree or disagree with him? Write an essay expressing your opinion. Give 2 arguments to support it and 1 argument that supports an opposite opinion. ____________________________________________________________________________ 16. The Ministry of Education and Science has proposed that the national foreign language exam should be made compulsory for all school-leavers. What are the advantages and disadvantages of making this exam compulsory? Write a composition on the topic. _______________________________________________________________________________

1. You are going to travel to Scotland during your summer holidays. Write a letter to your penfriend Mark from the UK, tell him your current news, inform about your plans and ask him for advice about places to visit in Scotland. 2. This is an extract from a letter of your pen friend Sylvia in Ireland: I was elected to our School Council. The Council makes decisions about different matters of school life. Everybody wants to be elected to the Council so I am very proud of it. Do you have anything like that in your school? Is it popular among your classmates to take an active part in the life of your school? Tell me about it Write an answer to your pen friend. 3. Write a letter to your friend Alice in Singapore about the celebration of Midsummer's (St. John's) Day in Lithuania. In your letter: - explain what kind of holiday it is; - write about what you liked most in the celebration; - invite your friend to visit you later in the summer. 4. Write a formal thank-you letter to Mr Rowe who worked with you after hours to get you through the final English exam. Thank Mr Rowe for his kindness / hard work. Say why his actions helped you or were important. 5. Your family has moved to a new town where your parents have found jobs. You have to help your younger brother and sister with their studies because your parents are at work till late at night. It takes much of your time and you have fallen behind with your own studies. You dont know how to cope with the problem. Write a letter to a friend or relative asking for advice on the problem you have. 6. Your aunt is coming to visit you. You had promised to meet her at the train station. However, due to the accident you have had, you are in bed with a broken leg. Write a letter to your aunt apologising for not being able to meet her and explain why.

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