07 Mark Scheme

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Paper 1 Higher Tier

Question 1 (a) (i) (ii) (iii) (b) (i) (ii) (iii) (iii) (iv) (v) (c) Response correct label do not pass through the centre of the Earth/only in crust L waves (1) highest amplitude/biggest vibration (1) linear (1) along the fault (2) grouped (1) NW/SE (1) shallow 60-80 (1) SW(1) focus - actual origin /where earthquake begins /beneath surface - point on surface above focus epicentre Conservative (accept transform fault) Either 2 of improved building; improved prediction; warning/evacuation; improved awareness statement (1 ) explanation for 2 marks Or dipping plane of earthquakes along Benioff zone where ocean plate is subducted beneath continental plate. Friction between oceanic and continental plates. Opposing force of mantle at least 1 for description and 1 for explanation correct plot constructive (1) narrow base steep sides (1) layers of lava (1) Andesitic high viscosity and gas content. High gas content is explosive. High viscosity traps gas so explosive Viscous lava traps gas. Blocks vent. Builds up pressure. Ash and lava produced by alternating explosive and effusive eruption Basalt lava low viscosity and gas content Low viscosity lava runny so flows. Gas escapes Low gas content effusive. Credit all points and opposite statements and credit candidates Credit candidates who can contrast the two. arc/curved position of trench 300 mm Mark 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 4 Sub mark Total

2 (a) (i) (ii) (iii)

4 1 3


4 1 1 1

(b) (i) (ii) (iii)

4 (a)(iv) (b)(v) (i) (ii) (vi) (ii) 3 (a) (i) (iii) (ii) (c) (i) (iii) (ii) (iv) (iii) (v) (vi) (iv) (b) (i) (ii) (iii)

breccia limestone (1) conglomerate (1) halite (1) 4 blown by(1) wind 1 grains closer together/buried/pressure 1 choking (2) gas poisoning (2) roof collapse due to weight of ash 2 from water (1) dissolved elements (1) precipitated/crystallise in pore (2) flow description (2) flooding (1) mud 2 8 spaces ( 2) example of mineral (1) 2 lower 1 graptolites 1 add to cement (1) roads (1) general building material/fill (1) 1 pyrites 1 screening/sieving 1 trace fossil (1) mould (1) cast (l) carbonisation (1) 4 dust; noise; blasting; eyesore; destruction of landscape; get less 1 destruction of habitat; traffic; use of fossil fuels linked to global one side ofpollution stipe (1) of to both back to one side (1) warming, watersides (1) 2 explained statement only 1 4 outside (1) to inside (1) to both sides (1) to one side (1) 2 mark change with time (1)road changes are rapid L advantage near (1) near town(1) (1)makes fossils easily identified (1) rapid evolution (2) 11 disadvantage permeable (1) contaminate aquifer (1) contaminate2 G ripple marks H cross bedding J graded bedding K mud-cracks 4 river (1) J/graded bedding 1 M advantage impermeable (1) mud Disadvantage (1) drying out no (1) access hot climate (1) further (1) evaporation away (1) AONB (1) (1) 4 shallow Accept water/desert/lake alternative valid(1)shrinkage answers (1) infilled by sediment 3 8 (1) metamorphic (1) crystalline/interlocking (1) foliation (1) batholith (1) coarse (1) slow cooling (1) granite 20-30 correct arrows thrust (or reverse) NE-SW or 30or 210 Caledonian folding (1) or thrust faulting (1) compression / crustal thickening (1) regional metamorphism (1) heat and pressure/crustal thickening/higher geothermal gradient (1) igneous intrusion (1) crustal melting/thickened crust/higher geothermal gradient (1) fold trend (1) all folded at same time by forces from NW and SE (1) evidence (1) explanation (1) 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1

4 16 4

1 1 0 198

5 (a) (i) (ii) (iii) (b) (i) (ii) (iii) (c) (d) (i) (ii)

7 3 1

1 6

6 (a) (i) (ii) (iii) (b) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (c)

accurate plotting (3) line (1) 44-48N 450- 430Ma Tertiary radiometric dating basalt on top/superposition (2) baked margin underneath so basalt must be younger (2) opening of N Atlantic/constructive plate margin/seafloor spreading Either Freeze thaw(1) water (1) enters joints (1) freezes (1) expands (1) forces rocks apart (1) repeated (1) Or Acid rain (1) reacts with feldspar/mica (1) hydrolysis (1) quartz resistant (1) quartz forms sand (1) clay formed (1) clay and sand washed away (1) occurs along joints (1) salts in solution (1)

4 1 1 1 1 2 1


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