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Code No: RR310806



B. Tech III Year I Semester Examinations, December-2011 ENERGY ENGINEERING (CHEMICAL ENGINEERING) Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 80 Answer any five questions All questions carry equal marks --1.a) b) Briefly explain classification of coal based on the ranking and also based on scientific and commercial classification. Give a brief description of Exhaustible and inexhaustible sources of energy. [16] Describe the fractional distillation of petroleum with the help of a schematic diagram. Write a short note on Knock characteristics of motor fuels. [16] Explain the role of solar energy as a heat source in crop drying. Explain the photovoltaic principle. Describe a basic photovoltaic system for power generation. [16] Describe the Isomerization. conversion processes of polymerization, Alkylation and [16]

2.a) b) 3.a) b)


5.a) b) 6.a) b) 7.a) b) 8.a) b)

How are biogas plants classified? Explain them briefly. What is meant by energy plantation? What are its advantages and disadvantages? [16] What is fusion reaction? Differentiate between Fission and Fusion. Describe thermo chemical method of hydrogen production. [16] What is a fuel cell? Describe the principle of working of a fuel cell with reference to H2 O2 cell. Derive an expression for emf of a fuel cell. [16] What are the different arrangements of a storage battery. Describe briefly. Describe with a neat sketch the working of a wind energy system with main components. [16]


Code No: RR310806



B. Tech III Year I Semester Examinations, December-2011 ENERGY ENGINEERING (CHEMICAL ENGINEERING) Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 80 Answer any five questions All questions carry equal marks --1.a) b) Explain the role of solar energy as a heat source in crop drying. Explain the photovoltaic principle. Describe a basic photovoltaic system for power generation. [16] Describe the Isomerization. conversion processes of polymerization, Alkylation and [16]


3.a) b) 4.a) b) 5.a) b) 6.a) b)

How are biogas plants classified? Explain them briefly. What is meant by energy plantation? What are its advantages and disadvantages? [16] What is fusion reaction? Differentiate between Fission and Fusion. Describe thermo chemical method of hydrogen production. [16] What is a fuel cell? Describe the principle of working of a fuel cell with reference to H2 O2 cell. Derive an expression for emf of a fuel cell. [16] What are the different arrangements of a storage battery. Describe briefly. Describe with a neat sketch the working of a wind energy system with main components. [16] Briefly explain classification of coal based on the ranking and also based on scientific and commercial classification. Give a brief description of Exhaustible and inexhaustible sources of energy. [16] Describe the fractional distillation of petroleum with the help of a schematic diagram. Write a short note on Knock characteristics of motor fuels. [16]

7.a) b)

8.a) b)


Code No: RR310806



B. Tech III Year I Semester Examinations, December-2011 ENERGY ENGINEERING (CHEMICAL ENGINEERING) Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 80 Answer any five questions All questions carry equal marks --1.a) b) 2.a) b) 3.a) b) 4.a) b) How are biogas plants classified? Explain them briefly. What is meant by energy plantation? What are its advantages and disadvantages? [16] What is fusion reaction? Differentiate between Fission and Fusion. Describe thermo chemical method of hydrogen production. [16] What is a fuel cell? Describe the principle of working of a fuel cell with reference to H2 O2 cell. Derive an expression for emf of a fuel cell. [16] What are the different arrangements of a storage battery. Describe briefly. Describe with a neat sketch the working of a wind energy system with main components. [16] Briefly explain classification of coal based on the ranking and also based on scientific and commercial classification. Give a brief description of Exhaustible and inexhaustible sources of energy. [16] Describe the fractional distillation of petroleum with the help of a schematic diagram. Write a short note on Knock characteristics of motor fuels. [16] Explain the role of solar energy as a heat source in crop drying. Explain the photovoltaic principle. Describe a basic photovoltaic system for power generation. [16] Describe the Isomerization. conversion processes of polymerization, Alkylation and [16]

5.a) b)

6.a) b) 7.a) b)



Code No: RR310806



B. Tech III Year I Semester Examinations, December-2011 ENERGY ENGINEERING (CHEMICAL ENGINEERING) Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 80 Answer any five questions All questions carry equal marks --1.a) b) 2.a) b) What is a fuel cell? Describe the principle of working of a fuel cell with reference to H2 O2 cell. Derive an expression for emf of a fuel cell. [16] What are the different arrangements of a storage battery. Describe briefly. Describe with a neat sketch the working of a wind energy system with main components. [16] Briefly explain classification of coal based on the ranking and also based on scientific and commercial classification. Give a brief description of Exhaustible and inexhaustible sources of energy. [16] Describe the fractional distillation of petroleum with the help of a schematic diagram. Write a short note on Knock characteristics of motor fuels. [16] Explain the role of solar energy as a heat source in crop drying. Explain the photovoltaic principle. Describe a basic photovoltaic system for power generation. [16] Describe the Isomerization. conversion processes of polymerization, Alkylation and [16]

3.a) b)

4.a) b) 5.a) b)


7.a) b) 8.a) b)

How are biogas plants classified? Explain them briefly. What is meant by energy plantation? What are its advantages and disadvantages? [16] What is fusion reaction? Differentiate between Fission and Fusion. Describe thermo chemical method of hydrogen production. [16]


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