Student Sample Reflective Essay

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Even though the semester is not over yet, I have learned a lot from being in Ms. Hs class.

With writing not begin my best subject, I enjoyed coming to her class because with every project or in-class assignment, Ms. H turned it into fun. We never sat in class bored and not knowing what to do on any project. At first some of the projects that we were given seemed to be a little difficult but as soon as she explained it in a different way, I understand what was being asked. With the three projects that we have done so far required a lot of effort and thought. From every assignment Ms. H has had us reflect back to the WPA Outcome Statement. Now that I know these outcomes I will carry them with me for every single paper I will write from now on. Ive learned from the first assignment to focus on the purpose as well as the different needs of your audience. The project was over reviewing a movie genre. You had to pick three movies, with two fitting the genre category and one not fitting and with the movies of your likings, you had to state whether or not it fit the category that was chosen by other critics. In this project the purpose was to inform those whom may read the Trojan Forum, to not bother to watch the movie that did not fit. Your audience was the campus. You also had to focus on graphics and designs for your newspaper article. The language and tone is formal because you are trying to get your views attention by entertaining them with clever wisdom. In the second project the main focus was to establish an important issue that affected the community of our school and report it to SGA. You were to write an outline stating the main claim with supporting evidence, your topic, and your solution. The topic had to have three points explaining why it was a problem. The purpose was to inform the SGA about a problem that needed to be in concretion. I used a formal tone throughout my paper so that I could get my point across. Financial Aid is a hard topic to push but I managed to do it. Graphics and designs were also a focus in is this assignment. In the third project, we had to write a persuasive paper on anything that did not involve politics. We were asked to following specific requirements, like a minimum of 3 to 4 pages with 1000 words. We had to have three academic sources that came from our school library and remember to include a reference or works cited page. This assignment was my favorite. I enjoyed talking about my topic of the Cosmetic Surgery. The purpose was to persuade my readers why people should not have a procedure of plastic surgery done. I used formal language to convince my audience of the matter. I felt that my audience was on both sides of disagreeing and agreeing because some people may need surgery because of birth defects or injuries that may have occurred during their lives but on the other hand, you should not proceed with cosmetic surgery to look better if there is nothing wrong with your body. With the requirements of the three academic sources, they helped provide a back up statement for me. This helped me learn that having electronic environments are a real big main focus of your paper. Without any evidence to help back up your issues readers may question your incredibly. From being in Ms. Hs class I can now further my academic writing skills to accomplish my future career. And I truly thank Ms. H for all of her help and making me have a positive thought about my writing skill. Now all I have to work on is my grammar and mechanic errors.

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