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The Need for Lifelong Learning

Lifelong learning has become a necessity in the era of globalization. Time needs to be set aside and online education technologies utilized to really make it happen. The general need for lifelong learning has been recognized since ancient times but it wasnt until the 20th century that serious and effective methods were employed on a large scale to provide adult education opportunities. Since the 1970s major international organizations like the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), and later the European Union have researched and documented specific needs and opportunities for lifelong learning around the world. In the current era of a knowledge-based global economy, the need for lifelong learning is urgent in every country and it is mainly distance learning or online education that has the capability to fulfill that need. Online education requires digital literacy and broadband internet connections which must be made readily available to those who want better lives. Lifelong learning programs seem further advanced in the United Kingdom and in other EU countries than in most parts of the world. The U.S. government had initiatives in the 1970s and 1990s but federal support and spending for lifelong learning has not been consistent. Individuals in the U.S. and elsewhere need to take the initiative to obtain the additional education and learning needed for more competitive employment and personal enrichment opportunities. In large part lifelong learning success does require individuals to:

Determine their personal learning needs Plan their own learning Find appropriate institutions and programs Provide self-motivation Evaluate their own learning progress Learn in informal as well as in formal settings

The rapid pace of change during the past several decades, growing technological complexity, and the transformation of workplaces in the new knowledge economy underlines the crucial importance of lifelong learning to a successful and happy life for most people. Establishing Realistic Lifelong Learning Goals Setting achievable goals is important to effective lifelong learning. Goals will be more motivating if they are realistic. Learning goals can address various needs in a persons life such as:

Enabling job or career qualifications Enhancing ones value in the labor market Enriching a persons life through knowledge and culture

Its likely that over time a person will have learning goals in all of these areas and that the goals themselves will need to be adapted to changes in opportunities and circumstances, as well as to the journey through an individuals life cycle. Adults should plan on continually learning things to enhance their knowledge and skills, even if they have degrees. Those who dont have degrees will especially need to focus on lifelong learning to supplement their knowledge and qualifications. Investing in education pays off. Investigate Online Education Opportunities There are numerous opportunities to obtain education or training through online education. Hundreds of colleges and universities in the U.S. now offer courses and degree programs via distance learning. These online education programs vary widely in scope but most undergraduate or graduate degrees can be obtained wholly or in large part online. It is in the interest of colleges and universities to keep up with changes in educational needs and technology. Adult learners should not hesitate to contact both local and distance learning providers to obtain guidance regarding appropriate degree programs, courses, fees, and financial aid. The colleges themselves have admissions and financial aid experts to guide applicants and potential students. Naturally, if someone needs a degree he or she will need to pay toward it, but everyone should be sure to apply for financial aid. Working students should also check to see if their employer will reimburse all or part of tuition expense. Veterans should investigate the education benefits available to them under the GI Bill. One of the great advantages of online education is its flexibility which enables many people to continue to work full time while studying for a degree. Classes can be taken and study performed after working hours when convenient for the student. Take Free College Courses Online There are many free college courses online. Review these first before spending money on non-degree program courses. Sources of free online college courses include the iTunes U section of iTunes. (iTunes can be downloaded free from Apple.) Dozens of courses are available in many areas, including:

Business Engineering Health & Medicine History Humanities Literature Mathematics Science Teaching & Education

Major sources other than iTunes can be found by searching for free college courses online. MIT alone offers 1,900 courses through its MIT Open Courseware (OCW) program. The Open Courseware Consortium provides free access to hundreds of courses from dozens of colleges and universities around the world. A person can just focus on what knowledge he or

she really needs. However, these free courses typically do not provide college credit or count toward a degree. Online Education Enables Effective Lifelong Learning The need for lifelong learning is universal and urgent in the globalized knowledge economy. The advance of the digital age and the widespread availability of broadband internet connectivity have made online education a reality and an effective means of pursuing lifelong education. Once a person has acquired computer literacy and has access to a broadband internet connection his or her learning potential is virtually unlimited. All that is then

The Importance of Lifelong Learning

Henry Ford once said Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young. Wikipedia defines Lifelong learning as the continuous building of skills and knowledge throughout the life of an individual. It occurs through experiences encountered in the course of a lifetime. These experiences could be formal (training, counseling, tutoring, mentorship, apprenticeship, higher education, etc.) or informal (experiences, situations, etc.) Lifelong learning, also known as LLL, is the lifelong, voluntary, and self-motivated pursuit of knowledge for either personal or professional reasons. As such, it not only enhances social inclusion, active citizenship and personal development, but also competitiveness and employability. Why is Lifelong Learning so important? Lifelong learning can be socially invigorating while also improving memory and cognitive abilities. Activities such as volunteering can be a learning experience while making the life of the volunteer meaningful and at the same time offering benefits to society. Lifelong learning allows us to continue to use our minds, one of our most important muscles we often forget to exercise as we age! As part of the Rush Memory and Aging Project conducted in Chicago, a study of more than 1,200 elders, participants underwent cognitive testing for up to five years. The study revealed that cognitively active elders, whose average age was 80, were 2.6 times less likely to develop dementia and Alzheimers disease than those who were cognitively inactive. Published last year in the online edition of Neurology, the study also showed that frequent cognitive activity during old age was associated with a decreased risk of mild cognitive impairment, a transitional stage between normal aging and dementia, as well as a slowed decline in cognitive function. Stimulating the brain by visiting a museum or attending a concert, for example, can increase the number of brain cells and connections between brain cells. Physical exercise improves blood flow to the brain, encouraging development of new brain cells. Learning is such an important part of living! What are you doing to stay on track?

Need and Importance of the Open learning

Open learning system has been gaining momentum since its inception not only in India but across the globe. The following points determine the need and importance of open learning. 1) Knowledge Explosion Advancement in technology has led to the explosion of knowledge. It is hard to accomplish new changes at a faster pace through formal education system as it being rigid and expensive simultaneously. 2) Diverse Needs Open learning is needed to satisfy the diverse need of diverse students. 3) Population Explosion Rapid population growth has resulted in consequent increase in the number of students. Only a limited number of students are served through formal education system. 4) Earning and learning simultaneously Open learning system is suitable for those students who want to learn without giving a break to their professional life. 5) Improve Qualification Those who wish to improve their qualifications while being in their respective jobs can do so through open learning system. 6) Geographical and Social Isolation People who are geographically or socially isolated and cannot complete their education due to distance barrier or any social reason can complete his studies through open learning system. 7) No age bar There is no age limit to complete studies through open learning system. 8) Education for all Open learning system can be used to achieve a completely educated society thereby cherishing the goal of the nation i.e. universalization of education. 9) Democratization of Education Open learning system has opened the door for those people belonging to a section of the society who have been neglected. Thus open learning system assures democratization of education. 10) Self progress Those who are deprived of receiving formal education can receive proper education through open learning system and move in the path of self-progress. 11) Promotions for In- Service Aspirants

In- Service Aspirants who are declined of promotion due to lack of proper educational qualification can improve their chances of promotion by enrolling themselves as students in the open universities. 12) Easy Access Open universities provide opportunity to the less privileged people who had been deprived of such opportunity earlier.

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