Manual Testing Qs

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A general Question: If there are two bugs one with high priority and one with high severity, which bug should be fixed first?


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Question Submitted By :: Sricha.comspark This Interview Question Asked @ Q3-Technologies I also faced this Question!! Answer We should consider and try to handle the
bug of high priority because it may be possible that a bug have high severity but low priority .lets take a example of banking site a bug is raised of calculating the interest of account annually so if we see this bug in may month .we have time of 11 month to remove this bug because after 11 month this software is used again. ALL Interview .com

Saleem Shakeel

Answer high severity bug

if i am testing an application and if the app is crashing then then the severity is high then it should be fixed because i cant test the entire flow if the application is crashing major spelling is high priority but not high severity because it wont affect the testing but before releasing to the client we have to fix it so the order is high severity and high priority


Question explain it?

what is mean by test preparation? and


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Question Submitted By :: Kirankumarreddy This Interview Question Asked @ IBM I also faced this Question!! Answer Test Preparation is checklist of the
activities that to be done before starting testing of application. ALL Interview .com


Requirement Analysis Test Planning Test Case Development Test Environment Setup Test Execution Test Cycle Closure

Answer test preparation is document which drive

all feature activity done by testing engg. it contains many test engg need? 2.each engg what should do? 3.creat test envi 4.which tech we will use? 5.what are the testing conduct that app?

Dinesh Kumar

Question phases? and why ?

which phase is most important in STLC


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Question Submitted By :: Kirankumarreddy This Interview Question Asked @ IBM I also faced this Question!! Answer Requirement Analysis and Test Planning are
the most prominent stages of STLC. If requirements are not analyzed correctly,plan will make accordingly and test cases will also developed incorrect. ALL Interview .com


Question document?

Is Test plan a running document or a fixed


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Question Submitted By :: Guest This Interview Question Asked @ Ernst-Young I also faced this Question!! Answer Test Plan is a running document, when a
testing phase starts and the Test Manager ALL Interview .com


is controlling the activities, the test plan should be updated to reflect any deviation from the original plan. After all, Planning and Control are continuous activities in the formal test process.

Question Test Strategy

What is difference between Test Plan and


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Question Submitted By :: Guest This Interview Question Asked @ Ernst-Young I also faced this Question!! Answer Test Strategy: It is a document is a high
level document and normally developed by project manager. This document defines Testing Approach to achieve testing objectives. The Test Strategy is normally derived from the Business Requirement Specification document. It sets the standards for testing processes and activities and other documents such as the Test Plan draws its contents from those standards set in the Test Strategy Document. Test Plan: is derived from the Product Description, Software Requirement Specification SRS, or Use Case Documents. The Test Plan document is usually prepared by the Test Lead or Test Manager and the focus of the document is to describe what to test, how to test, when to test and who will do what test. ALL Interview .com


Question Testing process in your company? Question Submitted By :: Chandbasha This Interview Question Asked @ oracle I also faced this Question!! Answer Review of the software requirement
specifications Objectives is set for the Major releases


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Target Date planned for the Releases Detailed Project Plan is build. This includes the decision on Design Specifications Develop Test Plan based on Design Specifications Test Plan : This includes Objectives, Methodology adopted while testing, Features to be tested and not to be tested, risk criteria, testing schedule, multiplatform support and the resource allocation for testing. Test Specifications This document includes technical details ( Software requirements ) required prior to the testing. Writing of Test Cases Smoke(BVT) test cases Sanity Test cases Regression Test Cases Negative Test Cases Extended Test Cases Development Modules developed one by one Build procedure : A build includes Installers of the available products multiple platforms. Testing Smoke Test (BVT) Basic application test to take decision on further testing Testing of new features Cross-platform testing Stress testing and memory leakage testing. Bug Reporting Bug report is created Development Code freezing No more new features are added at this point. Testing Builds and regression testing. Decision to release the product Post-release Scenario for further objectives.

Question changing continuously?

What can be done if requirements are


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Question Submitted By :: Chandbasha This Interview Question Asked @ oracle I also faced this Question!! Answer in agile requirements keep changing so
develop according to the changing requirements ALL Interview .com


Answer If client requirements are chaging

continuously, then below changes are expected.


1. Change in design document or new design document HLD & LLD 2. Change in test case scenarios 3. Change in test cases 4. Developer needs to write the code as per the change. 5. Tester needs to write new test cases 6. Tester needs to test the change. 7. In agile, work done in iteration can be affected. 8. Involves more cost.




Question documentation is needed

how much testing is enough.and why


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Question Submitted By :: Chhabra Chhagan I also faced this Question!! Answer It totally depends on the exit criteria.
There are 7 exit criteria' s to stop testing 1. As soon as the release time is achieved 2. As soon as the budget is exhausted 3. When all of the planned testing is achieved with no major pending issues 4. When the residual risk is minimal with no major pending issues 5. When certain percentage of coverage is achieved in terms of requirements/code/risks with no major pending issues. It is also called thoroughness messure. 6. When predicted no. of defects are found with no more major pending issues. 7. Based on testing, sufficient info is generated &share with stake holders in letting them decide abt release. DOCUMENTATION is necessary because 1. Maintaining documentation we can check the process. 2. find the defects easily. 3. requirements can be mapped.and can check whether each and every req has been covered or not. 4. If defects are documented we can test whether the defect functionality has been fixed properly. 5. In future if we get any project related to the same domain we can use the metrics, also we will know which module has to be concentrated the most


Question What is the Sanity Testing??


Answer Posted

By Question Submitted By :: Vaiju_zoting I also faced this Question!! Answer Sanity testing is performed when the builds
are relatively stable after multiple rounds of regression tests. It checks whether the bug fixes given are working fine or not. ALL Interview .com


Question Explain the scenario with example. Question Submitted By :: V I also faced this Question!! Answer scenario ways of testing an application


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amt test case scenario example insert a valid card for example icici atm card insert an invalid card like pan card block the card and insert it

Answer Scenario describes the event and action

that occur in testing session.


Answer A scenario is a complete end to end task.

Example: Login to the gmail application is one scenario


which can be further be used to write test cases

Answer scenario is basically define : what to test

example :consider a pen scenarios are 1.size of pen ink of pen color of pen color of ink tip size cap of pen refill of pen so many things like that about the pen which you can thing for test is called test scenario


Question Functional testing??

How System testing is different from the


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ALL Interview .com

Question Submitted By :: Vaiju_zoting I also faced this Question!! Answer system testing is end to end testing
functional testing is checking the functionality


Answer Testing the behaviour of system / software

as defined in software requirement specification is called system testing.

It checks for functional and non functional requirements of the software. System testing is performed after integration testing. Before accepting the system testing, tester should perform

smoke testing so as to check whether basic functionalities are working fine or not.


What is the client-server, standalone, webbased application. Post the correct answer.


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Question Submitted By :: V I also faced this Question!! Answer client server application the application
which uses server to communicate and we cant use the application for other purposes ALL Interview .com


for example skype and yahoo messenger standlone the application which is independent of server for example notepad,excel, web based application A web application is an application that is accessed by users over a network such as the Internet and we can access web application in different browsers like google chrome,internet explorer

Question the exact life cycle of the bug?? Question Submitted By :: Vaiju_zoting This Interview Question Asked @ Winsoft

What are the stages of the Bug?? What is


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I also faced this Question!! Answer Bug life cycle

1. When a new bug is found, it is assigned status as NEW and is assigned to developer. 2. The project manager checks whether the bug is valid or not. Suppose for billing sysytem the valid password is dang & the tester is testing the functionality with some other

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password wich causes login failure, en the manager will assign the status as REJECTED & assign it back to tester. 3. If defect is valid then it is checked whether it is in scope or not. If not, then the defect is assigned status as POSTPONED. 4. Then it is checked whether same defect was raised earlier or not. If yes, then the defect is assigned status as DUPLICATE. 5. If no, then the defect is assigned to developer with status IN PROGRESS. 6. Once the defect is fixed, it's status changes to fixed & assigned to tester. 7. then the tester will retest & if it is fixed then assign status as closed. 8. If not, then it is reopened.

Question Version and Release?? Reply soon... Question Submitted By :: Guest

What is the difference between Build,


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ALL Interview .com

I also faced this Question!! Answer Build is the final application which is
sent to the testing department for testing.They are more frequent.


Version is the number given to a released build.It is based on the builds Release is the software that is no longer in testing.(Testing has been completed).They are less frequent.

Answer build is the software that is sent to test

engineer for testing.test engineer get more builds in a week


version is the number given to the build it helps to know whether we are working on correct build or not .it also mentions what features are added in the application release when the development and testing is over and the product is bug free we sent to client the client tests and if he accepts the build uploads to appstore(for android and iphone)(depends upon the software)


Suppose you have given a project which have less Requirement specification documents or say no specification what will your decision how will you conduct the testing.


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Question Submitted By :: Guest I also faced this Question!! Answer You conduct testing based on ur previous
experience if it belongs to the same domain Or U vl be using exploratory testing... ALL Interview .com


Answer Focus on most usable areas as a customer

point of view. Applied your test skills through ad hoc testing.



Suppose you have given less time and you have quite few test cases to run what will your steps to resolve this issue.


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Question Submitted By :: Guest I also faced this Question!! Answer Risk based testing..
prioritize ur test cases and execute my mail id is if i type email id as and password correctly then what is the output?does it display inbox page ALL Interview .com



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Question Submitted By :: Mudaseer I also faced this Question!! Answer Yes it should as it's general rule, that
Login id is never be case sensitive for email addresses and more but as far as email address i am 100% sure. ALL Interview .com


Question testing?

what are the documents required to stop the


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ALL Interview .com

Question Submitted By :: Priyanka I also faced this Question!! Answer This can be difficult to determine. Most
modern software applications are so complex, and run in such an interdependent environment, that complete testing can never be done. Common factors in deciding when to stop are: Deadlines (release deadlines, testing deadlines, etc.) Test cases completed with certain percentage passed Test budget depleted Coverage of code/functionality/requirements reaches a specified point Bug rate falls below a certain level Beta or alpha testing period ends


Answer If exit criteria is fulfilled then we can

stop testing and give formal sign off showing the test coverage percentage.



any one tell me what is application

Question architure in web

based applications


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Question Submitted By :: Hemavathi.gajjala This Interview Question Asked @ Prokarma I also faced this Question!! Answer A modern web-based enterprise application
has three basic layers. ALL Interview .com


1. Client layer which renders webpages (Browser) 2. ). Middle tier which includes: (WebServers

2.1 Presentation Layer which generates webpages, including their dynamic content. It interprets webpages submitted from the client. it knows which application to forward the client-based request they usually made up of ASP, JSP 2.2 Business Logic Layer which enforces validations and which handles interaction with the database, Visual Basic or C++ apps are use in these servers mostly (The Web Server can generally handle requests for several applications like Microsoft IIS, Apache WebServer, IBM Websphere, etc are example of webservers.) 3. Data layer which stores data between transactions

Answer On my application browser is tere.for

example i want to request something.enter the URL in to browser.browser request to web server.If that is static request webserver can handil.if requests are dinamic webserver request to application server.then request goto dbserver.then request go to DB.DB give to respend to dbserver.dbserver toapplication server.application serverto webserver.webserver to browser wil give the response. APPLICATION(browser) ............>webserver....>application server........>dbsever.......>DB.(this is request)then response REVERSE


Question can you tell me test case for whatsapp? Question Submitted By :: Mudaseer I also faced this Question!! Answer install whats app from play google then it
will ask please enter your number enter your number it will send message to your number that your code is 1234(example) click on whats app then it displays the friends who are using whats app then send message to your friend send photo video audio create a group to broad cast message video broad cast message to your friends add profile picture do load testing because it is used by many people and many more test cases install the app on different android devices and versions 2.2,2.3,4 (compatibility testing) check the app on different platforms like windows,iphone andriod blackberry


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ALL Interview .com



I give you a functional requirement document(FRD) of 10 pages.Now you tell me,how to calculate Test effort,As i Need to say to the client ?


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Question Submitted By :: Ali This Interview Question Asked @ Satyam I also faced this Question!! Answer First we have to understand the requirement
document,Prepare the scenarios for the requirement specification,Analyze how many test case (both positive and negative scenarios that we can prepare for it,based on this we have to prepare the estimation ALL Interview .com


Answer We have to read the functional requirement

document thoroughly and analyse the requirements. As per the requirements we have to prepare the test scenarios and write the test cases according to the test scenarios i.e. good test case means less no. of test cases cover more functionality of the requirements, based on this we have to prepare the estimation.

Vuppala Jagan Mohan

Question and Smoke testings

what is the Exact difference between Sanity


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ALL Interview .com

Question Submitted By :: Guest I also faced this Question!! Answer Sanity means one will conduct overall
testing on the released build, to confirm whether the build is proper or not. Smoke means before releasing the build developers will check the same or not.


Answer Both are tested by testers.

When build is at the initial phase of STLC, say build No 1, then smoke testing is conducted to ensure build is suitable for further testing, where major functionality, critical areas, show stopper TC's are tested. When build is at the middle or final phase of STLC, say build No 20-100+, then sanity testing is conducted to ensure reported defects in the previous cycle is fixed and tester can go run for regression kind of testing.


Answer Sanity and Smke are done by Testers only.

Sanity is a small set of test cases executed to check if the built is ready to test or not. Smoke is a small set of regression test set, to check if built is ready to release. Once done, it is reday to go to UAT or production

Varsha Saxena

Answer Sanity testing:- 1- Unscripted, Narrow and

deep Testing 2- Review Very Very important features and do deep testing. Smoke Testing:wide Testing 1- Scripted, Shallow and

Gagan Paigoriya

2- Review all important features and do wide testing.

can anyone please tell how a rally tool is

Question used in testing.

what are the tester roles in using this


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tool and the detail working of this tool.

Question Submitted By :: Jyothi I also faced this Question!! Answer Please refer below link for Video tutorials
for rallydev, ALL Interview .com

Ashutosh Singh

In short,We can create User stories in RallyDev, User stories contains all requirements, Inside the user stories we can write Test cases. While executing test cases we can raise defect linked to that test cases, All things like test cases writing, test case execution, defects, tasks comes under the user stories. If user stories is too large then we can also create child user stores inside the parent(main) user stories.

how you r executing Test case explain in

Question detail Question Submitted By :: Guest I also faced this Question!! Answer Analysing Requirments --> Creating
Scenarios (Test Basis) --> According to Scenarios write test cases --> inside every test case there are steps to perform that test (which is main test execution). this is general answer depends which tool you use like i use HP Quality Center for manual testing.


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hi.... plz tell me what all kinds of documents/reports are required for manual testing of a simple website(simple static pages). in a organization.


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Question Submitted By :: Ankurdixit819

This Interview Question Asked @ ibm , Iprosolutions, Tdfth, Hcl I also faced this Question!! Answer only the test cases and the the policy of
the company. ALL Interview .com


Question testing ?

What are the test cases for sanity or smoke


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Question Submitted By :: Kishore This Interview Question Asked @ HealthTech I also faced this Question!! Answer smoke testing for gmail
enter valid username and valid password expected result it should display inbox page click on compose mail enter valid mail id to which you have to send mail and subject and body of the mail click on send here only we are doing valid testing ALL Interview .com


Answer Smoke testing for gmail

When you click on the URL OF,it should open the home page of gmail login page.


Question for a testing.

What type of testing

skills we required


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Question Submitted By :: This Interview Question Asked @ Dell , Gg I also faced this Question!!
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Answer 1. Reading skills

2.Questioning skills 3.Communication skills 4.Time Management 5.Negative Thinking 6.Team Builder


Answer It depend which type of testing you are

after. either white box or black box, manual or automated, functional or non-functional. for simple foundation level you can be a manual tester with knowledge of writing test scenarios, test cases, and execute them with the help of testing tools like HP Quality Center, some basic SQL knowledge is essential. (the most important thing you must have the knowledge about the product which you are going to test). ISTQB foundation certification is good for start.


do a new defect is required to log for slight variation in steps on defect retest or the defect can be re open


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Question Submitted By :: Priya I also faced this Question!! Answer if you are using the HP QC tool for
testing purpose, and if the newly found defect is somewhat similar to a closed ALL Interview .com


defect,then you can reopen the defect by adding appropriate comments in the comments section

Question testing

what will the future for manual


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Question Submitted By :: Guest I also faced this Question!! Answer have a great demand
software exports in 2012 is increased in that testing occupied 30 % and by future 2022 s.w exports incerased to 70% out of that testing occupies 50% so testing has great demand. ALL Interview .com



what is the best defect(functionally relaleted) u find in u r career?


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Question Submitted By :: Manubolu.v28 I also faced this Question!! Answer It depends upon its Severity and
priority . So If Against the functionality you find anything then its a great Defect , but if you are finding a defect which comes after several attemts or at rare condition then its not too much severe and Good defect .I have found first that when i was not able to login in a particular application which i am going to Test . And it was great becuase it was not itermittent issue , its Really a defect . ALL Interview .com

Akshay Sinha

Answer my project is on android application

the best defect i have i have found is force close it means the application crashes when i click on a link (i e the application is stopped by operating system) this is high priority and high severity defect which i have to report to developer immediately



Can u please explain the regression testing criteria? we are having 1000 testcases, outof 1000 TC'S 800 defects we find,whose priority and seviority is high . in this situation how we can done the regression testing?


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Question Submitted By :: Manubolu.v28 This Interview Question Asked @ iGate I also faced this Question!! Answer if the application is not stable
then if there are blocker issues then we cant do regression testing i don't think 800 test cases have high severity and high priority defects ALL Interview .com



hi i am kavita. i have completed software testing course.i am electronics testing as question is why choose in software testing as a career.plz send me this answer and help me.


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Question Submitted By :: Kavita Devkar This Interview Question Asked @ LinguaNext I also faced this Question!!
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Answer because software has got more

opportunity so engineers choose software and there are software companies in bangalore


Answer Scope of getting jobs is very very

high, Present days people are depending on internet with various resources, most of the Oriented companies are designing their own websites in better ways, therefore testing do key role for a quality product. Testers not only justify the given requirements but also the presence of value (User Friendly)


Answer you can choose testing field because

in testing it doesn't matter from which stream you belong only depends on your analytic perception and your observation.if you have good observation over the things so you may be a buccaneer tester.

Atul Vishwakarma

hi friends... this is priya.i had 1 year of experiance in manual testing from jan-dec 2011 in a reputed level 5 MNC and my CTC is 3.25LPA . recently i cleared 2 rounds of technical and after 3days i will have hr interview in a CMMI level3 company... in hr interview they may ask about expected ctc.what i should answer for this question?



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i had more than a year gap, so what package i can expect? same CTC or some % of hike?

Question Submitted By :: Priya I also faced this Question!! Answer hi priya,

Current ctc is too good for year experienced candidate.Well u can definitely ask for hike.I dont think 1 year gap will cause any issue.All the best. :) ALL Interview .com


Answer hi tina...
thanks for your reply.. if i ask for hike, they may raise the gap issue.what should i do?


Answer still i did not had interview..may b

next week i may have..pls reply and help me...



what is cross project reference what is entry and exit criteria for login page.


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Question Submitted By :: Chethan I also faced this Question!! Answer entry criteria
click on login it should display login page enter username and password ALL Interview .com


it should display home page if username and password matches is the exit criteria

Question usefulness

what is traceability matrix and its


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Question Submitted By :: Chethan I also faced this Question!! Answer Traceability matrix is used to map
between requirements and test cases it is used to check all requirements are covered or not? Tracabilty Matrix is a document which is used to Map the UseCase and shows the full usecase on one side and names the respective testCases in which the flows of that usecase are covered. ALL Interview .com



1 Test Case can covert How many scenario? OR how many scenario can cover 1 test case.?


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Question Submitted By :: Navjyotsing This Interview Question Asked @ mastek , Ggh, Delhinet.pvt Ltd, Hcl I also faced this Question!! Answer mostly 1 scenario cover by 1 test
case,,but to increase the complexity in the project we can write more than one..... ALL Interview .com

Harpreet Singh

Answer We can derive the test cases from

the test scenario. So, each test

Anitha [ABC Info]

scenario will have more than 1 test cases based on the complexity. But, each test case belongs to only one test scenario.

Question What is functional Testing ? Question Submitted By :: Robin86 This Interview Question Asked @ UST , Ibm I also faced this Question!! Answer Testing each and every components
against requirement specification is called functional testing


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ALL Interview .com

Answer Testing the functionality of a

component or system based on the specification is known as functional testing.


Answer Functional testing means testing the

functionality of the system/software so as to see whether there is any deviation or any mismatch between the actual and expected output as per the requirements received from client.


Question Alpha and beta testing??

What is the basic difference between


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Question Submitted By :: Dhrutisundar This Interview Question Asked @ DigiTech I also faced this Question!! Answer Alpha Testing: we can do testing
before customer at our place ALL Interview .com


Beta Testing : we can do testing before customer at client place

Answer Alpha Testing : Testing performed by

client at developer's site under guidance of developer and tester. Beta Testing : Testing done at Client side by client.

Mulguri Pravin

Answer Alpha Testing :Alpha Testing done

in the company before delivering application to the client Beta Testing: Beta Testing done in the client place either by user or third party experts before implementing.


Answer Suppose banking application is

developed In alpha testing, the developed application will be used by few employees of bank itself. In beta testing, application will be used by few clients of bank itself. Depending upon the feedback recieved required changes are implemented.



I would like to reserve railway ticket online and paying the fare through net banking. Friends help me to write test cases???? Give answer for this as soon as possible...


Answer Posted By

Question Submitted By :: RenukaElumalai This Interview Question Asked @ 360Logica I also faced this Question!! Answer sign up
select source and destination which you have to travel select date select the no of people enter the name of the persons who are travelling and age select pay through credit card enter your credit card no then the money should be deducted from your account then it should display the ticked has been booked and all the details should be present in the ticket and you should be able to take print out of the ticket ALL Interview .com


Answer Also Class is need to be select like

1AC, 2AC, Sleeper or General.

Bharat Kapoor

Answer Hope Mudassir won't mind i added

some extra test cases. their could be more. obviously it depends on the application what it looks like or how it designed.


Select source and destination which you have to travel Select Date. Select Timings. Select no of Adults. Select no of Children. Select Economy or First Class Ticket.

It should show the amount to be paid. Select confirm. Select pay through credit card. Enter your credit card details. Then the money should be deducted from your account. Then it should display the ticked has been booked. All the details should be present in the ticket. You should be able to take print out of the ticket.


Can anyone tell me the test scenario for railway reservation online booking. I need all test scenario.... please friends help me.


Answer Posted By

Question Submitted By :: Renukaelumalai I also faced this Question!! Answer Before writing the TestCases Please
Carefully Study the Application ALL Interview .com

So, Application Under Test: Application Type: Web Application After this List down the Features/Functionalities of the Application In IRCTC case we have follwoing Features/functionalities: 1.Signup-New User Registration. 2.Account Activation through Email 3.Account Activation through Mobile 4.Forgot Password for Password reset 5.Plan My Trip Feature 6.Quick Book Feature 7.Link to Book Mumbai Season Ticket 8.My Transactions a. Booked History b. Print E-Ticekt c. Cancel-Eticket/refund d. Cencel History

e. File TDR f. TDR History g. Refund Status of Cancelled Ticekt h. Refund Status of Failed Transaction 9.User Profile a. User Profile b. Change Password c. Master List of Passenger d. Passenger Travel List ....etc To cover all above features and Sub Featues we have to write more than 500 Testcases. For Sample I am writing some tests for IRCTC Login Page and IRCTC Plan My Travel Page --->IRCTC Login Page Test for Test for SignUp Test for Test for SignUp Feature Account Activation after Password Recovery all the links in the page

--->IRCTC Plan My Travel Page Positive Test Cases for eticket(TicketType): Note:Business Rule:An e-ticket refers to the normal Internet ticket which can be booked up to the time of chart preparation for your train. An e-ticket can be booked in Confirmed/RAC/Waitlisted status. Test 'Find Trains' feature with all valid data :FROM,TO,Date,TicketType-eticket and General-Quota Test 'Find Trains' feature with all valid data :FROM,TO,Date,TicketType-eticket and Tatkal-Quota Test 'Find Trains' feature with all valid data :FROM,TO,Date,TicketType-eticket and Ladies-Quota

Negative Test Cases for eticket(TicketType): Test 'Find Trains' feature with Test data :FROM,TO,Date,TicketType-eticket and General-Quota Test 'Find Trains' feature with Test data :FROM,TO,Date,TicketType-eticket and Tatkal-Quota Test 'Find Trains' feature with Test data :FROM,TO,Date,TicketType-eticket and Ladies-Quota Positive Test Cases related to TicketType-i-ticket : Note:Business Rule:An i-ticket refers to the normal Internet ticket which will be delivered at your door step in 2-3 days. For I ticket you have to book a ticket at least two days in advance to date of journey to ensure courier delivery. It can be booked in Confirmed/RAC /Waitlisted status Test 'Find Trains' feature with all valid data :FROM,TO,Date,TicketType-iticket and General-Quota Test 'Find Trains' feature with all valid data :FROM,TO,Date,TicketType-iticket and Tatkal-Quota Test 'Find Trains' feature with all valid data :FROM,TO,Date,TicketType-iticket and Ladies-Quota Negative Test Cases for eticket(TicketType): Test 'Find Trains' feature with Test data :FROM,TO,Date,TicketType-iticket and General-Quota Test 'Find Trains' feature with Test data :FROM,TO,Date,TicketType-iticket and Tatkal-Quota Test 'Find Trains' feature with Test data :FROM,TO,Date,TicketType-iticket and Ladies-Quota I hope with this you write all other

testcases,Still if you need personal help on this feel free to contact me on my mobile:9008566233(Bangalore) Thanks, Rajendra Prasad Reddy Penumalli

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