ENN Internship

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ENN2013InternationalInternshipPro ogram

ENN2013InternationalInternshipPro ogram

ENN NinternshipIn ntroduction ENN N is one of th he top energy companies s from China, , with its bus siness in Asia a, North Ame erica, Euro opemarket.ENN E hasofficesinover30 0,000employe eesandwithrevenue6bi illionUSdolla arsin 2012 2,anditisgro owingbyove er20%everyyear. ENN N is pleased to o offer PAID internships i st tarting June2013 2 ending in December r 2013 for current colle egestudentsseekingtoga ainexperienc cewithaworldclassorgan nization. This internship program p aims s at helping students or graduates understands C China culture e and work king environment, and providing p with h them profe essional train ning on elect trical engineering andenergyengin neering. Asawellkn nowncleanen nergycompany,ENNshow wsitsimagein i manycoun ntriesintheworld. w Weaim a tobeare espectedclea anenergypro ovider,servin ngtheenviron nmentalprot tectionandsa aving abe etterworldfornextgenera ations. Byjoiningth hisinternship pprogram,stu udentswillbe enefitthemse elvesfrom: 1)beingexp posedtoamu ulticulturalworking w envir ronment; 2)understan ndingworldclean c energytechnologyand a developm menttrends; 3)comprehe ensivetechni icaltrainingfromhighlyex xperiencedse eniorenginee ers; 4)diverseac ctivitiesforChinaCulturalexperience; ENN Nalsoprovide es: 1) remune eration amo ounting to 4800 4 RMB($ $750)/month, , which will ensure a very com mfortablelifein i Langfang; 2)Freeacc commodation ninanapartm mentwith3bedrooms; b 3)Compan nybusfortran nsportationfrom f apartme enttocompany; 4)Freeworkinglunchin nworkdays; 5)5dayspaid p vacations s,apartfromstatutoryholidays; 6)Internationaltravellin ngopportunities. As an a intern, at t ENN Group you will dig into a wide w range of technical and operat tional oppo ortunities. Yo ou will also acquire critica al insight into o our compan ny and our in ndustry, as we ell as have e the chance e to develop p valuable networking co onnections, which will h help prepare and deve elopyourskillsforfuturecareer c oppor rtunities. Vario ousinternshipsareavailab blecompanywideforcolle egestudentsstudyingthe efollowingfie elds: 1) Electric calEngineering 2) CivilEn ngineering; 3) Structu uralEngineer ring; 4) Legal; 5) Market tingandBran nding

ENN2013InternationalInternshipPro ogram

6) Finance,Economics s,Accounting getc. Train ningProvided dbyENN: 1. Companyculturaltraining gandChinaCultural C traini ing(0.5month); 2. Onthejobtraining(4.5m months); 3. Practicingan ndconcluding g(1month); Resp ponsibilities: Resp ponsibilitieswill w varybase eduponyourcourseofstu udyandthebusiness b unit ttowhichyouare assig gned. The su uccessful can ndidate must t be pursuing g a college degree d and possess exce ellent prob blem solving, organization nal, and analy ytical skills, as s well as prof ficiency in Microsoft Excel and Micr rosoft Word. If you are looking for an exciting opportunity to gain real work k experience then weinviteyoutoapply a forsixmonth m intern nships. Requ uirements: Educ cation: 1) 3.0Cumulat tiveGPAforUndergraduat U teStudents 2) 3.2Cumulat tiveGPAforGraduate G Stud dents 3) Applicantmust m haveaccu umulated18ormorecred ditsandbe18 8yearsofage e 4) Capabletowork w intheChina C fortheentire e duratio onoftheinte ernship 5) Registeredinschoolasafulltimestudentorhavegraduated. Expe erience: 1. With previou us internship p experience during colle ege years, an nd able to w work under multi culturalwork kingenvironm ment; 2. Legaltowork kintheUS; 3. Withexperie enceinenergycompanywould w beaplu us; 4. Withexperie enceinChinawouldbeaplus; p 5. Withotherla anguagesskillswillbeapl lus; How wtoApply? Pleasesendyour rresumetoxuxiaona@enn.cnorNatalie.xu1984@g gmail.com; Pleasegotowww w.enn.cn/ww ww.ennsolar.comformore einformation n; Pleasecontact+8 8631625963 304formoreinformation.

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