CDC Edgewater 04-2013

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Healthy Lifestyles Curriculum

April 2013


News Bulletin
April 2013 Edgewater Early Learning Center A program of One Hope United 5244 N. Lakewood Ave., Chicago IL, 60640 773.907.0278


Overall Health Exercise

Nutrition Environmental Sustainability

Making quick home-cooked meals is easy with advance planning

Hurried parents often turn to pre-prepared meals Many slow cooker recipes can be assembled to feed their families. Processed foods can contain raw and stored in your freezer. Chop vegunhealthy levels of salt, fat, and other chemical etables and cut up meat, beans or other protein ingredients. As an alternative, it can be just as easy and add seasoning to a freezer bag. Push the and less expensive to make healthy meals at home air out so it stacks neatly in your freezer. In from whole foods. It also is a fun way to get chilthe morning, empty the contents of one of the dren involved in helping to plan and prepare meals. freezer bags into your slow cooker. When you come home that evening, a delicious, homeHere are some ideas for cooking quick, cooked meal will await you. healthy meals: When you cook, make extra portions that you can refrigerate or freeze for another meal. Plan meals in advance and shop for a weeks Make recipes healthier with ingredient substituworth of meals at the same time. tions. For example, instead of ground beef use Stock up on common recipe ingredients such ground turkey or lentils (about cup of lentils as milk; juice; shredded and sliced cheese; per pound of ground beef). Also try low-fat whole-grain pasta; bread; canned tomatoes cheese such as mozzarella; brown rice instead and tomato paste; brown rice; eggs (look for of white rice; oil and vinegar instead of bottled eggs enriched with omega-3); beef, chicken or salad dressings. Sugar can be reduced by vegetable broth; olive oil; fresh and frozen fruit about half in most baked goods. and vegetables; canned or dried beans; boneless chicken; and condiments such as mustard, With just a small amount of advance planning, ketchup, mayonnaise and soy sauce. cooking a healthy home-cooked meal can be a Speed up the weeknight cooking process by snap! pre-cutting vegetables and putting them in the refrigerator. Then you can quickly add them to any dish. Try using a slow cooker so you can assemble the recipe in the morning and have it ready by dinner.



12 Head Start

Training Day: Room 205 and 206 are closed. Room 209 and After School will have regular programming.









April 1519: Head Start Federal Review and Week of the Young Child
21 22 23 24 25 Parent Workshop: Budget Friendly, Healthy Recipes for your Family 26 27






Four Components of the


with us

Resources: American Heart Association: KidsHealth: Mayo Clinic:


Strengthening Families: Protective Factors

#4 Offer Concrete Support in Times of Need We all need help sometimes.
Everybody needs help sometimes, and families that can get help when they need it are able to stay strong and healthy. Whether the need is caused by a sudden crisislike a death in the family or loss of employmentor an ongoing issue, such as, substance abuse or depression, being able to ask for and receive help is important to keeping families strong. As a parent, you have to take care of yourself. If we let our own problems get out of control, then we wont be much good to our kids. What kind of help do you ask for? What keeps you from asking for or getting help? How do you find out where to get help when you need it? Who do you ask? Where do you look?

When you have lots to deal with, and help sorting things out, where do you go? Why do you turn to who can really listen so you can decide what steps to take? If you find good help, how do you make certain other parents know about it? What are ways that parents can pool their knowledge so that others get the help they need, when they need it? Sometimes a parents first step in getting help is seeing that the childs well-being depends on it. One of the first places you can look for support is here at the center. Our teachers, administration and Family Support are available, supportive and knowledgeable about services for families within the community, and can help connect families to what they need, whether it is job training, transportation, food assistance or mental health services. Parents and staff can band together to help families going through difficult times and provide all kinds of concrete support, including food and clothing. Remember, your family is depending on you, so if you need help, reach out and ask for it.

20 Ways to Say I LOVE YOU

How often do you share those three special words I love you! Children who feel loved and cared for are healthier, do better in school and are more likely to make good choices. Showing someone you love them is easy. Love can be communicated in a word, a touch, or a special smile. It doesnt have to cost money, it just has to come from the heart. In recognition of Child Abuse Prevention Month, here are 20 suggestions from Prevent Child Abuse Illinois for showing your children and your family that you love them! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Say I love you to each member of your family, every day. Give a hug. Play together and laugh a lot. Fix a favorite meal and serve it on a special plate. Write a Thank You note just to say thank you for who they are. 6. Watch a movie together and share a bowl of popcorn. 7. Spend time everyday listening to your child. 8. Place or hang family photos where everyone can see them. 9. Create a Smile box where you can leave special notes, pictures, cards or small gifts for each other. 10. Listen to music together. 11. Find time to share your hobbies and interests. 12. Plan a special day together. 13. Put notes in lunch boxes, backpacks or under pillows. 14. Talk on your walk or drive home. 15. Make pancakes in the shape of hearts. 16. Pamper someone for a day. 17. Respect feelings and opinions, even when you dont agree. 18. Say Please and Thank you. 19. Make a list of 20 ways your family shows love to each other, and put it on the refrigerator. 20. Love them no matter what!

From the Directors Desk:

April will be an exciting month for us. Not only will we be participating in our Head Start Federal Review, but we are also planning for a very important week celebrating The Week of the Young Child. The Week of the Young Child is an annual celebration sponsored by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). The purpose of the Week of the Young Child is to focus public attention on the needs of young children and their families, and to recognize the early childhood programs and services that meet those needs. This year, the Week of the Young Child will be held April 1519, 2013 and will celebrate the theme, Early Years are Learning Years. Edgewater Early Learning Center will be celebrating this special week with planned festivities throughout the week! We will have activities for the children, and also some special events planned for our families. We hope that you are able to celebrate this special week with us as we shine the spotlight on the importance of early childhood education. Until next month Marybeth Mlikotic
EELC Director

Self-Assessment Complete Now on to Federal Review!

Edgewater Early Learning Center completed our Self-Assessment during the week of March 48, 2013. During this time, our agency was supported by our grantee in completing a self-assessment that covered all areas of our program. From this feedback, we will be able to implement suggestions to help our program continue to be a high-quality program for our families, and prepare for our Federal Review which will be held during the week of April 1519, 2013. Thank you to all parents who participated in our Self-Assessment.

Its Time for Home Visits!

Your classroom teacher will soon be setting up a time for a home visit. During home visits, families and teachers have the opportunity to discuss the progress your child has made this school year as well as the goals you would like to plan for your child. Please watch for the sign-up sheet that will be posted in your childs classroom in the upcoming weeks. We value the partnership we have created with our families and appreciate your invaluable input!

Room 209 celebrated Dr. Seuss birthday with special activities all week. Everyone had a blast participating in Silly Hat Day! Child Abuse Prevention Month
April is recognized in the United States as Child Abuse Prevention Month. With this month-long observance, communities and organizations raise awareness around the critical issue of child abuse and neglect and educate the public on prevention. Edgewater Early Learning Center will join as we raise awareness about this important issue. Look for some special Blue Ribbon activities during the month of April!

Our neighborhood is always filled with surprises! The School Agers were treated to a street performer who presented a puppet show for us! He completed the entire one-man show from his small booth. We were very impressedand entertained!

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