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Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta Parish

The Ascension of the Lord 6032 Normandy Dr. Halifax, NS B3K 2S9 Phone: 902-454-5835 Fax: 902-454-0339 E-mail:

FLEA MARKET The Knights of Columbus are organizing another flea Market
for Saturday, May 25/13.Time: 9:30 a.m. to 12 noon. To have your donations picked up call: Rod (453-0915), Anthony (455-8975), or Harold (454-5275)


THE SOLEMNITY OF THE ASCENSION OF THE LORD Being clothed with power from on high foretells the
coming of the Holy Spirit to fill the disciples with power to proclaim the Gospel at Pentecost. The image of being clothed also evokes a new start and new look, a new way of being perceived. As the Holy Spirit filled the disciples, they seemed remarkably different to the people around them. Their divine mission shone through them, and they matured in their identity as Christians to take charge of their evangelizing mission. As Jesus ascends to heaven, the disciples are filled with joy in anticipation of this heavenly gift.

MAGNIFICAT WOMENS BREAKFAST 9:00AM TO 12:00 noon. Saturday May

25, 2013, Msgr Leo Day Auditorium at St. Agnes Church, Mumford Rd. Magnificat is a ministry to Catholic women. Guest speaker is Patricia Cosgrove. Information is available in the brochure on the bulletin board. For tickets please contact Marlene Smuck 443-4665 or Elizabeth MacDonald 454-9839. the cost is $12.00

PILGRIMAGEJoin the Worldwide Eucharistic Adoration on Sunday, June 2 by

becoming an eVena Pilgrim! The eVena Pilgrimage for the Poor will take place throughout Nova Scotia on the Feast of Corpus Christi. Pilgrims will visit as many parishes as they can, praying and sending prayer cards to loved ones and giving alms to support a scholarship fund for students in Bolivia. Travel individually, as a parish group, or as a family, walking or driving. There is no cost for this pilgrimage, however, donations for covering our costs would be appreciated. For more information and to register online, go to

THE SEVEN PILLARS OF CATHOLIC SPIRITUALITYAfter the past few weeks I have asked the question where are we with the seven pillars? There have been a few reasons for being sidetracked in the last while so I think to try to get back on track, I will offer a reminder. 1. Confession, 2. Prayer, 3. The Mass, 4. The Bible, 5. Fasting, 6. Spiritual Reading, 7. The Rosary. This Sunday on the Solemn Feast of the Ascension of our Lord, I will invite you to focus on the pillar of The Bible the Word of God that we pray with in each Mass and are encouraged to do some personal reflection with the word at home during prayer time.

May 12, 2013

Sacrament of Reconciliation: 3:153:45 pm Saturday Office Hours: MondayThursday 9:004:00 Weekday Masses: (in the Marion Room)
Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday ** Saturday Sunday Closed on Fridays 9:00 am 10:15 am NORTHWOOD MANOR 9:00am 9:00am 4:00 pmBlessed Mother Teresa 10:00 amBlessed Mother Teresa

GATHERING OF THE YOUNG ADULT GROUP I would like to invite the members of the Young Adults Group
to gather at the Rectory for 6:30pm Friday, May 17 for our monthly meeting.

CATECHISM PROGRAMPassing on the faith to others is a key aspect to our

own faith formation and growth as well as a precept of the Church. We need to pass the faith on to the youth of our church! Please prayerfully consider becoming part of our Catechetical team. If you would like to discuss this further please contact Susan or speak with Sister Teresa in the office. There will be a workshop offered in September for instruction in the new program we will be introducing in the next programming season.

MONTH OF MARY By her complete adherence to the Father's will, to his Son's redemptive work, and to every prompting of the Holy Spirit, the Virgin Mary is the Church's model of faith and charity. Thus she is a
"preeminent and . . . wholly unique member of the Church"; indeed, she is the "exemplary realization" (typus) of the Church. Her role in relation to the Church and to all humanity goes still further. "In a wholly singular way she cooperated by her obedience, faith, hope, and burning charity in the Savior's work of restoring supernatural life to souls. For this reason she is a mother to us in the order of grace." 509ay is in Maythe month of Mary. - CCC

**On the First Friday of each month mass is at 7:00pm Weekend Masses:

PREAUTHORIZED DEBITIts not too late to sign up for the PAD program that allows you to debit your donation directly from your account. Contact the office for more information. SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY Will be at the entrance of the church following mass to collect financial donations to support the poor of our community. Thank you for your generosity.

HAPPY MOTHERS DAYIt is also in the month of May that we take time to honor our own mothers. We recognize the sacrifices they have made to raise us, care for us and lead us to Christ. Take time this Mothers Day to pray for your motherask our Blessed Mother Mary to pray for all mothers: that they may lead us to Christ as Mary herself always does.

Parish Staff: Fr. Gerald DavidPastor Rev. Mr. Paul CarnellDeacon Sr. Teresa MacDonaldSecretary Sue HannFinance Manager Susan SartyDirector of Religious Education Jerry Campbell & John BradleyCustodians Sr. Theresa McCarthyNorthwood SACRAMENTAL REMINDERS:
Reconciliation: Saturday 3:153:45pm; First Fridays of the month during Adoration, following the 7:00pm mass.

already contacted the office to confirm their presence at the mass this Wednesday, May 15 where we will be celebrating the renewal of their wedding vows. There will be a reception in the parish hall following mass, to celebrate family life. While we are all invited to gather for this celebration, I would invite those who wish to renew their marriage vows at this mass to call the parish office and let Sister Teresa know. Lets gather as a parish and celebrate the gift of family life during this special week for Family Life & Marriage.

FACEBOOK & TWITTERWe are using social media to keep you up-to-date so

LIKE us on Facebook and FOLLOW us on Twitter and check out the website. You can also get access to the bulletin from both of these avenues thanks to all those who are taking advantage of this technology! Steubenville Atlantic Conference August 2 4th for youth aged 14 18 years. You can register at This is a great experience for youth to grow in faith and to share it with people their own age. Call the parish office if you need more information.

IGNITE 2013The assembly of the people of GodThe registration is open and if you do not have access to a

Baptism: Please contact Fr. Gerald or the parish office to arrange preparation. Marriage: Please contact Fr. Gerald at least 6-months in advance. Sacrament of the Sick: If you or a loved one is entering hospital or would like to receive the Sacrament of the Sick, please contact Fr. Gerald or the parish office. Funerals: In the event of the death of a loved one, please contact the parish office as soon as is convenient. Fr. Gerald and the Parish staff will assist with the necessary arrangements.

computer you can contact Sr. Teresa in the office or call 429-9800 ext 322, Sr. Bernadette can assist with your registration. . Supporting the Church of HalifaxYarmouth in this event is an important way to answer the Year of Faiths call to evangelize. Register soon so organizers know how many to plan for.

EVENA PILGRIMAGEYou probably saw the notice in the bulletin for the pilgrimage for the Solemnity of Corpus Christi, Sunday June 2nd. Our parish will be one of the churches open for adoration and prayer on that day. We are in need of volunteers to assist for a few hours on that day; please contact the office to let us know you are available to help out.

CELEBRATIONNext Sunday we will celebrate the Solemnity of Pentecost. The birthday of the Church. During
MASS INTENTIONS: Please contact the office if you would like to have a mass

intention celebrated on a particular date. Tuesday May 14, 2013 - Lil & Ed Kyte Saturday May 18 2013 Lil & Ed Kyte

the Sunday mass we will celebrate the sacrament of confirmation with our year nine youth. Please keep them in your prayers this week as they prepare to receive this sacrament. Mass will be followed by a reception.

Words which do not give the light of Christ increase the darkness.

-Mother Teresa

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