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Subjects Year Date Time Theme Learning Area

: Science : 4 Melor : 28.02.3014 : 8.45 9.45 morning : Investigating Leaving Things : Life and Living Processes

Number of students : 4 Students

Learning Objective : Understand the life cycle of animals Learning Outcomes : At the end of the lesson , students can i. ii. iii. iv. Recounting the life cycle of different animals properly . Arrange the life cycle of animals in the correct sequence. Making pets book . Student colour the life cycle of beautiful butterfly.

Approach: Inquiry Methods: Discussion (guided inquiry) Science Process Skills: Communicate, observe, predict, assess data CCTS: Make sequence, concluded Materials, equipment and material resources: a) b) Picture Form

c) Notes on powerpoint slides

d) Worksheets e) puzzles

Precautions: puzzle pieces with good parking as if missing one will affect the whole puzzle game. Existing knowledge: Students have studied animals can grow in Measurement Science Year 2. Pupils are well aware of the life cycle of their pets, such as dogs, cats, chickens, ducks and so on. Students also learn that the tadpoles will grow into a frog. In addition, students also learn how to breed animals that lay eggs and give birth in the previous learning.






1. Teachers play the butterfly song to pupils . The explanation of the title . 2. Teachers discuss with students : Life cycles of animals such as butterflies . Students examine the object in the picture and give their answers based on their existing knowledge. Example Answer : ( i ) cycle of a butterfly ( ii ) There have 4 stage
( iii ) Yes Eggs Caterpillar Pupa Butterfly

R & D strategy Methods: Class

How do you understand the last song? How the way butterfly change stage by stage in the song? Have you see this changes before this ? How the life of this butterfly ?

Techniques: Questions and answers KPS: watching Communicate

3. Teacher introduce today topic.

Animals can grow.


1. Teacher raises major questions they asked. What is a life cycle? How do animals undergo life? (Butterflies, mosquitoes, frogs, chickens and cat ) How many phases of life undergone by animals? 2. Teachers distributed into 2 groups and distribute forms. 3. Teachers will move from one group to another

KPS: Communicate Predict Assess data

Stage of animal life 2 phases Cat , Dog 3 phase

CCTS: Making sequence Make inferences

Chicken , Duck 4 phases

Butterfly , Frog , Mosquito

Students to provide their views and experiences of each. Pupils will discuss in groups about ways animals undergo the process in the form of his life and does note in circulation. Pupils present their findings about the life cycle of animals in the order. Pupils make inferences.

group while giving guidance and questioning students. 4. Teacher asked students to restructure the life cycle of animals in the correct order. 5. Teachers give further explanation about the life cycle of animals (butterflies, frogs, mosquitoes, chickens, cats) with powerpoint that shows pictures of each stage of the process of life. 6. Teacher asked the students to make inferences from their findings.

BBM: Form Notes on powerpoint slides

Moral values: Collaborate


1. Students are required to choose the animals they want to make pets of books and old magazines. 2. Pupils will cut their preferred animal picture and paste it in the book.

R & D strategy: Talks Body Tools: Old books and magazines

3. Students are required to write about how to ensure that animals ? their pets live with healthy ? Place a suitable habitat to the animal ? Food ? How do the animal protect themselves from enemies ? How does the animal protect it. ? pet life cycle ?

4. The group leader to present their findings . 5. Teacher student discuss . Other groups will provide comment or opinion on the final presentation of each team member.


Students complete the evaluation exercise.

1. Teachers distribute student level and extent of training evaluation. 2. Teachers discuss the answers with students. 3. Strengthen teacher discussion and give other examples.

CCTS: Making sequence BBM: Worksheets

1. Teachers assess pupils by giving puzzle game


with competitions between groups. 2. Teachers asked students to colour the life cycle of beautiful butterfly. 3. Teachers asked to continue this colouring as homework to complete at home.

Arrange section picture (puzzle) in order of animal life processes.


Overall I was very happy with this science lesson. The students were very enthusiastic throughout the lesson, and seemed to really enjoy the activities. I was delighted while watching the students work collaboratively in the classroom, excitedly helping one another achieve their goals. The students really embraced the spirit of teamwork. I have found the students love any type of hands on learning and that they especially love science. In addition to their obvious enjoyment, I truly believe that the students did some high quality learning. By the end of the lesson, we had come to the conclusion as a group, that each of us is a unique and valuable individual. I found the some were quite effective. , a student who is always been quite, had a collaborative partner and the two students worked very well together. The gurl seemed pleased that she was able to be fully included in both the lesson and in a collaborative group. In any future lessons incorporating small group cooperative learning, I will choose how the students are grouped in advance. In this lesson I allowed the students the freedom to choose their own groups prior to the lesson but found that some of the pairings created unwanted behaviors. I believe more scaffolding could also be achieved with more consideration to the way I group the students. While teaching this lesson, I learned how key it is to keep the lesson student-centered. By using small cooperative groups, focusing my energy on the students, and asking them to respond while they discover the facts on their own, is invaluable

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