Nguyen Trai University Btec HND in Business (Management) : Assignment Cover Sheet

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NAME OF STUDENT REGISTRATION NO. UNIT TITLE ASSIGNMENT TITLE ASSIGNMENT NO NAME OF ASSESSOR SUBMISSION DEADLINE Dai Hong Ngoc (Kevin) Organisations and Behaviour Organisations Structure, Culture and Approaches 1 of 2 Mrs Nelda A Rosima 24 5 2012

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Compare and contrast different organisational structures and culture


Understand the relationship between organisational structure and culture LO1

Explain how the relationship between an organisations structure and culture can impact on the performance of the business Discuss the factors which influence individual behavior at work Compare the effectiveness of different leadership styles in different organisations




Understand different approaches to management and leadership LO2

Explain how organisational theory underpins the practice of management Evaluate the different approaches to management used by different organisations



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Table of content Introduction....................................................................................................................................5 1.1. Definitions of organization structures and cluture Organizational structure ...........................................................................................................................................6 1.1.a. The similarities in Organization structure between Courage Domestic Appliances Plc and Alton Holding Plc............................................................................ 8 1.1.1b. The differences in Organisational structure between Courage Domestic Aplliances Plc and Alton Holding Plc......................... 9 1.1.2. Organisational Cultures...........................................................................11 1.1.2a. Organisational culture at Courage Domestic Appliances Plc.............11 1.1.2b. Organisational culture at Alton Holding Plc.............................12 1.2. Explain how the relationship between an organisations structure and culture can impact on the performance of the business.........................13 1.2.2. The relationship between structure and culture at Courage Domestic Appliances Plc................................................14 1.2.3. The relationship between structure and culture at Alton Holding Plc.............................15 1.3. Discuss the factors which influence individual behaviour at work................................16 1.3.1. Individual behavior at work.................................................16 1.3.2. Application to the scenario..............................................17 2.1. Compare the effectiveness of different leadership styles in different organizations.................................18 2.1.1. Leadership style at Courage Domestic Appliances Plc...........................................20 2.1.2. Leadership style at Alton Holding Plc.........................................17 2.2 Explain how organizational theory underpins the practice of management.....................................................17 2.3 Evaluate the different approaches to management used by different organizations........................................................18

Conclustion and reference list ...................................................................................................19

Introduction Courage Domestic Appliances Plc Courage manufactures a full range of gas and electric appliances at a modern factory in north London. An outline organisational chart for the firm is given in Figure IM 16.2. Most of Courages capital is tied up in plant and equipment, and to keep close control on working capital a fairly strict regime of budgetary control is used. Each year the board of directors draws up a forecast for the next twelve months, which results in budgets for each directorate. In conjunction with his senior managers each director then derives departmental budgets and, once these are agreed, any additional item of expenditure above 1,000 must receive board approval. The workforce in the organisation is permanently allocated to the various departments. Production is the largest and most complex department and uses mass production methods. Workers on the production lines are classified as semiskilled, but there are also skilled tradesmen employed in the toolroom and on maintenance work. Each product has its own detailed manufacturing specification and quality control inspectors check adherence to this. The firm recognises trade unions and there is a comprehensive set of rules governing such matters as conditions of service, pay rates and discipline and grievance handling. Alton Holdings Plc Alton Holdings is also a major manufacturer of domestic appliances and is located in the north of England. Its present size results from the acquisition of a number of smaller firms, all within a fifty-mile radius, some of which occupy their original sites. An outline organisational chart is given in Figure IM16.3. After producing a design and making prototypes almost all the manufacturing of parts and components at Alton is contracted out, and so the production facility of each division is basically an assembly operation. Each division largely manages its own affairs and, after forecasting demand for the coming year, puts up a plan and associated budget to the main board. When this is accepted the division is primarily judged on its profit contribution to the parent company. In all four divisions people are expected to be flexible. For instance, technical people do not just confine their activities to development work, but frequently become involved in solving production problems and in visiting customers with sales staff in order to discuss new designs. Similarly, production operators and supervisors undertake a certain amount of maintenance work, although for major repair jobs specialist contractors are brought in. While all divisions recognise trade unions there are few formal agreements except those covering pay and basic service conditions.

1.1 Compare and contrast different organizational structures and cultures Organizational structure The framework, typically hierarchical, within which an organization arranges its lines of authority and communications, and allocates rights and duties. Organizational structure determines the manner and extent to which roles, power, and responsibilities are delegated, controlled, and coordinated, and how information flows between levels of management. An structure depends entirely on the organization's objectives and the strategy chosen to achieve them. In a centralized structure, the decision making power is concentrated in the top layer of the management and tight control is exercised over departments and divisions. In a decentralized structure, the decision making power is distributed and the departments and divisions have varying degrees of autonomy. An organizational chart illustrates the organizational structure. Organization design Organization design can be defined narrowly, as the process of reshaping organization structure and roles, or it can more effectively be defined as the alignment of structure, process, rewards, metrics and talent with the strategy of the business. Jay Galbraith and Amy Kates have made the case persuasively (building on years of work by Galbraith) that attention to all of these organizational elements is necessary to create new capabilities to compete in a given market. This systemic view, often referred to as the "star model" approach, is more likely to lead to better performance. Organization design may involve strategic decisions, but is properly viewed as a path to effective strategy execution. The design process nearly always entails making trade-offs of one set of structural benefits against another. Many companies fall into the trap of making repeated changes in organization structure, with little benefit to the business. This often occurs because changes in structure are relatively easy to execute while creating the impression that something substantial is happening. This often leads to cynicism and confusion within the organization. More powerful change happens when there are clear design objectives driven by a new business strategy or forces in the market that require a different approach to organizing resources. Organizational culture is the collective behaviour of humans that are part of an organization, it is also formed by the organization values, visions, norms, working language, systems, and symbols, it includes beliefs and habits. It is also the pattern of such collective behaviours and assumptions that are taught to new organizational members as a way of perceiving, and even thinking and feeling. Organizational culture affects the way people and groups interact with each other, with clients, and with stakeholders.

Ravasi and Schultz (2006) state that organizational culture is a set of shared mental assumptions that guide interpretation and action in organizations by defining appropriate behavior for various situations. At the same time although a company may have "own unique culture", in larger organizations, there is a diverse and sometimes conflicting cultures that co-exist due to different characteristics of the management team. The organizational culture may also have negative and positive aspects.

Types of structure


The chart illustrates

An organizational structure that groups together people who hold similar positions, perform a similar set of tasks, Functional or use the same kinds of skills. structure

Divisional structure is a group of functions created to allow an organization to produce and dispose of its goods and services to customers.

Product Structure - groups functions by

types of products so that each division contains the functions it needs to service the products it produces.

Divisional structure

Market Structure - groups functions by types of customers so that each division contains the functions it needs to service a specific segment of the market.

Geographic Structure - groups functions by region so that each division contains the functions it needs to service customers in a specific geographic area.

Courage Domestic Appliances Plc The Courage Domestic Appliances Plcs managing style is seen as an old fashioned technique. It has existed as long as managers have commanded subordinates, and is still employed by many leaders across the globe. The reason autocratic leadership survives, even if it is outdated, is because it is intuitive, carries instant benefits, and comes natural to many leaders. autocratic leadership style. - Functional structure - Tall and flat structure - Span of management decentralization

Alton Holdings Plc Alton Holdings Plc is using democratic leadership style that promotes the sharing of responsibility, the exercise of delegation and continual consultation.

- Divisional structure - Tall structure - Span of management centralization

1.2 Explain how the relationship between an organisations structure and culture can impact on the performance of the business.

Courage Domestic Appliances Plc When the structure is tall, usually a role culture will be created to support it. Each department and each staff is usually given a certain role to play. This role culture is necessary to ensure departmentalization and proper channels reporting with proper line of command. Understands the importance of role structure given its huge number of employees. But, also understands the role culture may lead to slower response to marketplace and less efficient to make business decision. To offset this shortcoming, he has implemented the task teams to handle projects. The task culture allows quicker decision making and thus more responsive to market changes and changing business needs There is a ton of information out there on organizational culture and about every detail of it you can imagine. The relationship between organizational culture and organizational structure is an important theme that is often overlooked. The two can be difficult to clearly distinguish from one another, and even more so to clearly define within an institution. Organizational structure works within an organizational culture, but it is not completely separate. The two are very much intertwined. Organizational culture is more of a larger picture, a more general term that refers to a large umbrella of smaller topics and issues within an organization. The structure refers to the infrastructure, and the various methods and practices within that infrastructure, that helps an organizational culture run with the efficiency and consistency that should be the hallmark of any healthy organizational structure, whether it is in a corporation, sports team, or any other set up that is large enough to create its own organizational culture. This makes the structure an integral part of any organizational culture, but also narrows out a very specific segment of the culture as its own responsibility. Organizational structure will deal primarily with the set up of the culture. How management works, which specific responsibilities supervisors have, how a complaint is passed through the ranks-these are all issues within the organizational culture that are directly tied to how an organizational structure works. The structure is not limited to those three examples, but it would certainly include all of them. Alton Holding Plc A common way to describe how structure works is to say that organizational structure is the way in which the interrelated groups within and organization are set up to allow them to function smoothly from a larger standpoint. The two main purposes of a successful organizational structure is to ensure effective communication between various parts of the company, as well as to increase coordination between different departments.

Some theorists have even broken down the concept of organizational structure into several categories to describe the phases which businesses go through as they grow in size and scope. The first is the pre-bureaucratic structure, which is mainly known for lacking a structure that standardizes tasks. This set up is great for small businesses, and ones that don't have many repeat scenarios, and therefore have to be adaptive. The next level is bureaucratic, which is where there is larger organization which requires a degree of standardization in paperwork, processes, etc. While bureaucracy has a negative connotation, it can be a good thing in small doses, especially in tackling issues that will become recurring themes in larger businesses. There is also the post bureaucratic, which has a more nebulous definition and is seen as more of a theoretical term, but might be referred to more recent, cultural based models of leading. As you can see, the relationship between organizational culture and organizational structure can be hard to tell apart, but in a fully healthy culture that is exactly what should be expected when all is functioning normally. 1.3) Discuss the factors which influence individual behavior at work: 1. Demographic Factors: The demographic factors are socio economic background, education, nationality, race, age, sex, etc. Organisations prefer persons that belong to good socio-economic background, well educated, young etc as they are believed to be performing better than the others. The young and dynamic professionals that have good academic background and effective communication skills are always in great demand. The study of demographic factors is significant as it helps managers to pick the suitable candidate for a particular job. 2. Abilities and Skills: The physical capacity of an individual to do something can be termed as ability. Skill can be defined as the ability to act in a way that allows a person to perform well. The individual behaviour and performance is highly influenced by ability and skills. A person can perform well in the organisation if his abilities and skills are matched with the job requirement. The managers plays vital role in matching the abilities and skills of the employees with the particular job requirement. 3. Perception: The cognitive process meant for interpreting the environmental stimuli in a meaningful way is referred to as perception. Every individual on the basis of his/he reference can organize and interpret environmental stimuli. There are many factors that influence the perception of an individual. The study of perception plays important role for the managers. It is important for mangers to create the favorable work environment so that employees perceive them in most favorable way. The employees are likely to perform better if they are going to perceive it in a positive way.

4. Attitude: According to psychologists, attitude can be defined as a tendency to respond favourably or unfavourably to certain objects, persons or situations. The factors such as family, society, culture, peers and organisational factors influence the formation of attitude. The managers in an organisation need to study the variables related to job as to create the work environment in a favorable way that employees are tempted to form a positive attitude towards their respective jobs. The employees can perform better in the organisation if they form a positive attitude. 5. Personality: Personality can be defined as the study of the characteristics and distinctive traits of an individual, the inter-relations between them and the way in which a person responds and adjusts to other people and situations. The several factors that influence the personality of an individual are heredity, family, society, culture and situation. It implies to the fact that individuals differ in their manner while responding to the organizational environment. Personality can be regarded as the most complex aspect of human beings that influences their behaviour in big way. It can be concluded that the study of personality traits offers an opportunity to understand the individuals. It helps them properly in directing their effort and motivating them for the accomplishment of the organisational goal. It refers to the fact that different environmental factors may generate different responses. The study of these responses is very important for the organisation. Every organisation demands a particular type of behaviour from their employees and such behaviours can be discovered through observation, learning, exposure, training, etc. (

Courage Domestic Appliances Plc Courage Domestic Appliances Plc manufactures a full range of gas and electric appliances at a modern factory in North Vietnam. In conjunction with his/her senior managers each director then derives departmental budgets and, once these are agreed, any additional item of expenditure above $1000 must receive board approval. The workforce in the organisation is permanently allocated to the various departments. Production is the largest and most complex department and uses mass production methods. Workers on the production lines are classified as semiskilled, but there are also skilled tradesmen employed in the tool room and on maintenance work.The quality of staff is not Alton Holding Plc - Alton Holdings is also a major manufacturer of domestic appliances and is located in the north of England. Its present size results from the acquisition of a number of smaller firms. Located in North England, Alton Holding Plcs staff are quality and they can come from oversea countries, The workers have good skills and good personality, attitude, high salary..The management and worker have a fresh fresh environment and good communication.

high, but the cost is cheap. That mean the salary of staff is not so good

2.1 Compare the effectiveness of different leadership styles in different organizations Leadership is about ascertaining a method for people to contribute so that it can result in a significant achievement. It is a process that enables a person to influence others to achieve a goal and directs an organization to become rational and consistent. Leaders carry out these processes by leveraging their leadership traits such as values, ethics and knowledge. Read more: ( No 1 Types of leadership Autocratic Leadership Style Advantage -New, untrained employees who do not know which tasks to perform or which procedures to follow -Effective supervision can be provided only through detailed orders and instructions -Employees do not respond to any other leadership style -There are high-volume production needs on a daily basis -There is limited time in which to make a decision Read more: ( -Employees are performing routine tasks over and over. -Employees need to understand certain standards or procedures. -Employees are working with dangerous or delicate equipment that requires a definite set of procedures to operate. -Safety or security training is being conducted. -Employees are performing tasks that require handling cash. Read more: ( -Rely on threats and punishment to influence employees -Do not trust employees -Do not allow for employee input Read more: (

Bureaucratic Leadership Style

-Work habits form that are hard to break, especially if they are no longer useful. -Employees lose their interest in their jobs and in their fellow workers. -Employees do only what is expected of them and no more. Read more: (

Charismatic Leadership

leadership-36149.html) A charismatic leadership style can resemble transformational leadership because these leaders inspire enthusiasm in their teams and are energetic in motivating others to move forward. This excitement and commitment from teams is an enormous benefit.

Democratic Leadership Style

Laissez-Faire Leadership

The downside to charismatic leaders is that they can believe more in themselves than in their teams. This can create the risk that a project or even an entire organization might collapse if the leader leaves. A charismatic leader might believe that she can do no wrong, even when others are The difference between charismatic warning her about the path she's on; leaders and transformational leaders this feeling of invincibility can ruin lies in their intention. a team or an organization. Transformational leaders want to transform their teams and Also, in the followers' eyes, success organizations. Charismatic leaders is directly connected to the presence are often focused on themselves, of the charismatic leader. As such, and may not want to change charismatic leadership carries great anything. responsibility, and it needs a longRead more: term commitment from the leader. ( Read more: rticle/newLDR_84.htm) ( rticle/newLDR_84.htm) -The leader wants to keep -There is not enough time to get employees informed about matters everyone's input. that affect them. -It's easier and more cost-effective -The leader wants employees to for the manager to make the share in decision-making and decision. problem-solving duties. -The business can't afford mistakes. -The leader wants to provide -The manager feels threatened by opportunities for employees to this type of leadership. develop a high sense of personal -Employee safety is a critical growth and job satisfaction. concern. -There is a large or complex Read more: problem that requires lots of input ( solve. leadership-36149.html) -Changes must be made or problems solved that affect employees or groups of employees. -You want to encourage team building and participation. Read more: ( -Employees are highly skilled, -It makes employees feel insecure experienced, and educated. at the unavailability of a manager.


-Employees have pride in their work and the drive to do it successfully on their own. -Outside experts, such as staff specialists or consultants are being used -Employees are trustworthy and experienced. Read more: (

-The manager cannot provide regular feedback to let employees know how well they are doing. -Managers are unable to thank employees for their good work. -The manager doesn't understand his or her responsibilities and is hoping the employees can cover for him or her. Read more: (

Courage Domestic Appliances Plc is using autocratic leadership style this seen as an old fashioned technique. Courage Domestic Appliances Plc managers have commanded subordinates. It is intuitive, carries instant benefits. 1. Manager seeks to make as many decisions as possible 2. Manager seeks to have the most authority and control in decision making 3. Manager seeks to retain responsibility rather than utilise complete delegation 4. Consultation with other colleagues in minimal and decision making becomes a solitary process 5. Managers are less concerned with investing their own leadership development, and prefer to simply work on the task at hand.

Alton Holdings Plc is using democratic leadership style that promotes the sharing of responsibility, the exercise of delegation and continual consultation. The style has the following characteristics: 1. Manager seeks consultation on all major issues and decisions. 2. Manager effectively delegate tasks to subordinates and give them full control and responsibility for those tasks. 3. Manager welcomes feedback on the results of intiatives and the work environment. 4. Manager encourages others to become leaders and be involved in leadership development. 2.2 Explain how organizational theory underpins the practice of management The differences in each management approaches: - Human Relation Approach: The human relations approach can also be seen as a response to a highly charged and polarized social climate in which labor and management were viewed as fundamentally opposed to one another, and communism was seen as a very real and immediate danger to the social order -- the notion of class struggle propounded by Marxist theorists was

taken very seriously. By focusing on the extent to which workers and managers shared economic interests in the success of the organization, the human relations approach can be seen as an attempt to move beyond the class struggle idea. Of course, the human relations approach (which really emerged in the late 1930s) was made possible by the fairly coercive suppression of the most radical organized labor movements. The sidebar describes one such movement, and is provided in order to indicate the social climate extant in the period immediately preceding the emergence of the human relations approach. ( - Scientific Management: An early 20th century school of management thought concerned primarily with the physical efficiency of an individual worker.Scientific management is based on the work of the US engineer Frederick Winslow Taylor (1856-1915) who in his 1911 book The Principles Of Scientific Management laid down the fundamental principles of large-scale manufacturing through assembly-line factories. It emphasizes rationalization and standardization of work through division of labor, time and motion studies, work measurement, and piece-rate wages.: ( - Social System Approach: The authors offer systems thinking for conceptualizing social action and interaction in an integrative manner. This is opposed to the narrow focus of most fields related to human behavior, which generally analyze all occurrences based on a primary unit of analysis individual, group, culture, societyThe social systems approach, on the other hand, can encompass both holistic (group/ top-down) and atomistic (individual/bottom-up) views at once. It gave me some peace of mind that they mention the confusion that occurs when observing the behavior of individuals, where the relation between the part and the whole is always an issue. So its not just me whos confused by that). ( - Contingency Approach: The contingency approach to management is based on the idea that there is no one best way to manage and that to be effective, planning, organizing, leading, and controlling must be tailored to the particular circumstances faced by an organization. Managers have always asked questions such as "What is the right thing to do? Should we have a mechanistic or an organic structure? A functional or divisional structure? Wide or narrow spans of management? Tall or flat organizational structures? Simple or complex control and coordination mechanisms? Should we be centralized or decentralized? Should we use task or people oriented leadership styles? What motivational approaches and incentive programs should we use?" The contingency approach to management (also called the situational approach) assumes that there is no universal answer to such questions because organizations, people, and situations vary and change over time. Thus, the right thing to do depends on a complex variety of critical environmental and internal contingencies. (

- Classical Administration Approach: Classical approach to management is dated back to the Industrial Revolution. The classical approach was an approach that places reliance on such management principals as unity of command, a balance between authority and responsibility, division of labor, and delegation to establish relationships between managers and subordinates. This approach constitutes the core of the discipline of management and the process of management.

Courage Domestic Appliances Plc Courage Domestic Appliances is forming in classical administration approach. The classical approach was used to tell workers how to do their job in a way that gets the most amount of work done. In retrospect, the modern day has recognised that this was not sustainable to treat a workforce like they were merely another set of machines in the factory.

Alton Holding Plc Alton Holding Plc is applying model Human Relation Approach. In doing this they focused very much on the needs of the workforce. They ensured that the environment they worked in was completely safe; that the workers were did not have their physical or mental health compromised as a result of their working environment.

2.3 Evaluate the different approaches to management used by different organizations

Courage Domestic Appliances Plc Using classical approach to management is dated back to the Industrial Revolution. The classical approach was an approach that places reliance on such management principals as unity of command, a balance between authority and responsibility, division of labor, and delegation to establish relationships between managers and subordinates. This approach constitutes the core of the discipline of management and the process of management. Courage Domestic Appliances Plc's managers is forming with autocratic leadership style. It could be beneficial in some instances, such as when decisions need to be made quickly without consulting with a

Alton Holding Plc Alton Holding Plc is based in UK. one of the developed countries have the best working environments in the world. Using Democratic style. Managers of Alton Holding Plc attend to encourages their employees to be a part of the decision making. The managers will keeps his or her employees informed about everything that affects their work and shares decision making and problem solving responsibilities. This style requires the leader to be a coach who has the final say, but gathers information from staff members before making a decision. With democratic leadership Alton Holding Plc can produce high quality and high

large group of people. Some projects require strong leadership in order to get things accomplished quickly and efficiently. Courage Domestic Appliances Plc mainly uses vietnamese workers that qualified is not very high. Independence in their work is still very limited. A strong leader who utilizes an autocratic style can take charge of the group, assign tasks to different members and establish solid deadlines for projects to be finished.

quantity work for long periods of time. Many employees like the trust they receive and respond with cooperation, team spirit, and high morale. However Alton Holding Plc is not always appropriate. It is most successful when used with highly skilled and experienced employees or when implementing operational changes or resolving individual or group problems.

Conclusion There are many ways to lead and every leader has his or her own style. Some of the more common styles include autocratic, bureaucratic, democratic, and laissez-faire. In the past several decades, management experts have undergone a revolution in how they define leadership and what their attitudes are toward it. They have gone from a very classical autocratic approach to a very creative, participative approach. Somewhere along the line, it was determined that not everything old was bad and not everything new was good. Rather, different styles were needed for different situations and each leader needed to know when to exhibit a particular approach.

References list important_to_the_leader

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