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Wo R d Up

Vera Anderson

The pictures of the letters were all taking on the Old Dominion University campus. This book is to inspire all people of all ages using power of words in the bible.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. [John 1:1,14]

t ially Ar c r e p s ff, e and Sta e softwares. s t n e d b u st se Ado u s t n e Stud

Blessed a re you w ho hunge you shall r now, fo be satisfi r e d. Blesse who wee d are you p now, fo r you sha [Luke 6:2 ll laugh 1]

s to s and care ie rr o w r u o eter Give all y ut you. [1 P o b a s re a ec God, for h 5:7]

In Your ju stice, res cu listen clo sely to m e and Deliver me ; e and save [Psalm 71 me. .. :12]

Emma nu us. [Ma el, which m eans tthew 1:23] God w ith

age, and aring the mess e h m o fr s e m out o faith c gh the word ab u ro th rd a e h is the message 10:17] Christ. [Romans

A good iven to you. g e b l il w it ether Give, and , shaken tog n w o d d e ss into your measure, pre l be poured il w r, e v o g l be and runnin ou use, it wil y re su a e m the ] lap. For with u.[Luke 6:38 o y to d re su mea

He heals the bro kenhearted an d binds up their w ounds [Psalm 14 7:3]

God gav e Solomo n wisdom great ins and very ight, and a breadth standing o as measu f underreless as on the se the sand ashore. [1 Kings 4:2 9]

e; e the path of lif m to n w o kn ke You ma resence, ith joy in your p w e m l fil ill w u yo ht asures at your rig with eternal ple :11] hand. [Psalm 16

nto aid u y s d n m ,a e also rt retain m t h ea ug ents, He ta t thine h mmandm o Le 4] my c me, p e rbs 4: e e k v : o s r word nd live. [P a

1 Corin thians 1 And n ow the 3:13 s e three love. B ut the greate remain: faith st of th , hope ese is and love.

It is better to be humbled with the meek, than to divide spoils with the proud. [Proverbs 16:19]
chara A wife of noble cter.. [Porverb s 31]

Bike ODU has a limited number of bikes availab le for semester-long rental, for a fee of only $30.00.
A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones. [Proverbs 14:30]



e and th verbs , r o o [Pro he p over t he lender. e l u r t h The ric r is slave to e borrow 22:7]

For God so love d the world tha t he gave his one and only Son, that whoeve lieves in him sh r beall not perish bu t have eternal life. [John 3: 16]

but a s lives, e ] v a s s v 14:25 nes o r it P w [ l l. u f u ceitf A truth ss is de e n it w false

e are s strong as w a ly n o re a d. We e are divide w s a k a e w s united, a

Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he. [Proverbs 29:18]

COME OUT TO THE WEBB WITH SOME FRIENDS!!! Webb Center is the community center for all members of the University family-students, faculty, staff, administration, alumni, and guests.

Students eat alo t at the Subway! !! Get some drink to push th e bread down!!!

ut knowledge, nor to be It is not good to have zeal witho erbs 19:2] hasty and miss the way. [prov

The End

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