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Every Sunday 7-8 PM with Mawlana Bilal [HFX] Jamiyat Tabligh Ul Islam Southfield Square Week 3 Notes 05-5-13

All praise is for Allaah and may the blessings of Allaah Azzawajal be upon His last and beloved Messenger; Prophet Muhammad SalAllahuAleyhiWasalam. Quick Recap: Last week, we looked at the different types of filth. Exercise: Can you recall them with a partner? Todays objectives To be aware of the attributes of water To learn and recognise the three ways water can change Be able to state the five types of water and its qualities Recall the previous weeks Hadith

Evidence from the Quraan And He sent down water upon you from heaven that He might cleanse you therewith [Surah Anfaal, Ayah 11] The Ayah shows that water is a purifier, as it was sent to purify the companions of the Holy Prophet may salaam be upon him. The Ayah also shows how the blessed companions of the beloved may salaam be upon him are pure, purified and free from any sort of filth.

The natural state of water 1234Colourless No smell Tasteless Shapeless- Not discussed by the jurists as water can never get a shape whilst, it is possible for it to possess one of the first three.

The three ways water can change: 1- A solid can mix into the water. If the essence of the water changes, [i.e. thin and flowing], then the water has changed. 2- A liquid can mix into the water. This depends on the liquid that has mixed into the water. If the liquid which has mixed has two attributes only and one of these attributes is now apparent in the mixture, this will result in the water not being fit for purification. However, if the liquid which has mixed has three attributes and one attribute takes effect in the mixed water, the water will still be fit for purification. 3- Water can mix which has no attributes, i.e. water which has been used before for purification (just for the purpose of reward, not for the purpose of removing filth). 1

Every Sunday 7-8 PM with Mawlana Bilal [HFX] Jamiyat Tabligh Ul Islam Southfield Square Week 3 Notes 05-5-13

This is based on the quantity. If the used water is more 2 Rithal [768 grams/ 800mm], and the fresh water is less than 1 Rithal [384 grams/ 400mm] the mixture is not fit for purification.

Five types of water Qualities of the First type: 1- Tahirun- Pure 2- Mutahirun- Purifier 3- Ghairu-Makruhin- Not disliked Example: General water Qualities of the Second type: 4- Tahirun- Pure 5- Mutahirun- Purifier 6- Makruhun- Makruh [Disliked] Example: Left over water from a cat. Only Makruh in presence of pure water. Qualities of the Third type: 7- Tahirun- Pure 8- Ghairu-Mutahirun NonPurifier Example: Water is pure but cannot be used for purification purposes.

Qualities of the Fourth type:

Najisun- Filthy Water A small amount of water with filth present cannot be used. A small amount of water is equivalent to 216 litres. A large amount- Vast majority is clean as it is flowing.

Qualities of the Fifth type: 1- Mashqooqun [Doubtful]

The depth of the water- If you cant reach the bottom; it is a large amount. However, if you can reach the bottom, it is then classed as a small amount.

Example: Mule or Donkey has drunk the water. You will have to perform Tayamum if this water is used for purification purposes.

Leftover water [Only applies to small amount of water less than ten arms squared, or 63 arms circumference, or 216 litres. The depth cannot be reached just dipping in the arm whilst remaining outside the water] 1- Any water a human or Halaal animal has drank; the water is drinkable. The person must be free from consuming Haraam or Alcohol at that time. 2- Filthy water- The water is only filthy if predator had has drank from it. 3- Makruhun [Disliked] - Leftover water from domestic animals such as rats or mice. The water is only disliked when pure water is available. 4- Mashqooqun [Doubtful]. Hadith of the week: Ra sul Amril Islaamu The head of all matters is Islaam. 2 Please memorise and share with your family and friends.

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