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[category forms and conventions] In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and

conventions of real media products (ie. of radio news bulletins) In this post I will describe and analyse the final piece of the news bulletin. Opening/closure/music/jingle/greeting/ident/sign off/ I have learnt the purpose why musical jingles are added at the beginning of a radio station. A musical jingle from a radio station is there to provide information about the station, the location, and presenter. When putting together our jingle, I observed different radio station such as XFM Manchester, BBC One: Dan and Phils radio show and Oldham community radio station. They all included upbeat and catchy musical stings. Since these particular radio shows aim to provide a service to young adults ages between 14-25 years it made sense it add electro music and sound effects such as echo and distortion to make it sound modern and to reflect on todays music. We wanted to keep that a consistency so we included those same sound effects and distortion, on the voice recording of me introducing the news bulletin, the purpose was to draw in the target audience. However I decided against adding an signing jingle at the end of the news Bulletin because I wanted it to finish just like the BBCs Radio news show. The greeting This is max Tolley and our top story today Had a formal delivery to show the seriousness of the news eg. Like BBC radio news. This is similar to the OCR radio bulletin, where it starts with main headlines. After the Vox pop interviews the news bulletin goes back to the he presenter sends off with Im Max Tolley and this has been your 8 oclock news, this gives the news bulletin a finality, it tells the audience what and who they have been listening to.


During the scripting we failed to properly apply the inverted triangle technique. This is not typical of a radio station because the purpose of the technique is to help the audience understand what is going on. We made sure when producing the script that it included the news convention the 3 Cs and we used to the tone of language to be understandable for the target hard we especially applied this to the hard news story because it was about politics and fianc which turn off the attention of the listeners if they didnt understand what was being said, we didnt use complicated words that were hard to pronounce of understand. When compared to the OCR news they used the same technique during the hard news story which was all about politics and banking. The presenter We wanted the presenter to come across as being in his late twenties, early thirtys. The reason for that decision is so that it was different to the OCR radio where the presenter sounds like his in his late 40s early 5os which is useful to attract their target audience, but we needed to use a younger person to attract our target audience. The voices of both the presenters are monotone and have a flat tone. Even though our intension was that the presenter was cheery and upbeat it did not come across that way during the recording and final piece, so I guess unintentionally we went along with OCR voice type. With the presenters both being male. The Sky presenter is more Received Pronunciation. The pronunciations of words are very similar because they come from same area. The choice of top story The top stories are almost similar in a way that they both discuss issues of money. Our news bulletin is targeted about young people who are struggling financial in Oldham and the OCR is broadcasting about Banker manger having pressured to waive his 2 million bonus. There is a clear contrast between the two stories however they are very similar about the topics of money and the recession. Our top story includes Galtung and Rauges convention of that it closeness to home and continuity. The closeness to home is because to affects the people of Oldham their children,

and the continuity is from that the recession has been in the news frequently. Length/pace of Bulletin Our news bulletin was four minutes and 3o seconds, whereas the OCR station was three minutes and nine seconds. These news bulletin are both short, obviously they have made for the radio. I think OCR radio made their news shorter in length because with the target audience being a more older generation they wouldnt want to listen about the recession but to listen to music. Our news bulletin was made in that length because it was within the exam criteria, and it included elements our target audience would want to listen to such as; money/education, sports, and social networks. The pace of the bulletin was at a moderate space, it showed more focal time to the hard news story just as we did with our news bulletin and the off the wall feature was short just like our news bulletin. We did that in intension that all the important news is delivered first with the right amount of air time like the OCR radio. The range and Number of stories When producing the final bulletin our main focus was the Hard news story, soft news story and the off the wall (voxpop).As I explained previously we produced news story that mostly affects young adults are right. The Recession /money and finance are issues with the students today because of the budget cuts and rising cost of travel, food and education which all affects young adults and main those who are in education. The second troy was about a new GCSE sport, we included this to try and appeal to those who are in secondary and maybe for those who are in college who are interested in sport and new activities. The off the wall story was most obvious news story to deliver because with media taking over (if it already hasnt) everyone is getting smartphones and tablets all these different means of connecting

to the internet it was interesting to see what people on streets thought about it and what they used and how long for. Interestingly the news bulletin also includes news story about university places and how there are less people applying to further education. OCR had almost 6 different stories including do women park better than men, crime etc. This range of stories allows radio station to broadcast to a wider audience and to appeal to more different people with varied types of news. The content of the bulletin In our news bulletin we included voxpop, hard and soft news story, three specialist reporters and outside broadcasting to ensure that we got interview environment instead of just in the studio. The OCR was mainly all in studio and couple of outside interviewees. This element of the news bulletin is not typical to OCR because I think they did not have the staff to go out and interview large amounts of people. However if our news bulletin was to be compared to another news bulletin, I can find that it is similar to radio stations because it has a range of interview styles and different locations other than news reported straight from the studio. eg. BBC Radio One news. The production Values Overall OCR news bulletin sound quality was at a very high standard with articulate editing skill (mainly because it was produced in London, with the skilled editors and editing software) The news bulletin flowed together very well, the stories accommodates different a type of audiences. Comparably to our news bulletin showed not a very high standard of editing compared to the professionally skilled editors. However I think we made sue of sound, that the soundbeds were at the right levels just like OCRs where it did not overbear the presenter or the story.

In conclusion I think the two news bulletins are very similar and have minor differences, all due to the fact we wanted to produce a news show that was could pass as OCR worthy news show for young adults.

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